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Germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes contribute to approximately 18% of hereditary ovarian cancers conferring an estimated lifetime risk from 15% to 50%. A variable incidence of mutations has been reported for these genes in ovarian cancer cases from different populations. In Greece, six mutations in BRCA1 account for 63% of all mutations detected in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of BRCA1 mutations in a Greek cohort of 106 familial ovarian cancer patients that had strong family history or metachronous breast cancer and 592 sporadic ovarian cancer cases. All 698 patients were screened for the six recurrent Greek mutations (including founder mutations c.5266dupC, p.G1738R and the three large deletions of exon 20, exons 23–24 and exon 24). In familial cases, the BRCA1 gene was consequently screened for exons 5, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. A deleterious BRCA1 mutation was found in 43/106 (40.6%) of familial cancer cases and in 27/592 (4.6%) of sporadic cases. The variant of unknown clinical significance p.V1833M was identified in 9/698 patients (1.3%). The majority of BRCA1 carriers (71.2%) presented a high-grade serous phenotype. Identifying a mutation in the BRCA1 gene among breast and/or ovarian cancer families is important, as it enables carriers to take preventive measures. All ovarian cancer patients with a serous phenotype should be considered for genetic testing. Further studies are warranted to determine the prevalence of mutations in the rest of the BRCA1 gene, in the BRCA2 gene, and other novel predisposing genes for breast and ovarian cancer.  相似文献   
In order to improve clinical management and prevention of viral infections in hospitalised children improved etiological insight is needed. The aim of the present study was to assess the spectrum of respiratory viral pathogens in children admitted to hospital with acute respiratory tract infections in Cyprus. For this purpose nasopharyngeal swab samples from 424 children less than 12 years of age with acute respiratory tract infections were collected over three epidemic seasons and were analysed for the presence of the most common 15 respiratory viruses. A viral pathogen was identified in 86% of the samples, with multiple infections being observed in almost 20% of the samples. The most frequently detected viruses were RSV (30.4%) and Rhinovirus (27.4%). RSV exhibited a clear seasonality with marked peaks in January/February, while rhinovirus infections did not exhibit a pronounced seasonality being detected almost throughout the year. While RSV and PIV3 incidence decreased significantly with age, the opposite was observed for influenza A and B as well as adenovirus infections. The data presented expand our understanding of the epidemiology of viral respiratory tract infections in Cypriot children and will be helpful to the clinicians and researchers interested in the treatment and control of viral respiratory tract infections.  相似文献   
Introduction: The term cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) describes the progressive pathology and interactions that develop upon heart and kidney failure. The definition of CRS is not firmly established and has evolved gradually during the last decade. The main clinical challenges associated with CRS are the lack of tools for early disease diagnosis and the inability to predict the development of cardiorenal pathophysiology. Currently several biomarkers have been proposed for improving CRS patient management. However, validation studies are needed to implement these initial findings to the clinical setting.

Areas covered: In this review the database PubMed was used for a literature search on the definition and classification of CRS as well as biomarkers for CRS diagnosis and prognosis.

Expert opinion: A universally acceptable classification system for CRS is not available. Thus, acquiring mechanistic insights relative to the pathophysiology of the disease is challenging. Reported biomarkers include well-established markers for heart/renal dysfunction and inflammation. Some proteins expressed in both organs have also been associated with CRS, yet their link to disease pathophysiology and organ cross-talk is missing. Establishing the link between deregulated molecular pathways and CRS phenotypes is required to define biological relevance of existing findings and ultimately biology-driven markers and targets.  相似文献   


Thymus sibthorpii Benth. (Lamiaceae), with accession number 01,1796-22, is a biotype of native Greek thyme with ascending stems and potential use as a new medicinal-aromatic crop and ornamental plant. An efficient and reliable protocol for in vitro clonal propagation of T. sibthorpii from nodes and meristem tip explants was developed. Shoot proliferation succeeded on a new basal medium (BB) without plant growth regulators, as prior experiments with 6-benzyladenine generated hyperhydricity. Eight different basal media were compared; on two formulations using the new BB 5.9 and 5.6 shoots per explant were produced. Regenerated single shoots were rooted in the BB medium, supplemented with 5 μM of indole-3-butyric acid, and produced 3.1 roots along with 2.5 adventitious shoots. Three types of acclimatization were assessed: in vitro, using two different systems (no significant differences); ex vitro, using eight soil substrates under greenhouse and outdoor nursery conditions (in two of them, 100% of plantlets survived); and in field cultivations, established at eight geographically distant areas of Greece (100% survival rate at all locations). Molecular characterization of T. sibthorpii was evaluated with one nuclear ribosomal DNA and seven chloroplast DNA markers, followed by DNA sequence comparisons with a total of 30 different Thymus species, subspecies, and varieties. The trnH/psbA, trnL/trnF, and matK genes were the most efficient markers for molecular characterization of T. sibthorpii. The molecular markers rpoC1 and petB/petD did not match to any Thymus species and therefore, these DNA sequences provide new sequence information for entire Thymus taxa.

Bird ring‐recovery data have been widely used to estimate demographic parameters such as survival probabilities since the mid‐20th century. However, while the total number of birds ringed each year is usually known, historical information on age at ringing is often not available. A standard ring‐recovery model, for which information on age at ringing is required, cannot be used when historical data are incomplete. We develop a new model to estimate age‐dependent survival probabilities from such historical data when age at ringing is not recorded; we call this the historical data model. This new model provides an extension to the model of Robinson, 2010, Ibis, 152, 651–795 by estimating the proportion of the ringed birds marked as juveniles as an additional parameter. We conduct a simulation study to examine the performance of the historical data model and compare it with other models including the standard and conditional ring‐recovery models. Simulation studies show that the approach of Robinson, 2010, Ibis, 152, 651–795 can cause bias in parameter estimates. In contrast, the historical data model yields similar parameter estimates to the standard model. Parameter redundancy results show that the newly developed historical data model is comparable to the standard ring‐recovery model, in terms of which parameters can be estimated, and has fewer identifiability issues than the conditional model. We illustrate the new proposed model using Blackbird and Sandwich Tern data. The new historical data model allows us to make full use of historical data and estimate the same parameters as the standard model with incomplete data, and in doing so, detect potential changes in demographic parameters further back in time.  相似文献   
Understanding the connections among genotype, phenotype, and fitness through evolutionary time is a central goal of evolutionary genetics. Wrinkly spreader (WS) genotypes evolve repeatedly in model Pseudomonas populations and show substantial morphological and fitness differences. Previous work identified genes contributing to the evolutionary success of WS, in particular the di-guanylate cyclase response regulator, WspR. Here we scrutinize the Wsp signal transduction pathway of which WspR is the primary output component. The pathway has the hallmarks of a chemosensory pathway and genetic analyses show that regulation and function of Wsp is analogous to the Che chemotaxis pathway from Escherichia coli. Of significance is the methyltransferase (WspC) and methylesterase (WspF) whose opposing activities form an integral feedback loop that controls the activity of the kinase (WspE). Deductions based on the regulatory model suggested that mutations within wspF were a likely cause of WS. Analyses of independent WS genotypes revealed numerous simple mutations in this single open reading frame. Remarkably, different mutations have different phenotypic and fitness effects. We suggest that the negative feedback loop inherent in Wsp regulation allows the pathway to be tuned by mutation in a rheostat-like manner.  相似文献   
The primary visual cortex (V1) is pre-wired to facilitate the extraction of behaviorally important visual features. Collinear edge detectors in V1, for instance, mutually enhance each other to improve the perception of lines against a noisy background. The same pre-wiring that facilitates line extraction, however, is detrimental when subjects have to discriminate the brightness of different line segments. How is it possible to improve in one task by unsupervised practicing, without getting worse in the other task? The classical view of perceptual learning is that practicing modulates the feedforward input stream through synaptic modifications onto or within V1. However, any rewiring of V1 would deteriorate other perceptual abilities different from the trained one. We propose a general neuronal model showing that perceptual learning can modulate top-down input to V1 in a task-specific way while feedforward and lateral pathways remain intact. Consistent with biological data, the model explains how context-dependent brightness discrimination is improved by a top-down recruitment of recurrent inhibition and a top-down induced increase of the neuronal gain within V1. Both the top-down modulation of inhibition and of neuronal gain are suggested to be universal features of cortical microcircuits which enable perceptual learning.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered as the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome. Its global prevalence is estimated between 25 and 45%,...  相似文献   
High density lipoprotein (HDL) has attracted the attention of biomedical community due to its well-documented role in atheroprotection. HDL has also been recently implicated in the regulation of islets of Langerhans secretory function and in the etiology of peripheral insulin sensitivity. Indeed, data from numerous studies strongly indicate that the functions of pancreatic β-cells, skeletal muscles and adipose tissue could benefit from improved HDL functionality. To better understand how changes in HDL structure may affect diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes we aimed at investigating the impact of Apoa1 or Lcat deficiency, two key proteins of peripheral HDL metabolic pathway, on these pathological conditions in mouse models. We report that universal deletion of apoa1 or lcat expression in mice fed western-type diet results in increased sensitivity to body-weight gain compared to control C57BL/6 group. These changes in mouse genome correlate with discrete effects on white adipose tissue (WAT) metabolic activation and plasma glucose homeostasis. Apoa1-deficiency results in reduced WAT mitochondrial non-shivering thermogenesis. Lcat-deficiency causes a concerted reduction in both WAT oxidative phosphorylation and non-shivering thermogenesis, rendering lcat?/? mice the most sensitive to weight gain out of the three strains tested, followed by apoa1?/? mice. Nevertheless, only apoa1?/? mice show disturbed plasma glucose homeostasis due to dysfunctional glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic β-islets and insulin resistant skeletal muscles. Our analyses show that both apoa1?/? and lcat?/? mice fed high-fat diet have no measurable Apoa1 levels in their plasma, suggesting no direct involvement of Apoa1 in the observed phenotypic differences among groups.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton species composition, biomass, diversity, nutrients and chlorophyll a were studied at monthly intervals from December 1991 to December 1992 in a selected area of the river Strymon. SRP ranged from 53 to 182 μg−1 l−1 and DIN from 265 to 850 μg−1 I−1. Nutrient values do not indicate strong anthropogenic effects. Chlorophyll α ranged from 1.0 to 35.3 μg−1 I−1 and followed the temporal distribution of total phytoplankton biomass. Phytoplankton biomass exhibited maxima in winter – spring and summer (6.8 g m−3 in December 1991, 4.8 g m−3 in April 1992 and 9.3 g m−3 in August 1992) composed mainly of diatoms, chlorphytes, cyanophytes and dinophytes. Nanoplankton was the most important component of phytoplankton biomass (69.5%) revealing increased values in winter and early spring. Phytoplankton diversity ranged from 0.8 to 3.2. The hydrological conditions in the river Strymon seem to be appropriate for the algae to reproduce themselves in the running water and so, to develop as a true potamoplankton. However, significant populations of phytoplankton must have been carried out from the Kerkini reservoir, situated at the north of the sampling station. The phytoplankton species composition and their periodicity in the river resemble those of typical, large, lowland and nutrient – rich rivers of Europe.  相似文献   
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