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一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)是神经元细胞内一种新型的神经递质,它参与多种生命活动,包括脊髓水平的伤害性信息传递过程。研究NO在伤害性信息传递过程中的作用及其机制,有利于阐明痛觉生理和发现疼痛治疗的新手段。本文将NO在慢性痛脊髓伤害性信息传递中的作用及其机制的相关研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   
以纤维素为原料,以自制的不同硅铝比ZSM-5(38)/Al-MCM-41微-介孔复合分子筛为催化剂,在固定床反应器上进行了催化热解实验。采用XRD表征分子筛,采用GC-MS分析生物油成分,考查了催化剂的改变对生物质热解产物及生物油成分的影响。实验结果表明:添加催化剂后,生物油产率降低,且其含水率也有所增加。与未添加催化剂相比,生物油中D L-2,3-丁二醇有明显提高。其中,ZSM-5(38)/Al-MCM-41(20)最有利于苯酚、愈创木酚(2-甲氧基-苯酚)的生成。此外,这几种催化剂均有利于小分子化合物的生成,其中,ZSM-5(38)有利于C4~C5化合物的生成,微-介孔复合分子筛则有利于C6~C8化合物的生成。  相似文献   
脑组织电导率不仅对脑电源分析起着至关重要的作用,而且也是及时发现脑组织发生功能性病变的重要依据之一.扩散张量成像是一种无损伤功能性成像新技术,具有很高的空间分辨率.基于扩散张量成像的脑组织电导率计算是近年来的一项重要研究课题.本文综述了已有脑组织各向异性电导率的计算模型,主要包括张量特征值线性模型、电场力-粘力平衡模型...  相似文献   
天津地区水鸟区系组成及多样性分析   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
1997年10月-2000年12月间,作者对天津地区的20处湿地的水鸟进行了调查,共记录到水鸟107种,分属7目14科39属。其中候鸟103种,占总数的96.2%。Xing形目和雁形目无论在种类上还是在数量上都占绝对优势,分别占水鸟群落种类组成的41.1%和31.1%。记录到包括东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)、黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)、丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)、白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)、大鸨(Otis tarda)及遗鸥(Larus relictus)在内的国家Ⅰ级保护物种6种。记录到国家Ⅱ级保护物种8种,分别为白枕鹤(Grus vipio)、蓑羽鹤(Anthropoides virgo)、灰鹤(Grus grus)、海鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax pelagicus)、大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)、小天鹅(C.columbianus)、疣鼻天鹅(C.olor)、白额雁(Anser albifrons)。对包括北大港水库、团泊洼水库、七里海水库及尔王庄水库在内的4个重点调查区域进行水鸟多样性分析表明,北大港水库的物种多样性及科、属多样性均较高,且有众多的珍稀物种,是一个重要的水鸟停歇地,应加强对该区域的保护。此外,本文提出在分析生物群落多样性时,应将分类因素与物种的数量因素综合起来考虑,因而同时使用G-F指数与Shannon-Wiener指数,可更为全面地评价某一地区的群落多样性。  相似文献   
生物多样性与生态系统功能:进展与争论   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系已成为当前人类社会面临的一个重大科学问题,生物多样性的空前丧失,促使人们开展了大量研究工作来描述物种多样性-生态系统功能关系,并试图揭示多样性与系统功能关系的内在机制,本文将多样性对生态系统功能作用机制的有关假说分为统计学与生物学两大类:前者是从统计学角度来解释观察到的多样性-系统功能模式,包括抽样效应,统计均衡效应等;而后者是基于多样性的生物学效应给出的,包括生态位互补,种间正相互作用,保险效应等,本文较为详细地介绍了该领域内有代表性的实验工作,包括“生态箱”实验,Cedar Creek草地多样性实验,微宇宙实验,欧洲草地实验,以及在这些实验结果解释上的激烈争论。  相似文献   
为了了解我国酸雨污染由硫酸型向硫-硝酸复合型转变所引起的环境效应,以油菜(Brassicanapus)为供试材料,在大田试验条件下,系统研究了模拟硫酸型(SAR)、硝酸型(NAR)及其混合型(MAR)酸雨对农作物生理特性、生长和产量的影响。结果表明,3种酸雨胁迫均能抑制油菜生理、生长和产量形成,但不同类型的酸雨间的抑制效应存在差异。当pH≤4.1时,SAR、NAR、MAR能破坏油菜叶质膜系统、降低光合色素含量及光合速率,从而抑制作物的光合作用;当pH≤3.1时,油菜叶面积减小,叶受害百分率明显增加。pH=4.1可作为酸雨对油菜产量的影响阈值。在pH=7.0–1.5的酸度范围内,油菜叶片膜透性、丙二醛含量、叶受害百分率表现为NARMARSAR,光合速率、光合色素含量、叶面积及产量则表现出SARMARNAR的变化特征。当pH4.1时,3种酸雨处理间差异均不明显,pH≤3.1时,3种酸雨间的胁迫效应差异显著增加(p0.05),且酸度越强,差异越大,其变化趋势为NARMARSAR。说明NAR和MAR胁迫对油菜生理、生长及产量的抑制较大。  相似文献   
重金属在食用菌中的富集及对其生长代谢的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报导食用菌对重金属的吸收积累性能及重金属对食用菌生长代谢的影响。从供试的香菇、凤尾菇、金针菇及木耳等食用菌研究表明:对Hg、Pb、As、Ni、Cd、Cu、Zn等重金属均有不同程度的富集作用,其中对Hg的富集是极显著的,但对Pb则不明显。从福建省食用菌生产点采样测定结果看,子实体中的重金属含量均不超标。上述重金属对食用菌生长均有不同程度的不良影响,尤其以Hg和As为突出。对产量影响的顺序以香菇最大、凤尾菇次之、金针菇较弱。重金属在一定范围内对香菇抗坏血酸氧化酶活性有激活作用,对纤维素酶有抑制作用。  相似文献   
国产胸腺肽治疗慢性乙肝疗效及其机理初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文观察大剂量胸腺肽对慢性乙肝患者的治疗作用并研究其作用机理。用ELISA、PCR 和免疫化学染色法等比较分析胸腺肽治疗三个月后,ALT、HBV- M 和HBV DNA 等指标变化,发现患者ALT 复常率、HBeAg 转阴率、HBV DNA 阴转率和HBV DNA 有效下降率分别为58.33 % 、33.33 % 、41.67 % 和91.67 % ;同时患者外周血CD4 +淋巴细胞亚群上调,CD8 + 亚群下调,二者比值趋于正常。说明国产胸腺肽治疗慢性乙肝有较好的应用前景,其治疗机理与免疫调节作用有关。  相似文献   
Cystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors,We found two expression sequence tags (ESTs),CA463109 and AV042522,from a mouse testis library using Digital differential display (DDD).By electricalhybridization,a novel gene,Cymgl(GenBank accession No.AY600990),which has a full length of 0.78 kb,and contains four exons and three introns,was cloned from a mouse testis eDNA library.The gene is locatedin the 2G3 area of chromosome 2.The full eDNA encompasses the entire open reading frame,encoding 141amino acid residues.The protein has a cysteine protease inhibitor domain that is related to the family 2cystatins but lacks critical consensus sites important for cysteine protease inhibition.These characteristicsare seen in the CRES subfamily,which are related to the family 2 cystatins and are expressed specifically inthe male reproductive tract.CYMG1 has a 44%(48/108)identity with mouse CRES and 30%(42/140)identity with mouse cystatin C.Northern blot analysis showed that the Cymgl is specifically expressed inadult mouse testes.Cell location studies showed that the GFP-tagged CYMG 1 protein was localized in thecytoplasm of HeLa cells,lmmunohistochemistry revealed that the CYMG1 protein was expressed in mousetestes spermatogonium,spermatocytes,round spermatids,elongating spermatids and spermatozoa.RT-PCRresults also showed that Cymgl was expressed in mouse testes and spermatogonium.The Cymgl expressionlevel varied in different developmental stages:it was low 1 week postpartum,steadily increased 2 to 5 weekspostpartum,and was highest 7 weeks postpartum.The expression level at 5 weeks postpartum was main-tained during 13 to 57 weeks postpartum.The Cymgl expression level in the testes over different develop-mental stages correlates with the mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation process.All these indicatethat Cymgl might play an important role in mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation. Cystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors,We found two expression sequence tags(ESTs),CA463109 and AV042522,from a mouse testis library using Digital differential display (DDD).By electricalhybridization,a novel gene,Cymgl(GenBank accession No.AY600990),which has a full length of 0.78 kb,and contains four exons and three introns,was cloned from a mouse testis eDNA library.The gene is locatedin the 2G3 area of chromosome 2.The full eDNA encompasses the entire open reading frame,encoding 141amino acid residues.The protein has a cysteine protease inhibitor domain that is related to the family 2cystatins but lacks critical consensus sites important for cysteine protease inhibition.These characteristicsare seen in the CRES subfamily,which are related to the family 2 cystatins and are expressed specifically inthe male reproductive tract.CYMG1 has a 44%(48/108)identity with mouse CRES and 30%(42/140)identity with mouse cystatin C.Northern blot analysis showed that the Cymgl is specifically expressed inadult mouse testes.Cell location studies showed that the GFP-tagged CYMG 1 protein was localized in thecytoplasm of HeLa cells,lmmunohistochemistry revealed that the CYMG1 protein was expressed in mousetestes spermatogonium,spermatocytes,round spermatids,elongating spermatids and spermatozoa.RT-PCRresults also showed that Cymgl was expressed in mouse testes and spermatogonium.The Cymgl expressionlevel varied in different developmental stages:it was low 1 week postpartum,steadily increased 2 to 5 weekspostpartum,and was highest 7 weeks postpartum.The expression level at 5 weeks postpartum was main-tained during 13 to 57 weeks postpartum.The Cymgl expression level in the testes over different develop-mental stages correlates with the mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation process.All these indicatethat Cymgl might play an important role in mouse spermatogenesis and sexual maturation.  相似文献   
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