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Pyrimidine metabolism is a major route for therapeutic intervention against malaria. Here we report inhibition and structural studies on the deoxyuridine nucleotidohydrolase from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfdUTPase). We have identified a series of triphenylmethane derivatives of deoxyuridine with antimalarial activity in vitro which inhibit specifically the Plasmodium dUTPase versus the human enzyme. A 2.4 Angstrom crystal structure of PfdUTPase in complex with one of these inhibitors reveals an atypical trimeric enzyme in which the triphenylmethane derivative can be seen to select for PfdUTPase by way of interactions between the trityl group and the side chains of residues Phe46 and Ile117. Immunofluorescence microscopy studies of parasitized red blood cells reveal that enzyme concentrations are highest during the trophozoite/schizont stages, suggesting that PfdUTPase has a major role in DNA replication. Taken together the data show that PfdUTPase may be considered as an antimalarial drug target.  相似文献   
Glutathione is the main source of intracellular antioxidant protection in the human erythrocyte and its redox status has frequently been used as a measure of oxidative stress. Extracellular glutathione has been shown to enhance intracellular reduced glutathione levels in some cell types. However, there are conflicting reports in the literature and it remains unclear as to whether erythrocytes can utilise extracellular glutathione to enhance the intracellular free glutathione pool. We have resolved this issue using a 13C-NMR approach. The novel use of L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-[2-13C]glycine allowed the intra- and extracellular glutathione pools to be distinguished unequivocally, enabling the direct and non-invasive observation over time of the glutathione redox status in both compartments. The intracellular glutathione redox status was measured using 1H spin-echo NMR, while 13C[1H-decoupled] NMR experiments were used to measure the extracellular status. Extracellular glutathione was not oxidised in the incubations, and did not affect the intracellular glutathione redox status. Extracellular glutathione also did not affect erythrocyte glucose metabolism, as measured from the lactate-to-pyruvate ratio. The results reported here refute the previously attractive hypothesis that, in glucose-starved erythrocytes, extracellular GSH can increase intracellular GSH concentrations by releasing bound glutathione from mixed disulfides with membrane proteins.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: MeSHer uses a simple statistical approach to identify biological concepts in the form of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) obtained from the PubMed database that are significantly overrepresented within the identified gene set relative to those associated with the overall collection of genes on the underlying DNA microarray platform. As a demonstration, we apply this approach to gene lists acquired from a published study of the effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) treatment on cardiac gene expression and demonstrate that this approach can aid in the interpretation of the resulting 'significant' gene set. AVAILABILITY: The software is available at http://www.tm4.org. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Results from the analysis of significant genes from the published Ang II study.  相似文献   
Competition between parasites within a host can influence the evolution of parasite virulence and host resistance, but few studies examine the effects of unrelated parasites with conflicting transmission strategies infecting the same host. Vertically transmitted (VT) parasites, transmitted from mother to offspring, are in conflict with virulent, horizontally transmitted (HT) parasites, because healthy hosts are necessary to maximize VT parasite fitness. Resolution of the conflict between these parasites should lead to the evolution of one of two strategies: avoidance, or sabotage of HT parasite virulence by the VT parasite. We investigated two co-infecting parasites in the amphipod host, Gammarus roeseli: VT microsporidia have little effect on host fitness, but acanthocephala modify host behaviour, increasing the probability that the amphipod is predated by the acanthocephalan's definitive host. We found evidence for sabotage: the behavioural manipulation induced by the Acanthocephala Polymorphus minutus was weaker in hosts also infected by the microsporidia Dictyocoela sp. (roeselum) compared to hosts infected by P. minutus alone. Such conflicts may explain a significant portion of the variation generally observed in behavioural measures, and since VT parasites are ubiquitous in invertebrates, often passing undetected, conflict via transmission may be of great importance in the study of host-parasite relationships.  相似文献   
The enzymatic transfer of activated mannose yields mannosides in glycoconjugates and oligo- and polysaccharides. Yet, despite its biological necessity, the mechanism by which glycosyltransferases recognize mannose and catalyze its transfer to acceptor molecules is poorly understood. Here, we report broad high-throughput screening and kinetic analyses of both natural and synthetic substrates of Rhodothermus marinus mannosylglycerate synthase (MGS), which catalyzes the formation of the stress protectant 2-O-alpha-D-mannosyl glycerate. The sequence of MGS indicates that it is at the cusp of inverting and retaining transferases. The structures of apo MGS and complexes with donor and acceptor molecules, including GDP-mannose, combined with mutagenesis of the binding and catalytic sites, unveil the mannosyl transfer center. Nucleotide specificity is as important in GDP-D-mannose recognition as the nature of the donor sugar.  相似文献   
Introduced populations of the north temperate ant species, Myrmica rubra (L.), have become pestiferous in various locations in the northeastern United States, particularly in coastal communities in Maine. Native populations of this ant are widely distributed throughout northern Europe and western Asia; however, nest densities in its native range do not usually reach the high levels observed for many introduced populations. This aggressive ant readily stings, and because of its high densities, homeowners continually encounter nests at a frequency that interferes with use of their properties. Surveys were conducted in Maine from 2001 through 2004 to determine the statewide extent of current infestations. Nests in established populations in coastal Maine were sampled from April through September to assess seasonal changes in the density and composition of colonies. Similarities and differences between introduced populations of M. rubra in Maine and published reports of this species in Europe are discussed. Museum records of this species in North America were also researched and are presented.  相似文献   
We present a theoretical framework for simulating the synaptic accumulation of the costimulatory molecules CD28, CTLA-4, B7-1, and B7-2, based on a system of mean-field, ordinary differential equations, and rigorous biophysical and expression data. The simulations show that binding affinity, stoichiometric properties, expression levels, and, in particular, competition effects all profoundly influence complex formation at cellular interfaces. B7-2 engages 33-fold more CD28 than CTLA-4 at the synapse in contrast to B7-1, which ligates approximately 7-fold more CTLA-4 than CD28. Although B7-1 completely dominates interactions with CTLA-4, forming linear arrays of 7-18 receptor-ligand pairs, CTLA-4 is fully engaged by B7-2 when B7-1 is absent. Additional simulations reveal the sensitivity of CD28 interactions to modeled transport processes. The results support the concept that B7-2 and B7-1 are the dominant ligands of CD28 and CTLA-4, respectively, and indicate that the inability of B7-2 to recruit CTLA-4 to the synapse cannot be due to the differential binding properties of B7-1 and B7-2 only. We discuss the apparent redundancy of B7-1 in the context of a potentially dynamic synaptic microenvironment, and in light of functions other than the direct enhancement of T cell inhibition by CTLA-4.  相似文献   
Natural killer cells and innate immunity to protozoan pathogens   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphoid cells that mediate significant cytotoxic activity and produce high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to infection. During viral infection, NK cell cytotoxicity and cytokine production is induced principally by monocyte-macrophage- and dendritic cell-derived cytokines but virally encoded ligands for NK cells are also beginning to be described. NK derived interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production is also essential for control of several protozoal infections including toxoplasmosis, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis and malaria. The activation of NK cells by protozoan pathogens is also believed to be cytokine-mediated although some recent studies suggest that direct recognition of parasites by NK cells also occurs. Both indirect signalling via accessory cell-derived cytokines and direct signalling, presumably through NK receptors, are needed in order for human malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum) to optimally stimulate NK activity.  相似文献   
The Xenopus polo-like kinase Plx1 plays important roles during entry into and exit from mitosis (M phase). Previous studies revealed that Plx1 is activated by phosphorylation on serine and threonine residues, and purification of an activating enzyme from mitotic Xenopus egg extracts led to cloning and characterization of Xenopus polo-like kinase kinase (xPlkk1), which can phosphorylate and activate Plx1 in vitro. In the present study, a positive feedback loop between Plx1 and xPlkk1 was shown to result in each kinase phosphorylating and activating the other. Sequencing of radiolabeled xPlkk1 after phosphorylation by Plx1 in vitro identified three phosphorylation sites each spaced three amino acids apart, two of which have the consensus acidic-X-pSer-hydrophobic described for other polo-like kinase substrates. In addition, endogenous xPlkk1 in oocytes was phosphorylated on these sites in M phase but not in interphase. A mutant xPlkk1 in which these three amino acids were changed to alanine (xPlkk1(SA3)) was unable to be phosphorylated or activated in vitro by Plxl. Depletion of Plx1 from oocyte extracts prior to stimulation of the G(2)/M transition blocked the activation of xPlkk1, but depletion of xPlkk1 before stimulation did not block Plx1 activation. These results indicate that xPlkk1 may function downstream as a target of Plx1 rather than as an upstream activating kinase during the G(2)/M transition.  相似文献   
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