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To find the cause of individual differences in caffeine intake and its metabolism, we investigated the effects of lifestyle and genetic polymorphisms of caffeine metabolic enzymes on coffee or black tea and urinary caffeine levels among 259 male Japanese. It was seen that cigarette smokers drank more coffee or black tea than non-smokers (p < 0.001). There was an inverse correlation between the amount of coffee or black tea consumed and age or the frequency of alcohol drinking (p < 0.05). Genetic polymorphisms of N -acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A1 and 2E1 did not significantly affect the habit of drinking coffee or black tea. The frequency of allele 1, the NAT2 allele of rapid acetylators, increased according to coffee or black tea consumption (0.05 < p < 0.1). Among lifestyle factors, two factors, i.e. smoking and the amount of coffee or black tea consumed, were related to urinary caffeine levels (p < 0.05). Geometric means of urinary caffeine levels were higher in the group who consumed higher amounts of coffee or black tea (p < 0.05) and those of smokers were lower than non-smokers- approximately 70% of non-smokers (p < 0.05). The genetic polymorphisms of NAT2, CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 were not significantly associated with the urinary caffeine levels according to each consumption level of coffee or black tea. This study suggests that smoking should be considered for the proper appreciation of individual differences in caffeine intake and urinary caffeine levels.  相似文献   
The 14-3-3 proteins are known to play an important regulatory role in apoptosis, and various cell signaling cascades. However, no investigation on mosquito 14-3-3 has been reported. To investigate the role of 14-3-3 proteins in mosquito midgut cells undergoing apoptosis, we decided to take advantage of Anopheles gambiae genome data, and were able to find Ag14-3-3ζ cDNA and protein sequences from Ensembl ( http://www.ensembl.org ). Further in silico analysis using BLAST search revealed that Ag14-3-3ζ protein is a polypeptide of 248 amino acids, and shares high identity with 14-3-3ζ homologues from Aedes aegypti (100%), Drosophila melanogaster (96%) and Bombyx mori (93%). Due to the perfect match and high homology, we hypothesized that Ag14-3-3ζ peptide antibody may recognize 14-3-3ζ homologs from other anopheline mosquitoes and insects. We thus generated 14-3-3ζ polyclonal antibody against a unique region located in the C-terminal end of Ag14-3-3ζ after in silico epitope analysis. As expected, zoo-western blot analysis of 14-3-3 proteins revealed that a polyclonal antibody against Ag14-3-3ζ peptide recognizes 14-3-3 homologs from dipteran and lepidopteran insects. To our knowledge, this is the first report on polyclonal antibody production against mosquito 14-3-3ζ. The mosquito-based 14-3-3ζ antibody will be very useful for studying the functional characterization of 14-3-3ζ in the context of host–pathogen interactions in midgut and other immune cells.  相似文献   
The tumor suppressor, QM, has been cloned and characterized from various model organisms such as human, plant and invertebrates. Yet, it has not been seriously investigated for its role in conjunction with antiviral mechanisms involving innate insect immunity. From the expressed sequence tag (ESTs) project, conducted with larval cDNA library of cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, a partial fragment (718 bp) of QM homologue, termed PrQM containing 660 bp long open reading frame (ORF) encoding protein of 219 amino acids was identified. In silico analysis of PrQM ORF revealed the presence of ribosomal protein L10a/L10e type domain. Phylogenetic analysis of the P. rapae QM‐like protein showed high amino acid sequence similarity with other PrQM polypeptides identified from Heliothis virescenes (95%), Plutella rapae (92%), Bombyx mori (92%), Drosophila melanogaster (89%), and Polyrhachis vicina (85%). The butterfly QM has the closest phylogenetic relationship to a moth (Hv) QM homologue. Further investigations revealed the expression of PrQM at all developmental stages, with pronounced presence at the egg stage. In addition, spatial pattern analysis indicated its high expression in the head, salivary gland, integument and fat body with visible presence in Malpighian tubule and gut. Time course expression studies conducted after immune‐challenge with lipoteichoic acid (LTA) showed the induction of PrQM mRNA at 12 h and 24 h after challenge and also in response to granulovirus (GV). Results of this investigation therefore suggest possible role of QM‐like proteins from Pieris rapae to be involved in innate antiviral immune responses. Further elucidation on the precise function of PrQM during antiviral immune responses by using RNA interference remains a viable research front.  相似文献   


Parasite heterogeneity and within-host competition are thought to be important factors influencing the dynamics of host-parasite relationships. Yet, while there have been many theoretical investigations of how these factors may act, empirical data is more limited. We investigated the effects of parasite density and heterogeneity on parasite virulence and fitness using four strains of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae, and its leaf-cutting ant host Acromyrmex echinatior as the model system.  相似文献   
A principal driver of biogeochemical weathering of the Earth's crust is soil CO2, produced mainly by plant roots and soil heterotrophs, a water‐soluble gas that forms carbonic acid which reacts with soil minerals via cation exchange and mineral dissolution. We examined effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 (ambient + 200 ppmv) in a young pine forest on belowground carbonic acid chemistry of soil water. Soil water was collected every 2–3 weeks over a 5‐year period from O horizons and at 15, 70, and 200 cm in mineral soils at the Duke free air CO2 enrichment facility located in a warm temperate climate in North Carolina, USA. Concentrations of major ions were volume‐weighted and statistically analyzed using linear mixed‐effects models. Experimental interest was placed on interactive effects of CO2 treatment and time: to test effects of gradually increasing CO2 in deep soil horizons where CO2 is highest in concentration, and to protect against inherent plot‐to‐plot differences in soil water chemistry being interpreted as responses to CO2 treatments. Although significant time‐dependent interactive effects were reported for soil CO2, interactive effects were not significant for soil water constituents. These data, combined with limited pretreatment sampling of soil water chemistry and recently determined large heterogeneity in soil solid chemistry at this site, indicate that CO2‐weathering response is smaller than the more‐than‐doubling of weathering reported previously and that increases in weathering are masked by in situ soil heterogeneity. Although the hypothesis that elevated CO2 increases cation leaching and weathering dissolution is supported in laboratory experiments and field studies, quantifying the stimulation of chemical weathering by elevated atmospheric CO2 remains to be tested rigorously in the field.  相似文献   
Platypus koryoensis is a minute ambrosia beetle found in forests. It can cause significant economic damage to oak trees. Recently in Korea, it has been reported as a major pest of oak trees, because it causes sooty mold of oak by introducing the pathogenic fungus Raffaelea sp. In this paper, we demonstrate the fine structural aspects of the external body of the ambrosia beetle using field emission scanning electron microscopy, as a part of basic research into this pest so that strategies for its control might be developed. This beetle has a sensory system well developed to respond to both visual and chemical stimuli. Both sexes have a pair of faceted compound eyes and a pair of knobbed antennae, but simple eyes are absent. The mouthparts on its distinct snouts are effective devices for penetration and for boring holes. The mouthparts consist of the labrum, a pair of mandibles, a pair of maxillae and the labium. Both the maxillary and the labial palpi have the function of directing the food to the mouth and holding it while the mandibles chew the food. The distal ends of these palpi are flattened and have shovel‐like setae. The thorax has a particularly hard exoskeleton and hard elytra, including powerful muscles that operate both the wings and the legs. The legs are multi‐segmented and have a strong femur and tibia, including one pair of claws on the end of each tarsal segment. Characteristically, both male and female beetles have mycangial cavities for storing spores and other microorganisms, but only females have three pairs of large depressions on their dorsal thorax.  相似文献   
Historical relationships were inferred for the oriental lizards of the genus Takydromus Daudin 1802 (Lacertidae) on the basis of DNA sequences. Of the 17 species currently recognized for the genus, 13 species represented by 42 specimens from 29 localities were examined. Maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony analyses of data for 829 aligned sites from parts of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes yielded relationships that, while showing no substantial discrepancy with each other, were strikingly different from a currently prevailing phylogenetic hypothesis from a parsimony analysis of morphological characters. Based on the results of these molecular analyses, supplemented by results of the morphological analysis that offered robust evidence for positions of two additional species ( T. khasiensis and T. sylvaticus ), the following interrelationships were hypothesized as the most preferred phylogeny: ( kuehnei ( sexlineatus khasiensis ))( tachydromoides (( smaragdinus ( sauteri ( dorsalis sylvaticus ))) ( amurensis ((( formosanus wolteri ) hsuehshanensis )( toyamai ( septentrionalis stejnegeri )))))). These interrelationships indicate: (1) invalidity of Platyplacopus Boulenger 1917 , which was recently resurrected as a subgenus of Takydromus on the basis of the morphological analysis; (2) homoplasy in states of some morphological characters, such as green dorsal coloration, that were considered as synapomorphs of certain nodes in the morphological analysis; and (3) involvement of the genus in a series of vicariances in both the continental and insular parts of eastern Eurasia. Due to the paucity of available samples, phylogenetic status of T. intermedius and T. haughtonianus remain to be examined in future studies.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 76 , 493–509.  相似文献   
We investigated intraspecific phylogenetic relationships in the natricine snake, Rhabdophis tigrinus. A partial sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (990 bp) was sequenced for 220 individuals from 112 populations. The phylogeny indicated monophyly of the Japanese populations against the continental and Taiwanese populations, sister relationships of the Japanese and continental populations, and monophyly of the whole species. The results strongly suggested substantial genetic divergences among population assemblages from those three regions. We thus consider both lateralis from the continent, which is often synonymized to R. tigrinus, and formosanus from Taiwan, which is usually regarded as a subspecies of the latter, as distinct full species based on the evolutionary species concept. In the Japanese populations, haplotypes were classified to in two major clades (I and II) that were parapatric to each other. Clade I consisted of three distinct subclades (I‐A, I‐B, and I‐C), of which the former two were parapatric with each other, whereas the latter was sympatric with each of the former two subclades. The geographical haplotype structure exhibited by the Japanese populations is likely to have resulted from a series of allopatric differentiations with rapid range extensions of resultant lineages, leading to secondary contact or further admixture of mitochondrial haplotype clades and subclades. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 395–408.  相似文献   
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is a common pathogenic fungus in many plants. To investigate the specificity of the isolate C. gloeosporioides to green fruits, fungal behaviours and anthracnose development on green and red pepper fruits were compared using light and stereo microscopic techniques. When the isolate of C. gloeosporioides was inoculated on both green and red fruits, conidial germination, appressoria, and infection hyphae were observed on both fruits within 24 h after inoculation. The fungal invasion and colonization continued to the epidermal cells of green fruits, but not to those of red ones. Initial anthracnose symptoms were detected only on green fruits at 2 days after inoculation resulting in typical sunken necrosis within 5 days after inoculation. Thus the specificity of the isolate to green fruits may be due to successful invasion and colonization of the infection hyphae from appressoria into the epidermal cells through epicuticular layers of green pepper fnats, but not on red ones.  相似文献   
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