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为明确大气CO_2浓度升高对宁夏枸杞光合特性及生物量分配的影响,以宁夏枸杞苗木为试材,采用开顶气室(OTC)模拟自然环境大气CO_2浓度变化,设置3个CO_2浓度水平[CK(380±20μmol/mol)、TR1(570±20μmol/mol)、TR2(760±20μmol/mol)],分别于不同CO_2浓度处理90d、120d后,测定其净光合速率(P_n)、光响应曲线、CO_2响应曲线等相关指标及植株不同器官生物量。结果表明:(1)TR1及TR2下Pn于第一年处理至90d时均较CK显著升高(P0.05),且TR1处理在120d时较CK显著降低;第二年处理90d时,TR1处理较CK下降了4.77%,处理120d时TR1、TR2均高于CK,但差异不显著。(2)随着CO_2浓度升高,两年中TR1、TR2处理的胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)较CK均显著升高,处理后120d时,气孔导度(G_s)较CK均显著下降;水分利用率(WUE)在第一年处理中均无显著变化,但在第二年处理120d时,TR1、TR2均较CK显著上升。(3)处理至90d和120d时,TR1、TR2组的宁夏枸杞苗木光饱和点、CO_2饱和点均高于CK,但TR2组初始羧化效率低于CK。(4)随着CO_2浓度升高,宁夏枸杞苗木地上部分生物量分配显著增加,地下部分生物量分配显著降低。研究发现,一定时间内适宜CO_2浓度升高可促进宁夏枸杞苗木光合作用,使得其地上部分生物量分配显著提高,地下部分生物量分配显著降低;但随着处理浓度升高及处理时间延长,其光合作用有下调趋势,表现为净光合速率、气孔导度、初始羧化效率等下降。  相似文献   
In this paper we present a multi-strain model for hepatitis C virus (HCV) including an immune response term. The model is presented and discussed. Also we argue that the added multi-strain term represents some basic properties of the immune system and that it should be included to study longer term behavior of the disease.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pockmarks (depressions in the seabed) have been discovered throughout the world's oceans and are often related to hydrocarbon seepage. Although high concentrations of pockmarks are present in the seabed overlaying the Troll oil and gas reservoir in the northern North Sea, geological surveys have not detected hydrocarbon seepage in this area at the present time. In this study we have used metagenomics to characterize the prokaryotic communities inhabiting the surface sediments in the Troll area in relation to geochemical parameters, particularly related to hydrocarbon presence. We also investigated the possibility of increased potential for methane oxidation related to the pockmarks. Five metagenomes from pockmarks and plain seabed sediments were sequenced by pyrosequencing (Roche/454) technology. In addition, two metagenomes from seabed sediments geologically unlikely to be influenced by hydrocarbon seepage (the Oslofjord) were included. The taxonomic distribution and metabolic potential of the metagenomes were analyzed by multivariate analysis and statistical comparisons to reveal variation within and between the two sampling areas. RESULTS: The main difference identified between the two sampling areas was an overabundance of predominantly autotrophic nitrifiers, especially Nitrosopumilus, and oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria in the Troll metagenomes compared to the Oslofjord. Increased potential for degradation of hydrocarbons, especially aromatic hydrocarbons, was detected in two of the Troll samples: one pockmark sample and one from the plain seabed. Although presence of methanotrophic organisms was indicated in all samples, no overabundance in pockmark samples compared to the Oslofjord samples supports no, or only low level, methane seepage in the Troll pockmarks at the present time. CONCLUSIONS: Given the relatively low content of total organic carbon and great depths of hydrocarbon containing sediments in the Troll area, it is possible that at least part of the carbon source available for the predominantly autotrophic nitrifiers thriving in this area originates from sequential prokaryotic degradation and oxidation of hydrocarbons to CO2. By turning CO2 back into organic carbon this subcommunity could play an important environmental role in these dark oligotrophic sediments. The oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate in this process could further increase the supply of terminal electron acceptors for hydrocarbon degradation.  相似文献   
目的比较氯胺酮、地西泮和丙泊酚复合麻醉在外科教学中对犬的麻醉效果。方法成年健康杂种犬42条,诱导麻醉相同,均肌注氯胺酮(10 mg/kg)和氟哌利多(0.5 mg/kg)混合液。静脉维持采用不用的方法,分为三组,分别是静脉滴注氯胺酮地西泮混合液(n=12)、静脉推注氯胺酮地西泮混合液(n=12)和静脉滴注丙泊酚利多卡因混合液(n=18)。结果三组麻醉效果显示,静脉滴注丙泊酚利多卡因混合液效果最好,优83.3%,良16.7%,死亡率0%。结论在外科教学中,对犬采用丙泊酚复合麻醉是一种较为理想的麻醉方法。  相似文献   
Within the tribe Stenodermatini the systematics of the complex of species allied with the genus Artibeus has generated several alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. The most recent treatment recognized four genera (Artibeus, Dermanura, Enchisthenes, and Koopmania) and suggested that the most recent common ancestor of these four genera would include the common ancestor of all other currently recognized Stenodermatini genera except Sturnira. To test this hypothesis, we examined an EcoRI-defined nuclear satellite DNA repeat and 402 bp of DNA sequence variation from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Phylogenetic conclusions based on Southern blot analyses, in situ hybridization, and mitochondrial DNA sequence data indicate that Enchisthenes is not closely related to Dermanura, Artibeus, or Koopmania and that Dermanura, Artibeus, and Koopmania shared a common ancestor after diverging from the remainder of the Stenodermatini. If our conclusions are correct, then justification for recognizing Dermanura and Koopmania as generically distinct from Artibeus must be based on the magnitude of difference that distinguishes each rather than on the conclusion that to place them as congeneric with Artibeus creates a paraphyletic taxon.   相似文献   
The present study was designed to evaluate cycloheximide as a potential media amendment to prevent fungal overgrowth on selective media for salmonellae enumeration. The objectives were to determine the effect of cycloheximide on Salmonella spp growth rates and to determine the effect of cycloheximide addition on Salmonella enumeration in selective media. The bacteria tested included two strains of Salmonella typhimurium (NO/NA and LT2) and one strain of Salmonella arizonae. All strains were grown in tryptic soy broth containing cycloheximide to determine the effect of cycloheximide on bacterial specific growth rates. The growth rate of all strains grown in tryptic soy broth were not significantly influenced by addition of cycloheximide at concentrations up to 1,000 mg/L. Growth rates of S. typhimurium NO/NA in minimal media were significantly decreased by addition of cycloheximide aerobically (300 mg/L) and anaerobically (600 mg/L). However, S. typhimurium NO/NA populations on brilliant green agar, MacConkey agar, and from selenite cysteine broth and tetrathionate broth were not affected by cycloheximide additions at concentrations up to 1,000 mg/L. Cycloheximide has potential as a fungistat additive for salmonellae selective media.  相似文献   
Bud formation capacity of callus formed from thin epidermal cell loyers excised from floral branches of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Wise. 38. Subepidermal cells of thin tissue pieces with a few cell layers were capable of forming eitber buds, roots, (lowers or non-organ ogenetic callus. To determine wheiher this calltjs is able to dirferentiate into organs, we transferred it to media inducing eitber flowers, or buds, or roots. In this paper, we study ibe capacity of lbe callus to form buds. In 50% of the cases, the explants (being maintained for I day to 2 years in callus media) can still express the capacity to form buds. This percentage increased with increased agar concentration of the culture media. At the histological level, non-organogenetic callus is characterized by the absence of tracheid differentiation, whereas in the organogenetic callus, iracheids were induced after their transfer into a ‘Bud medium’ and indicate an organogenetic differentiation pattern.  相似文献   
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