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针对长江中游棉区棉花多虫复合危害问题,设计了6种害虫4种组合的复合危害系统.运用通径分析方法,定量描述了多种害虫对棉花的侵害及其间的互作效应.通过多种害虫对棉花产量和品级的直接影响效应和间接影响效应分析,认为当多虫复合危害时,害虫间的相互作用就其对作物的侵害而言,表现为增强效应和减弱效应.在此基础上,研究并制定了“两红”(棉红铃虫和朱砂叶螨)复合危害动态防治指标,经验证、示范及推广应用,取得了显著的经济、生态和社会效益.  相似文献   
表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯研究进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
近些年发现,茶叶中的表没食子儿茶素没食子酸脂具有降低血脂、除去胆固醇、抑制细菌和病毒、抗氧化、抗突变、抗肿瘤等多方面的重要生理功能。  相似文献   
以人睾丸组织总RNA为材料,用RT-PCR方法合成了人腺苷酸环化酶激活多肽(ACAP)编码区(530bp)和全长cDNA(1930bp)片段.并分别将这些cDNA片段克隆入pUC18载体的SmaⅠ限制性内切酶位点.对重组质粒分别采用直接DNA双链末端终止法和在核酸外切酶Ⅲ和核酸酶S1作用下连续缺失DNA后,相继克隆,构成一系列连续缺失的缺失体的方法,测定了全部核苷酸顺序.结果表明:ACAP编码区的cDNA顺序与已报道的有12处碱基的改变,其中11处碱基顺序的改变不引起编码的氨基酸变化,只有第385位的T→A后,才引起其编码的氨基酸由Ser→Thr,但由于Ser和Thr的理化性质极其相似,这一变化可能并不导致蛋白质的生物活性的变化.这些改变可能是由于种族、群体或个体的差异.  相似文献   
An isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic method with ultraviolet detection was utilized for the investigation of the pharmacokinetics of naringenin and its glucuronide conjugate in rat plasma and brain tissue. Plasma and brain tissue were deproteinized by acetonitrile, then centrifuged for sample clean-up. The drugs were separated by a reversed-phase C18 column with a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile–orthophosphoric acid solution (pH 2.5–2.8) (36:64, v/v). The detection limits of naringenin in rat plasma and brain tissue were 50 ng/ml and 0.4 μg/g, respectively. The glucuronide conjugate of naringenin was evaluated by the deconjugated enzyme β-glucuronidase. The naringenin conjugation ratios in rat plasma and brain tissue were 0.86 and 0.22, respectively, 10 min after naringenin (20 mg/kg, i.v.) administration. The mean naringenin conjugation ratio in plasma was approximately four fold that in brain tissue.  相似文献   
By using a model system for cell transformation mediated by the cooperation of the activated H-ras oncogene and the inactivated p53 tumor suppressor gene, rCop-1 was identified by mRNA differential display as a gene whose expression became lost after cell transformation. Homology analysis indicates that rCop-1 belongs to an emerging cysteine-rich growth regulator family called CCN, which includes connective-tissue growth factor, CYR61, CEF10 (v-src inducible), and the product of the nov proto-oncogene. Unlike the other members of the CCN gene family, rCop-1 is not an immediate-early gene, it lacks the conserved C-terminal domain which was shown to confer both growth-stimulating and heparin-binding activities, and its expression is lost in cells transformed by a variety of mechanisms. Ectopic expression of rCop-1 by retroviral gene transfers led to cell death in a transformation-specific manner. These results suggest that rCop-1 represents a new class of CCN family proteins that have functions opposing those of the previously identified members.Oncogenic conversion of a normal cell into a tumor cell requires multiple genetic alterations (12). Of particular interest is the fact that mutations in both ras oncogenes (3) and the p53 tumor suppressor gene cooperate in transformation of mammalian cells (11). Mutations in both ras and the p53 gene were also found at high frequencies in a variety of human cancers, including those of the colon, lung, and pancreas (2, 18). It has been proposed that both p53 and Ras function, whether directly or through other signaling molecules, to control expression of genes that are important for cell growth and differentiation (13, 17, 37). To this end, several ras target genes (10) and p53 target genes, including those encoding p21/CIP1/WAF1, an inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent kinase (9); Mdm-2, a negative regulator of p53 (1); GADD45, a protein involved in DNA repair (36); and Bax, which promotes apoptosis (28), have been identified. Most of these genes, except p21/CIP1/WAF1, which was cloned by subtractive hybridization, were identified by the candidate gene hypothesis. Recently, more p53 target genes have been isolated by the differential display technique, including those coding for cyclin G (31); MAP4, a microtubule-associated protein negatively regulated by p53 (29); and PAG608, a novel nuclear zinc finger protein whose overexpression promotes apoptosis (14). Functional characterizations of these genes have shed light on the role of p53 in cell cycle control and apoptosis. However, genes that mediate tumor suppression activity by p53 remain elusive.The fact that neither the inactivation of p53 nor the activation of Ras alone is able to transform primary mammalian cells (34), whereas both mutations together can do so, suggests that genes regulated by p53 and Ras cooperate in upsetting normal cell growth control cells (11). Using differential display (22), we set out to identify genes whose expression is altered by both mutant ras and p53 by comparing the mRNA expression profiles of normal rat embryo fibroblasts (REFs) and their derivatives transformed by either a constitutively inactivated or a temperature-sensitive mutant p53 in cooperation with the activated H-ras oncogene (11, 27). In this report we describe the identification and give a functional characterization of rCop-1, a gene whose expression is abolished by cell transformation. By sequence homology, rCop-1 was found to belong to an emerging cysteine-rich growth regulator family called CCN (which stands for connective-tissue growth factor [CTGF], CEF10/Cyr61, and Nov) (4). Here we show that rCop-1 may represent a novel class of CCN family proteins based on its unique cell cycle expression pattern, its lack of the C-terminal (CT) domain conserved in all CCN proteins, its loss of expression in all transformed cells analyzed, and its ability to confer cytotoxicity to the transformed cells.  相似文献   
王秀梅  臧连生  林宝庆  杨军  陈鹏  阮长春 《生态学报》2013,33(20):6553-6559
榆紫叶甲赤眼蜂(Asynacta ambrostomae Liao)是榆紫叶甲卵期重要寄生蜂。在实验条件下对榆紫叶甲赤眼蜂生殖、寿命、性比等生物学特性进行观察研究。结果表明:每粒寄主卵平均出蜂量为2.92头,雌雄比为3.64:1,营两性生殖,孤雌产雄。不同营养条件对寿命有显著影响,其中成虫补充20%蜂蜜水和20%蔗糖水能显著增加雌雄虫寿命。组建了25℃条件下榆紫叶甲赤眼蜂成蜂补充不同营养的实验种群生命表,成虫补充20%蜂蜜水、20%蔗糖水、清水、对照组(不添加任何物质)的净生殖力R0分别为74.42、65.27、56.77和44.50。可见,成蜂补充营养能提高种群生殖力。研究结果将为榆紫叶甲赤眼蜂的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Quantitative determination of the allele frequency of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in pooled DNA samples is a promising approach to clarify the relationships between SNPs and diseases. Here, we present such a simple, accurate, and inexpensive method for quantitative determining the allele frequency in pooled DNA samples. Three steps of DNA pooling, PCR amplification and sequencing are involved in this assay. Although direct determination of the allele frequency from the two allele-specific fluorescence intensities is possible, correction for differential response of alleles is important. We explored the effect of differential response of alleles on test statistics and provide a solution to this problem based on heterozygous fluorescence intensities. We demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of this assay on pooled DNA samples with pre-determined allele frequencies from 7.1% to 53.9%. The accuracy of allele frequency measurements is high, with a correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.997 between measured and known frequencies. We believe that by providing a means for SNP genotyping up to hundreds of samples simultaneously, inexpensively, and reproducibly, this method is a powerful strategy for detecting meaningful polymorphic differences in candidate gene association studies.  相似文献   
To extend the search for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) associated antigens with immunogenicity for clinical applications, we constructed a cDNA expression library using resected human HCC tissue sample and screened it by serological analysis of recombinant cDNA expression library (SEREX) with autologous and allogeneic sera. A total of 24 distinct antigens were isolated and kinectin was the antigen most frequently identified. We found that kinectin was alternatively spliced at four sites and obtained all eight theoretical forms of variant, six by SEREX and two by RT-PCR, from the different splicing combinations of the last three sites. In addition, the splicing patterns of four sites were analyzed. Variant containing D2 was overexpressed in cancerous tissues and this alteration may be tumor associated. The four splicing sites, the variants generated by alternative splicing, and the humoral immune response in HCC patients, may help to analyze the role of kinectin in human HCC cell biology.  相似文献   
基于水文平衡的湿地退化驱动因子定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为地球上最为重要的生态系统类型之一,湿地与森林、海洋并称为地球三大生态系统。但是,近年来湿地生态系统退化速度远大于其他类型生态系统,开展湿地退化的定量评估分析研究对于湿地生态系统的保护和恢复具有重要意义。选择北京城市湿地为研究对象,利用卫星遥感数据分别提取得到1991年和2007年的湿地面积,基于湿地水量平衡理论和湿地水文方程方法,定量评估分析了导致湿地退化的原因和不同驱动因子的贡献率。结果表明:(1)与1991年相比,2007年北京湿地减少约6275.31 hm2,约占1991年北京湿地总面积的24.46%。显著退化区域主要发生在野鸭湖湿地和密云水库湿地,分别减少了约1377.69 hm2和4654.50 hm2。(2)引起湿地退化的自然驱动因子中,以降水减少、入境地表水减少和蒸发量增加为主,驱动湿地退化的贡献率分别为39.22%、14.05%和11.85%。引起湿地退化的人为驱动因子中,以城市扩展为主,驱动湿地退化的贡献率为3.42%,而技术进步所采取的节水措施等有利于湿地保护,贡献率为25.55%。  相似文献   
Sydowia polyspora occurs often as an epiphyte or endophyte of conifers and is widely distributed around the world. It is also reported as a fungus associated with bark beetles. In this study, based on ITS sequence data and morphological characteristics, 14 strains collected from the beetle bodies and galleries of Tomicus minor and Tomicus yunnanensis infesting Pinus yunnanensis in Southwestern China were identified as S. polyspora. To assess the virulence of S. polyspora to P. yunnanensis, pathogenicity tests were conducted by inoculating the fungus in the stems and on needles of P. yunnanensis. The results after 30 days showed that the lesion lengths in the phloem after inoculation with S. polyspora were significantly longer than for the control. In addition, the fungus caused partly distinct chlorisis or discolouration of needles 14 days after inoculation. This suggests that S. polyspora is able to colonize stem phloem and pine needles of P. yunnanensis and thus may cause secondary damages to this host after being spread with bark beetles.  相似文献   
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