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p34Cdc28-mediated control of Cln3 cyclin degradation.   总被引:27,自引:10,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Cln3 cyclin of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a key regulator of Start, a cell cycle event in G1 phase at which cells become committed to division. The time of Start is sensitive to Cln3 levels, which in turn depend on the balance between synthesis and rapid degradation. Here we report that the breakdown of Cln3 is ubiquitin dependent and involves the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34 (Ubc3). The C-terminal tail of Cln3 functions as a transferable signal for degradation. Sequences important for Cln3 degradation are spread throughout the tail and consist largely of PEST elements, which have been previously suggested to target certain proteins for rapid turnover. The Cln3 tail also appears to contain multiple phosphorylation sites, and both phosphorylation and degradation of Cln3 are deficient in a cdc28ts mutant at the nonpermissive temperature. A point mutation at Ser-468, which lies within a Cdc28 kinase consensus site, causes approximately fivefold stabilization of a Cln3-beta-galactosidase fusion protein that contains a portion of the Cln3 tail and strongly reduces the phosphorylation of this protein. These data indicate that the degradation of Cln3 involves CDC28-dependent phosphorylation events.  相似文献   
CTXφ is a filamentous phage that encodes cholera toxin, one of the principal virulence factors of Vibrio cholerae . CTXφ is unusual among filamentous phages because it can either replicate as a plasmid or integrate into the V. cholerae chromosome at a specific site. The CTXφ genome has two regions, the 'core' and RS2. Integrated CTXφ is frequently flanked by an element known as RS1 which is related to RS2. The nucleotide sequences of RS2 and RS1 were determined. These related elements contain three nearly identical open reading frames (ORFs), which in RS2 were designated rstR , rstA2 and rstB2 . RS1 contains an additional ORF designated rstC . Functional analyses indicate that rstA2 is required for CTXφ replication and rstB2 is required for CTXφ integration. The amino terminus of RstR is similar to the amino termini of other phage-encoded repressors, and RstR represses the expression of rstA2 . Although genes with related functions are clustered in the genome of CTXφ in a way similar to those for other filamentous phages, the CTXφ RS2-encoded gene products mediating replication, integration and repression appear to be novel.  相似文献   
The effect ofl-pyroglutamic acid, a metabolite that accumulates in pyroglutamic aciduria, on different neurochemical parameters was investigated in adult male Wistar rats. Glutamate binding, adenylate cyclase activity and G protein coupling to adenylate cyclase were assayed in the presence of the acid.l-pyroglutamic acid decreased Na+-dependent and Na+-independent glutamate binding Basal and GMP-PNP stimulated adenylate cyclase activity were not affected by the acid. Furthermore, rats received unilateral intrastriatal injections of 10–300 nmol of bufferedl-pyroglutamic acid. Vehicle (0.25 M Tris-Cl, pH 7.35–7.4) was injected into the contralateral striatum. Neurotoxic damage was assessed seven days after the injection by histological examination and by weighing both cerebral hemispheres. No difference in histology or weight could be identified between hemispheres. These results suggest that, although capable of interfering with glutamate binding, pyroglutamate did not cause a major lesion in the present model of neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
Vertigo or disequilibrium occurring in patients after concussive and nonconcussive head trauma may be due to a pathologic perilymphatic fistula from the inner ear through the oval and round window areas of the middle ear. Of 33 patients who had successful grafting of the fistulous area at middle ear exploration, 32 had resolution of vertigo, and 12 of 23 who had an associated hearing loss had improved hearing. Perilymphatic fistulas associated with vertigo and hearing loss after head trauma can be diagnosed with great certainty and are surgically curable in the great majority of cases. Patients with post-concussive syndrome, whose symptoms include vertigo or disequilibrium, should have a thorough otologic evaluation for the possibility of a perilymphatic fistula.  相似文献   
A new fast-moving alpha-chain Hb variant with an Asn leads to Asp substitution at position alpha-78 was found in a French-Acadian family living in Eastern Canada. The identical substitution was reported in Hb J-Singapore, which also had an additional Ala leads to Gly substitution at position alpha-79. The new variant, which did not result in any clinical symptoms, was named accordingly, Hb J-Singa.  相似文献   
The histogenesis of renal basement membranes was studied in grafts of avascular, 11-day-old mouse embryonic kidney rudiments grown on chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Vessels of the chick CAM invade the mouse tissue during an incubation period of 7-10 days and eventually hybrid glomeruli composed of mouse epithelium and chick endothelium form. Formation of basement membranes during this development was followed by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase stainings using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against mouse and chick collagen type IV and against mouse laminin. These antibodies were species-specific as shown in immunochemical and immunohistologic analyses. The glomerular basement membrane contained both mouse and chick collagen type IV, demonstrating its dual cellular origin. All other basement membranes were either exclusively of chick origin (mesangium, vessels) or of mouse origin (tubuli, Bowman's capsule).  相似文献   
Treatment of isogenic suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana silvestris Speg. et Comes with glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl]glycine) led to elevated levels of intracellular shikimate (364-fold increase by 1.0 millimolar glyphosate). In the presence of glyphosate, it is likely that most molecules of shikimate originate from the action of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase-Mn since this isozyme, in contrast to the DAHP synthase-Co isozyme, is insensitive to inhibition by glyphosate. 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase (EC from N. silvestris was sensitive to micromolar concentrations of glyphosate and possessed a single inhibitor binding site. Rigorous kinetic studies of EPSP synthase required resolution from the multiple phosphatase activities present in crude extracts, a result achieved by ion-exchange column chromatography. Although EPSP synthase exhibited a broad pH profile (50% of maximal activity between pH 6.2 and 8.5), sensitivity to glyphosate increased dramatically with increasing pH within this range. In accordance with these data and the pKa values of glyphosate, it is likely that the ionic form of glyphosate inhibiting EPSP synthase is COOCH2NH2+CH2PO32−, and that a completely ionized phosphono group is essential for inhibition. At pH 7.0, inhibition was competitive with respect to phosphoenolpyruvate (Ki = 1.25 micromolar) and uncompetitive with respect to shikimate-3-P (Ki′ = 18.3 micromolar). All data were consistent with a mechanism of inhibition in which glyphosate competes with PEP for binding to an [enzyme:shikimate-3-P] complex and ultimately forms the dead-end complex of [enzyme:shikimate-3-P:glyphosate].  相似文献   
The nucleotide sequence of tRNATyr from B. stearothermophilus has been determined: pG-G-A-G-G-G-G-s4U-A-G-C-G-A-A-G-U-Gm-G-C-U-A-A-m1A-C-G-C-G-G-C-G-G-A-C-U-Q-U-A-ms2i6A-A-psi-C-C-G-C-U-C-C-C-U-U-U-G-G-G-U-U-C-G-G-C-G-G-T-psi-C-G-A-A-U-C-C-G-U-C-C-C-C-C-U-C-C-A-C-C-AOH. A combination of classical fingerprinting methods, partial nuclease P1 digestion and two-dimensional homochromatography and a rapid "read off" sequencing gel technique were used to establish the complete nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   
Depletion of Mg2+ in the growth medium for chicken embryo fibroblasts produces a large decrease in DNA synthesis as measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation, and concomitant decreases in cellular K+ and Mg2+ and increases in Na+ and Ca2+. In cells grown in media containing 0.2 mM Ca2+, graded reduction of Mg2+ from 0.8 mM (control) to 0.016 mM produced graded decreases in DNA synthesis to 10% of control at 0.016 mM Mg2+. Concomitantly, cell cations showed graded changes, Na+ increasing to 227%, K+ decreasing to 52.5%, Mg2+ decreasing to 57.5% and Ca2+ increasing to 153.5% of control. The effects of Mg2+ depletion on DNA synthesis and cell cation content exhibited a dependence on Ca2+ concentration, the effects being larger at low Ca2+ concentration. Use of inorganic pyrophosphate in the growth medium as a selective complexor of Mg2+ caused a marked decrease in DNA synthesis which was accompanied by changes in cellular cation content similar to those produced by direct Mg2+ depletion. The effects of Mg2+ depletion on cell cation content are explainable in terms of changes in membrane permeability caused by rapid external surface exchange of bound divalent cations. Among the several interpretations of the data in terms of possible mechanisms by which changes in external Mg2+ concentration may affect cell metabolism, the most consistent with known properties of the system is the concept of a central role for intracellular free Mg2+ in the coordinate control of growth and metabolism in animal cells.  相似文献   
Abstract— In mouse cerebellum, in vivo. cyclic GMP levels are 7 pmol/mg protein in the vermis and 40% lower in the hemispheres, whereas cyclic AMP levels are 7 9 pmol/mg protein in both regions. In the vermis. most of the cyclic GMP is contained in the molecular layer; cyclic AMP levels are highest in the granular layer. Amphetamine, harmaline. pentylenetetrazol and physical shaking elevate, and diazepam and reserpine depress levels of cyclic GMP in both vermis and hemispheres. Oxotremorine and atropine, respectively, increase and decrease cyclic GMP levels only in vermis. Regardless of the agent used, most of the change (67 89%) in cyclic GMP levels occurs in the molecular layer of the vermis; the remainder occurs in the granular layer. Of the drugs tested, only pentylenetetrazol affects cyclic AMP levels, and this drug increases cyclic AMP levels in both vermis and hemispheres and causes equal elevations in the molecular and granular layers of the vermis. In incubated slices of mouse cerebellum, none of the drugs produces changes in cyclic nucleotide levels which are similar to those in vivo. These data indicate that many drugs and conditions that alter cyclic GMP levels in cerebellum act via a common, but indirect, process. We suggest that cyclic GMP levels in cerebellum are regulated by the activity of both the climbing fiber and mossy fiber cerebellar afferent systems. Increased activity in these afferent pathways causes elevation of cyclic GMP levels in Purkinje cells and perhaps in other cells; decreased activity leads to depressed cyclic GMP levels.  相似文献   
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