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Fourteen of Apodemus speciosus (large Japanese field mouse) were captured near the place where one of the patients with spotted fever group rickettsiosis had been infected, in Takaoka town, Miyazaki Prefecture. In the town, four human cases were reported. All of the mice had antibodies against Rickettsia japonica and R. montana. The incidence of the antibody was significantly higher in Apodemus mice in the area than in those from nonendemic area.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to evaluate whether the normalization of the serum TSH level in a supersensitive assay during the initial treatment with antithyroid drugs (ATD) is a useful indicator for the reduction of the initial dose of ATD in 50 patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease. The initial dose of ATD was continued until the achievement of the euthyroid state, and was then reduced either before the serum TSH level was in the normal range in 9 of 29 patients treated with methimazole (MMI) (group MMI-1) and 8 of 21 treated with propylthiouracil (PTU) (PTU-1), or after the serum TSH level was in/above the normal range in 20 of 29 treated with MMI (MMI-2) and 13 of 21 treated with PTU (PTU-2). Although there were no significant differences in age, sex, thyroid function, prevalence of autoantibodies, goiter size, duration of the disease or the initial and modified doses of ATD, the mean durations of the administration of the initial dose of ATD in MMI-2 and PTU-2 were significantly longer than those in MMI-1 and PTU-1, respectively. As a result, 4 (44%) in group MMI-1, 20 (100%) in MMI-2, 2 (25%) in PTU-1 and 7 (54%) in PTU-2 developed low free T4 levels, and 1 (11%) in MMI-1, 15 (75%) in MMI-2 and 3 (23%) in PTU-2 developed low free T3 levels. Serum TSH levels increased over the normal range in 3 (33%) in MMI-1, 18 (90%) in MMI-2 and 5 (39%) in PTU-2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Stimulation of IgE receptors on rat basophilic leukemia cells causes a transient rise and fall of methylated phopholipids, Ca2+ influx, and release of arachidonic acid previously incorporated into phosphatidylcholine and liberation of histamine. Inhibition of phospholipid methylation by methyltransferase inhibitors, 3-deazaadenosine and homocysteine thiolactone, almost completely blocks the influx of Ca2+, and release of arachidonic acid and histamine. Stimulation of immunoglobulin E receptors by antigen releases only [14C]arachidonic acid but not [14C]linoleic acid, [14C]oleic acid and [14C]stearic acid, all of which were previously incorporated into phospholipids. [14C]Arachidonate was found to be incorporated mainly into phosphatidylcholine. The phosphatidycholine rich in arachidonate appeared to be synthesized to a considerable extent by the transmethylation pathway. These findings suggest that in rat basophilic leukemia cells, immunoglobulin E receptors, phospholipid methyltransferases, Ca2+ ion channel, and phospholipase(s) that cause release of arachidonic acid and the discharge of histamine are associated.  相似文献   
The importance of phospholipase(s) activation in the IgE-mediated and ionophoreinduced histamine release from the rat basophilic leukemia cell line has been examined. The activation of phospholipase(s) as measured by [14C]arachidonic acid release and the release of histamine both required Ca2+ and were temporally parallel. Inhibition of phospholipase(s) activity by the inhibitors mepacrine and α-parabromoacetophenone also correlated with the inhibition of histamine release. [14C]Arachidonic acid released by the phospholipase(s) was mainly metabolized to prostaglandin D2. The inhibition of the cyclooxygenase pathway by indomethacin did not affect histamine release. 5,8,11,14-Eicosatetraynoic acid inhibited both histamine and [14C]arachidonic acid release suggesting an effect not only on the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways but also on the phospholipase(s). These results suggest that activation of phospholipase appears to be necessary for histamine release in the rat bosophilic leukemia cells.  相似文献   
The relationship between dissipation of the flash-induced membranepotential across the thylakoid membrane and the high energystate was studied in Zea mays leaves. The dark decay of theflash-induced 515-nm absorbance change was accelerated by shortpreillumination of the leaf. No acceleration of the decay bypreillumination was observed when leaves were incubated in argonor CO2 gas or treated with DCMU. These effects of preilluminationand incubation were reversible. The delayed fluorescence from chlorophyll a was reversibly decreasedby incubating leaves in argon or CO2 gas, though the modes ofdepression were somewhat different from each other. In leavesincubated in argon or CO2 gas, the phase of slow decrease ofthe intensity of prompt fluorescence during illumination reversiblydisappeared. The results suggested that the dissipation of membrane potentialgenerated by a flash was accelerated after the energizationof chloroplasts in leaves, probably by increased H permeabilityof the thylakoid membrane. O2 was important in maintaining (indarkness) and forming (under illumination) the high energy statein chloroplasts in intact leaves. (Received October 1, 1980; Accepted December 15, 1980)  相似文献   
The general three-state model is formulated first, which is the direct extension of the unified two-state model previously formulated (Kijima & Kijima, 1978). In this model, each protomer in a symmetrically interacting system (oligomers or lattices) can take three states, S, R and Q, where S and R states are the same as in the two-state model and Q state is another state either corresponding to a different open-state of ionophore from R open-state or corresponding to another closed state of ionophore. The model has no restriction on the value of Hill coefficient at the midpoint of the dose-response curves in contrast to two-state models. It is applied on GABA sensitive inhibitory synapse of crayfish muscle to account for anomalous behaviour of the membrane in I? solution.The simplified versions of the above general three-state model are also formulated (simplified three-state model), in which it is assumed that R and Q state are equivalent in regard to the nearest neighbor interaction. By this assumption, R and Q state are collectively treated as state A and mathematical formula obtained on Ising model are applicable on this model. This model is applied on the insect sugar receptor which was shown to be incompatible with the two-state models (Kijima & Kijima, 1980). Further simplification of the above simplified model results in two convenient models: three-state KNF model and three-state MWC model, which have minimum parameters but sufficient to account for most experiments. They give plausible physico-chemical base on the “classical model” in which the existence of both inactive and active ligand-receptor complex is assumed.  相似文献   
Anti-platelet aggregating and disaggregating activities of the chemically stable 6,9-methano prostaglandin I2 (6,9-methano PGI2) were investigated. 6,9-Methano PGI2 inhibited ADP-induced platelet aggregation in PRP from humans, rabbits and rats. 6,9-Methano PGI2 also inhibited rabbit platelet aggregation induced by ADP, collagen, thrombin, arachidonic acid and 11,9-epoxy-methano PGH2. Antiaggregating activities of 6,9-methano PGI2 were 0.3 to 2.0 times greater than those of PGE1. 6,9-Methano PGI2 facilitated platelet disaggregation in a dose related manner. Antiaggregating and disaggregating activities of 6,9-methano PGI2 were markedly enhanced by incubation with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, theophylline.  相似文献   
The accumulation pattern of arachin and its subunits in growinggroundnuts was investigated. Soluble proteins were extractedfrom the kernels at twelve different stages of maturation (4–16weeks after pegging). Fractionation showed arachin, conarachinII, 5S and 2S protein components with sucrose gradient centrifugation.Ten weeks after pegging, only 35% of the maximum amount of arachinhad accumulated, whereas conarachin II was 85%, the 5S component89%, and the 2S component 76%. Arachin, however, increased rapidlyin the later stage of maturation. No change in the subunit ratioin arachin during seed growth was observed on the patterns ofsodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis and gel isoelectricfocusing in the presence of urea. The ratio of the arachin subunitscontained in urea-extractable fraction of the kernels was constantthroughout seed development and was consistent with the subunitratio in arachin. On the other hand, the arachin subunits inthe free forms, if any, accounted for less than 1% of the associatedarachin subunits. Probably, the arachin subunits synthesizedin equimoles are associated into arachin without individualdeposition and are accumulated as arachin associates in growingseeds. (Received July 17, 1980; )  相似文献   
Upon starvation, Ant-300, a psychrophilic marine vibrio, was observed to decrease in size and change in shape from a rod to a coccus. After 3 weeks of starvation 50% of the starved population was able to pass through a filter with a pore size of 0.4 mum. Electron microscopy of thin sections of the small cells revealed normal cell structure except for an enlarged periplasmic space. When inoculated into a fresh medium, starved cells growth without a significant lag and regained "normal" size and shape within 48 h.  相似文献   
A case of hypoglycemic coma after alcohol ingestion was observed in a chronic alcoholic. Upon close examination isolated corticotrophin-deficiency was found. It is suggested that ethanol-induced hypoglycemia may be consistent with dysfunction of mitochondria in hepatic cells and that there may be disorder of the hypothalamus in the chronic drinker.  相似文献   
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