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Life history theory predicts a change in reproduction success with age as energy resources are limited and must be allocated effectively to maximize reproduction and survival. In this study, we use three reproductive performance measures, maternal expenditure, offspring weaning mass, and first-year survival, to investigate the role that maternal age plays in successful reproduction. Long-term uninterrupted life history data available for Marion Island’s southern elephant seals and mass change estimates from photogrammetry data allow for assessment of age-related reproduction performance and trade-offs. Known-aged adult females were photographed for photogrammetric mass estimation (n = 29) and their pups weighed at weaning during the 2009 breeding season. Maternal age and proportional mass loss positively influenced pup weaning mass. In turn, first-year pup return rates (as a proxy for survival) were assessed through the intensive mark–recapture program. Pup survival increased with female age and weaning mass. Pups of young females aged 3–6 years have a lower first-year survival probability compared with pups of older and larger females.  相似文献   
Eric Allan  Wolfgang W. Weisser  Markus Fischer  Ernst-Detlef Schulze  Alexandra Weigelt  Christiane Roscher  Jussi Baade  Romain L. Barnard  Holger Beßler  Nina Buchmann  Anne Ebeling  Nico Eisenhauer  Christof Engels  Alexander J. F. Fergus  Gerd Gleixner  Marlén Gubsch  Stefan Halle  Alexandra M. Klein  Ilona Kertscher  Annely Kuu  Markus Lange  Xavier Le Roux  Sebastian T. Meyer  Varvara D. Migunova  Alexandru Milcu  Pascal A. Niklaus  Yvonne Oelmann  Esther Pašalić  Jana S. Petermann  Franck Poly  Tanja Rottstock  Alexander C. W. Sabais  Christoph Scherber  Michael Scherer-Lorenzen  Stefan Scheu  Sibylle Steinbeiss  Guido Schwichtenberg  Vicky Temperton  Teja Tscharntke  Winfried Voigt  Wolfgang Wilcke  Christian Wirth  Bernhard Schmid 《Oecologia》2013,173(1):223-237
In order to predict which ecosystem functions are most at risk from biodiversity loss, meta-analyses have generalised results from biodiversity experiments over different sites and ecosystem types. In contrast, comparing the strength of biodiversity effects across a large number of ecosystem processes measured in a single experiment permits more direct comparisons. Here, we present an analysis of 418 separate measures of 38 ecosystem processes. Overall, 45 % of processes were significantly affected by plant species richness, suggesting that, while diversity affects a large number of processes not all respond to biodiversity. We therefore compared the strength of plant diversity effects between different categories of ecosystem processes, grouping processes according to the year of measurement, their biogeochemical cycle, trophic level and compartment (above- or belowground) and according to whether they were measures of biodiversity or other ecosystem processes, biotic or abiotic and static or dynamic. Overall, and for several individual processes, we found that biodiversity effects became stronger over time. Measures of the carbon cycle were also affected more strongly by plant species richness than were the measures associated with the nitrogen cycle. Further, we found greater plant species richness effects on measures of biodiversity than on other processes. The differential effects of plant diversity on the various types of ecosystem processes indicate that future research and political effort should shift from a general debate about whether biodiversity loss impairs ecosystem functions to focussing on the specific functions of interest and ways to preserve them individually or in combination.  相似文献   
Both natural and anthropogenic processes are responsible for excessive organic loading of submerged soils, with detrimental environmental consequences. The often insufficient natural attenuation can be enhanced by exploiting microbial manganese cycles. This review describes how an anoxic oxidation of organic matter with concomitant reduction of MnO 2 can link up with a reoxidation of the resulting, soluble Mn(II) in oxic layers. The potentially attainable oxidation rates through these natural cycles are of the same order as the organic carbon accumulation rates. The microbiology and physiology of the responsible organisms are discussed, as well as examples of naturally occurring manganese cycles and the possibility to engineer this natural phenomenon.  相似文献   
From August to December, thousands of Black‐necked Grebes Podiceps nigricollis concentrate during the flightless moult period in salt ponds in the Odiel Marshes, southern Spain, where they feed on the brine shrimp Artemia parthenogenetica. We predicted that because Black‐necked Grebes moulted in a food‐rich, predator‐free environment, there would be no net loss of body mass caused by the use of fat stored to meet energy needs during remigial feather replacement (as is the case for some other diving waterbirds). However, because the food resource disappears in winter, we predicted that grebes moulting later in the season would put on more body mass prior to moult because of the increasing risk of an Artemia population crash before the moult period is completed. Body mass determinations of thousands of birds captured during 2000–2010 showed that grebes in active wing‐moult showed greater mass with date of capture. Early‐moulting grebes were significantly lighter at all stages than late‐moulting birds. Grebes captured with new feathers post‐moult were significantly lighter than those in moult. This is the first study to support the hypothesis that individual waterbirds adopt different strategies in body mass accumulation according to timing of moult: early‐season grebes were able to acquire an excess of energy over expenditure and accumulate fat stores while moulting. Delayed moulters acquired greater fat stores in advance of moult to contribute to energy expenditure for feather replacement and retained extra stores later, most likely as a bet hedge against the increasing probability of failing food supply and higher thermoregulatory demands late in the season. An alternative hypothesis, that mass change is affected by a trophically transmitted cestode using brine shrimps as an intermediate host and Black‐necked Grebes as final host, was not supported by the data.  相似文献   
The mangrove distribution in South Africa is fragmented and restricted to small forest patches occupying only 16 % of the estuaries within the current range. In this study we used species distribution models to test (1) whether the absence of mangrove forest and its species (Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora mucronata) within their current range is driven by climate or by climate combined with human or geomorphic perturbation and (2) how climate change may potentially affect the latitudinal limit of the mangrove forests and its species in South Africa. We used three modelling techniques (generalized linear models, generalized additive models and gradient boosting machines) and a set of three climate-based predictive variables (minimum air temperature of the coldest month, waterbalance and growing-degree days) combined separately with an index of human or geomorphic perturbation. Climate variables for the future projections were derived from two general circulation models driven by two socio-economic scenarios (A2a and B2a). Within the range of the mangrove forest, the fragmented distribution of the mangroves in South Africa was not explained by our set of climate variables alone. The index of human perturbations slightly improved the predictions but the index of geomorphic perturbation did not. Climate change will create climatically suitable sites for the mangrove forest and the two species A. marina and B. gymnorrhiza beyond their current limits, but model outcomes did not agree on the future potential distribution of R. mucronata. We were able to successfully predict range limits and to detect future climatically suitable sites beyond the current limits. Factors controlling mangrove distribution within its range are still to be identified although absences were partly explained by human perturbations.  相似文献   
The recent development of metaproteomics has enabled the direct identification and quantification of expressed proteins from microbial communities in situ, without the need for microbial enrichment. This became possible by (1) significant increases in quality and quantity of metagenome data and by improvements of (2) accuracy and (3) sensitivity of modern mass spectrometers (MS). The identification of physiologically relevant enzymes can help to understand the role of specific species within a community or an ecological niche. Beside identification, relative and absolute quantitation is also crucial. We will review label-free and label-based methods of quantitation in MS-based proteome analysis and the contribution of quantitative proteome data to microbial ecology. Additionally, approaches of protein-based stable isotope probing (protein-SIP) for deciphering community structures are reviewed. Information on the species-specific metabolic activity can be obtained when substrates or nutrients are labeled with stable isotopes in a protein-SIP approach. The stable isotopes (13C, 15N, 36S) are incorporated into proteins and the rate of incorporation can be used for assessing the metabolic activity of the corresponding species. We will focus on the relevance of the metabolic and phylogenetic information retrieved with protein-SIP studies and for detecting and quantifying the carbon flux within microbial consortia. Furthermore, the combination of protein-SIP with established tools in microbial ecology such as other stable isotope probing techniques are discussed.  相似文献   
Recently an iterative method was proposed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of ligand-protein binding affinity prediction through linear interaction energy (LIE) theory. For ligand binding to flexible Cytochrome P450s (CYPs), this method was shown to decrease the root-mean-square error and standard deviation of error prediction by combining interaction energies of simulations starting from different conformations. Thereby, different parts of protein-ligand conformational space are sampled in parallel simulations. The iterative LIE framework relies on the assumption that separate simulations explore different local parts of phase space, and do not show transitions to other parts of configurational space that are already covered in parallel simulations. In this work, a method is proposed to (automatically) detect such transitions during the simulations that are performed to construct LIE models and to predict binding affinities. Using noise-canceling techniques and splines to fit time series of the raw data for the interaction energies, transitions during simulation between different parts of phase space are identified. Boolean selection criteria are then applied to determine which parts of the interaction energy trajectories are to be used as input for the LIE calculations. Here we show that this filtering approach benefits the predictive quality of our previous CYP 2D6-aryloxypropanolamine LIE model. In addition, an analysis is performed of the gain in computational efficiency that can be obtained from monitoring simulations using the proposed filtering method and by prematurely terminating simulations accordingly.  相似文献   
Stable provisioning of ecosystem functions and services is crucial for human well‐being in a changing world. Two essential ecological components driving vital ecosystem functions in terrestrial ecosystems are plant diversity and soil microorganisms. In this study, we tracked soil microbial basal respiration and biomass over a time period of 12 years in a grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment) and examined the role of plant diversity and plant functional group composition for the spatial and temporal stability of soil microbial properties (basal respiration and biomass) in bulk‐soil. Spatial and temporal stability were calculated as the inverse coefficient of variation (CV?1) of soil microbial respiration and biomass measured from soil samples taken over space and time, respectively. We found that 1) plant species richness consistently increased soil microbial properties after a time lag of four years since the establishment of the experimental plots, 2) plant species richness had minor effects on the spatial stability of soil microbial properties, whereas 3) the functional composition of plant communities significantly affected spatial stability of soil microbial properties, with legumes and tall herbs reducing both the spatial stability of microbial respiration and biomass, while grasses increased the latter, and 4) the effect of plant diversity on temporal stability of soil microbial properties turned from being negative to neutral, suggesting that the recovery of soil microbial communities from former arable land‐use takes more than a decade. Our results highlight the importance of plant functional group composition for the spatial and temporal stability of soil microbial properties, and hence for microbially‐driven ecosystem processes, such as decomposition and element cycling, in temperate semi‐natural grassland.  相似文献   
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