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Noyes RD  Baker R  Mai B 《Heredity》2007,98(2):92-98
The inheritance of asexual seed development (apomixis) in Erigeron annuus (Asteraceae) was evaluated in a triploid (2n=3x=27) population resulting from a cross between an apomictic tetraploid (2n=4x=36) pollen parent and a sexual diploid (2n=2x=18) seed parent. Diplospory (unreduced female gametophyte formation) and autonomous development (embryo and endosperm together) segregated independently in the population yielding four distinct phenotype classes: (1) apomictic plants combining diplospory and autonomous development, (2) diplosporous plants lacking autonomous development, (3) meiotic plants with autonomous (though abortive) development and (4) meiotic plants lacking autonomous development. Each class was represented by approximately one-quarter of the population (n=117), thus corresponding to a two-factor genetic model with no linkage (chi(2)=2.59, P=0.11). Observations demonstrate that autonomous embryo and endosperm development (jointly) may occur in either reduced or unreduced egg cells. The cosegregation of the traits is attributed to tight linkage or pleiotropy. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that autonomous development in E. annuus is regulated by a single fertilization factor, F, which initiates development of both the embryo and the endosperm in the absence of fertilization.  相似文献   
The increased interest in image fusion (combining images of two or more modalities such as infrared and visible light radiation) has led to a need for accurate and reliable image assessment methods. Previous work has often relied upon subjective quality ratings combined with some form of computational metric analysis. However, we have shown in previous work that such methods do not correlate well with how people perform in actual tasks utilising fused images. The current study presents the novel use of an eye-tracking paradigm to record how accurately participants could track an individual in various fused video displays. Participants were asked to track a man in camouflage outfit in various input videos (visible and infrared originals, a fused average of the inputs; and two different wavelet-based fused videos) whilst also carrying out a secondary button-press task. The results were analysed in two ways, once calculating accuracy across the whole video, and by dividing the video into three time sections based on video content. Although the pattern of results depends on the analysis, the accuracy for the inputs was generally found to be significantly worse than that for the fused displays. In conclusion, both approaches have good potential as new fused video assessment methods, depending on what task is carried out.  相似文献   
Abundant evidence supports the benefits accrued to the Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) population via the genetic introgression project implemented in South Florida, USA, in 1995. Since then, genetic diversity has improved, the frequency of morphological and biomedical correlates of inbreeding depression have declined, and the population size has increased. Nevertheless, the panther population remains small and isolated and faces substantial challenges due to deterministic and stochastic forces. Our goals were 1) to comprehensively assess the demographics of the Florida panther population using long-term (1981–2015) field data and modeling to gauge the persistence of benefits accrued via genetic introgression and 2) to evaluate the effectiveness of various potential genetic management strategies. Translocation and introduction of female pumas (Puma concolor stanleyana) from Texas, USA, substantially improved genetic diversity. The average individual heterozygosity of canonical (non-introgressed) panthers was 0.386 ± 0.012 (SE); for admixed panthers, it was 0.615 ± 0.007. Survival rates were strongly age-dependent (kittens had the lowest survival rates), were positively affected by individual heterozygosity, and decreased with increasing population abundance. Overall annual kitten survival was 0.32 ± 0.09; sex did not have a clear effect on kitten survival. Annual survival of subadult and adult panthers differed by sex; regardless of age, females exhibited higher survival than males. Annual survival rates of subadult, prime adult, and old adult females were 0.97 ± 0.02, 0.86 ± 0.03, and 0.78 ± 0.09, respectively. Survival rates of subadult, prime adult, and old adult males were 0.66 ± 0.06, 0.77 ± 0.05, and 0.65 ± 0.10, respectively. For panthers of all ages, genetic ancestry strongly affected survival rate, where first filial generation (F1) admixed panthers of all ages exhibited the highest rates and canonical (mostly pre-introgression panthers and their post-introgression descendants) individuals exhibited the lowest rates. The most frequently observed causes of death of radio-collared panthers were intraspecific aggression and vehicle collision. Cause-specific mortality analyses revealed that mortality rates from vehicle collision, intraspecific aggression, other causes, and unknown causes were generally similar for males and females, although males were more likely to die from intraspecific aggression than females. The probability of reproduction and the annual number of kittens produced varied by age; evidence that ancestry or abundance influenced these parameters was weak. Predicted annual probabilities of reproduction were 0.35 ± 0.08, 0.50 ± 0.05, and 0.25 ± 0.06 for subadult, prime adult, and old adult females, respectively. The number of kittens predicted to be produced annually by subadult, prime adult, and old adult females were 2.80 ± 0.75, 2.67 ± 0.43, and 2.28 ± 0.83, respectively. The stochastic annual population growth rate estimated using a matrix population model was 1.04 (95% CI = 0.72–1.41). An individual-based population model predicted that the probability that the population would fall below 10 panthers within 100 years (quasi-extinction) was 1.4% (0–0.8%) if the adverse effects of genetic erosion were ignored. However, when the effect of genetic erosion was considered, the probability of quasi-extinction within 100 years increased to 17% (0–100%). Mean times to quasi-extinction, conditioned on going quasi-extinct within 100 years, was 22 (0–75) years when the effect of genetic erosion was considered. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the probability of quasi-extinction and expected time until quasi-extinction were most sensitive to changes in kitten survival parameters. Without genetic management intervention, the Florida panther population would face a substantially increased risk of quasi-extinction. The question, therefore, is not whether genetic management of the Florida panther population is needed but when and how it should be implemented. Thus, we evaluated genetic and population consequences of alternative genetic introgression strategies to identify optimal management actions using individual-based simulation models. Releasing 5 pumas every 20 years would cost much less ($200,000 over 100 years) than releasing 15 pumas every 10 years ($1,200,000 over 100 years) yet would reduce the risk of quasi-extinction by comparable amount (44–59% vs. 40–58%). Generally, releasing more females per introgression attempt provided little added benefit. The positive effects of the genetic introgression project persist in the panther population after 20 years. We suggest that managers contemplate repeating genetic introgression by releasing 5–10 individuals from other puma populations every 20–40 years. We also recommend that managers continue to collect data that will permit estimation and monitoring of kitten, adult, and subadult survival. We identified these parameters via sensitivity analyses as most critical in terms of their impact on the probability of and expected times to quasi-extinction. The continuation of long-term monitoring should permit the adaptation of genetic management strategies as necessary while collecting data that have proved essential in assessing the genetic and demographic health of the population. The prospects for recovery of the panther will certainly be improved by following these guidelines. © 2019 The Authors. Wildlife Monographs published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Madagascar is surrounded by archipelagos varying widely in origin, age and structure. Although small and geologically young, these archipelagos have accumulated disproportionate numbers of unique lineages in comparison to Madagascar, highlighting the role of waif-dispersal and rapid in situ diversification processes in generating endemic biodiversity. We reconstruct the evolutionary and biogeographical history of the genus Psiadia (Asteraceae), a plant genus with near equal numbers of species in Madagascar and surrounding islands. Analyzing patterns and processes of diversification, we explain species accumulation on peripheral islands and aim to offer new insights on the origin and potential causes for diversification in the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands biodiversity hotspot. Our results provide support for an African origin of the group, with strong support for non-monophyly. Colonization of the Mascarenes took place by two evolutionary distinct lineages from Madagascar, via two independent dispersal events, each unique for their spatial and temporal properties. Significant shifts in diversification rate followed regional expansion, resulting in co-occurring and phenotypically convergent species on high-elevation volcanic slopes. Like other endemic island lineages, Psiadia have been highly successful in dispersing to and radiating on isolated oceanic islands, typified by high habitat diversity and dynamic ecosystems fuelled by continued geological activity. Results stress the important biogeographical role for Rodrigues in serving as an outlying stepping stone from which regional colonization took place. We discuss how isolated volcanic islands contribute to regional diversity by generating substantial numbers of endemic species on short temporal scales. Factors pertaining to the mode and tempo of archipelago formation and its geographical isolation strongly govern evolutionary pathways available for species diversification, and the potential for successful diversification of dispersed lineages, therefore, appears highly dependent on the timing of arrival, as habitat and resource properties change dramatically over the course of oceanic island evolution.  相似文献   
Sexual devolution in plants: apomixis uncloaked?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are a growing number of examples where naturally occurring mutations disrupt an established physiological or developmental pathway to yield a new condition that is evolutionary favored. Asexual reproduction by seed in plants, or apomixis, occurs in a diversity of taxa and has evolved from sexual ancestors. One form of apomixis, diplospory, is a multi-step development process that is initiated when meiosis is altered to produce an unreduced rather than a reduced egg cell. Subsequent parthenogenetic development of the unreduced egg yields genetically maternal progeny. While it has long been apparent from cytological data that meiosis in apomicts was malfunctional or completely bypassed, the genetic basis of the phenomenon has been a long-standing mystery. New data from genetic analysis of Arabidopsis mutants in combination with more sophisticated molecular understanding of meiosis in plants indicate that a weak mutation of the gene SWI, called DYAD, interferes with sister chromatid cohesion in meiosis I, causes synapsis to fail in female meiosis and yields two unreduced cells. The new work shows that a low percentage of DYAD ovules produce functional unreduced egg cells (2n) that can be fertilized by haploid pollen (1n) to give rise to triploid (3n) progeny. While the DYAD mutants differ in some aspects from naturally occurring apomicts, the work establishes that mutation to a single gene can effectively initiate apomictic development and, furthermore, focuses efforts to isolate apomixis genes on a narrowed set of developmental events. Profitable manipulation of meiosis and recombination in agronomically important crops may be on the horizon.  相似文献   
Rate variation among nuclear genes and the age of polyploidy in Gossypium   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Molecular evolutionary rate variation in Gossypium (cotton) was characterized using sequence data for 48 nuclear genes from both genomes of allotetraploid cotton, models of its diploid progenitors, and an outgroup. Substitution rates varied widely among the 48 genes, with silent and replacement substitution levels varying from 0.018 to 0.162 and from 0.000 to 0.073, respectively, in comparisons between orthologous Gossypium and outgroup sequences. However, about 90% of the genes had silent substitution rates spanning a more narrow threefold range. Because there was no evidence of rate heterogeneity among lineages for any gene and because rates were highly correlated in independent tests, evolutionary rate is inferred to be a property of each gene or its genetic milieu rather than the clade to which it belongs. Evidence from approximately 200,000 nucleotides (40,000 per genome) suggests that polyploidy in Gossypium led to a modest enhancement in rates of nucleotide substitution. Phylogenetic analysis for each gene yielded the topology expected from organismal history, indicating an absence of gene conversion or recombination among homoeologs subsequent to allopolyploid formation. Using the mean synonymous substitution rate calculated across the 48 genes, allopolyploid cotton is estimated to have formed circa 1.5 million years ago (MYA), after divergence of the diploid progenitors about 6.7 MYA.  相似文献   
Cell-free cytoplasmic extracts of the Syrian hamster cell lines C13/SV28 and BHK-21F were immunogenic in Syrian hamsters. The resulting antisera cross-reacted completely with antisera against lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in an immunoradiometric assay employing BHK-21F antigen. Several other Syrian hamster cell lines not previously known to be infected with LCMV were also strongly positive when assayed for viral antigens. Also, several mouse sera and antisera raised in Syrian hamsters against cells transformed by papovaviruses had high titers of anti-LCMV activity. No cytopathic effect was evident in any of the persistently infected cell lines. Culture media from these cells were not infectious and showed no evidence of defective interfering particles. However, cell-free extracts of all the persistently infected cells contained material capable of transmitting the persistent infection to uninfected cells of Syrian hamsters, rats, mice, green monkeys, and humans. The onset of infection is much slower than when LCMV virions are used. When 2 X 10(6) uninfected BHK cells were treated with an extract from 100 persistently infected cells, the new infection was apparent within about 12 days. When an extract from 10(6) cells was used, the new infection was apparent within about 5 days, but not sooner. The intracellular infectious material was sensitive to treatment with deoxycholate, Nonidet P-40, or ether but resistant to treatment with RNase or trypsin. It was also large (5,000S) and heterodisperse on sucrose gradients. The infectious material was probably contained in large lipid vesicles and their integrity was probably essential for infection. When a few persistently infected cells were cocultivated with many uninfected cells, a few discrete colonies positive for LCMV antigens were observed after about 5 days. Since the culture media were not infectious, the infection probably spread by cell-cell contact. Several different experiments indicated that interferon did not play a major role in mediating persistence in this case. Persistent infections by LCMV can be maintained without expression of extracellular virus particles and without appearance of large amounts of viral antigens on the cell surface. Cell-cell contact could still allow transmission of intracellular infectious material. In an animal, these properties could circumvent immune surveillance.  相似文献   
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