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Dendritic cells (DCs) are a heterogeneous population of migratory cells specialized for the uptake, processing, and presentation of antigen to T cells. They consist of a variety of mature subpopulations, classically divided into "lymphoid" and "myeloid" subsets. Although there likely exists significant plasticity and redundancy between DC subpopulations, unique differences have been noted in their abilities for T cell stimulation, tolerance induction, T helper cell polarization, cytokine secretion, and anatomic localization. Although DCs are conspicuously absent from the healthy CNS parenchyma, their presence in the vascular-rich regions of the healthy CNS has been well established and suggests they may have a role in immune surveillance. DCs do accumulate in the CNS parenchyma in a wide range of inflammatory responses including parasite, viral, or bacterial infection and CNS autoimmune disease. They also are present in CNS immune responses without overt T cell involvement, such as the inflammation accompanying CNS injury or neurodegeneration. Controversy remains on the role of CNS DCs during inflammation and whether they differentiate from CNS-resident microglia or infiltrate from a blood-borne population. This review will summarize DC subsets and function, overview the current research on DCs in the healthy and inflamed CNS, and address discrepancies between experimental studies.  相似文献   
A hippurate-negative biovariant of Brachyspira pilosicoli (B. pilosicoli hipp-) is occasionally isolated in diarrhoeic pigs in Finland, often concomitantly with hippurate-positive B. pilosicoli or Lawsonia intracellularis. We studied pathogenicity of B. pilosicoli hipp- with special attention paid to avoiding co-infection with other enteric pathogens. Pigs were weaned and moved to barrier facilities at the age of 11 days. At 46 days, 8 pigs were inoculated with B. pilosicoli hipp- strain Br1622, 8 pigs were inoculated with B. pilosicoli type strain P43/6/78 and 7 pigs were sham-inoculated. No signs of spirochaetal diarrhoea were detected; only one pig, inoculated with P43/6/78, had soft faeces from day 9 to 10 post inoculation. The pigs were necropsied between days 7 and 23 after inoculation. Live pigs were culture-negative for Brachyspira spp., but B. pilosicoli hipp- was reisolated from necropsy samples of two pigs. The lesions on large colons were minor and did not significantly differ between the three trial groups. In silver-stained sections, invasive spirochaetes were detected in colonic mucosae of several pigs in all groups. Fluorescent in situ hybridisation for genus Brachyspira, B. pilosicoli and strain Br1622 was negative. However, in situ detection for members of the genus Leptospira was positive for spirochaete-like bacteria in the colonic epithelium of several pigs in both infected groups as well as in the control group. L. intracellularis, Salmonella spp., Yersinia spp. and intestinal parasites were not detected. The failure of B. pilosicoli strains to cause diarrhoea is discussed with respect to infectivity of the challenge strains, absence of certain intestinal pathogens and feed and management factors.  相似文献   
Sexual selection is thought to have driven the diversificationof courtship behavior and associated ornamentation between geographicallyisolated populations of the jumping spider Habronattus pugillisGriswold. In an attempt to understand the pathways of sexualselection during this diversification, we conducted reciprocalmating trials between two populations of H. pugillis (SantaRita [SR] and Atascosa [AT]) that differ in both male courtshipdisplay and secondary sexual ornamentation. Observations ofmating frequencies show a xenophilic mating preference in whichSR females have a stronger response to AT males than to SR males,while AT females show no difference in mating frequency. Theseresults are not consistent with a coevolutionary process inwhich male traits and female preferences evolve in concert,positively reinforcing each other. We discuss alternative pathwaysof sexual selection that may have acted in this system, includingthe possibility that female preferences and male traits haveevolved antagonistically. In addition, we found that SR femalesspent a higher proportion of time prior to copulation visuallyattentive to AT males versus SR males. This difference in visualattention prior to copulation was not seen in AT females andmay provide insights into our observations of xenophilic matingpreference.  相似文献   
Although oxidative stress is known to contribute to endothelial dysfunction-associated systemic vascular disorders, its role in pulmonary vascular disorders is less clear. Our previous studies, using isolated pulmonary arteries taken from lambs with surgically created heart defect and increased pulmonary blood flow (Shunt), have suggested a role for reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the endothelial dysfunction of pulmonary hypertension, but in vivo data are lacking. Thus the initial objective of this study was to determine whether Shunt lambs had elevated levels of ROS generation and whether this was associated with alterations in antioxidant capacity. Our results indicate that superoxide, but not hydrogen peroxide, levels were significantly elevated in Shunt lambs. In addition, we found that the increase in superoxide generation was not associated with alterations in antioxidant enzyme expression or activity. These data suggested that there is an increase in superoxide generation rather than a decrease in scavenging capacity in the lung. Thus we next examined the expression of various subunits of the NADPH oxidase complex as a potential source of the superoxide production. Results indicated that the expression of Rac1 and p47(phox) is increased in Shunt lambs. We also found that the NADPH oxidase inhibitor diphenyliodonium (DPI) significantly reduced dihydroethidium (DHE) oxidation in lung sections prepared from Shunt but not Control lambs. As DPI can also inhibit endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) superoxide generation, we repeated this experiment using a more specific NADPH oxidase inhibitor (apocynin) and an inhibitor of NOS (3-ethylisothiourea). Our results indicated that both inhibitors significantly reduced DHE oxidation in lung sections prepared from Shunt but not Control lambs. To further investigate the mechanism by which eNOS becomes uncoupled in Shunt lambs, we evaluated the levels of dihydrobiopterin (BH(2)) and tetrahydrobiopterin (BH(4)) in lung tissues of Shunt and Control lambs. Our data indicated that although BH(4) levels were unchanged, BH(2) levels were significantly increased. Finally, we demonstrated that the addition of BH(2) produced an increase in superoxide generation from purified, recombinant eNOS. In conclusion our data demonstrate that the development of pulmonary hypertension in Shunt lambs is associated with increases in oxidative stress that are not explained by decreases in antioxidant expression or activity. Rather, the observed increase in oxidative stress is due, at least in part, to increased expression and activity of the NADPH oxidase complex and uncoupled eNOS due to elevated levels of BH(2).  相似文献   
Sphingolipids (SLs) play important roles in membrane structure and cell function. Here, we examine the SL requirements of various endocytic mechanisms using a mutant cell line and pharmacological inhibitors to disrupt SL biosynthesis. First, we demonstrated that in Chinese hamster ovary cells we could distinguish three distinct mechanisms of clathrin-independent endocytosis (caveolar, RhoA, and Cdc42 dependent) which differed in cargo, sensitivity to pharmacological agents, and dominant negative proteins. General depletion of SLs inhibited endocytosis by each clathrin-independent mechanism, whereas clathrin-dependent uptake was unaffected. Depletion of glycosphingolipids (GSLs; a subgroup of SLs) selectively blocked caveolar endocytosis and decreased caveolin-1 and caveolae at the plasma membrane. Caveolar endocytosis and PM caveolae could be restored in GSL-depleted cells by acute addition of exogenous GSLs. Disruption of RhoA- and Cdc42-regulated endocytosis by SL depletion was shown to be related to decreased targeting of these Rho proteins to the plasma membrane and could be partially restored by exogenous sphingomyelin but not GSLs. Both the in vivo membrane targeting and in vitro binding to artificial lipid vesicles of RhoA and Cdc42 were shown to be dependent upon sphingomyelin. These results provide the first evidence that SLs are differentially required for distinct mechanisms of clathrin-independent endocytosis.  相似文献   
This paper argues that due to the co-evolution of biological and cultural diversity, a meaningful study of biodiversity must be positioned within complex social-ecological systems. A complex systems framework is proposed for conceptualising the study of social-ecological systems. A case study approach is adopted whereby changes in biodiversity on the Causse Méjan, France, are linked with changes in society, land use, agricultural practices and policies. We argue that ecological and social resilience is linked through the dependence on ecosystems of communities, and in turn by the influence of institutional structures, including market forces, on the use of natural resources. Within a non-equilibrium evolutionary perspective, we highlight the difficulty of choosing a landscape and biodiversity of reference and postulating that it is in equilibrium with a type of social organisation. We conclude by exploring an ‘adaptive management’ approach to the management of the biodiverse landscape studied.  相似文献   
Molecular modeling in combination with X-ray crystallographic information was employed to identify a region of the kinesin spindle protein (KSP) binding site not fully utilized by our first generation inhibitors. We discovered that by appending a propylamine substituent at the C5 carbon of a dihydropyrazole core, we could effectively fill this unoccupied region of space and engage in a hydrogen-bonding interaction with the enzyme backbone. This change led to a second generation compound with increased potency, a 400-fold enhancement in aqueous solubility at pH 4, and improved dog pharmacokinetics relative to the first generation compound.  相似文献   
2,4-Diaryl-2,5-dihydropyrroles have been discovered to be novel, potent and water-soluble inhibitors of KSP, an emerging therapeutic target for the treatment of cancer. A potential concern for these basic KSP inhibitors (1 and 2) was hERG binding that can be minimized by incorporation of a potency-enhancing C2 phenol combined with neutral N1 side chains. Aqueous solubility was restored to these, and other, non-basic inhibitors, through a phosphate prodrug strategy.  相似文献   
The evolution of 2,4-diaryl-2,5-dihydropyrroles as inhibitors of KSP is described. Introduction of basic amide and urea moieties to the dihydropyrrole nucleus enhanced potency and aqueous solubility, simultaneously, and provided compounds that caused mitotic arrest of A2780 human ovarian carcinoma cells with EC(50)s<10nM. Ancillary hERG activity was evaluated for this series of inhibitors.  相似文献   
Powdery mildew of grapevines is difficult to assess visually at the weighbridge, particularly in large consignments of machine-harvested fruit. To facilitate accurate methods for the detection and quantification of the disease in grape samples obtained from both the vineyard and winery, we developed a DNA probe for the pathogen Erysiphe necator. The E. necator-specific 450 bp DNA fragment pEnA1, targets highly repetitive sequences and was isolated from a partial genomic library. In screening for species specificity, clone pEnA1 was used in slot-blot hybridization and detected E. necator DNA from grapes and resultant must and juice, but not from clarified juice and wine. The detection threshold was approximately 50 pg ofE. necator DNA per 100 ng total DNA of grape sample and was equivalent to 1–5 % of a grape bunch visually affected by powdery mildew. Disease severity, expressed as the percentage of surface area of a bunch with powdery mildew, and E. necator DNA content were highly correlated, r2 = 0.955, P < 0.001. The DNA-based hybridization assay has the potential to predict the severity of powdery mildew in grape samples from the vineyard and in must and juice samples at the winery. The DNA sequence of clone pEnA1 was used to design species-specific primers, the results maintaining the same specificity patterns observed in the initial hybridization assays. The PCR-based assay was sensitive enough to detect approximately 1 pg DNA, being equivalent to 1 conidium per sample. This is the first report to date of the detection of all known phenetic groups of E. necator DNA and of the quantification of DNA from grape samples at the winery. Accurate information on the extent of powdery mildew contamination of grape lots would enable wineries to make more informed decisions about the use of fruit and must.  相似文献   
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