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Cisplatin is a widely used antineoplastic agent; however, its major limitation is the development of dose-dependent nephrotoxicity whose precise mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we show not only that mitochondrial dysfunction is a feature of cisplatin nephrotoxicity, but also that targeted delivery of superoxide dismutase mimetics to mitochondria largely prevents the renal effects of cisplatin. Cisplatin induced renal oxidative stress, deterioration of mitochondrial structure and function, an intense inflammatory response, histopathological injury, and renal dysfunction. A single systemic dose of mitochondrially targeted antioxidants, MitoQ or Mito-CP, dose-dependently prevented cisplatin-induced renal dysfunction. Mito-CP also prevented mitochondrial injury and dysfunction, renal inflammation, and tubular injury and apoptosis. Despite being broadly renoprotective against cisplatin, Mito-CP did not diminish cisplatin's antineoplastic effect in a human bladder cancer cell line. Our results highlight the central role of mitochondrially generated oxidants in the pathogenesis of cisplatin nephrotoxicity. Because similar compounds seem to be safe in humans, mitochondrially targeted antioxidants may represent a novel therapeutic approach against cisplatin nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   
The molecular mechanisms controlling inductive events leading to the specification and terminal differentiation of cardiomyocytes are still largely unknown. We have investigated the role of Cripto, an EGF-CFC factor, in the earliest stages of cardiomyogenesis. We find that both the timing of initiation and the duration of Cripto signaling are crucial for priming differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells into cardiomyocytes, indicating that Cripto acts early to determine the cardiac fate. Furthermore, we show that failure to activate Cripto signaling in this early window of time results in a direct conversion of ES cells into a neural fate. Moreover, the induction of Cripto activates the Smad2 pathway, and overexpression of activated forms of type I receptor ActRIB compensates for the lack of Cripto signaling in promoting cardiomyogenesis. Finally, we show that Nodal antagonists inhibit Cripto-regulated cardiomyocyte induction and differentiation in ES cells. All together our findings provide evidence for a novel role of the Nodal/Cripto/Alk4 pathway in this process.  相似文献   
Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) activation induces colonic inflammation by an unknown mechanism. We hypothesized that PAR2 agonists administered intracolonically in mice induce inflammation via a neurogenic mechanism. Pretreatment of mice with neurokinin-1 and calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor antagonists or with capsaicin showed attenuated PAR2-agonist-induced colitis. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated a differential expression of a marker for the type-1 CGRP receptor during the time course of PAR2-agonist-induced colitis, further suggesting a role for CGRP. We conclude that PAR2-agonist-induced intestinal inflammation involves the release of neuropeptides, which by acting on their receptors cause inflammation. These results implicate PAR2 as an important mediator of intestinal neurogenic inflammation.  相似文献   
The progress of a cell through its growth cycle is a multifaceted process; so far we have seen only a glimpse of the complex interplay between the macromolecules performing and regulating the different steps involved. In most organisms, control mechanisms ensure that all chromosomal DNA sequences are replicated once, and only once, between two cell divisions. This enables each division to produce two daughter cells with a genetic content identical to that of their mother. Although the biochemical synthetic processes involved in replicating DNA have been described in detail, our knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms of DNA replication remains scant. In recent experiments with Escherichia coli, new light has been shed on these elusive control mechanisms, and evidence has emerged that may signal an end to our ignorance about this important biological problem.  相似文献   
Ventilation with a small tidal volume (V(t)) is associated with better clinical outcomes than with a large V(t), particularly in critical settings, including acute lung injury. To determine whether V(t) influences the lipopolysaccaharide (LPS) recognition pathway, we studied CD14 expression in rabbit lungs and the release of TNF-alpha by cultured alveolar macrophages after 240 min of ventilation with a large (20 ml/kg) vs. a small (5 ml/kg) V(t). We also applied small or large V(t) to lungs instilled with 50 microg/kg of LPS. The alveolar macrophages collected after large V(t) ventilation revealed a 20-fold increase in LPS-induced TNF-alpha release compared with those collected after small V(t) ventilation, whereas TNF-alpha was undetectable without LPS stimulation. In animals ventilated with a large V(t), the expression of CD14 mRNA in whole lung homogenates and the expression of CD14 protein on alveolar macrophages, assessed by immunohistochemistry, were both significantly increased in the absence of LPS stimulation. A large V(t) applied to LPS-instilled lungs increased the pulmonary albumin permeability and TNF-alpha release into the plasma. These results suggest that mechanical stress caused by a large V(t) sensitizes the lungs to endotoxin, a phenomenon that may occur partially via the upregulation of CD14.  相似文献   
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are required for maintaining cell identity and stem cell self-renewal. RING1B and Polycomb (Pc) are two components of a multiprotein complex called polycomb repression complex 1 (PRC1) that is essential for establishing and maintaining long-term repressed gene states. Here we characterize the interaction between the C-terminal region of RING1B (C-RING1B) and the Pc cbox domain. The C-RING1B-cbox interaction displays a 1:1 stoichiometry with dissociation constants ranging from 9.2 to 180 nM for the different Pc orthologues. NMR analysis of C-RING1B alone reveals line broadening. However, when it is in complex with the cbox domain, there is a striking change to the NMR spectrum indicative of conformational tightening. This conformational change may arise from the organization of the C-RING1B subdomains. The C-terminal regions of all PcG RING1 proteins are composed of two stretches of conserved sequences separated by a variable linker sequence. While the entire C-RING1B region is required for cbox binding, the N- and C-terminal halves of C-RING1B can be separated and are able to interact, suggesting the presence of an intramolecular interaction within C-RING1B. The flexibility within the C-RING1B structure allowing transitions between the intramolecular bound and unbound states may cause the broadened peaks of the C-RING1B NMR spectrum. Binding the cbox domain stabilizes C-RING1B, whereby broadening is eliminated. The presence of flexible regions could allow C-RING1B to bind a variety of different factors, ultimately recruiting RING1B and its associated PcG proteins to different genomic loci.  相似文献   
Abnormal adhesion of sickle red blood cells (SS RBCs) to vascular endothelium may play an important role in vasoocclusion in sickle cell disease. Accruing evidence shows that endothelial alpha V beta 3-integrin has an important role in SS RBC adhesion because of its ability to bind several adhesive proteins implicated in this interaction. In the present studies, we tested therapeutic efficacy of small-molecule cyclic pentapeptides for their ability to block alpha V beta 3-mediated SS RBC adhesion by using two well-established assay systems, i.e., cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and artificially perfused mesocecum vasculature of the rat under flow conditions. We tested the efficacy of two RGD-containing cyclic pentapeptides, i.e., cRGDFV (EMD 66203) and cRGDF-ACHA (alpha-amino cyclohexyl carboxylic acid) (EMD 270179), based on their known ability to bind alpha V beta 3. An inactive peptide, EMD 135981 (cR beta-ADFV) was used as control. Cyclization and the introduction of D-Phe (F) results in a marked increase in the ability of cyclic peptides to selectively bind alpha V beta 3 receptors. In the mesocecum vasculature, both EMD 66203 and EMD 270179 ameliorated platelet-activating factor-induced enhanced SS RBC adhesion, postcapillary blockage, and significantly improved hemodynamic behavior. Infusion of a fluorescent derivative of EMD 66203 resulted in colocalization of the antagonist with vascular endothelium. Also, pretreatment of HUVEC with either alpha V beta 3 antagonist resulted in a significant decrease in SS RBC adhesion. Because of their metabolic stability, the use of these cyclic alpha V beta 3 antagonists may constitute a novel therapeutic strategy to block SS RBC adhesion and associated vasoocclusion under flow conditions.  相似文献   
Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 is a methanogen belonging to the order Methanomicrobiales within the archaeal phylum Euryarchaeota. The type strain, JR1, was isolated from anoxic sediments of the Black Sea. M. marisnigri is of phylogenetic interest because at the time the sequencing project began only one genome had previously been sequenced from the order Methanomicrobiales. We report here the complete genome sequence of M. marisnigri type strain JR1 and its annotation. This is part of a Joint Genome Institute 2006 Community Sequencing Program to sequence genomes of diverse Archaea.  相似文献   
Strains of Xanthomonas translucens have caused dieback in the Australian pistachio industry for the last 15 years. Such pathogenicity to a dicotyledonous woody host contrasts with that of other pathovars of X. translucens, which are characterized by their pathogenicity to monocotyledonous plant families. Further investigations, using DNA-DNA hybridization, gyrB gene sequencing and integron screening, were conducted to confirm the taxonomic status of the X. translucens pathogenic to pistachio. DNA-DNA hybridization provided a clear classification, at the species level, of the pistachio pathogen as a X. translucens. In the gyrB-based phylogeny, strains of the pistachio pathogen clustered among the X. translucens pathovars as two distinct lineages. Integron screening revealed that the cassette arrays of strains of the pistachio pathogen were different from those of other Xanthomonas species, and again distinguished two groups. Together with previously reported pathogenicity data, these results confirm that the pistachio pathogen is a new pathovar of X. translucens and allow hypotheses about its origin. The proposed name is Xanthomonas translucens pv. pistaciae pv. nov.  相似文献   
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