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Human thrombopoietin (hTPO) primarily stimulates megakaryocytopoiesis and platelet production and is neutralized by the mouse TN1 antibody. The thermodynamic characteristics of TN1 antibody–hTPO complexation were analyzed by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) using an antigen‐binding fragment (Fab) derived from the TN1 antibody (TN1‐Fab). To clarify the mechanism by which hTPO is recognized by TN1‐Fab the conformation of free TN1‐Fab was determined to a resolution of 2.0 Å using X‐ray crystallography and compared with the hTPO‐bound form of TN1‐Fab determined by a previous study. This structural comparison revealed that the conformation of TN1‐Fab does not substantially change after hTPO binding and a set of 15 water molecules is released from the antigen‐binding site (paratope) of TN1‐Fab upon hTPO complexation. Interestingly, the heat capacity change (ΔCp) measured by ITC (?1.52 ± 0.05 kJ mol?1 K?1) differed significantly from calculations based upon the X‐ray structure data of the hTPO‐bound and unbound forms of TN1‐Fab (?1.02 ~ 0.25 kJ mol?1 K?1) suggesting that hTPO undergoes an induced‐fit conformational change combined with significant desolvation upon TN1‐Fab binding. The results shed light on the structural biology associated with neutralizing antibody recognition.  相似文献   
Summary The mini-F plasmid has the trans-acting sopA, sopB genes and the cis-acting sopC DNA which are essential for plasmid partitioning. In this paper, we report the purification of the sopB gene product from extracts of cells harboring a pBR322 derivative carrying the sopB gene. The purity of the final preparation was more than 95%, as determined by densitometry. The amino acid sequence of the amino-terminal region of the protein for the 17 residues identified was identical to that predicted from the DNA sequence of the sopB gene. Therefore, it was concluded that the protein was the sopB gene product. Using anti-SopB serum, the SopB protein was detected in the cell lysates of F+, F, and Hfr strains. The SopB protein bound to the plasmid DNA of a pBR322 derivative carrying the sopC DNA segment, but not to the vector plasmid pBR322.  相似文献   
Three myoid-cell clones were established from the thymuses of two Wistar rats; one thymus yielded two clones, RBISA and R615B2, and the other yielded one clone, R613Ad. The three clones were divided into two subtypes. Both subtypes were able to form myofibrils, expressed AChR on their cell-surface membrane, and contained myofibrillar ATPase characteristic of und ifferentiated type-2C fibers, but they differed from each other in morphology, expression of Thy 1 antigen, spontaneous contractility, and qualitative accumulation of AChR. Immunolocalization studies using antisera against the respective cell subtypes also indicated regional differences in their cellular origin. These results show that the thymus contains heterogenous myoid-cell precursors.  相似文献   
We have identified an unusual potential dual Akt/protein kinase B consensus phosphorylation motif in the protein Synip (RxKxRS(97)xS(99)). Surprisingly, serine 97 is not appreciably phosphorylated, whereas serine 99 is only a specific substrate for Akt2 but not Akt1 or Akt3. Although wild-type Synip (WT-Synip) undergoes an insulin-stimulated dissociation from Syntaxin4, the Synip serine 99 to phenylalanine mutant (S99F-Synip) is resistant to Akt2 phosphorylation and fails to display insulin-stimulated Syntaxin4 dissociation. Furthermore, overexpression of WT-Synip in 3T3L1 adipocytes had no effect on insulin-stimulated recruitment of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane, whereas overexpression of S99F-Synip functioned in a dominant-interfering manner by preventing insulin-stimulated GLUT4 recruitment and plasma membrane fusion. These data demonstrate that insulin activation of Akt2 specifically regulates the docking/fusion step of GLUT4-containing vesicles at the plasma membrane through the regulation of Synip phosphorylation and Synip-Syntaxin4 interaction.  相似文献   
The ultimate goal of catalytic antibody research is to develop new patient therapies that use the advantages offered by human catalytic antibodies. The establishment of a high-throughput method for obtaining valuable candidate catalytic antibodies must be accelerated to achieve this objective. In this study, based on our concept that we can find antibody light chains with a high probability of success if they include a serine protease-like catalytic triad composed of Ser, His, and Asp on a variable region of the antibody structure, we amplified and cloned DNAs encoding human antibody light chains from germline genes of subgroup II by seminested PCR using two primer sets designed for this purpose. Seven DNA fragments encoding light chains in 17 clones were derived from germline gene A18b, 6 DNA fragments from A3/A19, 2 DNA fragments from A17, and a clone DNA fragment from A5 and O11/O1. All light chains expressed in Escherichia coli and highly purified under nondenaturing conditions exhibited amidolytic activity against synthetic peptides. Some of the light chains exhibited unique features that suppressed the infectious activity of the rabies virus. Furthermore, the survival rate of mice in which a lethal level of the rabies virus was coinoculated directly into the brain with light chain 18 was significantly improved. In the case of humans, these results demonstrate that high-throughput selection of light chains possessing catalytic functions and specificity for a target molecule can be attained from a light-chain DNA library amplified from germline genes belonging to subgroup II.  相似文献   
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by congenital malformation of the great toes and by progressive heterotopic bone formation in muscle tissue. Recently, a mutation involving a single amino acid substitution in a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptor, ALK2, was identified in patients with FOP. We report here that the identical mutation, R206H, was observed in 19 Japanese patients with sporadic FOP. This mutant receptor, ALK2(R206H), activates BMP signaling without ligand binding. Moreover, expression of Smad1 and Smad5 was up-regulated in response to muscular injury. ALK2(R206H) with Smad1 or Smad5 induced osteoblastic differentiation that could be inhibited by Smad7 or dorsomorphin. Taken together, these findings suggest that the heterotopic bone formation in FOP may be induced by a constitutively activated BMP receptor signaling through Smad1 or Smad5. Gene transfer of Smad7 or inhibition of type I receptors with dorsomorphin may represent strategies for blocking the activity induced by ALK2(R206H) in FOP.  相似文献   
STAT3 regulates glucose homeostasis by suppressing the expression of gluconeogenic genes in the liver. The mechanism by which hepatic STAT3 is regulated by nutritional or hormonal status has remained unknown, however. Here, we show that an increase in the plasma insulin concentration, achieved either by glucose administration or by intravenous insulin infusion, stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of STAT3 in the liver. This effect of insulin was mediated by the hormone's effects in the brain, and the increase in hepatic IL-6 induced by the brain-insulin action is essential for the activation of STAT3. The inhibition of hepatic glucose production and of expression of gluconeogenic genes induced by intracerebral ventricular insulin infusion was impaired in mice with liver-specific STAT3 deficiency or in mice with IL-6 deficiency. These results thus indicate that IL-6-STAT3 signaling in the liver contributes to insulin action in the brain, leading to the suppression of hepatic glucose production.  相似文献   
Recombinant collagens are attractive proteins for a number of biomedical applications. To date, significant progress was made in the large-scale production of nonmodified recombinant collagens; however, engineering of novel collagen-like proteins according to customized specifications has not been addressed. Herein we investigated the possibility of rational engineering of collagen-like proteins with specifically assigned characteristics. We have genetically engineered two DNA constructs encoding multi-D4 collagens defined as collagen-like proteins, consisting primarily of a tandem of the collagen II D4 periods that correspond to the biologically active region. We have also attempted to decrease enzymatic degradation of novel collagen by mutating a matrix metalloproteinase 1 cleavage site present in the D4 period. We demonstrated that the recombinant collagen alpha-chains consisting predominantly of the D4 period but lacking most of the other D periods found in native collagen fold into a typical collagen triple helix, and the novel procollagens are correctly processed by procollagen N-proteinase and procollagen C-proteinase. The nonmutated multi-D4 collagen had a normal melting point of 41 degrees C and a similar carbohydrate content as that of control. In contrast, the mutant multi-D4 collagen had a markedly lower thermostability of 36 degrees C and a significantly higher carbohydrate content. Both collagens were cleaved at multiple sites by matrix metalloproteinase 1, but the rate of hydrolysis of the mutant multi-D4 collagen was lower. These results provide a basis for the rational engineering of collagenous proteins and identifying any undesirable consequences of altering the collagenous amino acid sequences.  相似文献   
Repeated exposure of ultraviolet radiation B (UVB) on the dorsal skin of hairless mice induces the development of pigmented spots long after its cessation. The proliferation and differentiation of epidermal melanocytes in UVB-induced pigmented spots are greatly increased, and those effects are regulated by keratinocytes rather than by melanocytes. However, it remains to be resolved what factor(s) derived from keratinocytes are involved in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of epidermal melanocytes. In this study, primary melanoblasts (c. 80%) and melanocytes (c. 20%) derived from epidermal cell suspensions of mouse skin were cultured in a basic fibroblast growth factor-free medium supplemented with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). GM-CSF induced the proliferation and differentiation of melanocytes in those keratinocyte-depleted cultures. Moreover, an antibody to GM-CSF inhibited the proliferation of melanoblasts and melanocytes from epidermal cell suspensions derived from the pigmented spots of UV-irradiated mice, but not from control mice. Further, the GM-CSF antibody inhibited the proliferation and differentiation of melanocytes co-cultured with keratinocytes derived from UV-irradiated mice, but not from control mice. The quantity of GM-CSF secreted from keratinocytes derived from the pigmented spots of UV-irradiated mice was much greater than that secreted from keratinocytes derived from control mice. Moreover, immunohistochemistry revealed the expression of GM-CSF in keratinocytes derived from the pigmented spots of skin in UV-irradiated mice, but not from normal skin in control mice. These results suggest that GM-CSF is one of the keratinocyte-derived factors involved in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of mouse epidermal melanocytes from UVB-induced pigmented spots.  相似文献   
We examined changes in electrical and morphological properties of rat osteoclasts in response to prostaglandin (PG)E2. PGE2 (>10 nM) stimulated an outwardly rectifying Cl current in a concentration-dependent manner and caused a long-lasting depolarization of cell membrane. This PGE2-induced Cl current was reversibly inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid (NPPB), and tamoxifen. The anion permeability sequence of this current was I > Br Cl > gluconate. When outwardly rectifying Cl current was induced by hyposmotic extracellular solution, no further stimulatory effect of PGE2 was seen. Forskolin and dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (DBcAMP) mimicked the effect of PGE2. The PGE2-induced Cl current was inhibited by pretreatment with guanosine 5'-O-2-(thiodiphosphate) (GDPS), Rp-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate (Rp-cAMPS), N-(2-[p-bromocinnamylamino]ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide dihydrochloride (H-89), and protein kinase A inhibitors. Even in the absence of nonosteoclastic cells, PGE2 (1 µM) reduced cell surface area and suppressed motility of osteoclasts, and these effects were abolished by Rp-cAMPS or H-89. PGE2 is known to exert its effects through four subtypes of PGE receptors (EP1–EP4). EP2 and EP4 agonists (ONO-AE1-259 and ONO-AE1-329, respectively), but not EP1 and EP3 agonists (ONO-DI-004 and ONO-AE-248, respectively), mimicked the electrical and morphological actions of PGE2 on osteoclasts. Our results show that PGE2 stimulates rat osteoclast Cl current by activation of a cAMP-dependent pathway through EP2 and, to a lesser degree, EP4 receptors and reduces osteoclast motility. This effect is likely to reduce bone resorption. prostanoid receptor agonists; electrophysiology; motile activity; bone resorption  相似文献   
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