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1. Neurotrophins and serotonin have both been implicated in the pathophysiology of depression and in the mechanisms of antidepressant treatments. 2. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) influences the growth and plasticity of serotonergic (5-HT) neurons via the activation of trkB receptor. 3. Transgenic mice overexpressing the full-length trkB receptor (TrkB.TK+) and showing increased trkB activity in brain, and their wild type (WT) littermates, were injected with the antidepressant fluoxetine or saline, and analyzed behaviorally in the forced swimming test paradigm and biochemically for the concentrations of brain monoamines and their metabolites. 4. The TrkB.TK+ mice displayed increased latency to immobility in the forced swim test, suggesting resistance to behavioral despair. 5. Fluoxetine increased the latency to immobility in wild-type mice to a similar level as seen in the trkB.TK+ mice after saline treatment, but had no further behavioral effect in the swimming behavior of the trkB.TK+ mice. 6. Only minor differences in the levels of brain monoamines and their metabolites were observed between the transgenic and wild-type mice. 7. These data, together with other recent observations, suggest that trkB activation may play a critical role in the behavioral responses to antidepressant drugs in mice.  相似文献   
Although Prevotella melaninogenica belongs to the commensal oral microbiota, some strains possess putative virulence factors. For example, we have previously described fimbriated, hemagglutinating strains of P. melaninogenica, isolated from patients with periodontal disease. The aim of this investigation was to compare some chemical and physical properties of hemagglutination (HA) of P. melaninogenica with those of other pigmented gram-negative anaerobes. HA of 13 P. melaninogenica strains proved to be considerably weaker than that of the major periodontal pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis. Vigorous shaking reduced HA of shaken cells but the shaken supernatant had the same hemagglutinating activity as non-shaken cells. The hemagglutinating agent on P. melaninogenica seemed to be a protein, which can be separated from the cell and binds to lactose-, galactose-, and raffinose-containing carbohydrates on the erythrocytes. Adherence to epithelial cells did not differ significantly between the hemagglutinating and non-hemagglutinating strains of P. melaninogenica. Although P. melaninogenica is able to agglutinate erythrocytes, this potential virulence factor is of a considerably lower magnitude than that of major periodontal pathogens.  相似文献   
Astrocytes secrete cholesterol in lipoprotein particles. Here we show that primary murine embryonic astrocytes secrete endogenously synthesized cholesterol but also the cholesterol precursors desmosterol and lathosterol. In astrocyte membranes, desmosterol and cholesterol were the predominant sterols. Astrocytes derived from Niemann-Pick type C lipidosis (NPC1-/-) mice displayed late endosomal cholesterol deposits, but the secretion of biosynthetic sterols from the cells was not inhibited. Both wild-type and NPC1-/- astrocytes secreted the NPC2 protein. Size-exclusion chromatography combined with electron microscopy showed that the majority of sterols were secreted separately from NPC2 in heterogeneous spherical particles with an average diameter of 20 nm. These data suggest that NPC2 and the majority of sterols secreted from astrocytes are not released together and that the secretion of neither sterols nor NPC2 requires NPC1 function. In addition, the findings reveal a complexity of sterol species in astrocytes and bring up the possibility that some of the effects assigned to astrocyte cholesterol may be attributed to its penultimate precursors.  相似文献   
The N(1)-acetylation of spermidine or spermine by spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase (SSAT) is the ratecontrolling enzymatic step in the polyamine catabolism. We have now generated SSAT knockout (SSAT-KO) mice, which confirmed our earlier results with SSATdeficient embryonic stem (ES) cells showing only slightly affected polyamine homeostasis, mainly manifested as an elevated molar ratio of spermidine to spermine in most tissues indicating the indispensability of SSAT for the spermidine backconversion.Contrary to SSAT deficient ES cells, polyamine pools in SSAT-KO mice remained almost unchanged in response to N(1),N(11)-diethylnorspermine (DENSPM) treatment compared to a significant reduction of the polyamine pools in the wild-type animals and ES cells. Furthermore, SSATKO mice were more sensitive to the toxicity exerted by DENSPM in comparison with wild-type mice. The latter finding indicates that inducible SSAT plays an essential role in vivo in DENSPM treatmentevoked polyamine depletion, but a controversial role in toxicity of DENSPM. Surprisingly, liver polyamine pools were depleted similarly in wild-type and SSAT-KO mice in response to carbon tetrachloride treatment. Further characterization of SSAT knockout mice revealed insulin resistance at old age which supported the role of polyamine catabolism in glucose metabolism detected earlier with our SSAT overexpressing mice displaying enhanced basal metabolic rate, high insulin sensitivity and improved glucose tolerance. Therefore SSAT knockout mice might serve as a novel mouse model for type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
Neph3 (filtrin) is a membrane protein expressed in the glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes), but its role in the glomerulus is still largely unknown. To characterize the function of Neph3 in the glomerulus, we employed the zebrafish as a model system. Here we show that the expression of neph3 in pronephros starts before the onset of nephrin and podocin expression, peaks when the nephron primordium differentiates into glomerulus and tubulus, and is then downregulated upon glomerular maturation. By histology, we found that neph3 is specifically expressed in pronephric podocytes at 36 hpf. Furthermore, disruption of neph3 expression by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides results in distorted body curvature and transient pericardial edema, the latter likely reflecting perturbation of glomerular osmoregulatory function. Histological analysis of neph3 morphants reveals altered glomerular morphology and dilated pronephric tubules. The phenotype of neph3 morphants, curved body and pericardial edema, is rescued by wild-type zebrafish neph3 mRNA. In addition to glomerulus, neph3 is highly expressed in the developing brain and specific regions of mature midbrain and hindbrain. In line with this, neph3 morphants show aberrant brain morphology. Collectively, the expression of neph3 in glomerulus and brain together with the morphant phenotype imply that neph3 is a pleiotropic gene active during distinct stages of tissue differentiation and associates directly in the regulation of both glomerular and neural development.  相似文献   
Inherited ataxias are characterized by degeneration of the cerebellar structures, which results in progressive motor incoordination. Hereditary ataxias occur in many species, including humans and dogs. Several mutations have been found in humans, but the genetic background has remained elusive in dogs. The Finnish Hound suffers from an early-onset progressive cerebellar ataxia. We have performed clinical, pathological, and genetic studies to describe the disease phenotype and to identify its genetic cause. Neurological examinations on ten affected dogs revealed rapidly progressing generalized cerebellar ataxia, tremors, and failure to thrive. Clinical signs were present by the age of 3 months, and cerebellar shrinkage was detectable through MRI. Pathological and histological examinations indicated cerebellum-restricted neurodegeneration. Marked loss of Purkinje cells was detected in the cerebellar cortex with secondary changes in other cortical layers. A genome-wide association study in a cohort of 31 dogs mapped the ataxia gene to a 1.5 Mb locus on canine chromosome 8 (praw = 1.1×10−7, pgenome = 7.5×10−4). Sequencing of a functional candidate gene, sel-1 suppressor of lin-12-like (SEL1L), revealed a homozygous missense mutation, c.1972T>C; p.Ser658Pro, in a highly conserved protein domain. The mutation segregated fully in the recessive pedigree, and a 10% carrier frequency was indicated in a population cohort. SEL1L is a component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–associated protein degradation (ERAD) machinery and has not been previously associated to inherited ataxias. Dysfunctional protein degradation is known to cause ER stress, and we found a significant increase in expression of nine ER stress responsive genes in the cerebellar cortex of affected dogs, supporting the pathogenicity of the mutation. Our study describes the first early-onset neurodegenerative ataxia mutation in dogs, establishes an ERAD–mediated neurodegenerative disease model, and proposes SEL1L as a new candidate gene in progressive childhood ataxias. Furthermore, our results have enabled the development of a genetic test for breeders.  相似文献   
Cholesterol substitution increases the structural heterogeneity of caveolae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Caveolin-1 binds cholesterol and caveola formation involves caveolin-1 oligomerization and cholesterol association. The role of cholesterol in caveolae has so far been addressed by methods that compromise membrane integrity and abolish caveolar invaginations. To study the importance of sterol specificity for the structure and function of caveolae, we replaced cholesterol in mammalian cells with its immediate precursor desmosterol by inhibiting 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase. Desmosterol could substitute for cholesterol in maintaining cell growth, membrane integrity, and preserving caveolar invaginations. However, in desmosterol cells the affinity of caveolin-1 for sterol and the stability of caveolin oligomers were decreased. Moreover, caveolar invaginations became more heterogeneous in dimensions and in the number of caveolin-1 molecules per caveola. Despite the altered caveolar structure, caveolar ligand uptake was only moderately inhibited. We found that in desmosterol cells, Src kinase phosphorylated Cav1 at Tyr(14) more avidly than in cholesterol cells. Taken the role of Cav1 Tyr(14) phosphorylation in caveolar endocytosis, this may help to preserve caveolar uptake in desmosterol cells. We conclude that a sterol C24 double bond interferes with caveolin-sterol interaction and perturbs caveolar morphology but facilitates Cav1 Src phosphorylation and allows caveolar endocytosis. More generally, substitution of cholesterol by a structurally closely related sterol provides a method to selectively modify membrane protein-sterol affinity, structure and function of cholesterol-dependent domains without compromising membrane integrity.  相似文献   
Type 2 diabetes is characterized by decreased rates of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and utilization, reduced hexokinase II mRNA and enzyme production, and low basal levels of glucose 6-phosphate in insulin-sensitive skeletal muscle and adipose tissues. Hexokinase II is primarily expressed in muscle and adipose tissues where it catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate, a possible rate-limiting step for glucose disposal. To investigate the role of hexokinase II in insulin action and in glucose homeostasis as well as in mouse development, we generated a hexokinase II knock-out mouse. Mice homozygous for hexokinase II deficiency (HKII(-/-)) died at approximately 7.5 days post-fertilization, indicating that hexokinase II is vital for mouse embryogenesis after implantation and before organogenesis. HKII(+/-) mice were viable, fertile, and grew normally. Surprisingly, even though HKII(+/-) mice had significantly reduced (by 50%) hexokinase II mRNA and activity levels in skeletal muscle, heart, and adipose tissue, they did not exhibit impaired insulin action or glucose tolerance even when challenged with a high-fat diet.  相似文献   
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is composed of a controlled ratio of sheets and tubules, which are maintained by several proteins with multiple functions. Reticulons (RTNs), especially RTN4, and DP1/Yop1p family members are known to induce ER membrane curvature. RTN4B is the main RTN4 isoform expressed in nonneuronal cells. In this study, we identified FAM134C as a RTN4B interacting protein in mammalian, nonneuronal cells. FAM134C localized specifically to the ER tubules and sheet edges. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that overexpression of FAM134C induced the formation of unbranched, long tubules or dense globular structures composed of heavily branched narrow tubules. In both cases, tubules were nonmotile. ER tubulation was dependent on the reticulon homology domain (RHD) close to the N-terminus. FAM134C plays a role in the autophagy pathway as its level elevated significantly upon amino acid starvation but not during ER stress. Moreover, FAM134C depletion reduced the number and size of autophagic structures and the amount of ER as a cargo within autophagic structures under starvation conditions. Dominant-negative expression of FAM134C forms with mutated RHD or LC3 interacting region also led to a reduced number of autophagic structures. Our results suggest that FAM134C provides a link between regulation of ER architecture and ER turnover by promoting ER tubulation required for subsequent ER fragmentation and engulfment into autophagosomes.  相似文献   
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