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Previously constructed Escherichia coli strains that produce 1-propanol use the native threonine pathway, or a heterologous citramalate pathway. However, based on the energy and cofactor requirements of each pathway, a combination of the two pathways produces synergistic effects that increase the theoretical maximum yield with a simultaneous unexplained increase in productivity.


Identification of key factors that contribute to synergistic effect leading to 1-propanol yield and productivity improvement in E. coli with native threonine pathway and heterologous citramalate pathway.


A combination of snapshot metabolomic profiling and dynamic metabolic turnover analysis were used to identify system-wide perturbations that contribute to the productivity improvement.

Result and Conclusion

In the presence of both pathways, increased glucose consumption and elevated levels of glycolytic intermediates are attributed to an elevated phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)/pyruvate ratio that is known to increase the function of the native phosphotransferase. Turnover analysis of nitrogen containing byproducts reveals that ammonia assimilation, required for the threonine pathway, is streamlined when provided with an NAD(P)H surplus in the presence of the citramalate pathway. Our study illustrates the application of metabolomics in identification of factors that alter cellular physiology for improvement of 1-propanol bioproduction.
One of the earliest events in the signal transduction cascade that initiates a DNA damage checkpoint is the phosphorylation on serine 139 of histone H2AX (gammaH2AX) at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, the role of gammaH2AX in DNA repair is poorly understood. To address this question, we generated chicken DT40 cells carrying a serine to alanine mutation at position 139 of H2AX (H2AX(-/S139A)) and examined their DNA repair capacity. H2AX(-/S139A) cells exhibited defective homologous recombinational repair (HR) as manifested by delayed Rad51 focus formation following ionizing radiation (IR) and hypersensitivity to the topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin (CPT), which causes DSBs at replication blockage. Deletion of the Rad51 paralog gene, XRCC3, also delays Rad51 focus formation. To test the interaction of Xrcc3 and gammaH2AX, we disrupted XRCC3 in H2AX(-/S139A) cells. XRCC3(-/-)/H2AX(-/S139A) mutants were not viable, although this synthetic lethality was reversed by inserting a transgene that conditionally expresses wild-type H2AX. Upon repression of the wild-type H2AX transgene, XRCC3(-/-)/H2AX(-/S139A) cells failed to form Rad51 foci and exhibited markedly increased levels of chromosomal aberrations after CPT treatment. These results indicate that H2AX and XRCC3 act in separate arms of a branched pathway to facilitate Rad51 assembly.  相似文献   
The ubiquitin (Ub)-conjugating enzyme Ubc13 is implicated in Rad6/Rad18-dependent postreplication repair (PRR) in budding yeast, but its function in vertebrates is not known. We show here that disruption or siRNA depletion of UBC13 in chicken DT40 or human cells confers severe growth defects due to chromosome instability, and hypersensitivity to both UV and ionizing radiation, consistent with a conserved role for Ubc13 in PRR. Remarkably, Ubc13-deficient cells are also compromised for DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination (HR). Recruitment and activation of the E3 Ub ligase function of BRCA1 and the subsequent formation of the Rad51 nucleoprotein filament at DSBs are abolished in Ubc13-deficient cells. Furthermore, generation of ssDNA/RPA complexes at DSBs is severely attenuated in the absence of Ubc13. These data reveal a critical and unexpected role for vertebrate Ubc13 in the initiation of HR at the level of DSB processing.  相似文献   
To understand the biosynthetic network of fatty acids in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, which is able to produce poly-unsaturated fatty acids, we have attempted to identify genes encoding fatty acid elongase. Here we have characterized HpELO1, a fatty acid elongase gene encoding a 319-amino-acid protein containing five predicted membrane-spanning regions that is conserved throughout the yeast Elo protein family. Phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence suggests that HpELO1 is an ortholog of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ELO3 gene that is involved in the elongation of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). In the fatty acid profile of the Hpelo1Delta disruptant by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, the amount of C24:0 and C26:0 decreased to undetectable levels, whereas there was a large accumulation of C22:0, suggesting that the HpELO1 is involved in the elongation of VLCFAs and is essential for the production of C24:0. Expression of HpELO1 suppressed the lethality of the S. cerevisiae elo2Delta elo3Delta double disruptant and recovered the synthesis of VLCFAs. Similar to the S. cerevisiae elo3Delta strain, the Hpelo1Delta disruptant exhibited the extraordinary growth sensitivity to fumonisin B(1), a ceramide synthase inhibitor. Furthermore, cells of the Hpelo1Delta disruptant were more sensitive to Zymolyase and more flocculent than the wild-type cells, clumping together and falling rapidly out of suspension, suggesting that the Hpelo1Delta mutation causes changes in cell wall composition and structure.  相似文献   
Glycyrrhizin, a sweet triterpenoid saponin found in the roots and stolons of Glycyrrhiza species (licorice), is an important active ingredient in traditional herbal medicine. We previously identified two cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, CYP88D6 and CYP72A154, that produce an aglycone of glycyrrhizin, glycyrrhetinic acid, in Glycyrrhiza uralensis. The sugar moiety of glycyrrhizin, which is composed of two glucuronic acids, makes it sweet and reduces its side‐effects. Here, we report that UDP‐glycosyltransferase (UGT) 73P12 catalyzes the second glucuronosylation as the final step of glycyrrhizin biosynthesis in Guralensis; the UGT73P12 produced glycyrrhizin by transferring a glucuronosyl moiety of UDP‐glucuronic acid to glycyrrhetinic acid 3‐O‐monoglucuronide. We also obtained a natural variant of UGT73P12 from a glycyrrhizin‐deficient (83‐555) strain of Guralensis. The natural variant showed loss of specificity for UDP‐glucuronic acid and resulted in the production of an alternative saponin, glucoglycyrrhizin. These results are consistent with the chemical phenotype of the 83‐555 strain, and suggest the contribution of UGT73P12 to glycyrrhizin biosynthesis in planta. Furthermore, we identified Arg32 as the essential residue of UGT73P12 that provides high specificity for UDP‐glucuronic acid. These results strongly suggest the existence of an electrostatic interaction between the positively charged Arg32 and the negatively charged carboxy group of UDP‐glucuronic acid. The functional arginine residue and resultant specificity for UDP‐glucuronic acid are unique to UGT73P12 in the UGT73P subfamily. Our findings demonstrate the functional specialization of UGT73P12 for glycyrrhizin biosynthesis during divergent evolution, and provide mechanistic insights into UDP‐sugar selectivity for the rational engineering of sweet triterpenoid saponins.  相似文献   
Accumulating evidence suggests health benefits of ketone bodies, and especially for longevity. However, the precise role of endogenous ketogenesis in mammalian life span, and the safety and efficacy of the long-term exogenous supplementation of ketone bodies remain unclear. In the present study, we show that a deficiency in endogenous ketogenesis, induced by whole-body Hmgcs2 deletion, shortens life span in mice, and that this is prevented by daily ketone body supplementation using a diet containing 1,3-butanediol, a precursor of β-hydroxybutyrate. Furthermore, feeding the 1,3-butanediol-containing diet from early in life increases midlife mortality in normal mice, but in aged mice it extends life span and prevents the high mortality associated with atherosclerosis in ApoE-deficient mice. By contrast, an ad libitum low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet markedly increases mortality. In conclusion, endogenous ketogenesis affects mammalian survival, and ketone body supplementation may represent a double-edged sword with respect to survival, depending on the method of administration and health status.  相似文献   
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) seeds contain a large number of lignans, phenylpropanoid‐related plant specialized metabolites. (+)‐Sesamin and (+)‐sesamolin are major hydrophobic lignans, whereas (+)‐sesaminol primarily accumulates as a water‐soluble sesaminol triglucoside (STG) with a sugar chain branched via β1→2 and β1→6‐O‐glucosidic linkages [i.e. (+)‐sesaminol 2‐O‐β‐d ‐glucosyl‐(1→2)‐O‐β‐d ‐glucoside‐(1→6)‐O‐β‐d ‐glucoside]. We previously reported that the 2‐O‐glucosylation of (+)‐sesaminol aglycon and β1→6‐O‐glucosylation of (+)‐sesaminol 2‐O‐β‐d ‐glucoside (SMG) are mediated by UDP‐sugar‐dependent glucosyltransferases (UGT), UGT71A9 and UGT94D1, respectively. Here we identified a distinct UGT, UGT94AG1, that specifically catalyzes the β1→2‐O‐glucosylation of SMG and (+)‐sesaminol 2‐O‐β‐d ‐glucosyl‐(1→6)‐O‐β‐d ‐glucoside [termed SDG(β1→6)]. UGT94AG1 was phylogenetically related to glycoside‐specific glycosyltransferases (GGTs) and co‐ordinately expressed with UGT71A9 and UGT94D1 in the seeds. The role of UGT94AG1 in STG biosynthesis was further confirmed by identification of a STG‐deficient sesame mutant that predominantly accumulates SDG(β1→6) due to a destructive insertion in the coding sequence of UGT94AG1. We also identified UGT94AA2 as an alternative UGT potentially involved in sugar–sugar β1→6‐O‐glucosylation, in addition to UGT94D1, during STG biosynthesis. Yeast two‐hybrid assays showed that UGT71A9, UGT94AG1, and UGT94AA2 were found to interact with a membrane‐associated P450 enzyme, CYP81Q1 (piperitol/sesamin synthase), suggesting that these UGTs are components of a membrane‐bound metabolon for STG biosynthesis. A comparison of kinetic parameters of these UGTs further suggested that the main β‐O‐glucosylation sequence of STG biosynthesis is β1→2‐O‐glucosylation of SMG by UGT94AG1 followed by UGT94AA2‐mediated β1→6‐O‐glucosylation. These findings together establish the complete biosynthetic pathway of STG and shed light on the evolvability of regio‐selectivity of sequential glucosylations catalyzed by GGTs.  相似文献   
Fast and proper assessment of bio macro-molecular complex structural rigidity as a measure of structural stability can be useful in systematic studies to predict molecular function, and can also enable the design of rapid scoring functions to rank automatically generated bio-molecular complexes. Based on the graph theoretical approach of Jacobs et al. [Jacobs DJ, Rader AJ, Kuhn LA, Thorpe MF (2001) Protein flexibility predictions using graph theory. Proteins: Struct Funct Genet 44:150–165] for expressing molecular flexibility, we propose a new scheme to analyze the structural stability of bio-molecular complexes. This analysis is performed in terms of the identification in interacting subunits of clusters of flappy amino acids (those constituting regions of potential internal motion) that undergo an increase in rigidity at complex formation. Gains in structural rigidity of the interacting subunits upon bio-molecular complex formation can be evaluated by expansion of the network of intra-molecular inter-atomic interactions to include inter-molecular inter-atomic interaction terms. We propose two indices for quantifying this change: one local, which can express localized (at the amino acid level) structural rigidity, the other global to express overall structural stability for the complex. The new system is validated with a series of protein complex structures reported in the protein data bank. Finally, the indices are used as scoring coefficients to rank automatically generated protein complex decoys.  相似文献   
Quantitative and qualitative characterizations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were carried out at the watershed level in central Japan by measuring dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and the three-dimensional excitation–emission matrix (3-D EEM). DOC concentration was low (mean 37 ± 19 µM C) in the upstream waters, whereas, in general, it increased toward the downstream areas (mean 92 ± 47 µM C). Significant variations in DOC concentration were detected among rivers and channels. DOC concentration in the epilimnion of Lake Biwa increased during the summer period and decreased during the winter period. The lake hypolimnion has lower DOC concentration (mean 87 ± 7 µM C) compared with the epilimnion (107 ± 15 µM C). Fulvic acid (FA)-like substances in the DOM were directly characterized by 3-D EEM. The fluorescence peak for upstream DOM was found in regions with longer wavelengths (excitation/emission 386 ± 6/476 ± 5 nm) compared with downstream and lake DOM (351 ± 12/446 ± 15 nm and 341 ± 6/434 ± 6 nm, respectively). The DOC concentration is correlated with fluorescence peak intensity of FA-like substances in DOM in river waters. Such a relationship was not found in lake DOM. A blueshift of the fluorescence peak from upstream to lake DOM was observed. A decrease in fluorescence intensities was also detected during the summer period. These results may suggest that the degradation of FA-like substances in DOM occurs from natural solar irradiation. Protein-like fluorescence was significantly detected in the lake epilimnion during the summer period. A linear relationship between DOC concentration and protein-like fluorescence indicated that an autochthonous input of DOM gave rise to the increase in DOC concentration in the lake epilimnion during the summer. These results may suggest that the 3-D EEM can be used as a tool for the investigation of DOM dynamics at the watershed level with concurrent measurement of DOC concentration and the fluorescence properties of fulvic acid-like and protein-like substances.  相似文献   
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