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Rare and potent monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) circumsporozoite protein (CSP) on infective sporozoites (SPZ) preferentially bind the PfCSP junctional tetrapeptide NPDP or NVDP minor repeats while cross-reacting with NANP central repeats in vitro. The extent to which each of these epitopes is required for protection in vivo is unknown. Here, we assessed whether junction-, minor repeat- and central repeat-preferring human mAbs (CIS43, L9 and 317 respectively) bound and protected against in vivo challenge with transgenic P. berghei (Pb) SPZ expressing either PfCSP with the junction and minor repeats knocked out (KO), or PbCSP with the junction and minor repeats knocked in (KI). In vivo protection studies showed that the junction and minor repeats are necessary and sufficient for CIS43 and L9 to neutralize KO and KI SPZ, respectively. In contrast, 317 required major repeats for in vivo protection. These data establish that human mAbs can prevent malaria infection by targeting three different protective epitopes (NPDP, NVDP, NANP) in the PfCSP repeat region. This report will inform vaccine development and the use of mAbs to passively prevent malaria.  相似文献   
The clinical validation of histone deacetylase inhibition as a cancer therapeutic modality has stimulated interest in the development of new generation of potent and tumor selective histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi). With the goal of selective delivery of the HDACi to melanoma cells, we incorporated the benzamide, a high affinity melanin-binding template, into the design of HDACi to generate a new series of compounds 10a-b and 11a-b which display high potency towards HDAC1 and HDAC6. However, these compounds have attenuated antiproliferative activities relative to the untargeted HDACi. An alternative strategy furnished compound 14, a prodrug bearing the benzamide template linked via a labile bond to a hydroxamate-based HDACi. This pro-drug compound showed promising antiproliferative activity and warrant further study.  相似文献   
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae induces respiratory disease in swine by colonizing cilia causing ciliostasis, cilial loss and epithelial cell death. Heparin binds to M. hyopneumoniae cells in a dose-dependent manner and blocks its ability to adhere to porcine cilia. We show here that Mhp493 (P216), a paralogue of the cilium adhesin P97 (Mhp183), is cleaved between amino acids 1040 and 1089 generating surface-accessible, heparin-binding proteins P120 and P85. Antiphosphoserine antibodies recognized P85 in 2-D immunoblotting studies and TiO2 chromatography of trypsin digests of P85 isolated a single peptide with an m/z of 917.3. A phosphoserine residue in the tryptic peptide 90VSELpSFR96 (position 94 in P85) was identified by MALDI-MS/MS. Polyhistidine fusion proteins (F1P216, F2P216, F3P216) spanning Mhp493 bound heparin with biologically significant Kd values, and heparin, fucoidan and mucin inhibited this interaction. Latex beads coated with F1P216, F2P216 and F3P216 adhered to and entered porcine kidney epithelial-like (PK15) cell monolayers. Microtitre plate-based assays showed that sequences within P120 and P85 bind to porcine cilia and are recognized by serum antibodies elicited during infection by M. hyopneumoniae . Mhp493 contributes significantly to the surface architecture of M. hyopneumoniae and is the first cilium adhesin to be described that lacks an R1 cilium-binding domain.  相似文献   
Controlling elemental composition is critical for plant growth and development as well as the nutrition of humans who utilize plants for food. Uncovering the genetic architecture underlying mineral ion homeostasis in plants is a critical first step towards understanding the biochemical networks that regulate a plant''s elemental composition (ionome). Natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana provide a rich source of genetic diversity that leads to phenotypic differences. We analyzed the concentrations of 17 different elements in 12 A. thaliana accessions and three recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations grown in several different environments using high-throughput inductively coupled plasma- mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). Significant differences were detected between the accessions for most elements and we identified over a hundred QTLs for elemental accumulation in the RIL populations. Altering the environment the plants were grown in had a strong effect on the correlations between different elements and the QTLs controlling elemental accumulation. All ionomic data presented is publicly available at www.ionomicshub.org.  相似文献   
The desert gerbil, M. hurrianae scent marks the general substratum in its territory with the sebum exudation of mid abdominal gland and urine. Having assessed number of functions, which scent marking plays in the social life of these rodents, the scent marking behaviour was studied in animals, in which the gland was surgically removed and was compared with that of intact rodents. After recovery from the operation, the scent marking frequency of both male and female M. hurrianae declined significantly and was maintained at a low level. Surprisingly, scent marking with urine also declined considerable with time. After 5 months of the operation, desert gerbils were given a choice to respond to male and female sebum odours. The frequency of their scent marking with either sebum or urine did not show any significant enhancement as compared to their initial marking rate. However, the duration of their stay and scent marking frequency near the source of the sebum odour was more that in the clean side of the cage. The role of such altering behaviors of M. hurrianae and their impact on social organization are discussed.  相似文献   
Species with extremely female-biased sex ratios are expected to show alteration in the normal sex roles, as a response to male scarcity. The tropical butterfly Acraea encedon is known to be infected with a male-killing bacterium of the genus Wolbachia, which has led to severe sex ratio distortion in some populations where more than 95 % of wild females are infected with the male-killer. Thus, the aggregation of female A. encedon at resource-free landmarks has been interpreted as “female lekking” behaviour, a sex role-reversed form of lekking normally seen in males of many animals. For this paper, sites in Uganda where female-leks have previously been reported (in 1998) were revisited and surveyed for both sex ratio and bacterial prevalence, for 3 years (2005–2007). The hypothesis of sex role-reversal in A. encedon was evaluated in light of the field data obtained. The study concluded that the response of host populations to the gradual spread of the male-killer toward fixation occurs initially at the behavioural level, as sex role-reversal, and finally at the demographic level, by succumbing to extinction.  相似文献   
An in vitro method of multiple shoot induction and plant regeneration in Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC was developed. Cotyledons, hypocotyls, epicotyls, internodal and young seedling leaves were used as explants. MS media supplemented with various concentrations of either thidiazuron (TDZ) or N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) along with NAA or IAA combinations were used to determine their influence on multiple shoot induction. MS media supplemented with TDZ induced direct shoot regeneration when epicotyls and internodal segments were used as explants. TDZ at 3 mg L−1 induced highest rate (89.2 ± 3.28%) of regeneration with (13.4 ± 2.04) shoots per explant. MS media supplemented with BAP in combination with NAA or IAA induced callus mediated regeneration when cotyledons and hypocotyls were used as explants. BAP (2.5 mg L−1) and IAA (0.2 mg L−1) induced highest rate (100 ± 2.66%) of regeneration with (23.2 ± 2.66) shoots per explant. Mature plants produced from regenerated shoots were transferred successfully to the greenhouse. In a comparative study, the phenolics contents of various parts of greenhouse-grown plants with that of in vitro-raised plants showed significant variations.  相似文献   
The NAD+-reducing soluble hydrogenase (SH) from Ralstonia eutropha H16 catalyzes the H2-driven reduction of NAD+, as well as reverse electron transfer from NADH to H+, in the presence of O2. It comprises six subunits, HoxHYFUI2, and incorporates a [NiFe] H+/H2 cycling catalytic centre, two non-covalently bound flavin mononucleotide (FMN) groups and an iron-sulfur cluster relay for electron transfer. This study provides the first characterization of the diaphorase sub-complex made up of HoxF and HoxU. Sequence comparisons with the closely related peripheral subunits of Complex I in combination with UV/Vis spectroscopy and the quantification of the metal and FMN content revealed that HoxFU accommodates a [2Fe2S] cluster, FMN and a series of [4Fe4S] clusters. Protein film electrochemistry (PFE) experiments show clear electrocatalytic activity for both NAD+ reduction and NADH oxidation with minimal overpotential relative to the potential of the NAD+/NADH couple. Michaelis-Menten constants of 56 µM and 197 µM were determined for NADH and NAD+, respectively. Catalysis in both directions is product inhibited with K I values of around 0.2 mM. In PFE experiments, the electrocatalytic current was unaffected by O2, however in aerobic solution assays, a moderate superoxide production rate of 54 nmol per mg of protein was observed, meaning that the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) observed for the native SH can be attributed mainly to HoxFU. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for aerobic functioning of the SH and possible control mechanism for the direction of catalysis.  相似文献   
Summary Application of phosphate at 60, 90 and 120 kg P ha–1 to the Bragg variety of soybeans inoculated with a mixture of three strains ofRhizobium japonicum (TAL 102 + TAL 377 + TAL 379) and grown in silty loam soil in a pot experiments, significantly improved the number of nodules per plant and increased production of shoots and roots by 65, 36 and 17%, the yield of pods by 38, 12 and 3% and N2-fixing capacity by 57, 29 and 20%, respectively. Rhizobium inoculation alone with the test strains caused a positive but poor nodulation of the crop and increased its dry-matter production of shoots and roots by 22%, pods yield by 7% and N2-fixing capacity by 6%. Soybean plants from uninoculated treatments were without nodules indicating that indigenous rhizobia associated with this crop are absent in the test soil. Phosphate concentration in the total dry matter of mature crop exhibited an increasing tendency as a result of all the applied levels of phosphorus.
Resumen La adición de fosfato (60, 90, y 120Kg P ha–1) a plantas de soja de la variedad Bragg inoculadas con una mezcla de tres cepas deRhizobium japonicum (TAL 102 + TAL 377 + TAL 379) cultivada en contenedores en un suelo arcillo-limoso, mejoró significativamente el número de nódulos por planta, aumentó la producción de tallos y raíces en un 65, 36 y 17%, el rendimiento de la cosecha en un 38, 12 y 3%, y la capacidad fijadora de N2 en un 57, 29 y 20% respectivamente. La sola inoculación con las cepas deRhizobium ya mencionadas produjo una nodulación positiva aunque pobre del cultivo, incremetando la producción de tallos y raíces en un 22%, el rendimiento de la cosecha en un 7% y la capacidad fijadora de nitrógeno en un 6%. Las plantas de soja de los tratamientos no inoculados no tenían nódulos lo que indica que no habían rizobios específicos para esta planta en el suelo ensayado. La concentración de fosfato en la materia seca de las plantas maduras mostraba una tendencia a incrementarse como resultado de la aplicación de los distintos niveles de fosfato.

Résumé L'application du phosphate à raison de 60, 90 et 120 kg en phosphore par hectare à la variété Bragg de soja inoculée avec un mélange de 3 souches deRhizobium japonicum (TAL 102, TAL 377 et TAL 379) et cultivée sur un sol gras limoneux dans des expériences en jarre de croissance, a augmenté de manière significative le nombre de nodules par plant et a augmenté la production des pousses et racines respectivement de 65, 36 et 17%, le rendement des cosses respectivement de 38, 12 et 3% ainsi que la capacité de fixer l'azote, respectivement de 57, 29 et 20%. L'inoculation seule avec les souches testées de Rhizobium a causé une nodulation positive mais faible de la plante, et a augmenté la production en matière sèche des racines et pousses de 22%, le rendement en cosses de 7% et la capacité de fixer l'azote de 6%. Les plants de soja dans les expériences sans inoculation ne présentaient pas de nodules, indiquant par là que les rhizobia endogènes associés avec cette plante étaient absents dans le sol expérimental. La concentation en phosphate dans la matière sèche totale de la plante mûre a marqué une tendance à l'augmentation comme suite aux applications du phosphore à tous les niveaux.
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