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曹宗富  马传香  王雷  蔡斌 《遗传》2010,32(9):921-928
在复杂疾病的全基因组关联研究中,人群分层现象会增加结果的假阳性率,因此考虑人群遗传结构、控制人群分层是很有必要的。而在人群分层研究中,使用随机选择的SNP的效果还有待进一步探讨。文章利用HapMap Phase2人群中无关个体的Affymetrix SNP 6.0芯片分型数据,在全基因组上随机均匀选择不同数量的SNP,同时利用f值和Fisher精确检验方法筛选祖先信息标记(Ancestry Informative Markers,AIMs)。然后利用HapMap Phase3中的无关个体的数据,以F-statistics和STRUCTURE分析两种方法评估所选出的不同SNP组合对人群的区分效果。研究发现,随机均匀分布于全基因组的SNP可用于识别人群内部存在的遗传结构。文章进一步提示,在全基因组关联研究中,当没有针对特定人群的AIMs时,可在全基因组上随机选择3000以上均匀分布的SNP来控制人群分层。  相似文献   
目的:制备黄热病病毒寡核苷酸检测微阵列.方法:根据黄热病病毒基因组序列,并应用生物信息学软件设计出寡核苷酸探针用于制备基因芯片,克隆于质粒上的黄热病病毒全长基因DNA经限制性显示技术扩增并标记,完成杂交后对芯片进行扫描和数据分析.结论:微阵列检测技术为检测黄热病病毒提供了一种早期、快速、可靠的方法,具有应用于临床检测的前景.  相似文献   
杭州西湖藻类动态模型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
该模型按照年度来描述西湖四类藻类(蓝藻门、绿藻门、隐藻门、硅藻门)的动态变化.结果表明,模型作出的状态变量的描述是理想的,并且对于系统强制函数改变能给予合理响应.模型还对引水量,引水或溪流的含磷量及疏竣湖泥量的改变给水体带来的变化进行了预测.    相似文献   
用于高灵敏可视化检测松材线虫的闭管等温扩增法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一种基于环介导等温核酸扩增技术(LAMP)的松材线虫高灵敏可视化闭管检测方法。针对松材线虫核糖体DNA的序列保守区域设计LAMP引物,通过优化LAMP体系中的Mg2+、甜菜碱浓度和反应温度等因素,建立了环介导等温扩增法;并结合蜡封反应管对产物进行检测,检测结果可直接通过肉眼观察SYBR Green I荧光显色进行判定。结果表明,本方法可检测到低至10拷贝/管的松材线虫核酸片段,可对单条线虫进行检测,并且具有很高的特异性,能区分检测松材线虫与拟松材线虫。由于整个反应恒温进行,无需热循环仪;闭管检测极大地降低了扩增产物交叉污染的风险;检测速度快,整个检测过程只需40 min,为松材线虫的现场快速筛检提供了一种简便、高灵敏、高特异的工具。  相似文献   
四川省鱼类寄生粘孢子虫两新种(粘孢子纲:双壳目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本四川省鱼类寄生粘孢子虫两新种:寄生墨头鱼的宜宾两极虫,新种Myxidium yibinense sp.nov.和寄生鳙Aristichthys nkbilis的鳙单尾虫,新种Unicauda aristichthydis sp.nov。  相似文献   
生态学中的点格局研究概况及其在国内的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马志波  肖文发  黄清麟  庄崇洋 《生态学报》2017,37(19):6624-6632
点格局分析是研究生态学格局的工具之一,近年来在生态学中的应用越来越多。为深入了解点格局分析方法在国内的研究与应用情况,以所总结的研究进展、一般步骤和基本要点为背景,分析评述了1996—2015年期间以点格局为主题的国内中文核心期刊文献。结果表明,在国内生态学格局研究中,应用研究占据主导地位,研究对象广泛,包括以树木为主的乔、灌、草等不同生活型的植物,甚至包括景观;基础研究,包括概括性统计量、零模型与点过程模型等方面,以及专用软件工具包的开发等研究薄弱。在应用中存在一定问题,主要表现为:概括性统计量使用单一,且以Ripley的K-函数及其变形为主;零模型(或点过程模型)是科学问题的统计表达,但是有一半以上的研究未明确给出零模型。建议在未来应用研究中重视多种统计量的组合使用和原假设的建立,在探讨热带、亚热带森林等具有复杂空间结构系统的多样性格局时,考虑对象的不同世代和系统的不同垂直层次,并加强多变量或三维概括性统计量的开发、点格局分析方法与动态过程模型的结合研究等工作。  相似文献   
对小麦(Triticum aestivum)和无融合生殖披碱草(Elymus rectisetus)的染色体数目为42的杂种后代(BC2F2)单株进行了RAPD检测和胚胎学研究,RAPD检测结果表明:染色体数目为42条的BC2F2单株的遗传组成与普通小麦的遗传组成十分接近,但是在部分单株中出现了披碱草的特异带。由此可以推测,经过回交和自交后小麦草的部分染色体片段已经整合进了小麦的染色体。在部分BC2F2单株胚胎学切片中发现了较高比例的(5%左右)双孢原、早发胚以及多胚囊等无融合生殖现象,直接表明了无融合生殖基因转移。由于基因整合的多样性。无融合生殖基因在有些单株中并没有充分表达,从而造成了某些单株胚胎发育的异常。  相似文献   
单子叶植物无融合生殖的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
植物的无融合生殖是指不经过雌雄配子融合而产生种子的一种特殊生殖方式。由于利用无融合生殖途径可以固定杂种优势 ,从而改良现有植物的育种策略 ,因此对无融合生殖的研究已成为生物学科的新生长点。本文主要从无融合生殖的概念和类型 ,无融合生殖在单子叶植物中的分布 ,无融合生殖的胚胎学 ,分子生物学和遗传学机制及创造新的无融合生殖种质资源的方法等 6方面对单子叶植物的无融合生殖的研究进展进行了综述 ,并提出了今后开展无融合生殖研究的思路和设想  相似文献   
Mesangial matrix accumulation is an early feature of glomerular pathology in diabetes. Oxidative stress plays a critical role in hyperglycemia-induced glomerular injury. Here, we demonstrate that, in glomerular mesangial cells (MCs), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is uncoupled upon exposure to high glucose (HG), with enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased production of nitric oxide. Peroxynitrite mediates the effects of HG on eNOS dysfunction. HG upregulates Nox4 protein, and inhibition of Nox4 abrogates the increase in ROS and peroxynitrite generation, as well as the eNOS uncoupling triggered by HG, demonstrating that Nox4 functions upstream from eNOS. Importantly, this pathway contributes to HG-induced MC fibronectin accumulation. Nox4-mediated eNOS dysfunction was confirmed in glomeruli of a rat model of type 1 diabetes. Sestrin 2-dependent AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation attenuates HG-induced MC fibronectin synthesis through blockade of Nox4-dependent ROS and peroxynitrite generation, with subsequent eNOS uncoupling. We also find that HG negatively regulates sestrin 2 and AMPK, thereby promoting Nox4-mediated eNOS dysfunction and increased fibronectin. These data identify a protective function for sestrin 2/AMPK and potential targets for intervention to prevent fibrotic injury in diabetes.  相似文献   
Studies with marine bivalve juveniles have shown a positive correlation between growth and allozyme multi-locus heterozygosity (MLH), and, in some cases, between larval growth and juvenile growth, but there has been little research on the relationship between allozyme heterozygosity and larval growth. Larvae of M. edulis from different mating systems (half-sib families with a single female, or a single male parent, a reciprocal cross of two malesxtwo females and two mass matings of 13x13 and 8x17 females and males, respectively) were reared in the laboratory and selected into fast and slow growing groups when about 10-30% were undergoing metamorphosis. Offspring were reared to the juvenile stage (>3.00 mm) and both groups of each mating were electrophoresed and genotyped at up to 12 allozyme loci. There was generally good agreement with Mendelian inheritance (half-sibs and reciprocal cross) or the Hardy-Weinberg model (mass matings). Null alleles were detected at the Odh and Lap loci but there was no evidence that null allele heterozygotes grew slower than other genotypes. Over all cohorts, juveniles from the fast growing larval group were not significantly larger, or smaller, than juveniles from the slow growing group which suggests that larval growth rate may be independent of juvenile growth rate. This observation agrees with some, but not all, earlier studies and has commercial relevance. Tests of heterozygosity and juvenile shell length indicated no association between average heterozygosity across all allozyme loci and the size of juveniles in any cohort regardless of the mating system used or their larval growth rate. The association between MLH and juvenile growth in bivalves is seldom detected in cohorts from a limited genetic background. The lack of an association between heterozygosity and size might therefore be expected in the half-sib and reciprocal cross cohorts, but not in the mass matings. The results argue against any significant association between heterozygosity and larval size in mussels.  相似文献   
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