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In this paper, we characterize the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody B73.1 and the modification occurring at the membrane of the positive cells after interaction with the antibody. The B73.1-defined antigen is a protein of 50,000 to 72,000 daltons that is sensitive to pronase but not to trypsin treatment. B73.1 antibody, and its F(ab')2 fragment, directly block, at high concentrations, the binding of IgG antibody-sensitized erythrocytes to the Fc receptors (FcR) of a subpopulation of lymphocytes and neutrophils. B73.1 antibody dissociates rapidly from the positive cells, but concomitant modulation of both B73.1 antigen and FcR is induced when cells are incubated in the continuous presence of antibody or when B73.1 antibody is cross-linked at the cell membrane with an anti-mouse immunoglobulin antiserum. Reaction of lymphocytes with immune complexes also induces modulation of both FcR and B73.1 antigen, without affecting the expression of other antigens on the positive cells. The possibility that the antigen is internalized and digested by the cell after reaction with the antibody is discussed. B73.1 antibody inhibits antibody-dependent cytotoxicity mediated by lymphocytes (K cells) and neutrophils, whereas it does not affect spontaneous cytotoxicity of NK cells. These results suggest the B73.1-defined antigen might be the FcR or a structure closely related to it on K/NK cells.  相似文献   
Elastic tissue is composed of amorphous-appearing elastin and 12-nm diameter microfibrils, one component of which has recently been isolated and characterized as the 31 KD microfibril-associated glycoprotein MAGP. Monospecific antibodies to each of these components have been developed in this laboratory. The parameters that determine optimal localization of colloidal gold probes for post-embedding immunolabeling of elastic tissue components have been systematically studied in a variety of normal and developing tissues in mammals and birds. Protein A-gold probes stabilized with dextran have been shown to provide complexes that remain stable after more than 2 years. Conditions have been defined that permit precise localization within the extracellular matrix of antibodies to MAGP and to elastin, singly and together. Best results were obtained with acrylic resins (Lowicryl K4M or LR White). Fixation in glutaraldehyde or other aldehydic fixatives, with or without osmium, did not affect the immunostaining of elastic tissue with affinity-purified antibodies to tropoelastin, or to anti-[alpha-elastin] or anti-[alkali-insoluble elastin]. Immunostaining with the anti-MAGP antibody was less robust and was possible in tissues which had been fixed only lightly before embedding in Lowicryl K4M or LR White. This staining was enhanced by metaperiodate oxidation of the sections as well as by reduction of the tissues with sodium borohydride en bloc, followed by hyaluronidase digestion of the sections. The effects on immunostaining of a range of enzyme digestions have also been examined. Conditions have thus been defined that make possible detailed study of the relationship between elastic tissue, elastin-associated microfibrils, and other microfibrillar structures in normal and abnormal tissues during development and aging.  相似文献   
Aims: To investigate the effect of diet on the survival of Salmonella in the bovine abomasum. Methods and Results: Five fistulated cows were randomly assigned to one of five diets denoted as: (i) 100% grass, (ii) grass + 5·3 kg DM concentrate, (iii) 100% grass silage, (iv) 100% hay and (v) maize/grass silage plus concentrates. Rumen fluid was harvested from each dietary treatment and inoculated with nonacid (NA) and acid‐adapted (AA) 5‐strain Salmonella cocktails. After 24‐h incubation period, Salmonella were acid challenged to synthetic abomasum fluid (SAF, pH 2·5) for 5 h to determine their resistance to low pH. The study found that the volatile fatty acids composition and the pH profile of bovine rumen fluid were significantly altered (P < 0·05) by some of the dietary treatments but not others. Regression analysis found that significantly higher numbers of acid‐adapted Salmonella survived in SAF after incubation in rumen fluid from diets 1, 2 and 4, but fewer significant differences were found between diets for nonacid–adapted Salmonella. The results suggest that the acid‐adapted cells were subjected to a higher level of cell injury than the nonadapted cells. Conclusions: Pre‐incubation in rumen fluid did influence the resistance of nonacid and acid‐adapted Salmonella to SAF but it was dependant on the dietary treatment fed to the cows. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study examined the use of diet, as a modulating factor to limit the bovine excretion of Salmonella with a view to providing a scientific basis for the design of dietary management controls in the future.  相似文献   
To assess the availability of Ca2+ in the lumen of the thylakoid membrane that is required to support the assembly of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II, we have investigated the mechanism of 45Ca2+ transport into the lumen of pea (Pisum sativum) thylakoid membranes using silicone-oil centrifugation. Trans-thylakoid Ca2+ transport is dependent on light or, in the dark, on exogenously added ATP. Both light and ATP hydrolysis are coupled to Ca2+ transport through the formation of a transthylakoid pH gradient. The H+-transporting ionophores nigericin/K+ and carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone inhibit the transport of Ca2+. Thylakoid membranes are capable of accumulating up to 30 nmol Ca2+ mg-1 chlorophyll from external concentrations of 15 μM over the course of a 15-min reaction. These results are consistent with the presence of an active Ca2+/H+ antiport in the thylakoid membrane. Ca2+ transport across the thylakoid membrane has significant implications for chloroplast and plant Ca2+ homeostasis. We propose a model of chloroplast Ca2+ regulation whereby the activity of the Ca2+/H+ antiporter facilitates the light-dependent uptake of Ca2+ by chloroplasts and reduces stromal Ca2+ levels.  相似文献   
Annual outbreaks of influenza A infection are an ongoing public health threat and novel influenza strains can periodically emerge to which humans have little immunity, resulting in devastating pandemics. The 1918 pandemic killed at least 40 million people worldwide and pandemics in 1957 and 1968 caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. The influenza A virus is capable of enormous genetic variation, both by continuous, gradual mutation and by reassortment of genome segments between viruses. Both the 1957 and 1968 pandemic strains are thought to have originated as reassortants in which one or both human-adapted viral surface proteins were replaced by proteins from avian influenza strains. Analyses of the genes of the 1918 pandemic virus, however, indicate that this strain might have had a different origin. The haemagglutinin and nucleoprotein genome segments in particular are unlikely to have come directly from an avian source that is similar to those that are currently being sequenced. Determining whether a pandemic influenza virus can emerge by different mechanisms will affect the scope and focus of surveillance and prevention efforts.  相似文献   
The origins of DNA replication were proposed in the replicon model to be specified genetically by replicator elements that coordinate the initiation of DNA synthesis with gene expression and cell growth. Recent studies have identified DNA sequences in mammalian cells that fulfil the genetic criteria for replicators and are beginning to uncover the sequence requirements for the initiation of DNA replication. Mammalian replicators are com- posed of non-redundant modules that cooperate to direct initiation to specific chromosomal sites. Conversely, replicators do not show strong sequence similarity, and their ability to initiate replication depends on the chromosomal context and epigenetic factors, as well as their primary sequence. Here, we review the properties of metazoan replicators, and discuss the genetic and epigenetic factors that determine where and when DNA replication is initiated.  相似文献   
Eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) are generally regarded as mesic inhabitants. Even though access to drinking water in permanent stock watering troughs is commonly available, these animals are still found in only low densities in arid pastoral areas. We hypothesised that the differential success of red and grey kangaroos in the arid zone may be due to higher energy requirements of M. giganteus with a concomitant need for increased food, rather than limitations imposed by inadequate water access. We set out to test this by indirectly measuring energy expenditure through the monitoring of heart rate by radio telemetry in semi-free-ranging eastern grey and red kangaroos (Macropus rufus). Radio telemetry measurements of heart rate were calibrated against oxygen consumption and were used in the assessment of energy expenditure of animals maintained in an 8-ha enclosure in the arid zone of southeast Australia. Heart rate provided a reliable estimate of oxygen consumption. This well-correlated relationship was curvilinear and was established for each individual. Behavioural observations revealed that both kangaroo species spent most of the day in low energy demanding activities. M. rufus were more active at night whilst M. giganteus were more active in the early mornings and late afternoons. Like other marsupials, both species had low field metabolic rates (FMRs). However, M. giganteus in keeping with their mesic history had higher FMRs than the more arid-adapted M. rufus, particularly during water restriction. Body temperature telemeters revealed a further species difference in that under hot conditions when water is freely available, M. rufus exhibits a higher and more labile daytime body temperature than M. giganteus. During the hottest part of the day M. giganteus maintain body temperature, relying upon increased evaporative cooling mechanisms, such as licking. Indeed, only when access to drinking water was restricted was thermolability evident in M. giganteus. Differences in behaviour and concomitant energy expenditure may thus contribute substantially to the divergent distribution and abundance of these two kangaroo species.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial resistance (R) typing and DNA Amplification Fingerprinting (DAF) of a random collection of 84 Irish thermophilic Campylobacter isolates is described. The collection included human, veterinary (porcine) and poultry isolates cultured between 1996 and 1998 in the Cork region of Ireland. Biochemical and molecular methods were used to identify Campylobacter jejuni and Camp. coli. Many of these isolates were simultaneously resistant to several common antimicrobial agents. In particular, resistance to ampicillin, spectinomycin, sulphafurazole and tetracycline was common. A total of 74 DAF profiles was identified among the study collection, showing a high degree of diversity. Dendrogram analysis of the DNA patterns identified three main clusters at the 50% similarity level, which included two clusters of Camp. coli and a third containing a mixture of Camp. jejuni and Camp. coli.  相似文献   
Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk) are essential for promoting the initiation of DNA replication, presumably by phosphorylating key regulatory proteins that are involved in triggering the G1/S transition. Human Cdc6 (HsCdc6), a protein required for initiation of DNA replication, is phosphorylated by Cdk in vitro and in vivo. Here we report that HsCdc6 with mutations at potential Cdk phosphorylation sites was poorly phosphorylated in vitro by Cdk, but retained all other biochemical activities of the wild-type protein tested. Microinjection of mutant HsCdc6 proteins into human cells blocked initiation of DNA replication or slowed S phase progression. The inhibitory effect of mutant HsCdc6 was lost at the G1/S transition, indicating that phosphorylation of HsCdc6 by Cdk is critical for a late step in initiation of DNA replication in human cells.  相似文献   
An epidemic of tuberculosis occurred in a community of Aboriginal Canadians during the period 1987-89. Genetic and epidemiologic data were collected on an extended family from this community, and the evidence for linkage to NRAMP1, a candidate gene for susceptibility to mycobacterial diseases, was assessed. Individuals were grouped into risk (liability) classes based on vaccination, age, previous disease, and tuberculin skin-test results. Under the assumption of a dominant mode of inheritance and a relative risk of 10, which is associated with the high-risk genotypes, a maximum LOD score of 3.81 was observed for linkage between a tuberculosis-susceptibility locus and D2S424, which is located just distal to NRAMP1, in chromosome region 2q35. Significant linkage was also observed between a tuberculosis-susceptibility locus and a haplotype of 10 NRAMP1 intragenic variants. No linkage to the major histocompatibility-complex region on chromosome 6p was observed, despite distortion of transmission from one member of the oldest couple to their affected offspring. The ability to assign individuals to risk classes was crucial to the success of this study.  相似文献   
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