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Fine needle aspiration cytology of "minimal" breast cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in the diagnosis of "minimal" breast cancer was studied. Sixteen (76.2%) of 21 cases of invasive breast cancer less than 1.0 cm in diameter and 14 (73.3%) of 19 cases of noninvasive breast carcinoma were given a positive diagnosis by FNA cytology. One "suspicious" and the five false-negative diagnoses occurred in cases of invasive carcinoma; the reasons were considered to be either a faulty technique of needling the tumor or the presence of prominent fibrosis in the tumor. In noninvasive carcinoma, atypical cells were misdiagnosed in two of the five smears that had been originally reported as negative. The results of the retrospective analysis showed that FNA cytology had a higher accuracy in the diagnosis of small lesions than did radiologic and echographic criteria, and FNA cytology was thus used as the main criterion for deciding on the necessity for preoperative surgical biopsies.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructural localization ofras p21 product was studied immunocytochemically in thyroid follicular cells of normal rats using pre-embedded peroxidase-labelled antibody techniques and a monoclonal antibody, RAP-5, which had been raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid positions 10–17 of theras p21 protein. Theras p21 product was detected in cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and the subapical portion of apical plasma membrane, in which it was most concentrated. This study indicated that the p21 product may be synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and finally localized at the subapical portion of the thyroid follicular cells, and also that the apical plasma membrane may be a major site for the reception of environmental stimuli.  相似文献   
We report the immunohistochemical localization of protein kinase C isozymes (types I, II, and III) in the rabbit retina using the monospecific monoclonal antibodies MC-1a, MC-2a, and MC-3a. Using immunoblot analysis of partially purified protein kinase C preparations of rabbit retina, types II and III isozymes alone were detected. The activity of type III was the stronger. By light microscopic immunohistochemical analysis, retinal neurons were negative for type I and positive for type II and type III isozymes. Type II was more diffusely distributed through the retinal layers, but was distinctive in ganglion cells, bipolar cells, and outer segments. The immunoreactivity was stronger for type III isozyme, and it was observed in mop (rod) bipolar cells and amacrine cells. By using immunoelectron microscopy, the cytoplasm of the cell body, the axon, and dendrites of the mop bipolar cells were strongly immunoreactive for type III. The so-called rod bipolar cells were for the first time seen to form synapses with rod photoreceptor cells. These differential localizations of respective isozymes in retinal neurons suggest that each isozyme has a different site of function in each neuron.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the parathyroid glands of golden hamsters subjected to 5-gravity environment after administration of epinephrine was studied. In the epinephrine-treated animals exposed to a hypergravity environment, the Golgi complexes associated with numerous prosecretory granules were significantly increased compared with those of the control, centrifuged and epinephrine-treated animals, as well as the cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum compared with those of the control and centrifuged animals. In addition, many secretory granules were situated close to the the plasma membrane of the chief cells in the epinephrine-treated animals exposed to a hypergravity environment. Those observations suggest that the secretory activity of the parathyroid gland may be markedly stimulated in the epinephrine-treated animals exposed to a hypergravity environment.  相似文献   
We isolated two types of protein kinase C-related enzymes (fPKC) in frog (Rana catesbeiana) retina. Three sequential steps of column chromatography of DEAE-cellulose, butyl-Toyopearl, and hydroxylapatite were carried out and resulted in the separation of two types of distinct Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase activities. These proteins reacted with antibodies raised against synthetic peptides based on the predicted amino acid sequences of rat protein kinase C delta or zeta subspecies, and showed molecular masses of 90 and 75 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Immunocytochemical analysis of 90 and 75K fPKC in frog retina revealed that the 75K fPKC was localized in the outer segment of cone cells and in the microvillar projections of Müller cells. These results suggested that fPKCs play differential roles on the photosignal transduction in frog retina.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effect of Y-24180, 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-[2-(4-isobutylphenyl)ethyl]-6,9-dimethyl-6H-thieno[3,2-f][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]diazepine, on platelet activating factor (PAF)-induced platelet aggregation and the specific binding of 3H-PAF to platelets was compared with other thienodiazepine derivatives, WEB 2086 and etizolam. Y-24180 inhibited PAF-induced rabbit platelet aggregation in vitro (IC50 3.84 nM), but had little effect on adenosine diphosphate- or arachidonic acid-induced aggregation. WEB 2086 and etizolam also showed an inhibitory effect of PAF-induced aggregation (IC50 values are 456 and 6730 nM, respectively). In PAF-induced human platelet aggregation, Y-24180 (IC50 0.84 nM) was more potent than WEB 2086 (IC50 4.21 nM) and etizolam (IC50 998 nM). Y-24180, WEB 2086 and etizolam displaced 3H-PAF binding from the washed-platelets of rabbits with an IC50 value of 3.50, 9.35 and 29.5 nM, respective- ly. In rabbits, pretreatment with Y-24180 and WEB 2086 antagonized PAF-induced platelet aggregation dose-dependently. The significant inhibitory effect of Y-24180(1 mg/kg, p.o.) lasted 72 hr after a single dose oral administration. WEB 2086 (10 mg/kg, p.o.) also antagonized the ex vivo response induced by PAF 1 hr after administration, but no significant effect was observed 3 hr after administration. Y-24180 displaced 3H-diazepam binding from the synaptosomal membranes of rat cerebral cortex with a Ki value of 3.68 μ M. The affinity of Y-24180 for benzodiazepine(BZP) receptors was lower than those of WEB 2086 and etizolam and was about 1000 times lower than that for PAF receptors in platelets.  相似文献   
Space radiation dosimetry measurements have been made onboard the Space Shuttle STS-65 in the Second International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2: 28.5 degrees x 300 km: 14.68 days) and the STS-79 in the 4th Shuttle MIR mission (S/MM#4: 51.6 degrees x 300-400km: 10.2 days). In these measurements, three kinds of detectors were used; one is a newly developed active detector telescope called "Real-time Radiation Monitoring Device (RRMD-I for IML-2 and RRMD-II with improved triggering system for S/MM#4)" utilizing silicon semi-conductor detectors and the other detectors are conventional passive detectors of thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) and CR-39 plastic track detectors. The main contribution to dose equivalent for particles with LET > 5.0 keV/micrometer (IML-2) and LET > 3.5 keV/micrometer (S/MM#4) is seen to be due to galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and the contribution of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is less than 5% (IML-2: 28.5 degrees x 300 km) and 15% (S/MM#4: 51.6 degrees x 400 km) in the above RRMD LET detection conditions. For the whole LET range (> 0.2 kev/micrometer) obtained by TLDs and CR-39 in these two typical orbits (a small inclination x low altitude and a large inclination x high altitude), absorbed dose rates range from 94 to 114 microGy/day, dose equivalent rates from 186 to 207 microSv/day and average quality factors from 1.82 to 2.00 depending on the locations and directions of detectors inside the Spacelab at the highly protected IML-2 orbit (28.5 degrees x 300 km), and also, absorbed dose rates range from 290 to 367 microGy/day, dose equivalent rates from 582 to 651 microSv/day and average quality factors from 1.78 to 2.01 depending on the dosimeter packages around the RRMD-II "Detector Unit" at the S/MM#4 orbit (5l.6 degrees x 400km). In general, it is seen that absorbed doses depend on the orbit altitude (SAA trapped particles contribution dominant) and dose equivalents on the orbit inclination (GCR contribution dominant). The LET distributions obtained by two different types of active and passive detectors, RRMDs and CR-39, are in good agreement for LET of 15 - 200 kev/micrometer and difference of these distributions in the regions of LET < 15 kev/micrometer and LET > 200 kev/micrometer can be explained by considering characteristics of CR-39 etched track formation especially for the low LET tracks and chemical etching conditions.  相似文献   
A bacterial strain FP2001 isolated from the exudate of land reclaimed for municipal waste was identified as Pseudomonas paucimobilis. Cells of strain FP2001 were mobile by means of polar monotrichous flagellum, only when rhamnose was added as a carbon source in the liquid medium. The replacement of rhamnose by arabinose, galactose, glucose or xylose did not lead to the formation of flagella.  相似文献   
Results of multistage treadmill tests (TMT) of 57 patients with critical stenosis (>/= 50%) of the left main coronary artery were analyzed. Additional disease was present in the major vessel in three patients (5%), two vessels in 18 patients (32%), and three vessels in 35 patients (61%). The TMT was negative for ischemia in only two patients (4%), positive in 51 (89%), and undetermined in 4 (7%). TMT was strongly positive (>/= 2 mm ST segment depression) in 40 patients (70%), and in 11 (19%) of these, ST depression was >/= 3 mm. Hypotension with exercise was rare and was encountered in only one patient. Arrhythmias were induced with exercise in six patients (10%) and resulted in premature termination of TMT in four. TMT was terminated due to early ST segment depression in 40 patients (70%), in 17 (30%) without chest pain-an unusual finding. Exercise was limited to stage I (Bruce protocol) in 16 (28%), stage II in 26 (46%), stage III in ten (17%), and stage IV in five (9%). Mean exercise tolerance was 298 +/- 22 seconds (SEM). Maximum heart rate (HR) achieved was 76 +/- 2% of their maximal predicted values. Peak double product (systolic BP x HR) was 20490 +/- 830. The data suggest that the TMT is rarely negative in the presence of LM lesions. An early strongly positive response with or without pain should lead one to suspect LM disease. Exercise-induced hypotension is rare. Limited exercise tolerance and/or early ST segment depression in stages I and II of TMT seem to be predictive of the severity of LM lesions.  相似文献   
Juzen-taiho-to (TJ-48), a mixture of extracts from 10 medicinal herbs, has been used traditionally to treat patients with anemia, anorexia or fatigue. It is well known that the treatment of TJ-48 result in the decrease of patient's complaints, as well as the increase of NK cytolytic activity (NK activity) although its augmentation is not clear in the other kampo formula from the clinical viewpoint. To investigate its biological activities, such as the augmentation of NK activity, we analyzed the effects of TJ-48 on the expression of killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) in vitro experiment. The peripheral lymphocytes were incubated in medium alone, or medium containing TJ-48 or interleukin-2 (IL-2) plus TJ-48 at several concentrations for 48 h. After each incubation, cells were collected and their KIRs were detected by flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies CD158a and CD158b. TJ-48 increased the populations of CD16+CD158a+ and CD16+CD158b+ cells in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, CD16-CD158a/b+ cells did not increase. Additionally, the extract of TJ-48 enhanced the increase of KIRs expression induced by IL-2. These actions contribute to the augmentation of NK cytolytic activity by TJ-48, and might explain, in part, its antitumor effects which has been observed in vivo.  相似文献   
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