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Blood transfusion or blood products, such as plasma, have a long history in improving health, but today, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used in various medical areas such as surgery, orthopedics, and rheumatology in many ways. Considering the high efficiency of tissue engineering in repairing bone defects, in this study, we investigated the combined effect of nanofibrous scaffolds in combination with PRP on the osteogenic differentiation potential of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Electrospinning was used for fabricating nanofibrous scaffolds by polyvinylidene fluoride/collagen (PVDF/col) with and without PRP. After scaffold characterization, the osteoinductivity of the fabricated scaffolds was studied by culturing human iPSCs under osteogenic medium. The results showed that PRP has a considerable positive effect on the biocompatibility of the PVDF/col nanofibrous scaffold when examined by protein adsorption, cell attachment, and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays. In addition, the results obtained from alkaline phosphatase activity and calcium content assays demonstrated that nanofibers have higher osteoinductivity while grown on PRP-incorporated PVDF/col nanofibers. These results were also confirmed while the osteogenic differentiation of the iPSCs was more investigated by evaluating the most important bone-related genes expression level. According to the results, it can be concluded that PVDF/col/PRP has much more osteoinductivity while compared with the PVDF/col, and it can be introduced as a promising bone bio-implant for use in bone tissue engineering applications.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) exhibits the most malignant brain tumor with very poor prognosis. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are regulatory factors that can downregulate the expression of multiple genes. Several miRNAs acting as tumor-suppressor genes have been identified so far. The delivery of miRNA by mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) due to their ability to specifically target tumors is a new, hopeful therapeutic approach for glioblastoma. The objective of our study is the investigation of the effect of lentivirus-mediated microRNA-4731 (miR-4731) genetic manipulated adipose-derived (AD)-MSC on GBM. The downregulation of miR-4731 in human GBM tumor was detected using the GEO dataset. To evaluate the function of miR-4731, we overexpressed miR-4731 using lentiviral vectors in U-87 and U-251 GBM cell lines. The effects of miR-4731 on cell proliferation and cell cycle of glioma cells were analyzed by wound test and flow-cytometry assay. miR-4731 inhibited the proliferation of GBM cancer cells. Coculturing was used to study the antiproliferative effect of miR-4731-AD-MSCs on GBM cell lines. Direct and indirect coculture of GBM cell lines with miR-4731-AD-MSCs induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Our findings suggest that AD-MSCs expressing miR-4731 have favorable antitumor characteristics and should be further explored in future glioma therapy.  相似文献   

The field of tissue engineering exploits living cells in a variety of ways to restore, maintain, or enhance tissues and organs. Between stem cells, human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), are very important due to their wide abilities. Growth factors can support proliferation, differentiation, and migration of hiPSCs. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) could be used as the source of growth factors for hiPSCs. In the present study, proliferation and neural differentiation of hiPSCs on surface-modified nanofibrous Poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) coated with platelet-rich plasma was investigated. The results of in vitro analysis showed that on the surface, which was modified nanofibrous scaffolds coated with platelet-rich plasma, significantly enhanced hiPSCs proliferation and neural differentiation were observed. Whereas the MTT ([3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide]) results showed biocompatibility of surface-modified nanofibrous scaffolds coated with platelet-rich plasma and the usage of these modified nanoscaffolds in neural tissue engineering in vivo is promising for the future.

Carotenoid pigments play a major role in animal body colouration, generating strong interest in the genes involved in the metabolic processes that lead from their dietary uptake to their storage in the integument. Here, we used RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to test for differentially expressed genes in a taxonomically replicated design using three pairs of related cichlid fish taxa from the genera Tropheus and Aulonocara. Within each pair, taxa differed in terms of red and yellow body colouration, and high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of skin extracts revealed different carotenoid profiles and concentrations across the studied taxa. Five genes were differentially expressed in all three yellow–red skin contrasts (dhrsx, nlrc3, tcaf2, urah and ttc39b), but only the tetratricopeptide repeat protein-coding gene ttc39b, whose gene product is linked to mammalian lipid metabolism, was consistently expressed more highly in the red skin samples. The RNA-Seq results were confirmed by quantitative PCR. We propose ttc39b as a compelling candidate gene for variation in animal carotenoid colouration. Since differential expression of ttc39b was correlated with the presence/absence of yellow carotenoids in a previous study, we suggest that ttc39b is more likely associated with the concentration of total carotenoids than with the metabolic formation of red carotenoids.  相似文献   

Biological networks describes the mechanisms which govern cellular functions. Temporal networks show how these networks evolve over time. Studying the temporal progression of network topologies is of utmost importance since it uncovers how a network evolves and how it resists to external stimuli and internal variations. Two temporal networks have co-evolving subnetworks if the evolving topologies of these subnetworks remain similar to each other as the network topology evolves over a period of time. In this paper, we consider the problem of identifying co-evolving subnetworks given a pair of temporal networks, which aim to capture the evolution of molecules and their interactions over time. Although this problem shares some characteristics of the well-known network alignment problems, it differs from existing network alignment formulations as it seeks a mapping of the two network topologies that is invariant to temporal evolution of the given networks. This is a computationally challenging problem as it requires capturing not only similar topologies between two networks but also their similar evolution patterns.


We present an efficient algorithm, Tempo, for solving identifying co-evolving subnetworks with two given temporal networks. We formally prove the correctness of our method. We experimentally demonstrate that Tempo scales efficiently with the size of network as well as the number of time points, and generates statistically significant alignments—even when evolution rates of given networks are high. Our results on a human aging dataset demonstrate that Tempo identifies novel genes contributing to the progression of Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Type II diabetes, while existing methods fail to do so.


Studying temporal networks in general and human aging specifically using Tempo enables us to identify age related genes from non age related genes successfully. More importantly, Tempo takes the network alignment problem one huge step forward by moving beyond the classical static network models.

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