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This study aimed to investigate the presence and distribution of the chromogranin A-derived peptide GE-25 in the rat eye. The molecular form detected by the GE-25 antiserum was evaluated in the rat trigeminal ganglion, retina and remaining tissues of the rat eye by means of Western blots and the distribution pattern of GE-25-like immunoreactivity was studied in the rat eye and rat trigeminal ganglion by immunofluorescence. One single band of approximately 70kDa was stained in the trigeminal ganglion and retina which represents the uncleaved intact chromogranin A indicating that the proteolytic processing of chromogranin A to GE-25 is limited in these tissues. Sparse GE-25-like immunoreactive nerve fibers were visualized in the corneal stroma, at the limbus around blood vessels, in the sphincter and dilator muscle and stroma of the iris, in the stroma of the ciliary body and ciliary processes and in the stroma and around blood vessels in the choroid. This distribution pattern is characteristic for neuropeptides whereas the presence of immunoreactivity in the corneal endothelium and in Müller glia in the retina is atypical. GE-25-like immunoreactivity was found in small to medium-sized ganglion cells in the rat trigeminal ganglion clearly indicating that the nerve fibers in the rat eye are of sensory origin. The colocalization of GE-25-immunoreactivity with SP-immunoreactivity in the rat ciliary body is in agreement with the presumption of the sensory nature of the innervation of the anterior segment of the eye by GE-25.  相似文献   
Summary Copper contained in a solid industrial waste produced in a silicone manufacturing process was leached with spent iron medium from aThiobacillus ferrooxidans culture. Most effective leaching was observed in a continuously fed, dual reactor system. Spent iron medium was generated by growingT. ferrooxidans in 0.9 K iron medium at pH 1.5 in the first reactor, and was transferred to a second reactor in which it leached the copper from the waste. Leaching was effective at a pulp density of the waste material as high as 20%. In experiments run at a pulp density of 2.5%, the spent iron medium was most efficient in leaching copper when it was first diluted 100-fold with a mineral salts solution at pH 1.5. Removal of the copper from the waste appeared to involve its displacement by acid, dissolved mineral salts, and ferric iron. Potentials for practical application of this process are discussed.  相似文献   
A similarity statistic for codon usage was developed and used to compare novel gene sequences found in clinical isolates of Haemophilus influenzae with a reference set of 80 prokaryotic, eukaryotic and viral genomes. These analyses were performed to obtain an indication as to whether individual genes were Haemophilus-like in nature, or if they probably had more recently entered the H.influenzae gene pool via horizontal gene transfer from other species. The average and SD values were calculated for the similarity statistics from a study of the set of all genes in the H.influenzae Rd reference genome that encoded proteins of 100 amino acids or longer. Approximately 80% of Rd genes gave a statistic indicating that they were most like other Rd genes. Genes displaying codon usage statistics >1 SD above this range were either considered part of the highly expressed group of H.influenzae genes, or were considered of foreign origin. An alternative determinant for identifying genes of foreign origin was when the similarity statistics produced a value that was much closer to a non-H.influenzae reference organism than to any of the Haemophilus species contained in the reference set. Approximately 65% of the novel sequences identified in the H.influenzae clinical isolates displayed codon usages most similar to Haemophilus sp. The remaining novel sequences produced similarity statistics closer to one of the other reference genomes thereby suggesting that these sequences may have entered the H.influenzae gene pool more recently via horizontal transfer.  相似文献   
Disruption of the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster gene aflY (hypA) gave Aspergillus parasiticus transformants that accumulated versicolorin A. This gene is predicted to encode the Baeyer-Villiger oxidase necessary for formation of the xanthone ring of the aflatoxin precursor demethylsterigmatocystin.  相似文献   
Phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in atherosclerosis and restenosis involves responses to the surrounding microenvironment. SMCs obtained by enzymatic digestion from tunica media of newborn, young adult (YA) and old rats and from the thickened intima (TI) and underlying media of young adult rat aortas 15 days after ballooning were entrapped in floating populated collagen lattice (PCL). TI-SMCs elongated but were poor at PCL contraction and remodeling and expressed less alpha2 integrin compared to other SMCs that appeared more dendritic. During early phases of PCL contraction, SMCs showed a marked decrease in the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin and myosin. SMCs other than TI-SMCs required 7 days to re-express alpha-smooth muscle actin and myosin. Only TI-SMCs in PCL were able to divide in 48 h, with a greater proportion in S and G2-M cell cycle phases compared to other SMCs. Anti-alpha2 integrin antibody markedly inhibited contraction but not proliferation in YA-SMC-PLCs; anti-alpha1 and anti-alpha2 integrin antibodies induced a similar slight inhibition in TI-SMC-PCLs. Finally, TI-SMCs rapidly migrated from PCL on plastic reacquiring their epithelioid phenotype. Heterogeneity in proliferation and cytoskeleton as well the capacity to remodel the extracellular matrix are maintained, when SMCs are suspended in PCLs.  相似文献   
Organic cation permeation through the channel formed by polycystin-2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polycystin-2 (PC2), a member of the transient receptor potential family of ion channels (TRPP2), forms a calcium-permeable cation channel. Mutations in PC2 lead to polycystic kidney disease. From the primary sequence and by analogy with other channels in this family, PC2 is modeled to have six transmembrane domains. However, most of the structural features of PC2, such as how large the channel is and how many subunits make up the pore of the channel, are unknown. In this study, we estimated the pore size of PC2 from the permeation properties of the channel. Organic cations of increasing size were used as current carriers through the PC2 channel after PC2 was incorporated into lipid bilayers. We found that dimethylamine, triethylamine, tetraethylammonium, tetrabutylammonium, tetrapropylammonium, and tetrapentylammonium were permeable through the PC2 channel. The slope conductance of the PC2 channel decreased as the ionic diameter of the organic cation increased. For each organic cation tested, the currents were inhibited by gadolinium and anti-PC2 antibody. Using the dimensions of the largest permeant cation, the minimum pore diameter of the PC2 channel was estimated to be at least 11 A. The large pore size suggests that the primary state of this channel found in vivo is closed to avoid rundown of cation gradients across the plasma membrane and excessive calcium leak from endoplasmic reticulum stores.  相似文献   
Iron-uptake and storage are tightly regulated to guarantee sufficient iron for essential cellular processes and to prevent the production of damaging free radicals. A non-classical class I MHC molecule, the hemochromatosis factor (HFE), has been shown to regulate iron metabolism, potentially via its interaction with the transferrin receptor. Whereas, the effect of human HFE (hHFE) on transferrin/transferrin receptor association, as well as on transferrin receptor recycling and the level of cellular iron pools in various cell lines was analyzed, very little is known about the mouse HFE (mHFE) protein. In the following study, our aim was to analyze in more detail the function of mHFE. Surprisingly, we observed that over-expression of mHFE, but not of hHFE, in a mouse transformed cell line, results in a most significant inhibition of transferrin-uptake which correlated with apoptotic cell death. mHFE inhibited transferrin-uptake immediately following transfection and this inhibition persisted in the surviving stable transfectants. Concomitantly, cellular iron derived from transferrin-iron uptake was dramatically limited. The activation of a non-transferrin bound iron-uptake pathway that functions in the stable mHFE-transfected clones could explain their normal growth curves and survival. The hypothesis that iron starvation can induce iron-uptake by a novel transferrin-independent pathway is discussed.  相似文献   
The spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis is capable of assembling multicellular communities (biofilms) that display a high degree of spatiotemporal organization. Wild strains that have not undergone domestication in the laboratory produce particularly robust biofilms with complex architectural features, such as fruiting-body-like aerial projections whose tips serve as preferential sites for sporulation. To discover genes involved in this multicellular behavior and to do so on a genome-wide basis, we took advantage of a large collection of mutants which have disruptions of most of the uncharacterized genes in the B. subtilis genome. This collection, which was generated with a laboratory strain, was screened for mutants that were impaired in biofilm formation. This subset of mutated genes was then introduced into the wild strain NCIB 3610 to study their effects on biofilm formation in liquid and solid media. In this way we identified six genes that are involved in the development of multicellular communities. These are yhxB (encoding a putative phosphohexomutase that may mediate exopolysaccharide synthesis), sipW (encoding a signal peptidase), ecsB (encoding an ABC transporter subunit), yqeK (encoding a putative phosphatase), ylbF (encoding a regulatory protein), and ymcA (a gene of unknown function). Further analysis revealed that these six genes play different roles in B. subtilis community development.  相似文献   
The parE10(Ts) mutation, which renders Escherichia coli thermosensitive for growth by inactivation of the essential E. coli topoisomerase topo IV, is lethal at all temperatures when PriA, the main replication restart protein, is absent. This lethality is suppressed by the activation of a PriA-independent replication restart pathway (dnaC809 mutation). This result suggests that topo IV acts prior to full-chromosome replication completion.  相似文献   
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