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Summary Passage of electric current across rabbit gall-bladder, which is preferentially permeable to cations, causes water flow towards the negative electrode, as expected for electroosmosis in a cation-selective membrane. Current passage also causes development of a polarization potential difference, i.e. a transepithelial potential difference (p.d.) which transiently remains after cessation of current flow and decays back to zero with a half-time of 22 to 90 sec. The polarization p.d. is due to current-induced local changes of salt concentration in unstirred layers, mainly at the serosal face of the epithelium. These changes originate through the so-called transport-number effect. Calculation shows that much of the observed current-induced water flow represents an osmotic flow due to these local concentration changes, rather than representing true electroosmosis. By implication, a large component of streaming potentials in the gall-bladder is a boundary diffusion potential, owing to water flow producing local changes of salt concentration in unstirred layers.  相似文献   
The Mechanism of Isotonic Water Transport   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanism by which active solute transport causes water transport in isotonic proportions across epithelial membranes has been investigated. The principle of the experiments was to measure the osmolarity of the transported fluid when the osmolarity of the bathing solution was varied over an eightfold range by varying the NaCl concentration or by adding impermeant non-electrolytes. An in vitro preparation of rabbit gall bladder was suspended in moist oxygen without an outer bathing solution, and the pure transported fluid was collected as it dripped off the serosal surface. Under all conditions the transported fluid was found to approximate an NaCl solution isotonic to whatever bathing solution used. This finding means that the mechanism of isotonic water transport in the gall bladder is neither the double membrane effect nor co-diffusion but rather local osmosis. In other words, active NaCl transport maintains a locally high concentration of solute in some restricted space in the vicinity of the cell membrane, and water follows NaCl in response to this local osmotic gradient. An equation has been derived enabling one to calculate whether the passive water permeability of an organ is high enough to account for complete osmotic equilibration of actively transported solute. By application of this equation, water transport associated with active NaCl transport in the gall bladder cannot go through the channels for water flow under passive conditions, since these channels are grossly too impermeable. Furthermore, solute-linked water transport fails to produce the streaming potentials expected for water flow through these passive channels. Hence solute-linked water transport does not occur in the passive channels but instead involves special structures in the cell membrane, which remain to be identified.  相似文献   
The vascular response to the muscarinic receptor agonist acetylcholine (ACh) in the presence of selected antagonists was examined in the isolated blood-perfused canine left lower lung lobe under conditions of normal (resting) and elevated vascular tone. At normal vascular tone, ACh (1-5 mumol) produced a dose-dependent increase in pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa), total pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), and downstream resistance (Rds) without altering upstream resistance (Rus). Pirenzepine (50 and 100 nM), the prototype M1-selective antagonist, and gallamine, an M2-selective antagonist, as well as atropine (50 nM) and secoverine (100 nM), nonselective antagonists, attenuated (P less than 0.05) the ACh-induced increase in Ppa and Rds. With elevated vascular tone induced by serotonin infusion, ACh produced a dose-dependent increase in Ppa in 19 of 25 lobes, although Rus decreased while Rds increased in all lobes. At high vascular tone, pirenzepine or gallamine attenuated the ACh-induced increase in Rds, whereas Rus was not affected. Secoverine and atropine antagonized ACh-induced increases in both Rds and Rus. The pA2 values (i.e., the negative log antagonist concentration requiring a doubling of ACh dose for an equivalent increase in Rds) for gallamine, pirenzepine, secoverine, and atropine were 6.1 +/- 0.1, 7.4 +/- 0.1, 8.3 +/- 0.2, and 10.2 +/- 0.3, respectively. These results suggest that 1) ACh increases PVR in the dog by constricting the venous segments (downstream) of the pulmonary circulation via activation of pulmonary vascular muscarinic receptors under conditions of both normal and elevated vascular tone, 2) both M1- and non-M1-muscarinic receptor subtypes appear to participate in mediating the ACh-induced increase in Rds, and 3) ACh moderately relaxes the upstream (arterial) vessels, especially under conditions of elevated tone.  相似文献   
Effect of edema on the relationship between rate of fluid filtration and vascular pressure was studied in ventilated isolated dog lung lobes blood-perfused at constant flow. Constant rate of lobe weight gain (S), representing transvascular fluid flux, was obtained at different venous pressures (Pv) as Pv was increased stepwise from 2 to 40 and then similarly decreased from 40 to 2 Torr (n = 6). In another group (n = 6), edema was maximized by reversing the sequence of Pv change; S was obtained during similar Pv steps as Pv was decreased from 40 to 2 and then returned to 40 Torr. In both groups, delta S was disproportionately greater for delta Pv at higher Pv's, with S vs. Pv fit by an exponential curve (P less than 0.001). The exponential relationship was independent of lung hydration inasmuch as greater edema on the second limb of Pv change did not alter the curve (P greater than 0.05). At 144% weight gain, interstitial compliance was 55.5 +/- 26.8 ml.100 g-1.Torr-1 (n = 10). Interstitial pressure reportedly remains constant, i.e., fails to increase to further buffer fluid filtration, after transition of the lung interstitium from low to high compliance at approximately 40% lung weight gain. If so, then the exponential S vs. Pv relationship observed in the present study at elevated interstitial compliance does not appear related to tissue pressure-buffering effects.  相似文献   
Sulfonates: novel electron acceptors in anaerobic respiration   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The enrichment and isolation in pure culture of a bacterium, identified as a strain of Desulfovibrio, able to release and reduce the sulfur of isethionate (2-hydroxyethanesulfonate) and other sulfonates to support anaerobic respiratory growth, is described. The sulfonate moiety was the source of sulfur that served as the terminal electron acceptor, while the carbon skeleton of isethionate functioned as an accessory electron donor for the reduction of sulfite. Cysteate (alanine-3-sulfonate) and sulfoacetaldehyde (acetaldehyde-2-sulfonate) could also be used for anaerobic respiration, but many other sulfonates could not. A survey of known sulfate-reducing bacteria revealed that some, but not all, strains tested could utilize the sulfur of some sulfonates as terminal electron acceptor. Isethionate-grown cells of Desulfovibrio strain IC1 reduced sulfonate-sulfur in preference to that of sulfate; however, sulfate-grown cells reduced sulfate-sulfur in preference to that of sulfonate. Received: 2 May 1996 / Accepted: 8 June 1996  相似文献   
Summary Pre-cloacal glands occur in some species of amphisbaenians. Although these glands are important in systematics, their biology and chemistry are little known. The pre-cloacal glands of Amphisbaena alba are of the holocrine type. They are made up of a glandular body and a duct. The glandular body is conical to elongate and is formed of clongatc lobules separated one from another by collagen septa. Each lobule is composed, at its periphery, of germinative cells, and within of polyhedral secretory cells, of different degrees of differentiation. The germinative cells, set on a basal lamina, are basophilic and their cytoplasm is fairly electron dense. The polyhedral cells display bulky cytoplasm, filled with spherical granules, wrapped in membranes and differing in their electron densities. Towards the lumen of the gland, these granules are increasingly eosinophilic and have an affinity for orange G. The secretion is discharged into the duct leading to the pore, which is situated in the central region of the scale. This secretion shows positive histochemical results for mucopolysaccharides and proteins. The similarity between the epidermal glands of lizards and those of A. alba raises the suggestion that the glands have equivalent functions, possibly in the course of intra- or interspecific communication.  相似文献   
Collagen synthesis was monitored in cultures of rabbit arterial smooth muscle cells (SMC). Both the rate of collagen synthesis per cell and collagen synthesis as a percent of total protein synthesis were measured at specific intervals from 1 to 14 days after inoculation of smooth muscle cells. The proportions of types I and III collagen present in the conditioned incubation medium and in the cell layer were also examined. After inoculation the cells displayed population expansion typical of SMC in which growth slowed but did not cease after the cells attained confluence. Collagen synthesis rates, expressed as [14C]hydroxyproline per cell, were eight-fold higher in preconfluent cells. In these cultures collagen accounted for more than 20% of the newly synthesized, 14C-labeled protein present as trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-insoluble material in 24 h culture media. In post-confluent cultures, this percentage was reduced to about 7% of the total protein synthesized. Synthesis rates of both collagen and non-collagen protein decreased with increasing time after inoculation. However, the rate of decline of collagen synthesis was three times greater than that seen for non-collagen protein. Early cultures synthesized relatively more type I than type III procollagen. The type I to type III ratio was highest at day 3 and declined after that time to day 14. While the synthesis of both types decreased with increasing age, type I declined at a greater rate resulting in a predominance of type III procollagen secretion by older cultures. We conclude that protein synthesis in general and collagen synthesis in particular are quantitatively and qualitatively dependent upon the growth stage of SMC in vitro.  相似文献   
The distribution of fatty acids in hepatic lipids of dogs fed a diet containing hydrogenated coconut oil as the only source of lipid, changed in the manner characteristic of essential fatty acid deficiency. Cholesterol supplementation of this diet accentuated these changes resulting in further increases in oleic and eicosatrienoic acids and decreases in the distribution of linoleic and arachidonic acids. Two eicosatrienoic acid isomers, 20:3 omega9, derived from oleic acid and 20:3 omega6, an intermediate in the biosynthesis of arachidonic acid from linoleic acid, were identified. The increase of the 20:3 omega6 isomer was found, somewhat unexpectedly, to be greater than that of 20:3 omega9, the isomer normally associated with EFA defiency. The increase in 20:3 omega6 was probably due in part, but not completely, to competitive inhibition by the increased concentration of 20:3 omega9 on the desaturation reaction whereby 20:3 omega6 is converted to arachidonic acid.  相似文献   
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