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Summary This study presents evidence for a retinal projection to neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) of the albino rat. In Golgi-Kopsch material dendrites from LHA-neurons are observed to extend through the supraoptic commissures into the optic tract. The presence of dendrites in the optic tract is confirmed by electron microscopy. Numerous axon terminals are observed forming asymmetric synaptic contacts with these dendritic profiles. Following bilateral enucleation, many of the preterminal axons and terminals in synaptic contact with dendrites in the optic tract demonstrate dark degeneration. After intraocular injection of horseradish peroxidase, there is marked labeling of preterminal axons and terminals in the optic tract. These observations indicate that LHA neurons receive a direct retinal projection from terminals making synaptic contact with dendrites of LHA-neurons extending into the optic tract.  相似文献   
Summary Uranyl sulphate (0.2–0.9 mM) inhibited ferrous iron oxidation by growing cultures ofThiobacillus ferrooxidans. The addition of 5–100 mM uranium to the cultures caused immediate cessation of carbon dioxide fixation, rapid loss of viability and gradual depression of ferrous iron oxidation. Virtually no uranium was found in washed cells grown in the presence of subtoxic to toxic amounts of uranyl sulphate. Uranium-poisoned organisms appeared plasmolyzed in electron micrographs. Cultures tolerant to 5 mM UO2 2+ were develoepd by successive subculturing in increased uranium concentrations. The tolerance was maintained during subculturing in uranium-free medium. Frequency of mutants resistant to 1.0 and 1.5 mM UO2 2+ was 1 per 1.3×106 and 1 per 9.0×108, respectively. The frequency was increased in the presence of 15–150 mM nickel, zinc and manganese. In liquid cultures, bivalent cations and EDTA alleviated the toxicity of 2 mM uranyl sulphate.  相似文献   
Dikaryotic hyphae isolated from basidiocarps ofArmillariella mellea are unstable in aseptic culture and change into monokaryotic hypae. During monokaryotization the nuclei of a dikaryon fuse and fusion nucleus immediately divides resulting in two uninucleate cells, from which the monokaryotic mycelium originates. Similar fusion of two nuclei takes place in matings of compatible singlespore isolates. It is concluded that the resulting monokaryotic mycelium is diploid.  相似文献   
Summary The hippocampal region of the rat has been studied with the histochemical fluorescence method for demonstration of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine. Noradrenalin nerve terminals of characteristic appearance were observed throughout the region, but the density of the terminals in the various areas differed considerably. The highest amount of terminals were seen in the hilus of the area dentata of the rat. Otherwise, noradrenalin nerve terminals constitute a small percentage of the afferents to the hippocampal region. Noticeable differences existed between rat and guinea-pig. In both species there was a conspicuous lack of stratification and delineation of areas as compared with the pictures seen with most other methods, which have revealed precise architectonic patterns.Supported by a Research Grant (12X-715-02) from the Swedish Medical Research council and by a Grant from Stiftelsen M. Bergwalls Minne.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei menschlichen Zähnen wurde piezoelektrisches Verhalten festgestellt; dieses ist gebunden an den Kollagenfaseranteil des Dentins und des Zahnzementes. Schmelz ist nicht piezoelektrisch; entmineralisierte Zähne zeigen ein verstärktes piezoelektrisches Verhalten.Es besteht eine piezoelektrische Achse in der physiologischen Zahnlängsrichtung, deren Richtungssinn bei allen Zähnen des Ober- und Unterkiefers gleich ist und offenbar der morphogenetischen Entwicklungsrichtung des Zahnes entspricht. Außerdem besteht rund um die piezoelektrische Längsachse herum in allen radialen Richtungen zwischen Pulpahöhle und Zahnaußenseite piezoelektrisches Verhalten, das möglicherweise in Beziehung zur Struktur der Dentinlamellen und damit zur morphogenetischen Zahnentwicklung in radialer Richtung steht.Die piezoelektrischen Effekte zeigen von Zahn zu Zahn eine erhebliche biologische Streubreite. Bei unserem Untersuchungsmaterial lagen die Effekte zwischen 3,5·10–10 und 1,9·10–9 est E Ldg./dyn. Diese Werte entsprechen etwa 0,5 bis 2,8% des piezoelektrischen Koeffizienten d11 von -Quarz.
Summary Human teeth are piezoelectric. This is due to the collagen-fibril content of the dentine and tooth cement. Enamel is not piezoelectric; decalcified teeth show increased piezoelectric behaviour.There is a piezoelectrical axis corresponding to the physiological longitudinal tooth axis, which is in the same direction in all teeth of both upper and lower jaws, and which seems to correspond to the morphogenetical development axis of teeth. Piezoelectric behaviour also exists between the pulp cavity and outer surface of the tooth in all directions radial to the piezoelectric longitudinal axis. The latter is possibly due to the dentine lamellae, and therefore may be connected with the radial direction of morphogenetical tooth development.The piezoelectric effects show large biological variations in different teeth. The effects from our research materials vary between 3.5·10–10 and 1.9·10–9 e.s.u./dynes. These results correspond to about 0.5 to 2.8% of the piezoelectrical coefficient d11 of -quartz.

Unterstützt durch Sachbeihilfen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

cand. med. dent. und derzeit Doktorand an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferkrankheiten, Universität Kiel.  相似文献   

Roder, W.; Feyerabend, G.; Rogoll, H.: Landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenschutz. 560 S., 217 Abb. Berlin: VEB Dt. Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1975. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Libbert, E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der allgemeinen Biologie. 1. Aufl. 474 S., 179 Abb., 12 Tab. Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by J. Richter.

Kllinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.: Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarbeitete u. erweiterte Aufl. 3. Bd. 914 S., 523 Abb. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Börner, H.: Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarb. Aufl., 419 S., 74 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer, 1975. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.  相似文献   
Das Tabakmosaik‐Virus (tobacco mosaic tobamovirus, TMV) und ein aus dem Wasser der Havel isoliertes, isometrisches Virus (Havel river ?tombusvirus, HRV) werden bei Hydrokultivierung von den Wurzeln experimentell infizierter Versuchspflanzen (Petunia hybrida bzw. Nicotiana megalos‐iphon) in die Nährlösung abgegeben und bleiben über lange Zeit infektiös. Die als Substrat verwendeten Blähtonkugeln erwiesen sich als viruskontaminiert. Bei erneuter Verwendung zur Hydrokultur können dadurch in unterschiedlich hohem Grade Spontaninfektionen der gesunden nachgebauten Pflanzen auftreten. Für das HRV wurde damit erstmalig eine vektorlose Übertragung nachgewiesen.

Nach Desinfektion der Gefäße und des Blähtons konnten dagegen keine Spontaninfektionen festgestellt werden.

Im Gegensatz zum TMV und HRV konnte für das Gurkenmosaik‐Virus (cucumber mosaic cucumovirus, CMV) eine derartige Übertragungsweise nicht nachgewiesen werden.  相似文献   
The latent effects of precocenes I and II (PI and PH) and juvenile hormone I (JHI) when topically applied to the last three instars of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) larvae have been studied. Application of both PI or PII resulted in morphogenetic abnormalities resemble some effects induced by administration of JHI, e.g., larval‐pupal intermediate, partial or severe cases of untanned pupae and imperfect moths. In PII‐treatments, the effect was instar‐dose‐dependent. The intermediate dose (55 μg) was more effective on S. littoralis larvae than other doses. The effectiveness of both doses of 40 or 70 μg in production of deformed larvae and pupae decreased when applied as repeated doses instead of single ones. In Pi‐treatments, the lower dose (25 μg) was more harmful to Spodoptera larvae than the higher dose (70 μg). Repeated application by either lower or higher doses did not enhance the production of imperfect insects. Application of JHI induced symptoms ranging from supernumerary instars, larval‐pupal intermediate, untanned pupae and deformed adults. The effect was dose‐dependent. In all tested compounds, there apparently was a latent or delayed effects. Although the insects were treated while they were larvae the complete effects were not apparent until after the insect had become a pupa or an adult. More efforts will be needed to understand how does precocene interferes with the process of tanning or sclerotization?  相似文献   
The upper limit of temperature for growth is a species-specific character in the genusChlorella. The limits of 14Chlorella species range from 26–30°C (C. saccharophila) to 38–42°C (C. sorokiniana), withC. fusca var.vacuolata (34°C) andC. kessleri (34–36°C) assuming an intermediate position. Thus, there is no wide gap in the temperature limits between the normal (“low-temperature”) species ofChlorella and the “high-temperature” species,C. sorokiniana.  相似文献   
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