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The right ventricular working heart preparation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An isolated working rat heart preparation was modified to study right ventricular (RV) performance. All hearts were perfused with a Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer via a Langendorff column at 90 mm Hg. Right atrial filling (preload) was varied by raising a buffer reservoir from 5 cm below to 10 cm above the right atrium while pulmonary artery outflow resistance remained fixed. RV systolic pressure and the maximum rise and decrease in pressure development (+/- dP/dt) were measured via a catheter in the RV. Cardiac output was collected with a catheter placed in the pulmonary artery. One group of hearts, monitored at a fixed preload (0 cm H2O) for 2 hr, and another group of hearts, in which two ventricular function curves were performed, demonstrated the stability and reproducibility of the preparation. Additionally, the ability of this preparation to measure changes in inotropy was studied. A negative inotropic effect was measured after verapamil (5 X 10(-8) M) treatment. Positive dP/dt showed the greatest depression (30%) and was significantly lower at every preload. A positive inotropic effect was demonstrated by reducing the buffer Ca2+ concentration to 1.9 mM for the first work curve followed by an addition of Ca2+ (2.8 mM final concentration) or ouabain (5 X 10(-5) M) for the second work curve. Again, the greatest effect was found in the dP/dt measurements (elevated by 20 and 30%, respectively). Thus, this preparation manifests qualities similar to those used in studying the left ventricle and allows investigation of various cardiac diseases which may affect RV pump function.  相似文献   
A rapid, specific, and sensitive (requiring only 20 fmole of antigen equivalent to 0.007 microliter of serum) radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed for the measurement of guinea pig corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG). CBG was purified to homogeneity from guinea pig serum by affinity chromatography and used for immunization, as the standard and as the radiolabeled trace in the RIA. The antiserum to CBG was raised in rabbits. It was judged specific by immunoelectrophoresis and by comparison of RIA values with steroid-binding assay profiles obtained on serum separated on the basis of size and ion-exchange properties. The results of the radioimmunoassays agree with those of a steroid-binding assay run on identical samples. The sensitivity of the assay allows detection of CBG in serial serum samples, other biologic fluids such as milk, and cell culture supernatants.  相似文献   
In a longitudinal prospective study of 1,529 women pregnant in 1974-1975, aspirin and acetaminophen were the two medications most frequently taken during the first half of pregnancy (46 and 41%, respectively). In a selected cohort of 421 offspring of these women, examined at 4 years of age, maternal aspirin use during the first half of pregnancy was significantly related to IQ and attention decrements in the exposed children. Multiple regression analyses were used to statistically adjust for a variety of potentially confounding factors including demographic characteristics, child characteristics, other exposures, and lifestyle/environmental variables. Continuous dose-response and step-function parameterizations of aspirin exposure were both statistically significant and not clearly distinguishable from each other. The estimated aspirin effect is significantly greater for girls than boys. Aspirin effects on offspring function were found in the absence of effects on physical size both at birth and at 4 years. Maternal acetaminophen use was not significantly related to child IQ or attention. As this exploratory research originated from observations of a data set gathered for other purposes, it would be desirable to have these findings replicated in other studies. Further follow-up of the children at a later age is planned.  相似文献   
Experimental model consisted in blocking cells in G1 phase by cold treatment (12 h, 10 degrees C); following 3 h of postincubation at 20 degrees C, cells initiated S phase. In the present studies it has been shown that 2 h postincubation at 20 degrees C of cold-treated young seedlings of Helianthus annuus L. results in transformation of inactive meristematic nucleoli, characterized by small sizes, reduced amount of dry mass and granular component and by the presence of few and large fibrillar centres into large active nucleoli displaying high dry mass and granular component contents, numerous and small fibrillar centres. After 3 h of postincubation at 20 degrees C, nucleoli lose their granular component, decrease in size and dry mass content. At this moment cytoplasm enriches in ribosomes and its dry mass increases. Maximum of nucleolar activity is preceded by an accumulation of proteins in nucleoli. It is concluded that an enhanced transport of ribosomes is one of the conditions of S phase initiation.  相似文献   
A particulate translation system isolated from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was shown to translate faithfully in-vitro-transcribed mRNA coding for a mating hormone precursor (prepro-alpha-factor mRNA) and to N-glycosylate the primary translation product after its translocation into the lumen of the microsomal vesicles. Glycosylation of its three potential sugar attachment sites was found to be competitively inhibited by acceptor peptides containing the consensus sequence Asn-Xaa-Thr, supporting the view that the glycan chains are N-glycosidically attached to the prepro-alpha-factor polypeptide. The accumulation in the presence of acceptor peptides of a membrane-specific, unglycosylated translation product (pp-alpha-F0) differing in molecular mass from a cytosolically located, protease-K-sensitive alpha-factor polypeptide (pp-alpha-Fcyt) by about 1.3 kDa, suggests that, in contrast to previous reports, a signal sequence is cleaved from the mating hormone precursor on/after translocation. This conclusion is supported by the observation that the multiply glycosylated alpha-factor precursor is cleaved by endoglucosaminidase H to a product with a molecular mass smaller than the primary translation product pp-alpha-Fcyt but larger than the membrane-specific pp-alpha-F0. Translation and glycosylation experiments carried out in the presence of various glycosidase inhibitors (e.g. 1-deoxynojirimycin, N-methyl-1-deoxynojirimyin and 1-deoxymannojirimycin) indicate that the N-linked oligosaccharide chains of the glycosylated prepro-alpha-factor species are extensively processed under the in vitro conditions of translation. From the specificity of the glycosidase inhibitors applied and the differences in the molecular mass of the glycosylated translation products generated in their presence, we conclude that the glycosylation-competent microsomes contain trimming enzymes, most likely glucosidase I, glucosidase II and a trimming mannosidase, which process the prepro-alpha-factor glycans down to the (Man)8(GlcNAc)2 stage. Furthermore, several arguments strongly suggest that these three enzymes, which apparently represent the full array of trimming activities in yeast, are exclusively located in the lumen of microsomal vesicles derived from endoplasmic reticulum membranes.  相似文献   
1. The interaction of isolated rat hepatocytes with exogenous 3H-labeled chondroitin-4-sulfate and dermatan sulfate and with biosynthetically 35S-labeled proteoglycans secreted by cultured rat liver fat-storing cells has been studied. 2. All ligands are bound by hepatocytes in a concentration-dependent manner. Scatchard-plot analysis of the data revealed the existence of high- and low-affinity binding modes. 3. The cell-bound exogenous [3H]glycosaminoglycans could be displaced by each unlabeled ligand and by heparin, whereas displacement of the endogenous material was less effective. 4. Binding of all ligands to hepatocytes increased with time. For the exogenous glycosaminoglycans the two- to threefold amount was retained at 37 degrees C as compared to 4 degrees C; it was markedly reduced by pretreatment of the cells with trypsin. 5. Degradation of the exogenous ligands could be detected neither for the cell-bound fraction nor for the free glycosaminoglycans in the culture medium. 6. The binding of the ligands to hepatocytes is viewed as a cell-matrix interaction. Its possible pathobiochemical relevance in liver fibrosis or neoplasia is discussed.  相似文献   
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