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Human mitochondrial DNA types in Finland   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary Variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in a sample of 110 Finns was analyzed with six restriction enzymes, AvaII, BamHI, HaeII, HinII, HpaI, and MspI, by using total blood cell DNA probed with mouse mtDNA. Two new enzyme morphs were observed, one for HaeII and one for HindII. Double-digestion experiments indicated that the BamHI morphs 2 and 3 result from base changes leading to AvaII morphs 3 and 9, respectively. Of the ten different mtDNA types observed, defined by restriction fragment patterns, seven have been previously described in Caucasoid populations. The three new Finnish mtDNA types can be derived from Caucasoid lineages by single restriction site changes. The results were used to reconstruct a phylogenetic tree for Caucasoid mtDNA types defined by the enzymes used. The frequencies of mtDNA types were used to compute genetic distances between Finns, Italians, and Israeli Jews. The frequencies of both enzyme morphs and mtDNA types show that the Finnish population is highly homogeneous.  相似文献   
Contagious mucocutaneous dermatitis is a frequently encountered disease of mountain hares (Lepidus timidus) in Finland. We describe the histopathologic changes and propose an etiologic cause for this disorder. Fifty-three cases collected during 1982-2000 were examined histologically. Transmission electron microscopy was performed in one case. In fully developed lesions, keratinocytes in epidermis and follicular infundibula were swollen and contained large eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies with marked reticular and ballooning degeneration. In later stages, there was marked necrosis and ulceration with severe pyogranulomatous and suppurative inflammation. At this stage, no viral inclusions were detectable, but secondary Staphylococcus warnerii infection was present in most cases. In late lesions, there was dermal fibrosis with epidermal hyperplasia. No spiral-shaped bacteria suggesting treponematosis were detected at any stage. Ultrastructurally, swollen epidermal and follicle infundibular cells contained round intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies with a myriad of virions typical of poxvirus with a biconcave nucleocapsid core, two lateral bodies, and a clearly discernible outer lipoprotein capsule. The findings suggest that contagious mucocutaneous dermatitis in mountain hares is a viral disease caused by a poxvirus. The disease is often complicated by secondary bacterial infection, most commonly S. warneri.  相似文献   
Phenol- and p-cresol-degrading pseudomonads isolated from phenol-polluted water were analysed by the sequences of a large subunit of multicomponent phenol hydroxylase (LmPH) and catechol 2,3-dioxygenase (C23O), as well as according to the structure of the plasmid-borne pheBA operon encoding catechol 1,2-dioxygenase and single component phenol hydoxylase. Comparison of the carA gene sequences (encodes the small subunit of carbamoylphosphate synthase) between the strains showed species- and biotype-specific phylogenetic grouping. LmPHs and C23Os clustered similarly in P. fluorescens biotype B, whereas in P. mendocina strains strong genetic heterogeneity became evident. P. fluorescens strains from biotypes C and F were shown to possess the pheBA operon, which was also detected in the majority of P. putida biotype B strains which use the ortho pathway for phenol degradation. Six strains forming a separate LmPH cluster were described as the first pseudomonads possessing the Mop type LmPHs. Two strains of this cluster possessed the genes for both single and multicomponent PHs, and two had genetic rearrangements in the pheBA operon leading to the deletion of the pheA gene. Our data suggest that few central routes for the degradation of phenolic compounds may emerge in bacteria as a result of the combination of genetically diverse catabolic genes.  相似文献   
Many common environmental pollutants, together with nuclear radiation, are recognized as genotoxic. There is, however, very little information on pollution-related genetic effects on free-living animal populations, especially in terrestrial ecosystems. We investigated whether genetic diversity in two small insectivorous passerines, the great tit (Parus major) and the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), was changed near point sources of heavy metals (two copper smelters) or radioactive isotopes (nuclear material reprocessing plant). We measured concentration of heavy metals and nucleotide diversity in mitochondrial DNA in feather samples taken from nestlings in multiple polluted areas and at control sites. In both species, heavy metal concentrations - especially of arsenic - were increased in feathers collected at smelter sites. The P. major population living near a smelter showed significantly higher nucleotide diversity than a control population in an unpolluted site, suggesting increased mutation rates in a polluted environment. On the contrary, F. hypoleuca showed reduced nucleotide diversity at both smelter sites but increased nucleotide diversity near the source of radioactivity. Our results show that heavy metal pollution and low level nuclear radiation affect the nucleotide diversity in two free-living insectivorous passerines. We suggest that the different response in these two species may be due to their different ability to handle toxic compounds in the body.  相似文献   
Many patients with persistent asthma can be controlled with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). However, a considerable proportion of patients remain symptomatic, despite the use of ICS. We present systematically evidence that supports the different treatment options. A literature search was made of Medline/PubMed to identify randomised and blinded trials. To demonstrate the benefit that can be obtained by increasing the dose of ICS, dose-response studies with at least three different ICS doses were identified. To demonstrate whether more benefit can be obtained by adding long-acting β2-agonist (LABA), leukotriene antagonist (LTRA) or theophylline than by increasing the dose of ICS, studies comparing these options were identified. Thirdly, studies comparing the different "add-on" options were identified. The addition of a LABA is more effective than increasing the dose of ICS in improving asthma control. By increasing the dose of ICS, clinical improvement is likely to be of small magnitude. Addition of a LTRA or theophylline to the treatment regimen appears to be equivalent to doubling the dose of ICS. Addition of a LABA seems to be superior to an LTRA in improving lung function. However, addition of LABA and LTRA may be equal with respect to asthma exacerbations. However, more and longer studies are needed to better clarify the role of LTRAs and theophylline as add-on therapies.  相似文献   
Making a strong case for biodiversity protection is central to meeting the biodiversity targets in international agreements such as the CBD and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Effective arguments are needed to convince diverse actors that protection is worthwhile, and can play a crucial role in closing the implementation gap between biodiversity policy targets and outcomes. Drawing on a database of arguments from 11 European case studies, along with additional interview and case study material from all 13 case studies of the BESAFE project, we analysed relationships between potential and observed effectiveness of arguments. Our results show that strong logic, robustness, and timing of arguments are necessary but not sufficient conditions for arguments to be effective. We find that use of multiple and diverse arguments can enhance effectiveness by broadening the appeal to wider audiences, especially when arguments are repeated and refined through constructive dialogue. We discuss the role of framing, bundling and tailoring arguments to audiences in increasing effectiveness. Our results provide further support for the current shift towards recognition of value pluralism in biodiversity science and decision-making. We hope our results will help to demonstrate more convincingly the value of biodiversity to stakeholders in decision processes and thus build better cases for its conservation.  相似文献   
Arguments in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of biodiversity policy frame conservation in a range of ways and express interests that can be conflicting. Policy processes are cyclic and iterative by nature and as policies are constantly reformulated, argumentation has an important role at each policy stage. In this paper, we utilise the policy cycle model to shed light on biodiversity-related policy processes and the ways in which argumentation generates effects at different stages of these processes. The paper first draws on literature and the theory-driven assumptions are then illustrated with insights from four European case studies on different policy processes in which biodiversity conservation plays a role. The analysis shows that argumentation tends to evolve over the course of the policy cycle, and framing has a key role across the different policy stages. It is concluded that the ways in which arguments persist, accumulate, diffuse, and replace old arguments, should be the target of increased attention in policy analysis.  相似文献   
The multispanning membrane protein vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP1) marks and regulates endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐domains associated with diverse ER‐organelle membrane contact sites. A proportion of these domains associate with endosomes during their maturation and remodeling. We found that these VMP1 domains are enriched in choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase and phosphatidylinositol synthase (PIS1), 2 ER enzymes required for the synthesis of various phospholipids. Interestingly, the lack of VMP1 impairs the formation of PIS1‐enriched ER domains, suggesting a role in the distribution of phosphoinositides. In fact, depletion of VMP1 alters the distribution of PtdIns4P and proteins involved in the trafficking of PtdIns4P. Consistently, in these conditions, defects were observed in endosome trafficking and maturation as well as in Golgi morphology. We propose that VMP1 regulates the formation of ER domains enriched in lipid synthesizing enzymes. These domains might be necessary for efficient distribution of PtdIns4P and perhaps other lipid species. These findings, along with previous reports that involved VMP1 in regulating PtdIns3P during autophagy, expand the role of VMP1 in lipid trafficking and explain the pleiotropic effects observed in VMP1‐deficient mammalian cells and other model systems.   相似文献   
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