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Although the impact of nest-dwelling ectoparasites on nestlings in altricial birds is relatively well documented, little information is available on the fitness consequences of bird–ectoparasite systems with limited ectoparasite transmission between parents and their offspring. In this particular context we tested the hypothesis that parental infestation by a haematophageous field ectoparasite, the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus , in a hole-breeding passerine bird, the great tit Parus major , ultimately leads to the reduction of nestling quality. Observational data of a long-term study show that 15 days after hatching, nestlings' body condition (body mass corrected for body size) was negatively associated with the tick load of the mother, while no association was found with tick load of the father. A field experiment was conducted to test if adult infestation by ticks leads to a reduction in offspring quality. The field experiment consisted of a two by two factorial design: neither, one or both parents were infested with a high tick load (12 nymphs) when nestlings were eight days old. Four days after manipulation of the parents, the effect of the treatment on nestlings' health was assessed by measuring haematological and biochemical parameters. Body condition of nestlings was monitored from three days after hatching, until seven days after tick manipulation of the parents. Although parental tick manipulation resulted in successful tick feeding, nestlings' health parameters were not affected. We therefore suggest that the negative association between nestling condition and parental tick load does not reflect a causal effect of parasites, but either reflects a common environmental factor affecting parental infestation levels and offspring condition, or reflects parental quality. We propose different explanations why this association is expressed in female parents only.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Maternal effects occur when the phenotype of the offspring is influenced by the phenotype of the mother, which in turn depends on her heritable state as well as on influences from the current and past environmental conditions. All of these pathways may, therefore, form significant sources of variation in maternal effects. Here, we focused on the maternal transfer of carotenoids and vitamin E to the egg yolk, using canaries as a model species. Maternal yolk carotenoids and vitamin E are known to generate significant phenotypic variation in offspring, representing examples of maternal effects. We studied the intra-individual consistency in deposition patterns across two years and the mother-daughter resemblance across two generations in order to estimate the level of heritable variation. The effects of the current environmental conditions were studied via a food supplementation experiment, while the consequences of past environmental conditions were estimated on the basis of the early growth trajectories. RESULTS: There was a significant effect of the current environmental conditions on the yolk carotenoid and vitamin E deposition, but this effect varied between antioxidant components. The deposition of yolk carotenoids and vitamin E were linked to the process of yolk formation. Past environmental conditions did not contribute to the variation in yolk carotenoid and vitamin E levels nor did we find significant heritable variation. CONCLUSIONS: The transfer of carotenoids or vitamin E may be an example where current environmental variation is largely passed from the mother to the offspring, despite the numerous intermediate physiological steps that are involved. Differences in the effect of the environmental conditions as experienced by the mother during laying may be due to differences in availability as well as physiological processes such as competitive exclusion or selective absorption.  相似文献   
Although several microorganisms that produce and degrade methanethiol (MT) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) have been isolated from various habitats, little is known about the numbers of these microorganisms in situ. This study reports on the identification and quantification of microorganisms involved in the cycling of MT and DMS in freshwater sediments. Sediment incubation studies revealed that the formation of MT and DMS is well balanced with their degradation. MT formation depends on the concentrations of both sulfide and methyl group-donating compounds. A most-probable number (MPN) dilution series with syringate as the growth substrate showed that methylation of sulfide with methyl groups derived from syringate is a commonly occurring process in situ. MT appeared to be primarily degraded by obligately methylotrophic methanogens, which were found in the highest positive dilutions on DMS and mixed substrates (methanol, trimethylamine [TMA], and DMS). Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of the total DNA isolated from the sediments and of the DNA isolated from the highest positive dilutions of the MPN series (mixed substrates) revealed that the methanogens that are responsible for the degradation of MT, DMS, methanol, and TMA in situ are all phylogenetically closely related to Methanomethylovorans hollandica. This was confirmed by sequence analysis of the product obtained from a nested PCR developed for the selective amplification of the 16S rRNA gene from M. hollandica. The data from sediment incubation experiments, MPN series, and molecular-genetics detection correlated well and provide convincing evidence for the suggested mechanisms for MT and DMS cycling and the common presence of the DMS-degrading methanogen M. hollandica in freshwater sediments.  相似文献   
Whether androgen deposition in eggs is physiologically costly for female birds has remained a crucial but unsolved question, despite a broad use of this assumption in functional studies. We tested whether females depositing high androgen concentrations experienced higher mass losses than females depositing low androgen concentrations. Analysing female body mass change during egg formation in rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome), we observed no energetic cost to androgen deposition. Nevertheless, lighter females laid eggs with higher yolk androgen concentrations. This relationship existed only for the second-laid egg (B-egg), but not for the first-laid egg (A-egg). Since the B-egg is usually the first to hatch and the only one to produce a fledging chick, we hypothesize that differential yolk androgen deposition may be an adaptive strategy for females to affect brood reduction.  相似文献   
Despite the strong interest in hormone-mediated maternal effects two key questions concerning their mechanisms are as yet unanswered: First, whether the deposition of hormones in the egg yolk is coupled with the levels of these hormones in the maternal circulation, and second, whether epigenetic changes as induced by embryonic exposure to maternal yolk hormones impinge on yolk hormone deposition at adulthood. We investigated the responsiveness to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in female canaries whose embryonic exposure to yolk testosterone had been manipulated. This enabled us to study to what extent GnRH interlinks testosterone concentrations in female circulation and egg yolk as well as the intergenerational potential of hormone-mediated maternal effects. As expected, canary females responded to GnRH with a rise in plasma testosterone. The GnRH-responsiveness was positively correlated with the yolk testosterone content. Factors stimulating the release of GnRH will, therefore, lead to an increase of testosterone in both plasma and egg, posing a potential constraint on the yolk hormone deposition due to testosterone related trade-offs within the laying female. Exposure to elevated yolk testosterone levels as embryo reduced the GnRH-responsiveness in adulthood, potentially limiting environmental influences on yolk testosterone deposition, but the concentrations of yolk testosterone itself were not affected.  相似文献   
Offspring begging and parental provisioning are the two central social behaviours expressed during the period of parental care. Both behaviours influence each other and it is, therefore, hypothesized that they should ultimately become (genetically) correlated, stabilized by fitness costs to parents and/or offspring. By reciprocally exchanging entire clutches in canaries (Serinus canaria), we tested (1) whether there is covariation between these behaviours and (2) whether a mismatch - as introduced by cross-fostering - entails costs. Begging was scored in a standardized begging test and parental provisioning was measured via (a) the actual feeding rate and (b) using the growth rate of the foster nestlings as a proxy. Costs were established in terms of future reproductive investment in subsequent clutches and offspring growth. We found a positive and significant phenotypic covariation between offspring begging and parental feeding when using the growth rate as a proxy and, to a lesser extent, in case of the parental feeding rate. Female parents suffered no future reproductive costs when feeding foster nestlings that were more demanding than their own nestlings. Neither growth measured amongst all offspring nor the reproductive investment measured amongst the female offspring as adults was influenced by their begging behaviour. However, the reproductive investment of female offspring tended to depend on the parental qualities of their foster parents. Thus, offspring may only be able to extract resources within the limit of generosity of their foster parents. This suggests parental control of feeding, which is also supported by the positive covariation between offspring begging and parental feeding.  相似文献   
Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease affecting the microvasculature of skin and muscle. CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are key regulators of immune homeostasis. A role for Tregs in JDM pathogenesis has not yet been established. Here, we explored Treg presence and function in peripheral blood and muscle of JDM patients. We analyzed number, phenotype and function of Tregs in blood from JDM patients by flow cytometry and in vitro suppression assays, in comparison to healthy controls and disease controls (Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy). Presence of Tregs in muscle was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Overall, Treg percentages in peripheral blood of JDM patients were similar compared to both control groups. Muscle biopsies of new onset JDM patients showed increased infiltration of numbers of T cells compared to Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Both in JDM and Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy the proportion of FOXP3+ T cells in muscles were increased compared to JDM peripheral blood. Interestingly, JDM is not a self-remitting disease, suggesting that the high proportion of Tregs in inflamed muscle do not suppress inflammation. In line with this, peripheral blood Tregs of active JDM patients were less capable of suppressing effector T cell activation in vitro, compared to Tregs of JDM in clinical remission. These data show a functional impairment of Tregs in a proportion of patients with active disease, and suggest a regulatory role for Tregs in JDM inflammation.  相似文献   


To determine if structural bone parameters obtained from dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) contribute to the prediction of progression of hip osteoarthritis (OA) and to test if the difference between the most affected (OA) hip and the contralateral hip adds to this prediction.  相似文献   
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