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Procedures are described for the isolation and identification of 1-methyladenine from the urine of an adult female with adenosine deaminase deficiency but no immunodeficiency. Evidence is provided indicating that much of the usual urinary excretion product, 1-methyladenosine, is converted to 1-methyladenine in this subject prior to excretion. Since the nucleoside phosphorylases present in normal individuals do not act on 1-methyladenosine, this suggests that a phosphorylase with unusual properties is present in this adenosine deaminase-deficient subject. A possible role for this phosphorylase in removal of deoxyadenosine in this subject is discussed.  相似文献   
Activation of T lymphocytes leads to the production of the T cell growth factor IL-2 that regulates T cell proliferation. This activation is associated with several potential intracellular signalling events including increased activity of phospholipase C (PLC) and resultant increases in production of inositol phosphates and diacylglycerols. In addition, phosphorylation of specific intracellular proteins on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues increases. The role of each of these events in IL-2 production is unclear. Using Western blotting with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies, we demonstrate that activation of murine T cells with mitogenic lectins or anti-CD3 antibodies leads to a rapid increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins of 120, 72, 62, 55, and 40 kDa. Similar patterns of antiphosphotyrosine antibodies reactivity were observed in splenocytes, a T cell hybridoma, and a T lymphoma. Tyrosine phosphorylation was detectable within minutes of addition of mitogenic lectins and persisted for at least 6 h. Pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin did not inhibit tyrosine phosphorylation indicating that a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein is not involved in signal transduction. Neither increasing cytosolic-free calcium nor activating protein kinase C mimicked the effects of mitogenic lectins suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation was not a consequence of activation of PLC. This was confirmed by demonstrating that mitogenic lectins induced similar patterns of tyrosine phosphorylation in cells in which activation of the TCR leads to increased PLC activity and in cells in which PLC is not stimulated. To test whether tyrosine phosphorylation is linked to IL-2 secretion, we determined the effect of three specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tyrphostins) on tyrosine phosphorylation, IL-2 secretion, and cellular proliferation. The concentration dependence of inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation and IL-2 production were similar. However, higher concentrations of the tyrphostins were required to inhibit constitutive proliferation of the T cell line indicating that inhibition of IL-2 secretion was not secondary to nonspecific toxic effects of the tyrphostins. Addition of the tyrphostins after mitogenic lectin decreased the amount of tyrosine phosphorylation and IL-2 secretion in parallel. This indicates that both tyrosine kinases and phosphatases are activated and that continuous tyrosine phosphorylation is likely required for IL-2 secretion. Therefore, tyrosine phosphorylation appears to represent an obligatory event in the transmembrane signaling processes that lead to IL-2 secretion.  相似文献   
The proposed function of intermediate filaments is to provide a cell type-specific structural framework that maintains cell shape and organelle distribution and mediates signal transduction through its connections with the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Vimentin is the intermediate filament protein expressed in B lymphocytes. Immunocytochemical analysis of the high salt-stable cytoskeletons from B cells stimulated with anti-Ig revealed an increased accumulation of vimentin in the cytoskeleton compared to nontreated controls. This increased accumulation of vimentin in the cytoskeleton was manifested by the organization of vimentin into extensive filamentous arrays (EFA) as viewed in the fluorescent microscope. In contrast to the effects of anti-Ig, activation of B cells with LPS did not induce the organization of vimentin into EFA. This suggested that signals unique to anti-Ig directed EFA formation. Immunocytochemical results were verified by biochemical analysis showing that vimentin was more abundant in isolated cytoskeletons from anti-Ig activated B cells, than cytoskeletons isolated from LPS-activated B cells. These observations established a relationship between increased content of vimentin in the cytoskeleton and the formation of EFA. By testing a wide variety of activating agents, we were able to correlate increased vimentin expression in the cytoskeleton to activating agents that cross-link membrane Ig. It appeared that treatment of B cells with LPS prohibited the induction of EFA by anti-Ig because cotreatment with both anti-Ig and LPS resulted in decreased vimentin accumulation in the cytoskeleton to a level less than that in resting cells. The significance of these results with regard to B cell biology is discussed.  相似文献   
Arginine can be metabolized by inflammatory cells through at least two pathways. One is an oxidative l-arginine deiminase (OAD) that results in the formation of citrulline and reactive nitrogen intermediates. The other is arginase, which determines the production of ornithine and urea. The temporal expression of these pathways in an experimental wound model (s.c. implanted polyvinyl alcohol sponges in the rat) was investigated by examining the concentrations of amino acids and of nitrite in fluids obtained from the sponges 6 h to 15 day after implantation. These analyses revealed two distinct periods during which the arginine concentration in the fluids was markedly below plasma levels. During the early period (less than 3 days after sponge implantation) wound fluid contained more citrulline and nitrite than at any other time, suggesting OAD activity. In contrast, ornithine accumulated in the fluids during the late decrease in arginine concentration that extended beyond day 3, during which time the wound fluid also contained a high arginase activity. This time-dependent expression of different pathways of arginine metabolism in wounds was confirmed in sponge cultures containing [guanido-14C]-l-arginine. Cells contained in sponges harvested less than 48 h after implantation metabolized labeled arginine mainly to labeled citrulline, whereas labeled urea was produced during culture of sponges harvested after this time. The low arginine content of wound fluid did not appear to be rate limiting for the expression of OAD in late sponges because no OAD activity was evidenced when 4 mM arginine was added to the cultures. These results indicate that the OAD pathway is expressed in this model predominantly during the early, polymorphonuclear leukocyte-predominant, phase of repair. At this time, the reactive nitrogen intermediates resulting from the metabolism of arginine may mediate some of the events characteristic of early inflammation, including microbiostasis, vasodilation, and inhibition/reversal of platelet aggregation. In turn, the late suppression of this pathway and the catabolism of arginine through arginase may promote macrophage function within wounds.  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases renal calcium absorption exclusively in cortical thick limbs and distal tubules. Lack of sufficient tissue has precluded detailed biochemical study of the mechanisms responsible for the hypercalcemic effect of PTH. Therefore, we assessed PTH action on calcium transport in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, a cell line expressing distal characteristics, to determine its suitability as a model for analyzing PTH action. Calcium transport across MDCK cells grown to confluence on porous filters was measured at 37 degrees C in Ussing chambers. Mucosal-to-serosal calcium fluxes (JCa, mol/min cm-2 x 10(-9)) were measured with 45Ca at -3, -1, 5, 10, and 20 min; agonist was added at 0 min. Basal JCa averaged 0.98. PTH at 0.2 microM increased JCa by 12% (P less than 0.05) and 1 microM PTH by 70% (P less than 0.01). Calcitonin (1 microM) had no effect on JCa. The fact that high concentrations of dibutyryl cAMP (1 mM) and forskolin (10 microM) increased JCa by only 37% and 22%, respectively, suggested that cAMP-independent mechanisms may participate in PTH-stimulated JCa. Therefore we examined the effect of other putative second messengers. In the presence of 2 mM external [Ca], 10 nM A23187 increased JCa by 88%, and 10 microM A23187 increased JCa by 121%. Addition of 10 microM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) increased JCa by 60%. We conclude that: 1) PTH specifically stimulates unidirectional calcium absorption in MDCK cells; 2) both adenylate cyclase-coupled and calcium-coupled receptors may participate in signaling the response to PTH; and 3) confluent MDCK cells represent a useful experimental model for elucidating the biochemical mechanisms involved in the renal hypercalcemic action of PTH.  相似文献   
An antibody raised against a peptide in the first nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of CFTR [1], incorporated into intact rat submandibular acini by hypotonic swelling, inhibited beta-adrenergic stimulated mucin secretion, without affecting cyclic AMP rise. The data are the first to show that a CFTR-antibody-containing cell results in defective stimulation of mucin secretion, as is seen in CF cells, and that this can be reversed by an excessive increase in cyclic AMP.  相似文献   
Hurricane Danny resulted in the rapid deposition of 10cm of oxidized, acidic sediment in the Contrary Creek arm of Lake Anna, Virginia. Several biological and geochemical parameters were monitored with time to ascertain how long it took the newly-deposited lake sediments to attain the anaerobic, circumneutral, actively sulfate-reducing state normally observed in this portion of the lake. The sediment platinum-electrode potential dropped from 350 mV to 100 mV within the first week after the storm. The pH of the pore water increased from 4.5 to 5.8 within three weeks, and titratable alkalinity was detected within two weeks and three weeks at 3 cm and 1 cm depths, respectively. Accumulation of reduced products of sulfate reduction (acid volatile sulfide) began by three to four weeks after the storm event. Both methanogens and sulfate reducers were present in high and approximately equal numbers in the freshly deposited material. The rapid neutralization of the acidity in the fresh sediment prior to the onset of sulfate reduction suggests that reactions other than sulfate reduction caused the initial increase in pH and alkalinity in this system.  相似文献   
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