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The extent of genome-wide restructuring predicted in bottleneck models of speciation is addressed in assays of non-reproductive behavior in lines of the housefly. After five serial founder-flush cycles of one of three sizes (1, 4, or 16 pairs), each bottleneck line showed significant differentiation from the outbred control in ambulatory levels and grooming sequences in videotaped records of precopulatory activity. Only one line (4-pair) showed overall lethargy which was associated to inbreeding depression in egg-to-adult viability, thus exemplifying a case of probable extinction due to bottlenecks. The two most hyperactive lines (1- and 16-pair) showed very similar directions of differentiation from the control in locomotor activity and grooming behavior, as well as in mating behavior evaluated from a separate study. This high congruence suggested that directional selection toward the phenotypic optima of the ancestor operated on the bottleneck populations and that a 10-fold difference in theoretical inbreeding coefficients did not affect the magnitude of response. The remaining two bottleneck lines showed some independence from these general trajectories, their divergence along minor axes of ancestral intercorrelation structure possibly being more important to the formation of new species. Significant perturbations of the thresholds for execution of grooming and locomotor movements suggested increased evolutionary potential for ritualization (i.e., sexual selection for adoption of non-reproductive behavior into courtship repertoire) due to bottlenecks.  相似文献   
The behavioral responses of sexually experienced male hamsters toward a pair of anesthetized conspecifics were investigated. Males spent significantly more time licking, sniffing, and mounting neonatally and adult castrated males than intact males. Adult castrated males receiving oil injections were preferred over castrates receiving exogenous testosterone propionate (TP). Ovariectomized females were preferred over intact males, adult castrated males, or spayed females receiving exogenous TP. It was concluded that the absence of an androgen-dependent factor(s) renders an animal more sexually attractive.  相似文献   
The metabolism of [3H]formate has been examined in etiolated and greening leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare), dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgarls), broad bean (Vicia faba) and corn (Zea mays). Tritium was extensively incorporated by primary leaves incubated for 20-min periods in light or dark. The organic acids and free amino acids were the principal products of formate metabolism but these and other products were more heavily labelled in green tissues. Time course experiments with barley leaves revealed a rapid labelling of serine, accompanied by increasing amounts of 3H in glycine and aspartate as the feeding period was extended. These amino acid products were formed throughout a 4-day greening period with an approximate doubling in total incorporation being due to large accumulations of tritiated glycine and aspartate. The involvement of tetrahydrofolate-dependent reactions in formate metabolism was indicated by inhibition of [14C] and [3H]formate incorporation by the folate antagonist, aminopterin. Labelling of glycine and serine was also strongly inhibited (up to 90%) when the leaves were incubated with increasing concentrations of isonicotinylhydrazide.  相似文献   
Thermally induced, order-disorder transitions of iota- and kappa-carrageenan have been monitored by optical rotation and differential-scanning calorimetry in various ionic environments. Conformational ordering in kappa-carrageenan is observed only in the presence of cations that have been shown previously to promote helix-helix aggregation, and shows marked hysteresis between heating and cooling. Iota-carrageenan, by contrast, shows an order-disorder transition in the non-aggregating, tetramethylammonium salt form, at substantially lower temperature than for kappa-carrageenan, and without hysteresis. In the presence of potassium ions, which are known to promote aggregation, iota-carrageenan shows two distinct thermal-transitions, one without hysteresis at the same temperature as observed under non-aggregating conditions, and one with significant hysteresis close to the temperature of the kappa-carrageenan transition. We interpret these transitions as helix-to-coil and aggregated helix-to-coil, respectively. This interpretation is supported by measurements of the enthalpy changes of the transitions; ΔH values show a systematic increase with increasing aggregation and hysteresis. We conclude that the double helix of iota-carrageenan can exist as a stable entity in isolation, but may be further stabilised by aggregation, whereas the kappa-carrageenan helix is stable only when aggregated.  相似文献   
Summary Contamination and low viability of earthworm coelomocytes in tissue culture have delayed in vitro studies. Using penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and Amphotericin B,Lumbricus terrestis coelomocytes were maintained viable and uncontaminated for 10 days at 15°C in medium L-15 supplemented with 5 to 10% fetal bovine serum. The coelomocytes survived for at least 10 days with 85% viability as assessed by trypan blue exclusion assays and phagocytosis of heat-killed yeast. Studies on the thymidine uptake, however, were negative. With the involvement of coelomocytes in tissue graft rejection, in vitro techniques can now be applied to study their capacity in the immune response. Supported in part by USPHS Research Grant 1 RO 1 HD09333-01 to E. L. Cooper.  相似文献   
Multivariate phenotypic differentiation in eight morphometric traits was examined in bottleneck lines of the housefly initiated with one, four, or 16 pairs of flies from a natural outbred population. Differentiation was assessed using a Mahalanobis' distance metric in units of additive genetic variance and covariance estimated from the ancestral population (i.e., generalized genetic distance). This distance metric was partitioned into contributions of size and shape to total distance. Bottleneck lines of all sizes diverged significantly from the ancestral line, but the direction of these shifts differed among the lines of different initial founding size. Those populations founded with single pairs diverged from the ancestral line mostly in shape; the 16-pair lines differentiated almost entirely in size, and the four-pair lines were intermediate in the relative contribution of shape to differentiation from the control. Bottlenecks serve to alter the genetic relationships among traits within the derived populations and in doing so could promote speciation by permitting differentiation of the populations along evolutionary trajectories less accessible to the base population.  相似文献   
Enzyme electrophoresis was employed to ascertain the number of loci encoding plastid phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) in species representing all sections of North American Coreopsis. Several species from each of the closely related genera Bidens, Coreocarpus, Cosmos, and Thelesperma were also examined. Species in nine of the 11 sections of North American Coreopsis have two isozymes for plastid PGI, and nearly all species examined in the four other genera also have two (one species has three) isozymes. Since most diploid vascular plants have one plastid PGI isozyme, a gene duplication probably occurred in an ancestor that is common to Coreopsis and the other four genera. That is, two isozymes represent the ancestral number for Coreopsis. The two sections (Electra and Anathysana) apparently lacking the duplication are closely related woody plants restricted largely to Mexico. One gene encoding plastid PGI ostensibly was silenced in a common ancestor of these two sections. This is concordant with other data suggesting a close relationship between the two sections, i.e., they appear to represent a monophyletic group. The electrophoretic data also indicate that 1) the enigmatic monotypic section Silphidium is more closely related to eastern North American sections and not derived from section Electra; and 2) section Anathysana is not ancestral to the three California sections Leptosyne, Pugiopappus, and Tuckermannia; rather, it represents a terminal element closely related to and possibly derived from section Electra.  相似文献   
A number of Pseudomonas species have been identified which accumulate a polyhydroxyalkanoate containing mainly 3-hydroxydecanoate monomers from sodium gluconate as the sole carbon source. One of these, Pseudomonas sp. strain NCIMB 40135, was further investigated and shown to accumulate such a polyhydroxyalkanoate from a wide range of carbon sources (C2 to C6); however, when supplied with octanoic acid it produced a polyhydroxyalkanoate containing mainly 3-hydroxyoctanoate monomers. Polymer synthesis occurred in batch culture after cessation of growth due to exhaustion of nitrogen. In continuous culture under nitrogen limitation up to 16.9% (wt/wt) polyhydroxyalkanoate was synthesized from glucose as the carbon source. The monomer units are mainly of the R-(−) configuration. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies confirmed the composition of the polymer. Differential scanning calorimetry suggested that the solvent-extracted polymer contained a significant proportion of crystalline material. The weight-average molecular weight of the polymer from glucose-grown cells was 143,000.  相似文献   
Two substrains of Escherichia coli B/r were grown to steady-state in batch cultures at temperatures between 22 and 42° C in different growth media. The size and shape of the cells were measured from light and electron micrographs and with the Coulter channelizer. The results indicate that cells are shorter and somewhat thicker at the lower temperatures, especially in rich growth media; cell volume is then slightly smaller. A lower temperature was further found to increase the relative duration of the constriction period. The shapes of the cell size distributions are indistinguishable, indicating that the pattern of growth of the cells is the same at all temperatures. The adaptation of the cells to a temperature shift lasted several generations, indicating that the morphological effects of temperature are mediated by the cell's physiology.  相似文献   
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