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Metatherian (marsupial) mammals possess a non-random form of X-chromosome inactivation in which the paternally-derived X is always the one inactivated. To examine the progression of X-linked gene expression during metatherian development, we compared relative levels of the maternally and paternally encoded Gpd gene products in heterozygous female Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) across a moior portion of the developmental period. Panels of tissues obtained from fetuses, newborns, and pouch young were examined via polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the G6PD protein. As in adults, G6PD phenotypes in these developmental stages were highly skewed in favor of the maternal allele product, but in some tissues there was a marked increase in paternal allele expression with advancing developmental age. However, even by 42 days of post-partum development, expression of the paternal Gpd allele had not attained the adult, tissue-specific activity pattern. Our findings indicate remarkable developmental changes in the activity of the paternal allele in several tissues/organs continuing well into mid pouch-life stages and beyond. Specifically we found that 1) a substantially repressed paternal Gpdgene is present in the cells of female stage 29 fetuses and later developmental stages, 2) the activity state of the paternal Gpd gene is not fixed during early embryonic development in this species, 3) maior changes in paternal Gpd expression occur in advanced developmental stages and comprise a maturation of the gene expression pattern during ontogeny, and 4) alterations of paternal Gpd allele activity during development occur in a tissue-specific manner. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The position of individual fruit on kiwifruit vines (Actinidiadeliciosa var. deliciosa) grown on a horizontal trellis (pergola)and on a T-bar trellis was determined using a theodolite. Thephysical, chemical, and postharvest attributes of the fruitwere related to their position on the vine during development. Fruit from the pergola vines were more numerous, of lesser weight,with lower concentrations of most mineral nutrients, but greaterconcentrations of soluble solids, and similar flesh firmnessafter 12 weeks of storage at 0 °C, than fruit from the T-barvines. The position on the vine accounted for most of the variationin the attributes of the fruit. Differences between fruit ona single lateral accounted for 43-56% of the variation. Variationbetween vines was relatively small (< 4% of the total variance). The heavier fruit were located at the apical ends of the laterals,while greater concentrations of soluble solids were associatedwith fruit located closer to the cordon. The larger fruit fromthe pergola vines developed from the early opening flowers.A similar relationship existed initially for the T-bar vines,but a reduction in growth of fruit from the early opening flowers8 weeks after anthesis resulted in a more even distributionof fruit size at harvest. The strongest relationship between mineral composition and postharvestattributes of the fruit was with soluble solids concentration(29-46% of the variance). The relationship with flesh firmnesswas weak (r = -0·14 to -0·32). Individual elementscould not be considered in isolation but rather in groups ofelements. Nitrogen was grouped strongly with phosphorus, sulphur,potassium, and copper, while calcium was linked with a secondgroup which included manganese and zinc. These two groups werenegatively related to one another. The greatest proportion of fruit with superior characteristicswas located in the denser parts of the canopy. Fruit with lessdesirable attributes were from the extremities of the canopywhere the leaf area index was low.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, fruit position, fruit quality, within-vine variation  相似文献   
The role of proteinaceous amino acids in rhizosphere nutrient mobilization was assessed both experimentally and theoretically. The degree of adsorption onto the soil's solid phase was dependent on both the amino acid species and on soil properties. On addition of amino acids to both soil and freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3, no detectable mobilization of nutrients (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, S, P, Si and Al) was observed, indicating a very low complexation ability of the acidic, neutral and basic amino acids. This was supported by results from a solution equilibria computer model which also predicted low levels of amino acid complexation with solutes present in the soil solution. On comparison with the Fe(OH)3 and equilibria data obtained for the organic acid, citrate, it was concluded that amino acids released into the rhizosphere have a limited role in the direct acquisition of nutrients by plants. The effectiveness of root exudates such as amino acids, phytosiderophores and organic acids in nutrient mobilization from the rhizosphere is discussed with reference to rhizosphere diffusion distances, microbial degradation, rate of complexation and the root's capacity to recapture exudate-metal complexes from the soil.  相似文献   
Abstract K88ab fimbriae are filamentous protein structures at the surface of certain enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains. Electron microscopy analysis of K88ab fimbriae showed that these structures have different morphological appearances dependent on the medium in which cells expressing these fimbriae or in which purified fimbriae were suspended. Thin and curled structures, thin and flexible fimbriae, a wider and rigid form of the fimbriae, and, in addition, paracrystalline structures were detected. Optical diffraction analysis of the paracrystalline structures indicated a helical conformation of K88ab fimbriae.  相似文献   
An investigation was carried out to assess the potential of using polysulfone hollow fibres for the extraction of soil solution. In comparison to ceramic suction samplers the fibres were shown to contain very low levels of potential contaminants and a low exchange capacity. Carry over between individual samples was negligible permitting the accurate monitoring of temporal changes in solution chemistry. Their flexible and root sized nature makes them ideal for sampling small soil volumes. Some concern however remains about retention of colloidal Fe at the fibre interface. When comparing the soil solution of samples extracted with polysulfone fibres with those extracted by ceramic suction samplers, no significant differences in solute concentrations were observed. No sample contamination resulting from dissolution of Al or Si from the ceramic cup was detected. Analysis of soil solutions collected over a number of extractions, and during and after a rainfall event showed concentrations of elements in solution to remain relatively constant with time.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the dominant form of carbon in transport in blackwater rivers, and bacteria are the major biological agents of its utilization. This study describes longitudinal patterns in DOC concentration and relates them to suspended bacterial populations in the channel. Concentrations of total DOC, three molecular weight fractions, and bacterial numbers were determined at 12 sites along the Ogeechee River in 1985–1986 and 1989 during periods of low and high discharge. Suspended bacterial populations were compared with DOC concentrations to determine if differences in bacterial abundance were related to longitudinal patterns of DOC concentration. Three distinct longitudinal patterns were observed: (1) The longitudinal pattern followed by both total and intermediate molecular weight DOC concentrations was a linear function of the geographic distance along the river. (2) During low flow conditions, there was a high degree of correspondence between patterns of bacterial numbers and low MW DOC (< 1000 apparent MW). (3) During periods of high discharge, the proportion of high (> 10,000) and intermediate (1000–10,000) MW fractions increased, and there was no longer a clear relationship between bacterial cells and low MW DOC.  相似文献   
In this paper it is argued that an expert system requires morethan factual knowledge before it can display expertise in agiven domain. The additional knowledge consists of the heuristicsor ‘rules of thumb’ used by an expert to manipulateand interpret the factual knowledge. The knowledge acquisitionphase of an expert system project involves determining the factualknowledge (which may be obtained from published sources) andthe heuristics used by an expert to manipulate that knowledge-theseheuristics can only be obtained from an expert. In reviewingexisting biological expert systems it is apparent that manycontain only the factual knowledge relating to the domain, andlack the heuristics that enable such systems to show expertise.This paper reviews a number of knowledge acquisition techniqueswhich could be used for acquiring heuristic knowledge and discusseswhen their use is appropriate. The knowledge acquisition techniquesdiscussed are those suitable for the development of small-scaleexpert systems as these are most likely to be of interest tobiologists. The techniques include the use of questionnaires,interview techniques and protocol analysis; particular emphasisis placed on a mod cation to the ‘twenty questions’interview technique which was developed specifically to elicittaxonomic knowledge relating to water mite identification.  相似文献   
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