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In situ measurements of the rates of photosynthesis and calcification in three species of hermatypic corals were made at Eilat, in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Experiments were made at 5, 20 and 35 m depth under unusually poor conditions of submarine illumination for the region, and at the relatively low water temperature (21°C) for coral growth which prevails there all year. Estimates of photosynthetic rates by both the 14C and oxygen methods indicated that the 14C method does measure gross photosynthesis in these organisms even at, and below, light compensation points. Substantial rates of carbon fixation in Acropora and Millepora show that, even under bad conditions, these organisms could survive autotrophically to at least 10 m depth, as also could the massive coral Goniastrea although this had much lower photosynthetic rates under the same conditions, compensated for by a much lower respiratory rate than the other two corals.Calcification rates were variable but showed a considerable increase in light as compared with the dark in all three species, and the rates did not decrease with depth as much as might have been anticipated from the reduction in photosynthesis and ambient light energy. Photosynthetic and calcification rates were similar to those reported for similar organisms both in the Caribbean and on the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   
To investigate whether efferent parasympathetic fibers to the trachealsmooth muscle course through the pararecurrent nerve rather than therecurrent or the superior laryngeal nerve, we stimulated all threenerves in anesthetized dogs. We also recorded the pararecurrentnerve activity response to bronchoconstrictor stimuli and compared itwith pressure changes inside a saline-filled cuff of an endotrachealtube. Electrical stimulation (30 s, 100 Hz, 0.1 ms, 10 mA) increasedtracheal cuff pressure by 21.0 ± 3.2 and 1.3 ± 0.7 cmH2O for the pararecurrent and the recurrent laryngealnerve, respectively. Stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerveincreased tracheal cuff pressure before, but not after, sectioning ofthe ramus anastomoticus, which connects it to the pararecurrent nerve.Intravenous administration of sodium cyanide increased pararecurrentnerve activity by 208 ± 51% and tracheal cuff pressure by14.4 ± 3.5 cmH2O. Elevation of end-tidalPCO2 to 50 Torr increased pararecurrent nerveactivity by 49 ± 19% and tracheal cuff pressure by 8.4 ± 3.6 cmH2O. Further elevation to 60 Torr increasedpararecurrent nerve activity by 101 ± 33% and tracheal cuffpressure by 11.3 ± 2.9 cmH2O. These results lead usto the conclusion that parasympathetic efferent fibers reach the smoothmuscle of the canine trachea via the pararecurrent nerve.

The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of DQ was assessed in a panel of control and insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) patients who were serologically typed as HLA-DR4 homozygotes or HLA-DR3, DR4 heterozygotes. Digestions of genomic DNA with Barn HI, Bg1 II, Pst I, Xba I, and Hind III revealed a total of 15 RFLPs in the panel of 71 HLA-DR4 chromosomes. These RFLPs were organized into six allelic groups on the basis of segregation analysis in families. Complete RFLP haplotypes for the 5 restriction enzymes could be constructed for 42 of the HLA-DR4 chromosomes. This analysis revealed 18 RFLP haplotypes of DQ associated with the DR4 chromosomes tested. Two of these haplotypes, designated DQ3.DR4.a and DQ3.DR4.b, accounted for over 50 % of the DR4 chromosomes analyzed. These two haplotypes were antithetical for the RFLPs detected by all five enzymes, indicating that they represent very distinct forms of DQ . The remaining 16 haplotypes were infrequent or unique and were closely related to either a DQ3.DR4.a or DQ3.DR4.b. Two of the RFLPs detected, a 5.8 kb Bg1 II fragment and a 10.5 kb Barn HI fragment, had increased frequencies in disease-associated chromosomes. However, none of the RFLPs we detected exhibited a statistically significant increase in IDD or control populations. In contrast, the DQ3.DR4.b DQ haplotype was significantly decreased in IDD-associated DR4 chromosomes. (P=0.04). These results suggest that the DQ3.DR4.b DQ allele may be protective for the development of IDD.  相似文献   
Using an immunofluorescence assay developed to identify serogroups(i.e. clusters of strains labelled by one antiserum), the compositionof natural populations of phycoerythrin-containing Synechococcusspp. was examined. The 7803 (open ocean clone)-serogroup wasfound in most oceanic regions, but was most prevalent (up to85%) in tropical and subtropical waters during spring and summer.At coastal Long Island stations it was most abundant (up to65%) when water temperatures were >22°C. The seasonaland geographic distribution of the 7803-serogroup appeared tobe limited by water temperature. No consistent pattern was observedin the per cent composition with depth in the Sargasso Sea orat coastal to offshore stations in the North-west Atlantic Oceanor eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean. The 8016 (coastal clone)-serogroupwas abundant at coastal and estuarine stations off Long Island(up to 95 %) and its appearance was also correlated with warmwater temperature (> 15°C). However, this serogroup remaineda constant proportion of the population at the Long Island Soundstation during early winter months (through January) when abundanceof the 7803-serogroup was negligible. Owing to limited data,the oceanic distribution of the 8016-serogroup is not yet discernible.Lastly, antisera to the phycocyanin-dominant Synechococcus spp.clones failed to label any cells in samples collected from severaloceanic stations. Thus, these strains appear to be limited tocoastal and estuarine regions, which is consistent with predictionsfrom experiments comparing the photosynthetic performance ofthe phycoerythrin-dominant and phycocyanin-dominant clones. 1Present address: Department of Oceanography, University ofHawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA  相似文献   
Cell-free extracts of nitrate-grown Nostoc muscorum containnitrate reductase and molybdenum-cofactor activities. Whilenitrate reductase activity is associated with the paniculatefraction, cofactor activity is found predominantly in the solublefraction. This activity was distributed between two pools. Inone pool, the molybdenumcofactor is associated with a carrier(protein) of approximately 30,000 Da with an S20, w between2.3 and 2.5. The carrier-bound cofactor is non-dialyzable andis found along with the major proteins during filtration inSephadex G-25 and G-100. The second pool contains free or unboundcofactor. It is separated from soluble proteins by dialysiswith a membrane with a pore-size of 10 to 15 kDa. However, itis retained with a membrane with a pore size of 1 kDa. It isin the included volume during chromatography through SephadexG-25. Its molecular mass is estimated to be between 1,000 and5,000 Da. The molybdenum content was proportional to cofactoractivity in both pools. Reducing agents increased cofactor activity.However, activity in both pools was sensitive to heat, acid,and oxidative treatments. The carrier protein appears to givesome protection. 1Fulbright Scholar from Department of Biological Sciences, R.D. University, Jabalpur-482001, India. To whom reprint requestsshould be addressed. (Received June 22, 1987; Accepted August 21, 1987)  相似文献   
Peroxidation of membrane lipids has been hypothesized to play a key role in various types of tissue degeneration and pathology. Lipid peroxides are formed when oxygen reacts with an unsaturated fatty acid chain. Virtually all of the unsaturated fatty acids in biological systems are bound by ester linkages in phospholipids or triglycerides. Phospholipid and triglyceride peroxides are primary products of lipid peroxidation and have rarely been measured. Most of the commonly used methods for detection of lipid peroxidation are based on detection of malondialdehyde or other chemical species that are derived from oxidized fatty acids. This review presents an overview of recently developed methods aimed at identifying and measuring oxidized phospholipids and triglycerides which are direct evidence of the occurrence of lipid peroxidation in vivo.  相似文献   
The fluorescence of the lipophilic prbe N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine (NPN) bound to intact cells of Escherichia coli is quenched by the addition of glucose, succinate, -lactate, pyruvate, formate and glycerol. Partial recovery of fluorescence occurs on anaerobiosis. Use of mutants with defects in the ATP synthase or the respiratory chain show that quenching of fluorescence may be energized either by ATP hydrolysis or by substrate oxidation through the respiratory chain. Permeabilization of the outer membrane by treatment of intact cells with EDTA, or use of a mutant with an outer membrane permeable to lipophilic substances, results in a more rapid binding of NPN and in a decrease in quenching observed on substrate addition. NPN binds rapidly to everted membrane vesicles, but does not respond to membrane energization. It is proposed that inner membrane energization in intact cells alters the binding or environment of NPN in the outer membrane. The fluorescence recovery which occurs on anaerobiosis has two components. One component represents a reversal of the changes which occur on membrane energization. The other component of the fluorescence change is insensitive to the uncoupler CCCP and resembles the behaviour of NPN with everted membrane vesicles. It is suggested that a portion of the fluorescence events seen with NPN involves a response of the probe to changes in the inner membrane.  相似文献   
We describe practical, effective, office-based methods for physicians to use to assist patients to stop smoking that do not require special training or support personnel. Brief counseling achieves smoking cessation in a small percent of well patients but is more effective in patients with smoking-related illnesses or abnormal laboratory test results. Routine prescribing of nicotine gum without participation by the patient in a smoking-cessation program does not increase smoking cessation, and we do not recommend it. The prevention of smoking relapse can probably be enhanced by scheduling follow-up office visits after the patient has quit. Failure to quit on initial attempts should not discourage physicians and patients, since most successful abstainers usually must make several attempts to quit. We outline for physicians two approaches, one brief and one more intensive, to help patients stop smoking.  相似文献   
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