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Immunohistochemical double labelling of the enteric nervous system of the guinea pig ileum was performed with a monoclonal antibody (anti-MYC 033) directed against a peptide sequence of the human c-Myc protein together with antibodies directed against either the neuron-specific antigens neuron-specific enolase or PGP 9.5 or the glia-specific marker S-100 to demonstrate that anti-MYC 033 labelled the nuclei of all enteric neurons but not glia. This strategy was also employed to demonstrate that another anti-c-Myc monoclonal anti-body, anti-MYC 070, labelled the nuclei of all neurons and glia, as well as perhaps all other cells in these preparations. A polyclonal antiserum raised against a peptide sequence of the human c-Fos protein (anti-FOS 4) was shown to label the identical nuclei as anti-MYC 033. The ganglionic density of nuclei labelled by anti-FOS 4 was found to be similar to previous measures of the ganglionic density of neurons. Double labelling with anti-MYC 033 and an antiserum directed against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide was performed to reexamine the ganglionic density of neurons that express this neuropeptide. Our results suggest that the ganglionic density of these neurons might be less than previously determined.  相似文献   
Sequence variation of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) among populations, species, and genera of the diatom genus Stephanodiscus was investigated. ITS 1 and ITS 2, including the 5.8S gene, were sequenced from geographically distant and nearby populations of S. niagarae Ehrenberg. In addition, repeats from S. hantzschii Grunow and Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing were sequenced to determine the taxonomic range over which the ITS region could be used for diatom systematics. The morphologically distinct S. yellowstonensis Theriot & Stoermer, thought to have evolved from S. niagarae in Yellowstone Lake between 12,000 and 8000 years ago, also was sequenced to assess its relationship to nearby S. niagarae populations. The organization and relative sizes of ITS 1 and ITS 2 in Stephanodiscus species were similar to those reported for other eukaryotes. In general, ITS 2 was slightly larger and more variable than ITS 1. Cladistic analysis of ITS sequences did not resolve relationships of nearby S. niagarae and S. yellowstonensis populations. However, central North American S. niagarae populations were in a clade supported by two nucleotide changes. For Cyclotella, much of the ITS region was not alignable with that for Stephanodiscus species; therefore, generic-level comparison within the Thalassiosiraceae may not be possible. The variation (95–96% similarity) between S. hantzschii and other Stephanodiscus species suggests that interspecific relationships could be assessed with ITS sequences. Although S. yellowstonensis is morphologically distinct from S. niagarae, no autapomorphic nucleotide sites were identified. Two S. niagarae populations (Heart and Lewis Lakes), however, did possess autapomorphic ITS sites.  相似文献   
Abstract: In efforts to determine the primary structure of intermediate filament proteins in the goldfish visual pathway, we isolated clones from a retinal λgt11 cDNA expression library that represent goldfish vimentin. We show that there are at least two forms of goldfish vimentin, designated as vimentin α and vimentin β. RNase protection assays indicate that vimentin α mRNA is expressed in low amounts in retina, optic nerve, and brain and in higher amounts in spinal cord. In contrast, vimentin β mRNA is expressed in low amounts in retina, optic nerve, brain, and spinal cord and in very high amounts in eye lens. Immunohistochemical studies show that in the optic nerve, vimentin α is mainly restricted to blood vessels, meninges, and septa. Light staining is observed with this antibody in an astrocytic glial pattern throughout the optic nerve. Two-dimensional gel analysis shows that all of these goldfish vimentins are low abundant components of optic nerve cytoskeletal preparations.  相似文献   
Oscillatory changes of the electrical resistance across the nodal complex of Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv. in Lois) J. Gr. were observed in experiments performed for 40–150 min with the use of external electrodes and microelectrodes. Three main patterns of node resistance oscillations were similar to those found for membrane potential and resistance. The presented findings indicate an oscillatory behaviour of the plasmodesmata system at the node, which may be connected with e.g. pulsatile variations in the number of open plasmodesmata.  相似文献   
Recent approaches toward the immunotherapy of neoplastic disease involve the introduction of expression-competent genes for interleukin-2 (IL-2) into autologous malignant cells. Treatment of tumor-bearing experimental animals with the IL-2-secreting cells successfully induces partial and at times complete remissions. In most instances, however, although delayed, progressive tumor growth continues. Here, certain of the characteristic of B16 melanomas (H-2b) persisting in C57BL/6 mice (H-2b) treated with an IL-2-secreting, melanoma-antigen-positive cellular immunogen (RLBA-IL-2 cells) are described. Unlike the melanoma cells first injected, B16 cells recovered from mice treated with RLBA-IL-2 cells were deficient in the experssion of MHC class I, but not class II determinants. Deficient MHC class I expression correlated with the cells' resistance to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from the spleens of mice immunized with RLBA-IL-2 cells. Melanomas persisting in mice treated with non-IL-2-secreting, melanoma-antigen-positive cell constructs (RLBA-ZipNeo cells) were also deficient in the expression of MHC class I determinants, and the melanoma cells were resistant to CTL from mice immunized with RLBA-ZipNeo cells. Thus, the expression of melanoma-associated antigens rather than IL-2-secretion correlated with deficient MHC class I expression by the persistent melanomas. This point was substantiated by the expression of MHC class I antigens by melanomas persisting in mice treated with IL-2-secreting, melanoma-antigen-negative LM cells (LM-IL-2); it was equivalent to that of melanomas in untreated mice. The involvement of MHC class I antigens in the immune resistance of persistent melanoma cells from mice treated with the melanoma-autigen-positive immunogens was indicated by the effect of interferon (IFN) orN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) on the susceptibility of the cells to anti-melanoma CTL. Treatment of the resistant melanomas with IFN or MNNG stimulated MHC class I antigen expression and restored the cells' sensitivity to CTL from mice immunized with IL-2-secreting or nonsecreting, melanoma-antigen-positive cellular immunogens. Prior treatment of the treated cells with antibodies to MHC class I determinants inhibited the cells' susceptibility to CTL from mice immunized with RLBA-IL-2 cells.  相似文献   
Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2), a protease inhibitor that binds to the latent and active forms of 72 kDa type IV collagenase (gelatinase A), was found to inhibit the in vitro proliferation of human microvascular endothelial (HME) cells stimulated with bFGF and 5% serum. The maximal inhibitory effect of TIMP-2 on incorporation of 3H-thymidine was evident 24 hours after bFGF stimulation of these cells and ranged between 45 and 60%. The half-maximal effective concentration of TIMP-2 was 107 ± 12 nM (S.D.). In contrast, TIMP-1 was not found to slow the growth of HME cells. The inhibition of cell proliferation observed with TIMP-2 was not mimicked by addition to the culture medium of BB94, a general matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor, nor antibodies to the 72 kDa type IV collagenase. In addition to growth, two other cell functions associated with the angiogenic process were tested for sensitivity to TIMP-2. Cell adhesion to tissue culture platic was slightly stimulated by TIMP-2, and cell migration was inhibited with short-term exposure to TIMP-2, but neither process was affected by longer-term exposure. The ability of TIMP-2 to inhibit cultured endothelial cell proliferation independent of protease inhibitory activity suggests that TIMP-2 may have additional actions which may limit neovascularization associated with solid tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
About 65% of DNA in the chicken W chromosome has been shown to consist ofXhoI andEcoRI family repetitive sequences. These sequences showed remarkable delay in the electrophoretic mobility at low temperature on a polyacrylamide gel. Three dimensional structures of the 0.7-kbXhoI and the 1.2-kbEcoRI family repeating units were estimated to be irregular solenoids using a computer program based on wedge angles of all the 16 dinucleotide steps. Fluorescencein situ hybridization demonstrated that these two family sequences were localized in a major heterochromatic body in an interphase nucleus. Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into the W chromosome in the synchronous culture of MSB-1 cells occurred about 1 h later than the peak of S phase. The chromatin structure formed alongXhoI andEcoRI family sequences was suggested to be different from the total chromatin or chromatin containing the β-actin gene sequence in that the linker DNA lengths of the former were significantly longer. Fractionation of theHaeIII-digested MSB-1 nuclei yielded a chromatin fraction in whichXhoI family sequences were partially enriched. Several DNA-binding proteins showing higher affinity for theXhoI family sequence were present in this fraction.  相似文献   
Summary Six islands, each less than a hectare in area, were isolated in about 1913 from the mainland of central Panamá by the rising waters of Gatun Lake. By 1980, the diversity of trees on all but one of these islands was far lower than on mainland plots of comparable size. A restricted subset of tree species has spread on these islands, notablyProtium panamense, Scheelea zonensis, Oenocarpus panamanus andSwartzia simplex. We constructed a null model to predict how chance would change tree diversity and the similarity of tree species compositions of different islands, assuming that each mature tree has equal chances of dying and/or reproducing, regardless of its species. This model cannot account for the diminished diversity of the changes in vegetation on these islands: some factors must be favoring a particular set of tree species.Two factors, exposure to wind and absence of mammals, seem needed to bring about the vegetation changes observed on these small islands. Their vegetation shows many signs of wind damage and of adaptation to resist wind, reflecting its exposure to dry season winds and storm winds sweeping across the lake from the west. Their most common tree species appear to have spread because mammals rarely visit these small and isolated islands. Seed of these common species are normally much eaten by mammals and do not need burial by mammals to escape insect attack.A thorough grasp of plant—animal interactions is needed to understand the events that have taken place on these islands. Identifying those keystone animals essential for maintaining plant diversity is a necessary element of reserve design and forest management in the tropics.The US government has the right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright covering this paper.  相似文献   
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