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There is growing evidence that intestinal bacteria are important beneficial partners of their metazoan hosts. Recent observations suggest a strong link between commensal bacteria, host energy metabolism, and metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. As a consequence, the gut microbiota is now considered a "host" factor that influences energy uptake. However, the impact of intestinal bacteria on other systemic physiological parameters still remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Drosophila microbiota promotes larval growth upon nutrient scarcity. We reveal that Lactobacillus plantarum, a commensal bacterium of the Drosophila intestine, is sufficient on its own to recapitulate the?natural microbiota growth-promoting effect. L.?plantarum exerts its benefit by acting genetically upstream of the TOR-dependent host nutrient sensing system controlling hormonal growth signaling. Our results indicate that the intestinal microbiota should also be envisaged as a factor that influences the systemic growth of its host.  相似文献   
The intracellular localizations of ADPglucose pyrophosphatase (AGPPase) and ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) have been studied using protoplasts prepared from suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Subcellular fractionation studies revealed that all the AGPPase present in the protoplasts is associated with amyloplasts, whereas more than 60% of AGPase is in the extraplastidial compartment. Immunoblots of amyloplast- and extraplastid-enriched extracts further confirmed that AGPase is located mainly outside the amyloplast. Experiments carried out to identify possible different isoforms of AGPPase in the amyloplast revealed the presence of soluble and starch granule-bound isoforms. We thus propose that ADPglucose levels linked to starch biosynthesis in sycamore cells are controlled by enzymatic reactions catalyzing the synthesis and breakdown of ADPglucose, which take place both inside and outside the amyloplast.  相似文献   
Although Leishmania metacyclic promastigotes are generally considered resistant to human complement, studies of in vitro-cultured axenic stationary promastigotes using serum concentrations that approximate physiological plasma conditions indicate complement sensitivity. Natural Leishmania infection is caused by sand fly-inoculated promastigotes, whose complement resistance has not been analyzed systematically. We compared Leishmania susceptibility to human complement in L. infantum promastigotes derived from in vitro cultures and from sand flies. Phlebotomus perniciosus sand flies were fed with axenic promastigotes, L. infantum-infected U-937 cells, or spleen cells from L. infantum-infected hamsters. On selected days post-feeding, flies were dissected and promastigotes isolated; in addition, axenic promastigotes were obtained from culture at equivalent days of growth. In near-physiological serum concentration and temperature conditions, measurement of real-time kinetics of propidium iodide uptake showed that 90% of axenic- and sand fly-derived promastigotes were rapidly killed by complement. We found no substantial differences between promastigotes from axenic culture, those isolated from flies on different post-feeding days, or those generated in flies fed with distinct inocula. The results indicate that Leishmania susceptibility to human complement is independent of promastigote developmental stage in the sand fly mid-gut and in axenic culture.  相似文献   
Social and psychological factors interact with genetic predisposition and dietary habit in determining obesity. However, relatively few pre-clinical studies address the role of psychosocial factors in metabolic disorders. Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated in male mice: 1) opposite status-dependent effect on body weight gain under chronic psychosocial stress; 2) a reduction in body weight in individually housed (Ind) male mice. In the present study these observations were extended to provide a comprehensive characterization of the metabolic consequences of chronic psychosocial stress and individual housing in adult CD-1 male mice. Results confirmed that in mice fed standard diet, dominant (Dom) and Ind had a negative energy balance while subordinate (Sub) had a positive energy balance. Locomotor activity was depressed in Sub and enhanced in Dom. Hyperphagia emerged for Dom and Sub and hypophagia for Ind. Dom also showed a consistent decrease of visceral fat pads weight as well as increased norepinephrine concentration and smaller adipocytes diameter in the perigonadal fat pad. On the contrary, under high fat diet Sub and, surprisingly, Ind showed higher while Dom showed lower vulnerability to obesity associated with hyperphagia. In conclusion, we demonstrated that social status under chronic stress and individual housing deeply affect mice metabolic functions in different, sometime opposite, directions. Food intake, the hedonic response to palatable food as well as the locomotor activity and the sympathetic activation within the adipose fat pads all represent causal factors explaining the different metabolic alterations observed. Overall this study demonstrates that pre-clinical animal models offer a suitable tool for the investigation of the metabolic consequences of chronic stress exposure and associated psychopathologies.  相似文献   
Microbes regulate a large panel of intracellular signalling events that can promote inflammation and/or enhance tumour progression. Indeed, it has been shown that infection of human intestinal cells with the Afa/Dr diffusely adhering E. coli C1845 strain induces expression of pro‐angiogenic and pro‐inflammatory genes. Here, we demonstrate that exposure of cryptic‐like intestinal epithelial cells to C1845 bacteria induces HIF‐1α protein levels. This effect depends on the binding of F1845 adhesin to the membrane‐associated DAF receptor that initiates signalling cascades promoting translational mechanisms. Indeed, inhibition of MAPK and PI‐3K decreases HIF‐1α protein levels and blocks C1845‐induced phosphorylation of the ribosomal S6 protein. Using RNA interference we show that bacteria‐induced HIF‐1α regulates the expression of IL‐8, VEGF and Twist1, thereby pointing to a role for HIF‐1 in angiogenesis and inflammation. In addition, infection correlates with a loss of E‐cadherin and cytokeratin 18 and a rise in fibronectin, suggesting that bacteria may induce an epithelial to mesenchymal transition‐like phenotype. Since HIF‐1α silencing results in reversion of bacteria‐induced EMT markers, we speculate that HIF‐1α plays a key role linking bacterial infection to angiogenesis, inflammation and some aspects of cancer initiation.  相似文献   
We analyzed the role of gangliosides in the association of the ErbB2 receptor tyrosine-kinase (RTK) with lipid rafts in mammary epithelial HC11 cells. Scanning confocal microscopy experiments revealed a strict ErbB2-GM3 colocalization in wild-type cells. In addition, analysis of membrane fractions obtained using a linear sucrose gradient showed that ErbB2, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Shc-p66 (proteins correlated with the ErbB2 signal transduction pathway) were preferentially enriched in lipid rafts together with gangliosides. Blocking of endogenous ganglioside synthesis by (+/-)-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol hydrochloride ([D]-PDMP) induced a drastic cell-surface redistribution of ErbB2, EGFR and Shc-p66, within the Triton-soluble fractions, as revealed by linear sucrose-gradient analysis. This redistribution was partially reverted when exogenous GM3 was added to ganglioside-depleted HC11 cells. The results point out the key role of ganglioside GM3 in retaining ErbB2 and signal-transduction-correlated proteins in lipid rafts.  相似文献   
Fluid phase endocytic uptake of external solutes in plant cells was further substantiated using artificial polystyrene nano-spheres (40 nm) and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (20 nm). Both types of artificial nano-particles were taken up by sycamore-cultured cells. However, whereas polystyrene nano-spheres were delivered to the central vacuole, CdSe/ZnS nano-dots were sequestered into cytoplasmic vesicular structures. Using dextran-Texas Red (m.w. 3,000; d-TR) as additional marker, confocal micrographs confirmed the distinct topographic distribution of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots within the cell. Initially, d-TR and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots colocalized within cytoplasmic vesicles. After 18 h incubation, d-TR was distinctly localized in the vacuole whereas CdSe/ZnS quantum dots remained sequestered in cytoplasmic membranous compartments. The data provide a first evidence for the rapid distribution of solutes taken up by endocytosis to distinct intracellular compartments.Key Words: apoplast, assimilate partitioning, endocytosis, protoplasts, sucrose transport, sucrose uptake, vacuole  相似文献   
The effect of sublethal concentrations of potassium dichromate and fenitrothion on sodium-leucine cotransport in brush border membrane vesicles from Chironomus riparius larvae has been investigated. Exposure to potassium dichromate and fenitrothion caused a dose- and time-dependent inhibition of leucine uptake. Transport inhibition is easily detectable at doses 100-fold lower than LD50. Kinetic experiments showed that inhibition was mainly caused by a decrease of the Vmax (680 +/- 53 vs. 382 +/- 23 and 555 +/- 27 nmol/15s/mg protein in control and exposed larvae to K2Cr2O7 and fenitrothion, respectively). Inhibition is possibly related to a variation of sodium ions permeability as evidenced by increased membrane lipid peroxidation. Appropriate control experiments ruled out that the observed differences could be due to changes in general features of membrane preparations. Transport inhibition observed in larvae exposed to potassium dichromate was accompanied by changes in ascorbate peroxidase and dehydroascorbate reductase activities, whereas those exposed to fenitrothion displayed an increase in transaminase activity. The possible value of leucine uptake as biochemical biomarker is briefly discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 55:90-101, 2004.  相似文献   
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