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For the general public, but also for healthcare professionals, schizophrenia is still one of those areas of medicine connected with feelings of unease, fear and prejudice. These feelings lead to stigmatization and discrimination which are unjust processes which put patients suffering from mental illnesses into undesirable and unequal positions. Aim of this research was to establish the extent of stigmatization of mentally ill patients among the population of healthcare professionals and future healthcare professionals and if they differ from general population. Results show that stigmatization of schizophrenic patients is high among all included populations. Although there were no statistical differences between groups regarding the assessment of schizophrenic patients, nurses employed in psychiatric wards exhibited a tendency towards higher acceptance of schizophrenic patients, as well as better understanding of that illness. This data emphasizes a growing need for continuous education of general population but also of healthcare professionals.  相似文献   
Ceramide is a key lipid mediator of cellular processes such as differentiation, proliferation, growth arrest and apoptosis. During apoptosis, ceramide is produced within the plasma membrane. Although recent data suggest that the generation of intracellular ceramide increases mitochondrial permeability, the source of mitochondrial ceramide remains unknown. Here, we determine whether a stress-mediated plasmalemmal pool of ceramide might become available to the mitochondria of apoptotic cells. We have previously established annexin A1--a member of a family of Ca(2+) and membrane-binding proteins--to be a marker of ceramide platforms. Using fluorescently tagged annexin A1, we show that, upon its generation within the plasma membrane, ceramide self-associates into platforms that subsequently invaginate and fuse with mitochondria. An accumulation of ceramide within the mitochondria of apoptotic cells was also confirmed using a ceramide-specific antibody. Electron microscopic tomography confirmed that upon the formation of ceramide platforms, the invaginated regions of the plasma membrane extend deep into the cytoplasm forming direct physical contacts with mitochondrial outer membranes. Ceramide might thus be directly transferred from the plasma membrane to the mitochondrial outer membrane. It is conceivable that this "kiss-of-death" increases the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane thereby triggering apoptosis.  相似文献   
The ingi (long and autonomous) and RIME (short and nonautonomous) non--long-terminal repeat retrotransposons are the most abundant mobile elements characterized to date in the genome of the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei. These retrotransposons were thought to be randomly distributed, but a detailed and comprehensive analysis of their genomic distribution had not been performed until now. To address this question, we analyzed the ingi/RIME sequences and flanking sequences from the ongoing T. brucei genome sequencing project (TREU927/4 strain). Among the 81 ingi/RIME elements analyzed, 60% are complete, and 7% of the ingi elements (approximately 15 copies per haploid genome) appear to encode for their own transposition. The size of the direct repeat flanking the ingi/RIME retrotransposons is conserved (i.e., 12-bp), and a strong 11-bp consensus pattern precedes the 5'-direct repeat. The presence of a consensus pattern upstream of the retroelements was confirmed by the analysis of the base occurrence in 294 GSS containing 5'-adjacent ingi/RIME sequences. The conserved sequence is present upstream of ingis and RIMEs, suggesting that ingi-encoded enzymatic activities are used for retrotransposition of RIMEs, which are short nonautonomous retroelements. In conclusion, the ingi and RIME retroelements are not randomly distributed in the genome of T. brucei and are preceded by a conserved sequence, which may be the recognition site of the ingi-encoded endonuclease.  相似文献   
Porcine adrenergic receptor beta 2 (ADRB2) gene exhibits differential allelic expression in skeletal muscle, and its genetic variation has been associated with muscle pH. Exploring the molecular–genetic background of expression variation for porcine ADRB2 will provide insight into the mechanisms driving its regulatory divergence and may also contribute to unraveling the genetic basis of muscle-related traits in pigs. In the present study, we therefore examined haplotype effects on the expression of porcine ADRB2 in four tissues: longissimus dorsi muscle, liver, subcutaneous fat, and spleen. The diversity and structure of haplotypes of the proximal gene region segregating in German commercial breeds were characterized. Seven haplotypes falling into three clades were identified. Two clades including five haplotypes most likely originated from introgression of Asian genetics during formation of modern breeds. Expression analyses revealed that the Asian-derived haplotypes increase expression of the porcine ADRB2 compared to the major, wild-type haplotype independently of tissue type. In addition, several tissue-specific differences in the expression of the Asian-derived haplotypes were found. Inspection of haplotype sequences showed that differentially expressed haplotypes exhibit polymorphisms in a polyguanine tract located in the core promoter region. These findings demonstrate that expression variation of the porcine ADRB2 has a complex genetic basis and suggest that the promoter polyguanine tract is causally involved. This study highlights the challenges of finding causal genetic variants underlying complex traits.  相似文献   
The use of mushroom extracts has been common practice in traditional medicine for centuries, including the treatment of cancer. Proteins called hydrophobins are very abundant in mushrooms. Here, it was examined whether they have antitumor activity. Hydrophobin SC3 of Schizophyllum commune was injected daily intraperitoneally starting 1 day after tumor induction in two tumor mouse models (sarcoma and melanoma). SC3 reduced the size and weight of the melanoma significantly, but the sarcoma seemed not affected. However, microscopic analysis of the tumors 12 days after induction revealed a strong antitumor effect of SC3 on both tumors. The mitotic activity of the tumor decreased 1.6- (melanoma) to 2.3-fold (sarcoma), while the vital mass decreased 2.3- (melanoma) to 4.3-fold (sarcoma) compared to the control. Treatment did not cause any signs of toxicity. Behavior, animal growth, and weight of organs were similar to animals injected with vehicle, and no histological abnormalities were found in the organs. In vitro cell culture studies revealed no direct cytotoxic effect of SC3 towards sarcoma cells, while cytotoxic activity was observed towards melanoma cells at a high SC3 concentration. Daily treatment with SC3 did not result in detectable levels of anti-SC3 antibodies in the plasma. Instead, a cellular immune response was observed. Incubation of spleen cells with SC3 resulted in a 1.5- to 2.5-fold increase in interleukin-10 and TNF-α mRNA levels. In conclusion, the nontoxic fungal hydrophobin SC3 showed tumor-suppressive activity possibly via immunomodulation and may be of benefit as adjuvant in combination with chemotherapy and radiation.  相似文献   
A significant percentage of eukaryotic proteins contain posttranslationalmodifications, including glycosylation, which are required forbiological function. However, the understanding of the structure–functionrelationships of N-glycans has lagged significantly due to themicroheterogeneity of glycosylation in mammalian produced proteins.Recently we reported on the cellular engineering of yeast toreplicate human N-glycosylation for the production of glycoproteins.Here we report the engineering of an artificial glycosylationpathway in Pichia pastoris blocked in dolichol oligosaccharideassembly. The PpALG3 gene encoding Dol-P-Man:Man5GlcNAc2-PP-Dolmannosyltransferase was deleted in a strain that was previouslyengineered to produce hybrid GlcNAcMan5GlcNAc2 human N-glycans.Employing this approach, combined with the use of combinatorialgenetic libraries, we engineered P. pastoris strains that synthesizecomplex GlcNAc2Man3GlcNAc2 N-glycans with striking homogeneity.Furthermore, through expression of a Golgi-localized fusionprotein comprising UDP-glucose 4-epimerase and ß-1,4-galactosyltransferase activities we demonstrate that this structure isa substrate for highly efficient in vivo galactose addition.Taken together, these data demonstrate that the artificial invivo glycoengineering of yeast represents a major advance inthe production of glycoproteins and will emerge as a practicaltool to systematically elucidate the structure–functionrelationship of N-glycans. 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: swildt{at}glycofi.com  相似文献   
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