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African clawed frogs, genus Xenopus, are extraordinary among vertebrates in the diversity of their polyploid species and the high number of independent polyploidization events that occurred during their diversification. Here we update current understanding of the evolutionary history of this group and describe six new species from west and central sub-Saharan Africa, including four tetraploids and two dodecaploids. We provide information on molecular variation, morphology, karyotypes, vocalizations, and estimated geographic ranges, which support the distinctiveness of these new species. We resurrect Xenopus calcaratus from synonymy of Xenopus tropicalis and refer populations from Bioko Island and coastal Cameroon (near Mt. Cameroon) to this species. To facilitate comparisons to the new species, we also provide comments on the type specimens, morphology, and distributions of X. epitropicalis, X. tropicalis, and X. fraseri. This includes significantly restricted application of the names X. fraseri and X. epitropicalis, the first of which we argue is known definitively only from type specimens and possibly one other specimen. Inferring the evolutionary histories of these new species allows refinement of species groups within Xenopus and leads to our recognition of two subgenera (Xenopus and Silurana) and three species groups within the subgenus Xenopus (amieti, laevis, and muelleri species groups).  相似文献   
Activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) by TCDD may lead to the induction of proinflammatory cytokines in various cell types and organs such as liver leading to active chronic inflammation. Here we studied the expression of the chemokines keratinocyte chemoattractant (KC) and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) in different organs of mice after exposure to TCDD. TCDD exposure led to an early and clear induction of KC in liver and spleen on day 1 which was sustained over a period of 10 days. The level of MCP-1 mRNA was induced by TCDD on day 1 in spleen, lung, kidney, and liver, which was further increased at day 7. Increase of KC and MCP-1 at day 7 in liver, thymus, kidney, adipose, and heart was associated with elevated levels of the macrophage marker F4/80, indicating the infiltration of macrophages in these organs. Induction of KC requires a functional AhR since mice with a mutation in the AhR nuclear localization domain (AhR(nls)) were found to be resistant to TCDD-induced expression of KC. These results are the first showing the induction of the chemokines KC and MCP-1 in multiple organs of mice associated with an increase of the macrophage marker F4/80 indicating the involvement in TCDD's inflammatory response like infiltration of macrophages.  相似文献   
Tramadol is a centrally acting opioid analgesic structurally related to codeine and morphine. O-Alkyl, N-desmethyl, and non-phenol containing derivatives of tramadol were synthesized to probe their effect on metabolic stability and both in vitro and in vivo potency.  相似文献   

In Slovenia, the unique watershed naturally hosting the marble trout is the So?a River, called Isonzo in Italy. In 1993–1996 molecular data established the existence of extensive hybridization with stocked Atlantic domestic lineages which is a threat for this taxon and for the economy of the country established on the angling tourism. Different management actions have been developed for restoring marble genes since 1996: banning stocking of brown trout, revising fishing regulations for anglers and testing genetically brood stock in hatchery for stocking phenotypic and pure marble fry. This long fight against hybridization was genetically surveyed using allozymes, mitochondrial sequences and microsatellites according to the available technique at each period. Despite the irregularity of genotyping along nearly fifteen years after the new management started, it appears that the proportion of domestic lineage in the river dropped regularly of about 2% each year, a positive result for conservative management measures.

The AmphDI glycosyltransferase transfers a mycosaminyl sugar residue from GDP onto 8-deoxyamphoteronolide B, the aglycone of the antifungal amphotericin B. In this study the amphDI gene was inactivated in Streptomyces nodosus strains lacking the AmphN cytochrome P450. The new mutants produced 8-deoxy-16-methyl-16-descarboxyl amphoteronolides in high yield. These strains and aglycones should prove valuable for in vivo and in vitro glycosylation engineering.  相似文献   
Drosophila biology in the genomic age   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Markow TA  O'Grady PM 《Genetics》2007,177(3):1269-1276
Over the course of the past century, flies in the family Drosophilidae have been important models for understanding genetic, developmental, cellular, ecological, and evolutionary processes. Full genome sequences from a total of 12 species promise to extend this work by facilitating comparative studies of gene expression, of molecules such as proteins, of developmental mechanisms, and of ecological adaptation. Here we review basic biological and ecological information of the species whose genomes have recently been completely sequenced in the context of current research.  相似文献   
Arsenic is a ubiquitous environmental poison that inhibits root elongation and seed germination to a variable extent depending on the plant species. To understand the molecular mechanisms of arsenic resistance, a genetic screen was developed to isolate arsenate overly sensitive (aos) mutants from an activation-tagged Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) population. Three aos mutants were isolated, and the phenotype of each was demonstrated to be due to an identical disruption of plastidial LIPOAMIDE DEHYDROGENASE1 (ptLPD1), a gene that encodes one of the two E3 isoforms found in the plastidial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. In the presence of arsenate, ptlpd1-1 plants exhibited reduced root and shoot growth and enhanced anthocyanin accumulation compared with wild-type plants. The ptlpd1-1 plants accumulated the same amount of arsenic as wild-type plants, indicating that the aos phenotype was not due to increased arsenate in the tissues but to an increase in the innate sensitivity to the poison. Interestingly, a ptlpd1-4 knockdown allele produced a partial aos phenotype. Two loss-of-function alleles of ptLPD2 in Arabidopsis also caused elevated arsenate sensitivity, but the sensitivity was less pronounced than for the ptlpd1 mutants. Moreover, both the ptlpd1 and ptlpd2 mutants were more sensitive to arsenite than wild-type plants, and the LPD activity in isolated chloroplasts from wild-type plants was sensitive to arsenite but not arsenate. These findings show that the ptLPD isoforms are critical in vivo determinants of arsenite-mediated arsenic sensitivity in Arabidopsis and possible strategic targets for increasing arsenic tolerance.Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring metalloid found in soil, water, and air, but anthropogenic activities, including smelting and fossil fuel combustion, have led to increased environmental exposure (Mandal and Suzuki, 2002). In the environment, As exists in both organic and inorganic forms. Arsenate [As(V)] is the principal inorganic form of As in aerobic soils, while arsenite [As(III)] is the main form found under anaerobic conditions (Marin et al., 1993; Onken and Hossner, 1995, 1996; Mandal and Suzuki, 2002; Masscheleyn et al., 2002).Both As(V) and As(III) are toxic to plants, inducing symptoms ranging from poor seed germination and inhibited root growth to death (Meharg and Hartley-Whitaker, 2002; Lee et al., 2003; Ahsan et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2010). The modes of action of As(V) and As(III) differ, owing to their distinct chemical properties. As(V), with its structural similarity to phosphate, can compete with phosphate in oxidative phosphorylation, leading to the production of ADP-As(V) (Gresser, 1981). However, half-maximal stimulation of ADP-As(V) formation requires physiologically unlikely concentrations of approximately 0.8 mm As(V) (Moore et al., 1983). As(V) has been recently shown to enhance membrane fluidity, and thus membrane permeability, by binding and replacing phosphate or choline head groups (Tuan et al., 2008). The resulting damage to the membrane would disrupt the transport of mineral nutrients and water (Smith et al., 2010). As(V) can be promptly reduced in plants, including Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), to As(III) by endogenous As(V) reductases, so that often more than 90% of As in plant cells is in the form of As(III) (Zhao et al., 2009). As(III) readily forms covalent bonds with sulfhydryl groups, especially vicinal dithiols. Binding to the free thiols of proteins is believed to be the basis of As(III) toxicity, either by inhibiting activity directly or by disrupting protein structure. Many enzymes have been proposed to be targets leading to As(III) toxicity, and the As(III) sensitivity of some of these enzymes has been investigated in nonplant systems (Adamson and Stevenson, 1981; Cavigelli et al., 1996; Lynn et al., 1997; Hu et al., 1998; Kitchin and Wallace, 2008). Of the many potential protein targets, only the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) has been shown to be inactivated by physiologically relevant micromolar concentrations of As(III) (Hu et al., 1998), suggesting that PDC may be the primary target for As(III)-mediated cytotoxicity. However, little is known about the mechanism of As toxicity in vivo, especially in plants.Although As is phytotoxic, some plants species are resistant to high levels of As through avoidance mechanisms, while species of the Pteridaceae family of ferns hyperaccumulate As without toxic effects (Verbruggen et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2009). As an analog of phosphate, As(V) is readily taken up by plants through high-affinity phosphate transporters encoded by the PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER1 (PHT1) gene family (Shin et al., 2004; González et al., 2005; Catarecha et al., 2007). Except for the hyperaccumulating ferns, avoidance of As toxicity by resistant species is often accomplished by a decrease in phosphate uptake activity (Meharg and Hartley-Whitaker, 2002). Unlike As(V), the transport of As(III) is facilitated by aquaporin nodulin 26-like intrinsic proteins (Bienert et al., 2008; Isayenkov and Maathuis, 2008; Ma et al., 2008; Kamiya et al., 2009). In roots and fronds of hyperaccumulating ferns, As(III) is sequestered in the vacuole (Lombi et al., 2002; Pickering et al., 2006). Much of the As(III) taken up by nonaccumulating resistant species may be released back to the rhizosphere through an undefined efflux pathway (Zhao et al., 2009). As(III) that remains in tissues reacts with thiol-containing molecules, such as glutathione or phytochelatins, both of which are usually produced in greater abundance in response to As (Grill et al., 1987; Sneller et al., 1999; Schmöger et al., 2000; Schulz et al., 2008). As(III)-glutathione adducts can be sequestered in the vacuole (Dhankher et al., 2002; Bleeker et al., 2006). However, increased synthesis of glutathione or phytochelatins alone is unlikely to confer a very high level of tolerance (Zhao et al., 2009).To identify genes essential for As resistance in plants, we used a genetic screen to identify mutants of Arabidopsis that were hypersensitive to As(V). The screen was analogous to that used to isolate the salt overly sensitive (sos) mutants of Arabidopsis (Wu et al., 1996) that led to the identification of the SOS pathway for salt tolerance (Zhu, 2000, 2003). Our hypothesis was that arsenate overly sensitive (aos) mutants would reveal a different set of genes from those identified in mutants showing increased resistance to As(V).  相似文献   


Cultivable archaeal species are assigned to two phyla - the Crenarchaeota and the Euryarchaeota - by a number of important genetic differences, and this ancient split is strongly supported by phylogenetic analysis. The recently described hyperthermophile Nanoarchaeum equitans, harboring the smallest cellular genome ever sequenced (480 kb), has been suggested as the representative of a new phylum - the Nanoarchaeota - that would have diverged before the Crenarchaeota/Euryarchaeota split. Confirming the phylogenetic position of N. equitans is thus crucial for deciphering the history of the archaeal domain.  相似文献   
Vessels of broad-leaved trees have been analyzed to study how trees deal with various environmental factors. Cambial injury, in particular, has been reported to induce the formation of narrower conduits. Yet, little or no effort has been devoted to the elaboration of vessel sampling strategies for retrospective injury detection based on vessel lumen size reduction. To fill this methodological gap, four wounded individuals each of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) and downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) were harvested in an avalanche path. Earlywood vessel lumina were measured and compared for each tree between the injury ring built during the growing season following wounding and the control ring laid down the previous year. Measurements were performed along a 10 mm wide radial strip, located directly next to the injury. Specifically, this study aimed at (i) investigating the intra-annual duration and local extension of vessel narrowing close to the wound margin and (ii) identifying an adequate sample of earlywood vessels (number and intra-ring location of cells) attesting to cambial injury. Based on the results of this study, we recommend analyzing at least 30 vessels in each ring. Within the 10 mm wide segment of the injury ring, wound-induced reduction in vessel lumen size did not fade with increasing radial and tangential distances, but we nevertheless advise favoring early earlywood vessels located closest to the injury. These findings, derived from two species widespread across subarctic, mountainous, and temperate regions, will assist retrospective injury detection in Alnus, Betula, and other diffuse-porous species as well as future related research on hydraulic implications after wounding.  相似文献   
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