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Because photosynthetic rates in C4 plants are the same at normal levels of O2 (c, 20 kPa) and at c, 2 kPa O2 (a conventional test for evaluating photorespiration in C3 plants) it has been thought that C4 photosynthesis is O2 insensitive. However, we have found a dual effect of O2 on the net rate of CO2 assimilation among species representing all three C4 subtypes from both monocots and dicots. The optimum O2 partial pressure for C4 photosynthesis at 30 °C, atmospheric CO2 level, and half full sunlight (1000 μmol quanta m?2 s?1) was about 5–10 kPa. Photosynthesis was inhibited by O2 below or above the optimum partial pressure. Decreasing CO2 levels from ambient levels (32.6 Pa) to 9.3 Pa caused a substantial increase in the degree of inhibition of photosynthesis by supra-optimum levels of O2 and a large decrease in the ratio of quantum yield of CO2 fixation/quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) measured by chlorophyll a fluorescence. Photosystem II activity, measured from chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis, was not inhibited at levels of O2 that were above the optimum for CO2 assimilation, which is consistent with a compensating, alternative electron How as net CO2 assimilation is inhibited. At suboptimum levels of O2, however, the inhibition of photosynthesis was paralleled by an inhibition of PSII quantum yield, increased state of reduction of quinone A, and decreased efficiency of open PSII centres. These results with different C4 types suggest that inhibition of net CO2 assimilation with increasing O2 partial pressure above the optimum is associated with photorespiration, and that inhibition below the optimum O2 may be caused by a reduced supply of ATP to the C4 cycle as a result of inhibition of its production photochemically.  相似文献   
Rapid progress in exploring the human and mouse genome has resulted in the generation of a multitude of mouse models to study gene functions in their biological context. However, effective screening methods that allow rapid noninvasive phenotyping of transgenic and knockout mice are still lacking. To identify murine models with bone alterations in vivo, we used flat-panel volume computed tomography (fpVCT) for high-resolution 3-D imaging and developed an algorithm with a computational intelligence system. First, we tested the accuracy and reliability of this approach by imaging discoidin domain receptor 2- (DDR2-) deficient mice, which display distinct skull abnormalities as shown by comparative landmark-based analysis. High-contrast fpVCT data of the skull with 200 microm isotropic resolution and 8-s scan time allowed segmentation and computation of significant shape features as well as visualization of morphological differences. The application of a trained artificial neuronal network to these datasets permitted a semi-automatic and highly accurate phenotype classification of DDR2-deficient compared to C57BL/6 wild-type mice. Even heterozygous DDR2 mice with only subtle phenotypic alterations were correctly determined by fpVCT imaging and identified as a new class. In addition, we successfully applied the algorithm to classify knockout mice lacking the DDR1 gene with no apparent skull deformities. Thus, this new method seems to be a potential tool to identify novel mouse phenotypes with skull changes from transgenic and knockout mice on the basis of random mutagenesis as well as from genetic models. However for this purpose, new neuronal networks have to be created and trained. In summary, the combination of fpVCT images with artificial neuronal networks provides a reliable, novel method for rapid, cost-effective, and noninvasive primary screening tool to detect skeletal phenotypes in mice.  相似文献   
封育年限对毛竹林群落结构和林下植物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨自然封育对毛竹林群落结构和林下植物多样性的影响,采用空间代替时间的方法,以浙江省杭州市余杭区常规经营(0年)和不同封育年限(10,20,30年)的毛竹林为对象,对毛竹林分结构和林下植物多样性进行了全面研究。结果表明:随着封育年限的延长,竹林密度增大,胸径变小;封育毛竹林中2度以上活立竹的密度显著高于常规经营(P<0.05),枯立竹的密度随着封育年限的延长而显著增加(P<0.05);封育20年后的2度以上活立竹和枯立竹的胸径显著减小(P<0.05)。封育0,10,20,30年的毛竹林下灌木种类分别为68,35,58,77种,而草本植物种类则分别为64,23,31,44种。封育10年的林下灌木的Simpson指数显著低于其他林分(P<0.05),封育20年后的Shannon-Wiener指数显著高于前期年份(P<0.05),封育显著提高了Pielou指数(P<0.05);封育显著降低了草本植物的Simpson指数(P<0.05),常规经营林下草本多样性指数Shannon-Wiener显著高于封育20年后的林分(P<0.05),封育10年...  相似文献   


Different clonal types of Toxoplasma gondii are thought to be associated with distinct clinical manifestations of infections. Serotyping is a novel technique which may allow to determine the clonal type of T. gondii humans are infected with and to extend typing studies to larger populations which include infected but non-diseased individuals.


A peptide-microarray test for T. gondii serotyping was established with 54 previously published synthetic peptides, which mimic clonal type-specific epitopes. The test was applied to human sera (n = 174) collected from individuals with an acute T. gondii infection (n = 21), a latent T. gondii infection (n = 53) and from T. gondii-seropositive forest workers (n = 100).


The majority (n = 124; 71%) of all T. gondii seropositive human sera showed reactions against synthetic peptides with sequences specific for clonal type II (type II peptides). Type I and type III peptides were recognized by 42% (n = 73) or 16% (n = 28) of the human sera, respectively, while type II–III, type I–III or type I–II peptides were recognized by 49% (n = 85), 36% (n = 62) or 14% (n = 25) of the sera, respectively. Highest reaction intensities were observed with synthetic peptides mimicking type II-specific epitopes. A proportion of the sera (n = 22; 13%) showed no reaction with type-specific peptides. Individuals with acute toxoplasmosis reacted with a statistically significantly higher number of peptides as compared to individuals with latent T. gondii infection or seropositive forest workers.


Type II-specific reactions were overrepresented and higher in intensity in the study population, which was in accord with genotyping studies on T. gondii oocysts previously conducted in the same area. There were also individuals with type I- or type III-specific reactions. Well-characterized reference sera and further specific peptide markers are needed to establish and to perform future serotyping approaches with higher resolution.  相似文献   
To isolate the murine Na+/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp), we screened a mouse liver cDNA library and identified Ntcp1, encoding a 362 amino acid protein and Ntcp2, encoding a 317 amino acid protein which had a shorter C-terminal end. Both isoforms mediated saturable Na+-dependent transport of taurocholate when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Analysis of the gene revealed that Ntcp2 is produced by alternative splicing where the last intron is retained.  相似文献   
文献报道迷走传入直接或间接投射至多个脑区。本工作分别检验这些脑区在迷走传入引起的降压、降心率反应中的作用。在乌拉坦麻醉、双侧切断颈迷走神经的大鼠,将普鲁卡因微量注入孤束核或β-内啡肽抗血清注入延髓头端腹外侧区(RVL)均可明显减小电刺激预迷走神经中枢端引起的降压(DpV)和降心率反应,但分别将心得安、β-内啡肽抗血清注入室旁核或普鲁卡因注入最后区对DpV和心率减慢反应均无明显影响。保留右侧颈迷走神经的大鼠,在甲基阿托品(i.v.)阻断心迷走神经作用后DpV亦无明显变化,但心率减慢反应被衰减。鉴于我们以往的实验显示孤束核可通过其β-内啡肽能投射纤维作用于RVL而起降压作用,以上结果提示:迷走传入通过孤束核的β-内啡肽能神经元对RVL-交感兴奋神经元起抑制作用是引起降压反应的机制之一。  相似文献   
The detection and quantification of plasma (serum) proteins at or below the ng/ml concentration range are of critical importance for the discovery and evaluation of new protein biomarkers. This has been achieved either by the development of high sensitivity ELISA or other immunoassays for specific proteins or by the extensive fractionation of the plasma proteome followed by the mass spectrometric analysis of the resulting fractions. The first approach is limited by the high cost and time investment for assay development and the requirement of a validated target. The second, although reasonably comprehensive and unbiased, is limited by sample throughput. Here we describe a method for the detection of plasma proteins at concentrations in the ng/ml or sub-ng/ml range and their accurate quantification over 5 orders of magnitude. The method is based on the selective isolation of N-glycosites from the plasma proteome and the detection and quantification of targeted peptides in a quadrupole linear ion trap instrument operated in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The unprecedented sensitivity of the mass spectrometric analysis of minimally fractionated plasma samples is the result of the significantly reduced sample complexity of the isolated N-glycosites compared with whole plasma proteome digests and the selectivity of the MRM process. Precise quantification was achieved via stable isotope dilution by adding (13)C- and/or (15)N-labeled reference analytes. We also demonstrate the possibility of significantly expanding the number of MRM measurements during one single LC-MS run without compromising sensitivity by including elution time constraints for the targeted transitions, thus allowing quantification of large sets of peptides in a single analysis.  相似文献   
The mammalian masticatory apparatus is distinguished from theintra-oral processing systems of other amniotes by a numberof morphological and functional features, including transversemovements of the teeth during the power stroke, precise occlusion,suspension of the teeth in the socket by a periodontal ligament,diphyodonty (reduction to two generations of teeth), a hardpalate, and the presence of a single bone (the dentary) in thelower jaw which articulates with the skull at the temporomandibularjaw joint. The evolution of these features is commonly arguedto have improved the efficiency of food processing in the oralcavity. The present aricle highlights the existence in mammalsof the fusimotor system and afferent fibers from the periodontalligament through which the CNS modulates the responses by themuscle spindles. Published data suggest that the fusimotor systemand the periodontal afferents are important components in feed-forward(or anticipatory) control of chewing behavior. We hypothesizethat this feed-forward control is used to maintain relativelyconstant cycle lengths in mammals in the face of intra-sequenceand inter-sequence variation in material properties of the food,and that this enables them to maintain a higher average chewingfrequency than that of lizards. These predictions were evaluatedusing data on mean cycle length and its variance from the literatureand from our own files. On average, mammals have less variablecycle lengths than do lizards and shorter cycle lengths thando lizards of similar size. We hypothesize that by decreasingvariance in cycle length, presumably close to the natural frequencyof their feeding systems, mammals minimize energy expenditureduring chewing, allowing them to chew for longer, thereby maintainingthe high rates of food intake required for their high metabolicrates.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) autocrine pathway plays an important role in cancer cell growth. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) is a key regulator of tumor-induced endothelial cell proliferation and vascular permeability. ZD6474 is an orally available, small molecule inhibitor of VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), EGFR and RET tyrosine kinase activity. We investigated the activity of ZD6474 in combination with cetuximab, an anti-EGFR blocking monoclonal antibody, to determine the anti-tumor activity of EGFR blockade through the combined use of two agents targeting the receptor at different molecular sites in cancer cells and of VEGFR-2 blockade in endothelial cells. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: The anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo of ZD6474 and/or cetuximab was tested in human cancer cell lines with a functional EGFR autocrine pathway. RESULTS: The combination of ZD6474 and cetuximab determined synergistic growth inhibition in all cancer cell lines tested as assessed by the Chou and Talalay method. In nude mice bearing established human colon carcinoma (GEO) or lung adenocarcinoma (A549) xenografts and treated with ZD6474 and/or cetuximab for 4 weeks, a reversible tumor growth inhibition was caused by each drug. In contrast, a more significant tumor growth delay resulted from the combination of the two agents with an approximately 100-110 days increase in mice median overall survival as compared to single agent treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a rationale for evaluating in a clinical setting the double blockade of EGFR in combination with inhibition of VEGFR-2 signaling as cancer therapy.  相似文献   
KCNH2 (hERG1) encodes the alpha-subunit proteins for the rapidly activating delayed rectifier K+ current (I(Kr)), a major K+ current for cardiac myocyte repolarization. In isolated myocytes I(Kr) frequently is small in amplitude or absent, yet KCNH2 channels and I(Kr) are targets for drug block or mutations to cause long QT syndrome. We hypothesized that KCNH2 channels and I(Kr) are uniquely sensitive to enzymatic damage. To test this hypothesis, we studied heterologously expressed K+, Na+, and L-type Ca2+ channels, and in ventricular myocytes I(Kr), slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ current (I(Ks)), and inward rectifier K+ current (I(K1)), by using electrophysiological and biochemical methods. 1) Specific exogenous serine proteases (protease XIV, XXIV, or proteinase K) selectively degraded KCNH2 current (I(KCNH2)) and its mature channel protein without damaging cell integrity and with minimal effects on the other channel currents; 2) immature KCNH2 channel protein remained intact; 3) smaller molecular mass KCNH2 degradation products appeared; 4) protease XXIV selectively abolished I(Kr); and 5) reculturing HEK-293 cells after protease exposure resulted in the gradual recovery of I(KCNH2) and its mature channel protein over several hours. Thus the channel protein for I(KCNH2) and I(Kr) is uniquely sensitive to proteolysis. Analysis of the degradation products suggests selective proteolysis within the S5-pore extracellular linker, which is structurally unique among Kv channels. These data provide 1) a new mechanism to account for low I(Kr) density in some isolated myocytes, 2) evidence that most complexly glycosylated KCNH2 channel protein is in the plasma membrane, and 3) new insight into the rate of biogenesis of KCNH2 channel protein within cells.  相似文献   
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