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Abstract. Poliovirus is a small icosahedral particle consisting of only five species of macromolecules: 60 copies each of the capsid protein VP1-4; and one copy of single-stranded RNA, approximately 7500 nt long. The genome, linked at the 5′ end to a small protein VPg and 3′ polyadenylylated, is of plus strand polarity. After receptor-mediated uptake of the virus and release of the RNA into the cytoplasm, the genome serves as mRNA, encoding only a single polypeptide, the polyprotein. The polyprotein is cleaved co-translationally into numerous polypeptides by its own, internal proteinases 2Apro, 3Cpro and 3CDpro. Initiation of translation is mediated by a novel genetic element, called internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). IRES elements, which are 400 nt long RNA segments located within the 5′ non-translated region of the viral genome, are common to all picornaviruses. Their function renders translation of picornavirus mRNAs cap- and 5′-independent, an observation that has upset the dogma of cap-dependent translation in eukaryotic cells. IRES elements have also been used to genetically dissect the viral genome and to construct novel expression vectors. Genome replication is not fully understood, the major conundrum being the initiation of RNA synthesis by the primer-dependent viral RNA polymerase 3Dpol, a process leading to VPg-linked RNA products. Nearly all non-structural proteins appear to be involved in initiation, the proteinases 2Apro and 3CDpro included. A HeLa cell-free system has been developed that, on programming with plasmid-transcribed viral RNA, will perform viral translation, protein processing, RNA replication, and assembly of capsid protein and newly made genomic RNA. The final yield is infectious poliovirus. This result has nullified the dictum that no virus can replicate in a cell-free medium.  相似文献   
Upon irradiation an increase in the extractable activity of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:d-quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (CQT) and a decrease in the activity of hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA:shikimate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (CST) was observed in cell suspension cultures and seedling of carrot (Daucus carota L). Conversely, CST was induced and CQT repressed in the cell cultures upon treatment with fungal elicitor (i.e. cell wall preparations from Phytophthora megasperma). In the cell cultures irradiation led to a continuous accumulation of 5-O-caffeoyl-d-quinic (chlorogenic) acid, while a transient accumulation of 5-O-caffeoylshikimic acid took place in response to elicitor treatment. Cell wall bound 4-hydroxybenzoic, 4-coumaric and also ferulic acid were increased after treatment with Pmg elicitor. These wall bound phenolics may be involved in protection against microbil attack.  相似文献   
Synchronous cultures of the chlorococcal alga Scenedesmus quadricauda were grown under optimal growth conditions. The mean length of their cell cycle was approximately 20 h. The cultures were treated at the start, at the 4th, and 8th hour of the cell cycle with 3,4-benzo(a)pyrene (BP) in the range of 0.1–0.5 g ml-1 of final concentration. A period about 4 h was found within which no inhibitory effects could be detected even at the highest BP concentrations used. In presence of BP the rates of RNA and protein syntheses gradually decreased until complete inhibition of net syntheses occurred. In a similar way chlorophyll synthesis was inhibited, and this was followed by gradual degradation of the chlorophyll. The higher the concentration of BP the more rapid the decrease of the rates of syntheses and the earlier their complete inhibition. At low BP concentrations while DNA replications were initiated, the number of replications was lowered. At higher concentrations the initiations of DNA replications were delayed or completely suppressed. Syntheses of saccharides were the least inhibited processes in presence of BP. Starch synthesis was slowed down at the end of the cell cycle and fructose synthesis (free and sucrose bound) was even stimulated later in the cell cycle. The release of daughter coenobia, and protoplast fissions were most susceptible to BP treatment, being affected at concentrations which produced no measureble disturbances of macromolecular syntheses. At BP concentrations at which the inhibition of macromolecular syntheses occurred, the delay or suppression of mitoses was observed.Abbreviations BP 3,4-benzo(a)pyrene - PhAR photosynthetically active radiation  相似文献   
Rat and guinea pig brain extracts were examined for the occurrence of gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)-like substances by sequence specific radioimmunoassays interfaced with gel filtration and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Tryptic digestion of the immunoreactive peptides followed by RP-HPLC was used to further characterize GRP-related peptides in brain. Using these analytical techniques it was found that guinea pig brain extracts contained a peptide with characteristics identical to authentic GRP (27 amino acid residues long). A carboxyterminal fragment with the characteristics of GRP(18–27) as well as a respective aminoterminal fragment with the characteristics of GRP(1–16) were also present in guinea pig brain extracts. The GRP(18–27) seems to correspond to the bombesin related material that has been described previously in mammalian brain extracts.Rat brain extracts also contained a peptide with the characteristics of GRP(18–27). The corresponding aminoterminal fragment, however, behaved differently on RP-HPLC from authentic GRP(1–16) and it was not recognized by antibodies directed to the aminoterminal tridecapeptide fragment of authentic GRP. Similarly the GRP-like peptide from rat brain did not comigrate on RP-HPLC with authentic GRP and was unreactive to antibodies directed toward the aminoterminus of GRP.  相似文献   
Summary Cell suspensions of rat anterior pituitaries were filtered with a polycarbonate filter (pore size 3 m) and fixed on the filter. After fixation the cells were adherent to the filter and immunocytochemical staining could be accomplished by simply dipping the filter into the different incubation media. The cells could be dehydrated and embedded in Epon 812 on the filter. After polymerization the embedded filter was sawn into small blocks and the cell layer was sectioned tangentially on an ultramicrotome. This method also seems to be applicable to other histochemical studies on single cells.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 87/B2  相似文献   
The 5' nontranslated region of poliovirus RNA contains two highly structured regions, the cloverleaf (CL) and the internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). A cellular protein, the poly(rC) binding protein (PCBP), has been reported to interact with the CL either alone or in combination with viral protein 3CD(pro). The formation of the ternary complex is essential for RNA replication and, hence, viral proliferation. PCBP also interacts with stem-loop IV of the IRES, an event critical for the initiation of cap-independent translation. Until recently, no special function was assigned to a spacer region (nucleotides [nt] 89 to 123) located between the CL and the IRES. However, on the basis of our discovery that this region strongly affects the neurovirulent phenotype of poliovirus, we have embarked upon genetic and biochemical analyses of the spacer region, focusing on two clusters of C residues (C(93-95) and C(98-100)) that are highly conserved among entero- and rhinoviruses. Replacement of all six C residues with A residues had no effect on translation in vitro but abolished RNA replication, leading to a lethal growth phenotype of the virus in HeLa cells. Mutation of the first group of C residues (C(93-95)) resulted in slower viral growth, whereas the C(98-100)A change had no significant effect on viability. Genetic analyses of the C-rich region by extensive mutagenesis and analyses of revertants revealed that two consecutive C residues (C(94-95)) were sufficient to promote normal growth of the virus. However, there was a distinct position effect of the preferred C residues. A 142-nt-long 5'-terminal RNA fragment including the CL and spacer sequences efficiently bound PCBP, whereas no PCBP binding was observed with the CL (nt 1 to 88) alone. Binding of PCBP to the 142-nt fragment was completely ablated after the two C clusters in the spacer were mutated to A clusters. In contrast, the same mutations had no effect on the binding of 3CD(pro) to the 142-nt RNA fragment. Stepwise replacement of the C residues with A residues resulted in impaired replication that covaried with weaker binding of PCBP in vitro. We conclude that PCBP has little, if any, binding affinity for the CL itself (nt 1 to 88) but requires additional nucleotides downstream of the CL for its function as an essential cofactor in poliovirus RNA replication. These data reveal a new essential function of the spacer between the CL and the IRES in poliovirus proliferation.  相似文献   
The striking 50-year-long decline in the incidence of poliomyelitis has stalled in the past 7 years, which has led to calls for an urgent re-assessment of eradication and post-eradication campaign strategies. The current plan of eliminating the circulation of wild poliovirus so that further immunization will be unnecessary does not take into account recent scientific data and political realities that limit the likelihood that this strategy can sustain prevention of the disease. It is crucially important that high levels of population immunity are maintained against polio in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   
Seedlings of two late-successional tropical rainforest tree species, Tetragastris panamensis (Engler) O. Kuntze and Calophyllum longifolium (Willd.), were field grown for 3-4 months at an open site near Panama City (9 degrees N), Panama, under plastic films that either transmitted or excluded most solar UV-B radiation. Experiments were designed to test whether leaves developing under bright sunlight with strongly reduced UV-B are capable of acclimating to near-ambient UV-B conditions. Leaves of T. panamensis that developed under near-ambient UV-B contained higher amounts of UV-absorbing substances than leaves of seedlings grown under reduced UV-B. Photosynthetic pigment composition, content of alpha-tocopherol, CO(2) assimilation, potential photosystem II (PSII) efficiency (evaluated by F(v)/F(m) ratios) and growth of T. panamensis and C. longifolium did not differ between seedlings developed under near-ambient and reduced solar UV-B. When seedlings were transferred from the reduced UV-B treatment to the near-ambient UV-B treatment, a pronounced inhibition of photosynthetic capacity was observed initially in both species. UV-B-mediated inhibition of photosynthetic capacity nearly fully recovered within 1 week of the transfer in C. longifolium, whereas in T. panamensis an about 35% reduced capacity of CO(2) uptake was maintained. A marked increase in UV-absorbing substances was observed in foliage of transferred T. panamensis seedlings. Both species exhibited enhanced mid-day photoinhibition of PSII immediately after being transferred from the reduced UV-B to the near-ambient UV-B treatment. This effect was fully reversible within 1d in T. panamensis and within a few days in C. longifolium. The data show that leaves of these tropical tree seedlings, when developing in full-spectrum sunlight, are effectively protected against high solar UV-B radiation. In contrast, leaves developing under conditions of low UV-B lacked sufficient UV protection. They experienced a decline in photosynthetic competence when suddenly exposed to near-ambient UV-B levels, but exhibited pronounced acclimative responses.  相似文献   
A modification characterizing all cleistogamous species is reduction in anther size of the CL (cleistogamous or closed) flower. In Collomia grandiflora the CL anther, in addition to being smaller, has only two locules; the CH (chasmogamous or open) flower anther has four locules. As a consequence, there is a modification in CL anther shape. From initially similar primordia, a divergence in histology between the two anther forms appears at archesporial cell differentiation when only two locules are established in the CL anther. The process of form divergence in the two anther types is examined in this study using histological, allometric, and 3-D computer graphic techniques. Allometric data from SEM images demonstrates the equivalence of primordial shapes at anther inception and divergence just prior to archesporial cell division, which signals the onset of sporogenous cell proliferation. Reconstructions of the anthers at archesporial cell division stage revealed differences in external and internal form and size, features unrelated to locule number. Fewer initial archesporial cells and a shorter duration of sporogenous cell proliferation in the CL anther correlates with a smaller anther with 1/10th the number of pollen grains at maturity. The CL anther shows less cell division activity from the time of archesporial cell division and no trace of the intercalary growth which appears during meiosis in the CH anther. The divergent CL anther size and form may be attributed to an earlier onset of abaxial locule differentiation in a smaller primordium which may itself preclude adaxial locule initiation. Heterochrony, or alteration in developmental timing, is proposed as the mode of evolution of the CL from the ancestral CH form.  相似文献   
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