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To investigate the involvement of various cellular and humoral aspects of immunity in the clearance of rabies virus from the central nervous system, (CNS), we studied the development of clinical signs and virus clearance from the CNS in knockout mice lacking either B and T cells, CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, B cells, alpha/beta interferon (IFN-α/β) receptors, IFN-γ receptors, or complement components C3 and C4. Following intranasal infection with the attenuated rabies virus CVS-F3, normal adult mice of different genetic backgrounds developed a transient disease characterized by loss of body weight and appetite depression which peaked at 13 days postinfection (p.i.). While these animals had completely recovered by day 21 p.i., mice lacking either B and T cells or B cells alone developed a progressive disease and succumbed to infection. Mice lacking either CD8+ T cells, IFN receptors, or complement components C3 and C4 showed no significant differences in the development of clinical signs by comparison with intact counterparts having the same genetic background. However, while infectious virus and viral RNA could be detected in normal control mice only until day 8 p.i., in all of the gene knockout mice studied except those lacking C3 and C4, virus infection persisted through day 21 p.i. Analysis of rabies virus-specific antibody production together with histological assessment of brain inflammation in infected animals revealed that clearance of CVS-F3 by 21 days p.i. correlated with both a strong inflammatory response in the CNS early in the infection (day 8 p.i.), and the rapid (day 10 p.i.) production of significant levels of virus-neutralizing antibody (VNA). These studies confirm that rabies VNA is an absolute requirement for clearance of an established rabies virus infection. However, for the latter to occur in a timely fashion, collaboration between VNA and inflammatory mechanisms is necessary.  相似文献   
The anion channel protein from Clavibacter michiganense ssp. nebraskense (Schürholz, Th. et al. 1991, J. Membrane Biol. 123: 1-8) was analyzed at different concentrations of KCl and KF. At 0.8 M KCl the conductance G(Vm) increases exponentially from 21 pS at 50 mV up to 53 pS at Vm = 200 mV, 20°C. The concentration dependence of G(Vm) corresponds to a Michaelis-Menten type saturation function at all membrane voltage values applied (0-200 mV). The anion concentration K0.5, where G(Vm) has its half-maximum value, increases from 0.12 M at 50 mV to 0.24 M at 175 mV for channels in a soybean phospholipid bilayer. The voltage dependence of the single channel conductance, which is different for charged and neutral lipid bilayers, can be described either by a two-state flicker (2SF) model and the Nernst-Planck continuum theory, or by a two barrier, one-site (2B1S) model with asymmetric barriers. The increase in the number of open channels after a voltage jump from 50 mV to 150 mV has a time constant of 0.8 s. The changes of the single-channel conductance are much faster (<1 ms). The electric part of the gating process is characterized by the (reversible) molar electrical work ΔGθel = ρZgFVm ≈ -1.3 RT, which corresponds to the movement of one charge of the gating charge number |Zg| = 1 across the fraction ρ = ΔVm/Vm = 0.15 of the membrane voltage Vm = 200 mV. Unlike with chloride, the single channel conductance of fluoride has a maximum at about 150 mV in the presence of the buffer PIPES (≥5 mM, pH 6.8) with K0.5 ≈ 1 M. It is shown that the decrease in conductance is due to a blocking of the channel by the PIPES anion. In summary, the results indicate that the anion transport by the Clavibacter anion channel (CAC) does not require a voltage dependent conformation change of the CAC.  相似文献   
Degradation of 3-chlorobiphenyl by in vivo constructed hybrid pseudomonads   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract 3-Chlorobiphenyl-degrading bacteria were obtained from the mating between Pseudomonas putida strain BN10 and Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Strains such as BN210 resulted from the transfer of the genes coding the enzyme sequence for the degradation of chlorocatechols from B13 into BN10, whereas B13 derivatives such as B131 have acquired the biphenyl degradation sequence from BN10. During growth of the hybrid strains on 3-chlorobiphenyl 90% chloride was released. Activities of phenylcatechol 2,3-dioxygenase, benzoate dioxygenase, catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, chloromuconate cyloisomerase and 4-carboxymethyl-enebut-2-en-4-olide hydrolase were found in 3-chlorobiphenyl-grown cells. The hybrid strains were found to convert some congeners of the Aroclor 1221 mixture such as mono- and dichloro-substituted biphenyls.  相似文献   
Phytochrome Control of Its Own Synthesis in Pisum sativum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analysis of phytochrome synthesis in Pisum seedlings by measuringthe activity of polysomal polyadenylated RNA (poly-A+-RNA) codingfor phytochrome apoprotein showed phytochrome control of itsown synthesis; brief red-light irradiation of pea seedlingsinhibited the activity of the RNA, and the red-light effectwas red/far-red reversible. 4 Permanent address: Biology Department, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received August 13, 1984; Accepted September 17, 1984)  相似文献   
Synopsis Direct observations of young-of-the-year brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, in a second-order woodland stream indicated that most of their feeding effort was directed toward sub-surface, drifting prey (83% of feeding time). Feeding from the substrate and water surface was much less frequent (17% of feeding time). Comparisons of gut contents to drift net and substrate fauna samples corroborated that the most commonly consumed prey (chironomid and trichopteran larvae, ostracods, and ephemeropteran nymphs) were captured primarily from sub-surface, invertebrate drift. The disproportionate numbers of some prey species in the guts of several fish indicate that some prey selection occurred. Territories appeared to be cardioid-shaped, and were often contiguous, with dominance hierarchies evident among the residents. Agonistic interactions were frequent. Charges and chases predominated (91% of interactions) while lateral displays were infrequent (9% of interactions). Overall, these fish spent most of the daylight hours station-holding (77%) and feeding (18%). While only 3% of total time was spent in aggression, this amounted to 14% of the time a fish spent away from its station. There was some indication that territories were defended at a cost of feeding time.  相似文献   
Fichtner C  Laurich C  Bothe E  Lubitz W 《Biochemistry》2006,45(32):9706-9716
The active site in the [NiFe] hydrogenase of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Miyazaki F has been investigated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Analysis of the spectra allowed the three diatomic inorganic ligands to Fe in this enzyme to be identified as one CO molecule and two CN(-) molecules. Furthermore, pH-dependent redox titrations were performed to determine the midpoint potentials as well as the pK value of the respective reactions and revealed that each single-electron redox transition is accompanied by a single-proton transfer step. The comparison of these spectra with those published for other [NiFe] hydrogenases shows that the electronic structure of the active sites of these enzymes and their redox processes are essentially the same. Nevertheless, differences with respect to the frequency of the CO band and the pH dependence of the Ni-R states have been observed. Finally, the frequency shifts of the bands in the IR spectra were interpreted with respect to the electronic configuration of the redox intermediates in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   
Absorbance difference spectroscopy and redox titrations have been applied to investigate the properties of photosystem I from the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. At room temperature, the (P740(+)-P740) and (F(A/B)(-)-F(A/B)) absorbance difference spectra were recorded in the range between 300 and 1000 nm while at cryogenic temperatures, (P740(+)A(1)(-)-P740A(1)) and ((3)P740-P740) absorbance difference spectra have been measured. Spectroscopic and kinetic evidence is presented that the cofactors involved in the electron transfer from the reduced secondary electron acceptor, phylloquinone (A(1)(-)), to the terminal electron acceptor and their structural arrangement are virtually identical to those of chlorophyll a containing photosystem I. The oxidation potential of the primary electron donor P740 of photosystem I has been reinvestigated. We find a midpoint potential of 450+/-10 mV in photosystem I-enriched membrane fractions as well as in thylakoids which is very similar to that found for P700 in chlorophyll a dominated organisms. In addition, the extinction difference coefficient for the oxidation of the primary donor has been determined and a value of 45,000+/-4000 M(-1) cm(-1) at 740 nm was obtained. Based on this value the ratio of P740 to chlorophyll is calculated to be 1 : to approximately 200 chlorophyll d in thylakoid membranes. The consequences of our findings for the energetics in photosystem I of A. marina are discussed as well as the pigment stoichiometry and spectral characteristics of P740.  相似文献   
Haptokinetic cell migration across surfaces is mediated by adhesion receptors including beta1 integrins and CD44 providing adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands such as collagen and hyaluronan (HA), respectively. Little is known, however, about how such different receptor systems synergize for cell migration through three-dimensionally (3-D) interconnected ECM ligands. In highly motile human MV3 melanoma cells, both beta1 integrins and CD44 are abundantly expressed, support migration across collagen and HA, respectively, and are deposited upon migration, whereas only beta1 integrins but not CD44 redistribute to focal adhesions. In 3-D collagen lattices in the presence or absence of HA and cross-linking chondroitin sulfate, MV3 cell migration and associated functions such as polarization and matrix reorganization were blocked by anti-beta1 and anti-alpha2 integrin mAbs, whereas mAbs blocking CD44, alpha3, alpha5, alpha6, or alphav integrins showed no effect. With use of highly sensitive time-lapse videomicroscopy and computer-assisted cell tracking techniques, promigratory functions of CD44 were excluded. 1) Addition of HA did not increase the migratory cell population or its migration velocity, 2) blocking of the HA-binding Hermes-1 epitope did not affect migration, and 3) impaired migration after blocking or activation of beta1 integrins was not restored via CD44. Because alpha2beta1-mediated migration was neither synergized nor replaced by CD44-HA interactions, we conclude that the biophysical properties of 3-D multicomponent ECM impose more restricted molecular functions of adhesion receptors, thereby differing from haptokinetic migration across surfaces.  相似文献   
Samples from three hot springs (Alla, Seya and Garga) located in the northeastern part of Baikal rift zone (Buryat Republic, Russia) were screened for the presence of thermophilic nitrifying bacteria. Enrichment cultures were obtained solely from the Garga spring characterized by slightly alkaline water (pH 7.9) and an outlet temperature of 75 degrees C. The enrichment cultures of the ammonia- and nitrite oxidizers grew at temperature ranges of 27-55 and 40-60 degrees C, respectively. The temperature optimum was approximately 50 degrees C for both groups and thus they can be designated as moderate thermophiles. Ammonia oxidizers were identified with classical and immunological techniques. Representatives of the genus Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira-like bacteria with characteristic vibroid morphology were detected. The latter were characterized by an enlarged periplasmic space, which has not been previously observed in ammonia oxidizers. Electron microscopy, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing provided evidence that the nitrite oxidizers were members of the genus Nitrospira.  相似文献   
Background: Triple therapy with a proton pump inhibitor, moxifloxacin, and amoxicillin has been proven effective in first‐line treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Aim: To explore 1, the value of triple therapy with esomeprazole, moxifloxacin, and amoxicillin in second‐line or rescue treatment of Caucasian patients and 2, the impact of treatment duration on eradication success. Methods: H. pylori‐infected patients with at least one previous treatment failure were randomized to oral esomeprazole 20 mg b.i.d., moxifloxacin 400 mg o.d., and amoxicillin 1000 mg b.i.d. for either 7 (EMA‐7) or 14 days (EMA‐14). Eradication was confirmed by 13C urea breath test. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed in all patients at baseline and in patients who failed treatment. Results: Eighty patients were randomized, and 60% had ≥2 previous treatment failures. Pretreatment resistance against clarithromycin and metronidazole was found in 70.5 and 61.5% of cases, respectively. The intention‐to‐treat eradication rate was significantly higher after EMA‐14 compared with EMA‐7 (95.0 vs 78.9%, p = .036). No independent risk factor for treatment failure could be identified. There were no serious adverse events. Five of the EMA‐14 patients (12.5%) compared with none of the EMA‐7 patients discontinued prematurely because of adverse events (p = .031). Post‐treatment resistance against moxifloxacin was found in one of seven patients with isolated organisms (14.3%). Conclusion: Second‐line/rescue H. pylori eradication therapy with esomeprazole, moxifloxacin, and amoxicillin is very effective and well tolerated. Fourteen days of treatment significantly increase the eradication rate but also the rate of adverse events.  相似文献   
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