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Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia in an inbred kindred was observed in three sisters and three first cousins. This was interpreted as presumptive evidence for autosomal recessive inheritance and it is suggested that in addition to its known genes, anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia occasionally may be caused by an autosomal recessive gene.This investigation was supported by Public Health Service Research Grant No. FR 00123, from GCRC-DRFR and by a Fellowship in Pediatric Teratology of the Children's Hospital Research Foundation, Cincinnati.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is thought to be involved in the regulation of the diurnal activity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and to act as a neurotransmitter in the brain. To date it is unknown whether the binding sites of the central CRF system are subject to diurnal variations. 2. We measured the number of CRF binding sites over the course of a complete 24-hr light-dark cycle in the pituitary, amygdala, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), cingulate cortex, visceral cortex, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, hippocampus, and locus ceruleus of rats byin vitro receptor autoradiography with iodinated ovine CRF. A 24-hr time course was also established for plasma CRF and corticosterone. 3. The diurnal pattern of plasma CRF does not correlate with the pattern of plasma corticosterone. Within the brain, CRF binding in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala showed a U-shaped curve with maximum levels in the morning and a wide hallow between 1500 and 0100. A biphasic profile with a small depression in the afternoon and a more pronounced depression in the second half of the activity period is characteristic for the other brain areas and the pituitary. The profile for the pituitary correlates with those for the BNST and the area of the locus ceruleus. Furthermore, the diurnal pattern of CRF binding sites in the BNST correlates with that of the hippocampus, and the daytime pattern of the visceral cortex is similar to that of both the hippocampus and the BNST. 4. Since the CRF-binding profiles in the brain and the pituitary clearly differ from the profiles of both plasma CRF and corticosterone, one may assume that the diurnal pattern of central CRF binding sites is not directly coupled to the activity of the HPA axis.  相似文献   
Summary The Upper Santonian to Lower CampanianLacazina Limestone consists of massive, often amalgamated beds of packstones and grainstones which were deposited in a shallow marine environment. The most abundant skeletal components are miliolid foraminifera, echinoderm, bivalve and bryozoan fragments, peloids and sparse red algae. Small, solitary corals only occur sporadically. Hermatypic corals, sponges and green algae are missing. The series which reaches thicknesses between 60 m and 160 m, was sampled at intervals of 0.5 m at five localities. The petrographic features throughout the series are mainly a product of changing depositional energy. The limestones are well cemented. Diagenesis is characterized by a transition from marine phreatic to burial cementation. Syntaxial and blocky calcite cements predominate over early acicular to bladed and microgranular cements. The faunal association within theLacazina Limestone exhibits features typical for temperate water i.e.foramol carbonates. On the other hand, oxygen (δ18O =-1.7 to −6.3 ‰ PDB) and carbon (δ13C to 3.0‰ PDB) isotope values of diagentically unaltered bivalve shells indicate warm surface waters corresponding better to the palaeogeographical situation of theLacazina Limestone. Nutrient-surplus is proposed as a limiting factor preventing the development of reefs and finally ofchlorozoan sediments. In the sense of sequence stratigraphy, theLacazina Limestone is interpreted to contain transgressive and highstand systems tracts. This interpretation fits well into theHaq-Vail-curve. The series shows no visible high-frequency cyclicity in the field. Several cycles were found by means of principle component analysis and spectral analysis. Their relationships to the Milankovitch spectrum are discussed. The ammonite fauna of the unit and of preceding sediments (late Coniacian to early Campanian) is described and some inoceramids are figured. They permit—for the first time—the exact dating of theLacazina Limestone in the Basco-Cantabrian Basin (BCB) and throw light on a prominent faunal change at the Coniacian/Santonian boundary. The Cenomanian to Coniacian ammonite faunas which were dominated by endemic Tethyan pseudoceratitic faunas are replaced by cosmopolitan species dominated by Madagascan elements. This drastic change permits speculations about the installation of a new oceanic current system in the Santonian.  相似文献   
Lolium perenne growing with high root density on a fine nylon mesh (Kuchenbuch and Jungk, 1982) caused the development of element gradients in the rhizosphere below the mesh. Micro-liter soil solutions from 2-mg soil samples were sprayed onto Formvar-coated grids and analyzed by X-ray microanalysis in a transmission electron microscope. The results were comparable to those obtained by flame photometry and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) of conventional soil solutions from 1 g soil. X-ray microanalysis of micro-soil solutions allows the application of different extraction procedures to even small amounts of soil usually available from rhizosphere experiments. Information about soil buffering characteristics in the rhizosphere can thus be obtained. Aluminum accumulation in the rhizosphere of small segments of single Picea abies fine roots grown in undisturbed natural forest soil could be detected with this technique.  相似文献   
These recommendations for genes encoding phytochromes were developed independently by Quail et al., but are broadly consistent with the Commission's guidelines. Their original article, kindly provided in advance of publication, appeared as a Letter to the Editor inPlant Cell (6:468–471, 1994) and is published with permission of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.  相似文献   
The cDNA and a partial genomic sequence of a rat class I major histocompatibility (RT1) gene, 11/3R, is reported here. The sequence contains several unique amino acid residues at certain positions, mutations in exon 7 (which is not expressed), a mutation of the canonical exon 8 stop codon to a sense codon, and includes a long 3 unstranslated region (utr). The structure of exon 7 differs from that found in most rat class I genes and resembles exon 7 of most H-2K,D,L.Q genes. Parts of the 3 noncoding region are homologous to the RT1.A-4 and certain H-2 genes. Expression is detectable by northern blot analysis in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes only, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in each tissue tested. After transfection into L cells 11/3R can be shown to be expressible at the cell surface. Probes derived from the 3 noncoding part crosshybridize with a number of restriction fragments which map to the RT1.C region, thus defining a subfamily of RT1.C region genes. Several members of this subfamily are deleted in the M1 RT1 mutant. The 11/3R gene presents typical features of a class Ib gene. Aspects of evolution and the potential of the gene are discussed.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank molecule sequence data base and have been assigned the accession numbers X67503 ande X67504.  相似文献   
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