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Eberhard Gischler 《Facies》2010,56(2):173-177
Shallow fore-reef areas worldwide are usually characterized by spurs and grooves. A comparison of examples from the three world oceans suggests that Indo-Pacific spurs and grooves are shaped predominantly by erosion, whereas western Atlantic spur and groove systems are largely a product of constructive processes. I propose that this difference is caused by regional differences in Holocene sea-level change, which controlled exposure to waves and currents, and reef-accretion rates. The transgressive–regressive sea-level curve in the Indo-Pacific realm, i.e., the Mid-to-Late Holocene sea-level fall in these areas has maintained high-energy conditions in the shallow fore reef. Higher exposure to waves and currents favors erosion and leads to a dominance of crustose coralline algae that have relatively slow growth rates. In the western Atlantic, the transgressive Holocene sea level has caused Mid-to-Late Holocene deepening and has maintained accommodation space for reef accretion. Fast-growing acroporid corals thrive under lower exposure and are more common than coralline algae. The fossil record of the spur and groove system is rather poor, which is probably a consequence of the need of excellent, three-dimensional outcrops for identification.  相似文献   
We present evidence for a dimorphic life cycle in the vacuolate sulfide-oxidizing bacteria that appears to involve the attachment of a spherical Thiomargarita-like cell to the exteriors of invertebrate integuments and other benthic substrates at methane seeps. The attached cell elongates to produce a stalk-like form before budding off spherical daughter cells resembling free-living Thiomargarita that are abundant in surrounding sulfidic seep sediments. The relationship between the attached parent cell and free-living daughter cell is reminiscent of the dimorphic life modes of the prosthecate Alphaproteobacteria, but on a grand scale, with individual elongate cells reaching nearly a millimeter in length. Abundant growth of attached Thiomargarita-like bacteria on the integuments of gastropods and other seep fauna provides not only a novel ecological niche for these giant bacteria, but also for animals that may benefit from epibiont colonization.  相似文献   
Growth of the hopanoid-producing bacterium Zymomonas mobilis was inhibited at low concentrations of the cationic detergent octadecyltrimethylammoniumchloride (OTAC). A relationship between sensitivity of Zymomonas mobilis to OTAC, presence of hopanoids and ethanol tolerance was postulated. Mutants resistant to OTAC were isolated from strains ZM1 and ZM4. They did not present any alteration of the hopanoid content and their squalene cyclases showed the same sensitity to OTAC as the parent enzymes. Resistance to OTAC paralleled pleiotropic effects including, enhanced accessibility of the membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase, important release of proteins from cells by Tris/HCl treatment, increased resistance to antibiotics and increased sensitivity to ethanol. In addition, OTACR mutants were also characterized by the synthesis or the overproduction of an outer membrane protein (F53) not detected on 2D-PAGE maps of parent strains and by a normal heat shock response. The role of hopanoids, heat shock proteins, protein F53 and membrane organization in ethanol tolerance is discussed.Abbreviations OTAC octadecyltrimethylammoniumchloride - SLS sodium lauryl sarcosinate  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einem Vorkommen des Dünnschnäbligen Tannenhähers an der Küste des Ochotskischen Meeres im Fernen Osten Sibiriens wurde das Ernten und Verstecken von Samen aus den Zapfen der Zwergzirbelkiefer (Pinus pumila) untersucht. Der Inhalt von durchschnittlich 2,8 Zapfen, das sind etwa 80 Samen, wurde in der gefüllten Kehltasche transportiert und auf eine Anzahl unter niedriger Zwergstrauchvegetation gelegener Bodenverstecke verteilt. Die Verstecke wurden in annähernd linearer Anordnung ohne Bevorzugung einer bestimmten Himmelsrichtung angelegt. Die Versteckserien enthielten im Median 79, maximal mehr als 120 Samen, das Einzelversteck durchschnittlich 19,6 Samen. Das Ernten und Leeren eines Zapfens geschah im Schnitt innerhalb von 47 s. Für das Verstecken einer Füllung des Kehlsacks benötigten die Vögel ca. 170 s. Für das gesamte Beschaffen und Verstecken eines einzelnen Kiefernsamens errechnet sich ein durchschnittlicher Zeitbedarf von 3,26 s. Nach 20 Tagen war der Zapfenvorrat in der lokalen Kiefernpopulation erschöpft. Jeder Häher hat nach den Hochrechnungen bis zu 100.000 Samen vergraben.
Harvesting and caching capacities of Thin-billed Nutcrackers in the Russian Far East
Summary At the Ochotskian sea coast Thin-billed Eurasian Nutcrackers (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos) harvested seeds of ripe cones of the brush pinePinus pumila in late summer. The mean number of seeds carried in their sublingual pouch was 80, which respresents the harvestable contents of 2.8 cones. These were distributed in an average of 5 caches, exclusively in the soil under low tundra vegetation. Caches were organized in nearly straight lines. Series contained a mean of 82.7 seeds, single caches a mean of 19.6 seeds. Plucking one cone and harvesting its seeds took 47 seconds on average. The caching of a complete pouchful took on average 123.4 seconds. The time invested for harvesting and caching one single seed was calculated at 3.26 seconds. Within three weeks in July, an average individual bird was calculated to have cached a total of up to 100,000 seeds.
Zusammenfassung Im Ebrodelta ist, abgesehen von einigen Seen und Sümpfen, nur noch ein schmaler Küstenstreifen landwirtschaftlich ungenutzt. Hier hat sich ein Teil ursprünglichen Vogelreichtums erhalten, und hier wurde seit einigen Jahren eine Reihe faunistischer Erhebungen durchgeführt.Diese erbrachten mehrere erste Brutnachweise für Spanien oder die spanische Mittelmeerküste:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougallii, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Als Rast- und Überwinterungsgebiet ist das Delta von großer Bedeutung, z. B. fürEgretta garzetta undPhoenicopterus ruber. Enge Beziehungen zur Camargue sind vielfach erkennbar, vielleicht sogar hinsichtlich der Ausbreitung vonLarus ridibundus undHaematopus ostralegus. Regelmäßige Wintervorkommen vonMarmaronetta angustirostris sind erwähnenswert.Es wird mit einigen bisher unbekannten Brutplätzen von Laro-Limicolen bekanntgemacht, von denen eine Kolonie vonSterna albifrons mit 300–400 Paaren besonders vermerkt sei. Für weitere Arten können Bestandsangaben gemacht werden.Dieses einzige, bedeutende Brut- und Rastgebiet zwischen Camargue und Coto Doñana ist in höchster Gefahr, durch intensivere landwirtschaftliche Nutzung und touristische Erschließung vernichtet zu werden.
Resumen Datos ornitologicos sobre el Delta del Ebro. — Sin contar con charcas y marismas, el Delta del Ebro es una franja costera aun no explotada por la agricultura. Gracias a esto una numerosa variedad de aves ha podido mantenerse aprovechando las todavia persistentes condiciones orginarias del medio ambiente. Sobre estas aves se han venido acumulando en los ultimos años un buen acopio de observaciones.Se pudo constatar como nidificantes por primera vez en España o costas mediterranes a las siguientes especies:Larus ridibundus, Sterna dougalli, St. sandvicensis, Haematopus ostralegus, Limosa limosa, Asio flammeus, Acrocephalus palustris. Como lugar de invernada o refugio durante el paso el Delta del Ebro tiene un especial interes, por ejemplo paraEgretta garzetta yPhoenicopterus ruber. Se establecen algunas relaciones con la Camarga principalmente en cuanto a la expansión deLarus ridibundus yHaematopus ostralegus. Se mencionan invernadas regulares deMarmaronetta angustirostris. Se señalan algunos nuevos lugares de cria para Laro-Limicolas, merece destacarse el hallazgo de una colonia deSterna albifrons compuesta por unos 300–400 pares. Para otras especies se dan datos numerieos estimativos.El Delta del Ebro es un lugar unico y de gran importancia, situado entre la Camarga y el Coto de Doñana, que está hoy en peligro de desaparición debido a la colonización intensiva de la agricultura y a la creciente afluencia turistica.
From March 1999 through August 2000, 511 stool samples collected from 11 different primate species in 10 geographically distinct locations in Kenya, East Africa, were screened for the presence of Cyclospora spp. oocysts. Positive samples (43/102, 42%) were identified in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) in 4 of 4 locations; 19/206 (9%) in yellow and olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus, P. anubis, respectively) in 5 of 5 locations; and 19/76 (25%) in black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis, C. guereza, respectively) from 2 of 3 locations. DNA sequences obtained from 18 S rRNA coding regions from respective subsets of these positive samples were typed as Cyclospora cercopitheci (samples from Cercopithecus aethiops). Cyclospora papionis (samples from Papio cynocephalus and P. anubis), and Cyclospora colobi (samples from Colobus angolensis and C. guereza). Cyclospora oocysts were not detected in samples collected from patas, highland sykes, lowland sykes, blue sykes, DeBrazza, or red-tailed monkeys. A coded map showing the geographic location of the collected samples is given. Stool samples from 1 troop of vervet monkeys were collected over a 12-mo period. Positive samples ranged between 21 and 63%. These results suggest that there is no strongly marked seasonality evident in Cyclospora infection in monkeys as has been noted in human infection. This is further confirmed by the recovery of positive samples collected from vervet monkeys, baboons, and colobus monkeys at all times of the year during this survey. This absence of seasonality in infection is especially notable because of the extreme weather patterns typical of Kenya, where marked rainy and dry seasons occur. A second noteworthy observation is that the striking host specificity of the Cyclospora species initially described was confirmed in this survey. Baboons were only infected with C. papionis, vervet monkeys with C. cercopitheci, and colobus monkeys with C. colobi, despite geographic overlaps of both the monkey and parasite species and wide geographic distribution of each parasite and monkey host.  相似文献   
We caught dunnocks at a wintering site near Pisa/Italy prior to their departure for breeding territories and held them indoors north of this site (Andechs/Germany) on a simulated photoperiod of 52.5 °N. After birds had gone through a reproductive cycle and postnuptial moult they developed migratory restlessness in autumn. At this time one group was transferred back to the previous wintering site (Pisa) where birds were held in individual activity cages in an outdoor aviary, allowing them to perceive as much environmental information as possible. A second group was transferred to a control site near Tour du Valat/France of approximately the same latitude and climate, but different longitude and held in an identical aviary. The diurnal activity pattern changed after transfer back to the previous wintering site, but not after transfer to the control site. Specifically, the amount of morning activity was reduced while afternoon activity was increased. This effect was restricted to those individuals that had been developing nocturnal migratory restlessness the previous spring. It was absent in individuals without migratory restlessness in spring, indicating that the different patterns were not due to unspecific effects from the testing sites. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that birds were able to derive information about their locality and to recognize their previous wintering site, resulting in suppression of migratory state by experience. The results are not definitely conclusive, however, because of several difficulties in the interpretation of perch-hopping activity, which are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Lautrepertoire von sechs handaufgezogenen Graugänsen wurde in individuellen Längsschnitten vom Schlüpfen bis zum Alter von 100 Tagen mit sonagraphischer Methode analysiert. Die Einteilung des Repertoires erfolgte nach drei verschiedenen Kriterien: Klang, Sonagramm und Kontext. Im jugendlichen Repertoire ließen sich 4 Rufklassen voneinander trennen. Im Laufe der Jugendentwicklung veränderten sich vor allem die phonetischen Parameter der Rufe, während die syntaktischen weitgehend konstant blieben. Nach einem Anstieg in der ersten Woche fiel die Tonhöhe der Rufe bei allen untersuchten Individuen und Rufklassen gleichmäßig ab. Der Stimmbruch, meßbar an der Zunahme geräuschhafter Komponenten, war ein kontinuierlicher, langfristiger Prozeß. Die Individualität war nicht in einem einzelnen, wohl aber in der Kombination mehrerer Merkmale faßbar. Die Geschlechter waren schon früh an Unterschieden in der Tonhöhe erkennbar. An sonstigen ontogenetischen Veränderungen innerhalb des Untersuchungszeitraumes konnten die Erweiterung des Repertories durch Aufspaltung und Reifung sowie ein möglicher Verlust von Rufklassen beobachtet werden.
Juvenile development of vocalizations in Greylag Geese (Anser anser)
Summary The juvenile vocal development of six Greylag Geese from hatching up to the age of 100 days was analysed by using sonagraphic methods. The calls were classified by means of the acoustic phenomenon, sonagrams, and context criteria. The juvenile repertoire included four main call types. During ontogeny, changes of call parameters mainly referred to phonetic characteristics, whereas syntactic parameters remained more or less constant. The frequency pitch of calls changed to higher levels during the first week of development while in older goslings this parameter decreased constantly. This held true for each individual and call type. Breaking of the voice, defined as an increment of noisy parts in the vocalizations, is described as a continuous long term process. Structural individuality of calls apparently was not based on one single parameter, but on the combination of several ones. Sex differences were found in the pitch of vocalizations, correlating with different body weights of male and female geese. Additional developmental processes of the vocal repertoire included differentiation, maturation of new call types, and apparent suppression of juvenile ones. The functional organization of the juvenile call system in Greylags is discussed.

Herrn Dr. Hans Löhrl zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet  相似文献   
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