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The study of mutualistic plant and animal networks is an emerging field of ecological research. We reviewed progress in this field over the past 30 years. While earlier studies mostly focused on network structure, stability, and biodiversity maintenance, recent studies have investigated the conservation implications of mutualistic networks, specifically the influence of invasive species and how networks respond to habitat loss. Current research has also focused on evolutionary questions including phylogenetic signal in networks, impact of networks on the coevolution of interacting partners, and network influences on the evolution of interacting species. We outline some directions for future research, particularly the evolution of specialization in mutualistic networks, and provide concrete recommendations for environmental managers.  相似文献   
New strains of influenza spread around the globe via the movement of infected individuals. The global dynamics of influenza are complicated by different patterns of influenza seasonality in different regions of the world. We have released an open-source stochastic mathematical model of the spread of influenza across 321 major, strategically located cities of the world. Influenza is transmitted between cities via infected airline passengers. Seasonality is simulated by increasing the transmissibility in each city at the times of the year when influenza has been observed to be most prevalent. The spatiotemporal spread of pandemic influenza can be understood through clusters of global transmission and links between them, which we identify using the epidemic percolation network (EPN) of the model. We use the model to explain the observed global pattern of spread for pandemic influenza A(H1N1) 2009-2010 (pandemic H1N1 2009) and to examine possible global patterns of spread for future pandemics depending on the origin of pandemic spread, time of year of emergence, and basic reproductive number (). We also use the model to investigate the effectiveness of a plausible global distribution of vaccine for various pandemic scenarios. For pandemic H1N1 2009, we show that the biggest impact of vaccination was in the temperate northern hemisphere. For pandemics starting in the temperate northern hemisphere in May or April, vaccination would have little effect in the temperate southern hemisphere and a small effect in the tropics. With the increasing interconnectedness of the world's population, we must take a global view of infectious disease transmission. Our open-source, computationally simple model can help public health officials plan for the next pandemic as well as deal with interpandemic influenza.  相似文献   
Conservation biology is increasingly concerned with preserving interactions among species such as mutualisms in landscapes facing anthropogenic change. We investigated how one kind of mutualism, mixed-species bird flocks, influences the way in which birds respond to different habitat types of varying land-use intensity. We use data from a well-replicated, large-scale study in Sri Lanka and the Western Ghats of India, in which flocks were observed inside forest reserves, in ‘buffer zones'' of degraded forest or timber plantations, and in areas of intensive agriculture. We find flocks affected the responses of birds in three ways: (i) species with high propensity to flock were more sensitive to land use; (ii) different flock types, dominated by different flock leaders, varied in their sensitivity to land use and because following species have distinct preferences for leaders, this can have a cascading effect on followers'' habitat selection; and (iii) those forest-interior species that remain outside of forests were found more inside flocks than would be expected by chance, as they may use flocks more in suboptimal habitat. We conclude that designing policies to protect flocks and their leading species may be an effective way to conserve multiple bird species in mixed forest and agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
Measures of parasitemia by intraerythrocytic hematozoan parasites are normally expressed as the number of infected erythrocytes per n erythrocytes and are notoriously tedious and time consuming to measure. We describe a protocol for generating rapid counts of nucleated erythrocytes from digital micrographs of thin blood smears that can be used to estimate intensity of hematozoan infections in nonmammalian vertebrate hosts. This method takes advantage of the bold contrast and relatively uniform size and morphology of erythrocyte nuclei on Giemsa-stained blood smears and uses ImageJ, a java-based image analysis program developed at the U.S. National Institutes of Health and available on the internet, to recognize and count these nuclei. This technique makes feasible rapid and accurate counts of total erythrocytes in large numbers of microscope fields, which can be used in the calculation of peripheral parasitemias in low-intensity infections.  相似文献   
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is responsible for approximately 20,000 deaths per year in the United States. Most of the deaths are due to the metastases. To develop more effective strategies for the prevention of metastasis of HNSCC cells, we have determined the effect of grape seed proanthocyanidins (GSPs) on the invasive potential of HNSCC cell and the mechanisms underlying these effects using OSC19 cells as an in vitro model. Using cell invasion assays, we established that treatment of the OSC19 cells with GSPs resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of cell invasion. EGFR is over-expressed in 90% of HNSCCs and the EGFR inhibitors, erlotinib and gefitinib, are being explored as therapies for this disease. We found that GSPs treatment reduced the levels of expression of EGFR in the OSC19 cells as well as reducing the activation of NF-κB/p65, a downstream target of EGFR, and the expression of NF-κB-responsive proteins. GSPs treatment also reduced the activity of ERK1/2, an upstream regulator of NF-κB and treatment of the cells with caffeic acid phenethyl ester, an inhibitor of NF-κB, inhibited cell invasion. Overexpression of EGFR and high NF-κB activity play a key role in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, which is of critical importance in the processes underlying metastasis, and we found treatment with GSPs enhanced the levels of epithelial (E-cadherin, cytokeratins and desmoglein-2) and reduced the levels of mesenchymal (vimentin, fibronectin, N-cadherin and Slug) biomarkers in the OSC19 cells. These results indicate that GSPs have the ability to inhibit HNSCC cell invasion, and do so by targeting the expression of EGFR and activation of NF-κB as well as inhibiting the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.  相似文献   
Habitat spatial distribution, seasonal variation, and activity patterns influence changes in vertebrate assemblages over time. Terrestrial birds play major roles in the dynamics of tropical forests, but there are few effective methods to study these species due to their cryptic coloration and elusive behavior. We used camera‐trap data collected during 16 mo (February 2017–June 2018) to describe the terrestrial avifauna in southeastern Peru, assess to what extent the composition of terrestrial avifauna changes among seasons and across two major habitats (terra firme and floodplain forests), and determine daily activity patterns of terrestrial birds. We used overlap analyses to examine temporal co‐occurrence between ecologically similar and sympatric species. Camera traps recorded 16 species, including eight species in the family Tinamidae. Capture rates were highest for Pale‐winged Trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera; Psophiidae) and Gray‐fronted Doves (Leptolila rufaxilla; Columbidae). Species composition did not differ between habitats or seasons, and capture rates between habitats only differed for White‐throated Tinamous (Tinamus guttatus). Overlaps of activity patterns were high between ecologically similar species and species found in terra firme habitats (White‐throated Tinamous and Cinereous Tinamous, Crypturellus cinereus) and in both habitat types (Pale‐winged Trumpeters and Gray‐fronted Doves). Low numbers of captures of possibly locally rare or less abundant species hindered a complete analysis of spatial and seasonal patterns of terrestrial bird assemblages. We suggest a greater sampling effort and greater spatial replication to better understand the spatial and seasonal dynamics of the terrestrial avifauna. Further studies that assess the mechanisms that allow the coexistence of sympatric tinamous would be valuable, both in our study area and elsewhere. The use of camera traps in long‐term monitoring projects proved to be an effective tool for monitoring terrestrial birds, identifying cryptic and often rare animals to species level, and providing valuable ecological information at species and community levels.  相似文献   
While the number of experiments performed is perhaps somewhat limited the results obtained were quite definite and warrant the following conclusions. The toxicity of normal blood for living plant protoplasm as studied on the growth of Lupinus albus seedlings is definitely influenced by various radiations. Ultra-violet rays produce no effect on normal blood or may even render it slightly less toxic. Roentgen rays render normal blood more toxic. The toxicity is greater in the case of the blood plasma as compared with the blood cells and a more toxic effect is produced with the Coolidge tube as compared with the gas tube. Radium emanations in the few experiments performed produced changes very much the same as those given by the x-rays.  相似文献   
Adaptive radiation is an aspect of evolutionary biology encompassing microevolution and macroevolution, for explaining the principles of lineage divergence. There are intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors that can be postulated to explain that adaptive radiation has taken place in specific lineages. The Diabroticina beetles are a prominent example of differential diversity that could be examined in detail to explain the diverse paradigms of adaptive radiation. Macroevolutionary analyses must present the differential diversity patterns in a chronological framework. The current study reviews the processes that shaped the differential diversity of some Diabroticina lineages (i.e. genera Acalymma, Cerotoma, and Diabrotica). These diversity patterns and the putative processes that produced them are discussed within a statistically reliable estimate of time. This was achieved by performing phylogenetic and coalescent analyses for 44 species of chrysomelid beetles. The data set encompassed a total of 2,718 nucleotide positions from three mitochondrial and two nuclear loci. Pharmacophagy, host plant coevolution, competitive exclusion, and geomorphological complexity are discussed as putative factors that might have influenced the observed diversity patterns. The coalescent analysis concluded that the main radiation within Diabroticina beetles occurred between middle Oligocene and middle Miocene. Therefore, the radiation observed in these beetles is not recent (i.e. post-Panamanian uplift, 4 Mya). Only a few speciation events in the genus Diabrotica might be the result of the Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   
Few regions have been more severely impacted by climate change in the USA than the Desert Southwest. Here, we use ecological genomics to assess the potential for adaptation to rising global temperatures in a widespread songbird, the willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii), and find the endangered desert southwestern subspecies (E. t. extimus) most vulnerable to future climate change. Highly significant correlations between present abundance and estimates of genomic vulnerability – the mismatch between current and predicted future genotype–environment relationships – indicate small, fragmented populations of the southwestern willow flycatcher will have to adapt most to keep pace with climate change. Links between climate‐associated genotypes and genes important to thermal tolerance in birds provide a potential mechanism for adaptation to temperature extremes. Our results demonstrate that the incorporation of genotype–environment relationships into landscape‐scale models of climate vulnerability can facilitate more precise predictions of climate impacts and help guide conservation in threatened and endangered groups.  相似文献   
Choice tests were conducted to determine relative degree of specialization of feeding behavior of 11 Mexican diabroticite species in the genera Acalymma and Diabrotica (Chrysomelidae: Luperini). Adult beetles were offered a choice between cotyledons of a non-bitter (not containing cucurbitacin) cucurbit (C. pepo L. var. Crookneck), corn (Zea mays L.), and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). In a second assay a bitter (containing cucurbitacin) cucurbit (C. pepo L. var. Ambassador) was added to the array of plants offered. Neonates of two species of Acalymma and one species of Diabrotica were offered a choice between roots of a non-bitter and a bitter cucurbit, and between a bitter cucurbit and corn.Adult insects showed distinct preferences in the first assay. All Acalymma spp. tested accepted only the non-bitter cucurbit as host, whereas Diabrotica spp. preferred either the cucurbit or the noncucurbit hosts. When the bitter cucurbit was offered together with the other three hosts, all species changed their host choice and significantly preferred the bitter cucurbit. Neonates of all three species tested significantly preferred the bitter cucurbit roots over the non-bitter roots, and the corn roots over the bitter cucurbit.The observation that all Mexican diabroticite species tested left suitable hosts when bitter cucurbits were offered in a choice situation supported the hypothesis that the association between diabroticites and Cucurbitaceae is mediated by plant chemical compounds. For both, the Acalymma spp., which were found to be cucurbit specialists, as well as for the polyphagous Diabrotica spp., cucurbitacin B acted as a strong feeding arrestant which implies that the chemical mediation of this interaction might be an evolutionary conservative trait within the tribe.  相似文献   
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