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According to a recently proposed distinction [1] between vision for perception and vision for action, visually guided movements should be largely immune to the perceptually compelling changes in size produced by pictorial illusions. Tests of this prediction that use the Ebbinghaus illusion have revealed only small effects of the illusion on grasp scaling as compared to its effect on perception [2-4]. Nevertheless, some have argued that the small effect on grasp implies that there is a single representation of size for both perception and action [5]. Recent findings, however, suggest that the 2-D pictorial elements, such as those comprising illusory backgrounds, can sometimes be treated as obstacles and thereby influence the programming of grasp [6]. The arrangement of the 2-D elements commonly used in previous studies examining the Ebbinghaus illusion could therefore give rise to an effect on grasp scaling that is independent of its effect on perceptual judgements, even though the two effects are in the same direction. We present evidence demonstrating that when the gap between the target and the illusion-making elements in the Ebbinghaus illusion is equidistant across different perceptual conditions (Figure 1a), the apparent effect of the illusion on grasp scaling is eliminated.  相似文献   
Recent reviews indicate that N deposition increases soil organic matter (SOM) storage in forests but the undelying processes are poorly understood. Our aim was to quantify the impacts of increased N inputs on soil C fluxes such as C mineralization and leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from different litter materials and native SOM. We added 5.5 g N m?2 yr?1 as NH4NO3 over 1 year to two beech forest stands on calcareous soils in the Swiss Jura. We replaced the native litter layer with 13C‐depleted twigs and leaves (δ13C: ?38.4 and ?40.8‰) in late fall and measured N effects on litter‐ and SOM‐derived C fluxes. Nitrogen addition did not significantly affect annual C losses through mineralization, but altered the temporal dynamics in litter mineralization: increased N inputs stimulated initial mineralization during winter (leaves: +25%; twigs: +22%), but suppressed rates in the subsequent summer. The switch from a positive to a negative response occurred earlier and more strongly for leaves than for twigs (?21% vs. 0%). Nitrogen addition did not influence microbial respiration from the nonlabeled calcareous mineral soil below the litter which contrasts with recent meta‐analysis primarily based on acidic soils. Leaching of DOC from the litter layer was not affected by NH4NO3 additions, but DOC fluxes from the mineral soils at 5 and 10 cm depth were significantly reduced by 17%. The 13C tracking indicated that litter‐derived C contributed less than 15% of the DOC flux from the mineral soil, with N additions not affecting this fraction. Hence, the suppressed DOC fluxes from the mineral soil at higher N inputs can be attributed to reduced mobilization of nonlitter derived ‘older’ DOC. We relate this decline to an altered solute chemistry by NH4NO3 additions, an increased ionic strength and acidification resulting from nitrification, rather than to a change in microbial decomposition.  相似文献   
The relationship between preference and performance was studied under laboratory conditions for larvae and adult females of Leptinotarsa undecimlineata (Stål) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Leptinotarsa undecimlineata feeds exclusively on Solanum lanceolatum L. (Solanaceae) in the centre of Veracruz, Mexico. A common sympatric species, Solanum myriacanthum Dunal, is not used as host. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments to detect reasons for the exclusive use of one host plant. Leptinotarsa undecimlineata larvae were reared under laboratory conditions on both plant species, Solanum lanceolatum and S. myriacanthum . Length of larval stages, pupal weight, and percent adult eclosion were compared, and larval preference for both Solanum species was tested. Upon eclosion, adult females were exposed to each of the plants, and the effect of larval diet on adult preference was determined. Oviposition on both Solanum species was observed in no-choice tests. Larvae showed no significant preferences for either plant species. Pupal weight, however, was significantly higher on S. lanceolatum . Female beetles significantly preferred S. lanceolatum leaves, and no effect of preimaginal conditioning was found. Females reproduced in lower numbers after feeding on S. myriacanthum , oviposition initiated later, and females laid fewer eggs than females fed with S. lanceolatum . No female accepted S. myriacanthum for oviposition. Results obtained suggest that the potential host breadth of L. undecimlineata is broader in larvae than in female beetles.  相似文献   
Hawaiian forest birds are imperiled, with fewer than half the original >40 species remaining extant. Recent studies document ongoing rapid population decline and project complete climate‐based range losses for the critically endangered Kaua'i endemics ‘akeke’e (Loxops caeruleirostris) and ‘akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) by end‐of‐century due to projected warming. Climate change facilitates the upward expansion of avian malaria into native high elevation forests where disease was historically absent. While intensified conservation efforts attempt to safeguard these species and their habitats, the magnitude of potential loss and the urgency of this situation require all conservation options to be seriously considered. One option for Kaua’i endemics is translocation to islands with higher elevation habitats. We explored the feasibility of interisland translocation by projecting baseline and future climate‐based ranges of ‘akeke’e and ‘akikiki across the Hawaiian archipelago. For islands where compatible climates for these species were projected to endure through end‐of‐century, an additional climatic niche overlap analysis compares the spatial overlap between Kaua’i endemics and current native species on prospective destination islands. Suitable climate‐based ranges exist on Maui and Hawai'i for these Kaua'i endemics that offer climatically distinct areas compared to niche distributions of destination island endemics. While we recognize that any decision to translocate birds will include assessing numerous additional social, political, and biological factors, our focus on locations of enduring and ecologically compatible climate‐based ranges represents the first step to evaluate this potential conservation option. Our approach considering baseline and future distributions of species with climatic niche overlap metrics to identify undesirable range overlap provides a method that can be utilized for other climate‐vulnerable species with disjointed compatible environments beyond their native range.  相似文献   
van Breemen  N  Boyer  E.W.  Goodale  C.L.  Jaworski  N.A.  Paustian  K.  Seitzinger  S.P.  Lajtha  K.  Mayer  B.  van Dam  D.  Howarth  R.W.  Nadelhoffer  K.J.  Eve  M.  Billen  G. 《Biogeochemistry》2002,(1):267-293
To assess the fate of the large amounts of nitrogen (N) brought into the environment by human activities, we constructed N budgets for sixteen large watersheds (475 to 70,189 km2) in the northeastern U.S.A. These watersheds are mainly forested (48–87%), but vary widely with respect to land use and population density. We combined published data and empirical and process models to set up a complete N budget for these sixteen watersheds. Atmospheric deposition, fertilizer application, net feed and food inputs, biological fixation, river discharge, wood accumulation and export, changes in soil N, and denitrification losses in the landscape and in rivers were considered for the period 1988 to 1992. For the whole area, on average 3420 kg of N is imported annually per km2 of land. Atmospheric N deposition, N2 fixation by plants, and N imported in commercial products (fertilizers, food and feed) contributed to the input in roughly equal contributions. We quantified the fate of these inputs by independent estimates of storage and loss terms, except for denitrification from land, which was estimated from the difference between all inputs and all other storage and loss terms. Of the total storage and losses in the watersheds, about half of the N is lost in gaseous form (51%, largely by denitrification). Additional N is lost in riverine export (20%), in food exports (6%), and in wood exports (5%). Change in storage of N in the watersheds in soil organic matter (9%) and wood (9%) accounts for the remainder of the sinks. The presence of appreciable changes in total N storage on land, which we probably under-rather than overestimated, shows that the N budget is not in steady state, so that drainage and denitrification exports of N may well increase further in the future.  相似文献   
Deposition of reactive nitrogen (N) compounds has the potential to cause severe damage to sensitive soils and waters, but the process of ‘nitrogen saturation’ is difficult to demonstrate or predict. This study compares outputs from a simple carbon–nitrogen model with observations of (1) regional- and catchment-scale relationships between surface water nitrate and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), as an indicator of catchment carbon (C) pool; (2) inter-regional variations in soil C/N ratios; and (3) plot scale soil and leachate response to long-term N additions, for a range of UK moorlands. Results suggest that the simple model applied can effectively reproduce observed patterns, and that organic soil C stores provide a critical control on catchment susceptibility to enhanced N leaching, leading to high spatial variability in the extent and severity of current damage within regions of relatively uniform deposition. Results also support the hypothesis that the N richness of organic soils, expressed as C/N ratio, provides an effective indicator of soil susceptibility to enhanced N leaching. The extent to which current C/N is influenced by N deposition, as opposed to factors such as climate and vegetation type, cannot be unequivocally determined on the basis of spatial data. However, N addition experiments at moorland sites have shown a reduction in organic soil C/N. A full understanding of the mechanisms of N-enrichment of soils and waters is essential to the assessment of current sensitivity to, and prediction of future damage from, globally increasing reactive nitrogen deposition.  相似文献   
The conversion in the brain of intravenously administered 3H-dopa to 3H-dopamine was determined in mice at various times after the administration of several inhibitors of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. The effects of these same decarboxylase inhibitors were determined on the L-dopa-induced circling in mice with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of striatum. Pretreatment with hydrazinomethyldopa (25 mg/kg), which blocks only peripheral decarboxylase activity, increased the brain concentrations of 3H-dopa and 3H-dopamine and enhanced L-dopa-induced circling behavior. Drugs which block both peripheral and central decarboxylase activity, NSD 1015 (100 mg/kg) and a high dose of Ro44602 (800 mg/kg), blocked L-dopa-induced circling and the conversion of 3H-dopa to 3H-dopamine in the brain. Pretreatment with NSD 1055 (100 mg/kg) or α-methyl-dopa (500 mg/kg) did not block the conversion of 3H-dopa to 3H-dopamine in the brain. L-Dopa-induced contralateral circling is correlated temporally with the conversion of this amino acid to dopamine in the brain. The specific inhibitor administered and the pretreatment interval time chosen are critical factors to consider when inhibitors of cerebral decarboxylase are being employed.  相似文献   
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