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Sphingomonads comprise a physiologically versatile group within the Alphaproteobacteria that includes strains of interest for biotechnology, human health, and environmental nutrient cycling. In this study, we compared 26 sphingomonad genome sequences to gain insight into their ecology, metabolic versatility, and environmental adaptations. Our multilocus phylogenetic and average amino acid identity (AAI) analyses confirm that Sphingomonas, Sphingobium, Sphingopyxis, and Novosphingobium are well-resolved monophyletic groups with the exception of Sphingomonas sp. strain SKA58, which we propose belongs to the genus Sphingobium. Our pan-genomic analysis of sphingomonads reveals numerous species-specific open reading frames (ORFs) but few signatures of genus-specific cores. The organization and coding potential of the sphingomonad genomes appear to be highly variable, and plasmid-mediated gene transfer and chromosome-plasmid recombination, together with prophage- and transposon-mediated rearrangements, appear to play prominent roles in the genome evolution of this group. We find that many of the sphingomonad genomes encode numerous oxygenases and glycoside hydrolases, which are likely responsible for their ability to degrade various recalcitrant aromatic compounds and polysaccharides, respectively. Many of these enzymes are encoded on megaplasmids, suggesting that they may be readily transferred between species. We also identified enzymes putatively used for the catabolism of sulfonate and nitroaromatic compounds in many of the genomes, suggesting that plant-based compounds or chemical contaminants may be sources of nitrogen and sulfur. Many of these sphingomonads appear to be adapted to oligotrophic environments, but several contain genomic features indicative of host associations. Our work provides a basis for understanding the ecological strategies employed by sphingomonads and their role in environmental nutrient cycling.  相似文献   
Haemosporidians are among the most common parasites of birds and often negatively impact host fitness. A multitude of biotic and abiotic factors influence these associations, but the magnitude of these factors can differ by spatial scales (i.e., local, regional and global). Consequently, to better understand global and regional drivers of avian‐haemosporidian associations, it is key to investigate these associations at smaller (local) spatial scales. Thus, here, we explore the effect of abiotic variables (e.g., temperature, forest structure, and anthropogenic disturbances) on haemosporidian prevalence and host–parasite networks on a horizontal spatial scale, comparing four fragmented forests and five localities within a continuous forest in Papua New Guinea. Additionally, we investigate if prevalence and host–parasite networks differ between the canopy and the understory (vertical stratification) in one forest patch. We found that the majority of Haemosporidian infections were caused by the genus Haemoproteus and that avian‐haemosporidian networks were more specialized in continuous forests. At the community level, only forest greenness was negatively associated with Haemoproteus infections, while the effects of abiotic variables on parasite prevalence differed between bird species. Haemoproteus prevalence levels were significantly higher in the canopy, and an opposite trend was observed for Plasmodium. This implies that birds experience distinct parasite pressures depending on the stratum they inhabit, likely driven by vector community differences. These three‐dimensional spatial analyses of avian‐haemosporidians at horizontal and vertical scales suggest that the effect of abiotic variables on haemosporidian infections are species specific, so that factors influencing community‐level infections are primarily driven by host community composition.  相似文献   
Hexose oxidase (D-hexose:O(2)-oxidoreductase, EC, HOX) normally found in the red alga Chondrus crispus was produced heterologously in different host systems. Full-length HOX polypeptide was produced in Escherichia coli, but no HOX activity could be detected. In contrast, active HOX could be produced in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Several growth physiological and genetic approaches for optimization of hexose oxidase production in P. pastoris were investigated. Our results indicate that specific growth conditions are essential in order to produce active HOX with the correct conformation. Furthermore, HOX seems to be activated by proteolytic cleavage of the full-length polypeptide chain into two fragments, which remain physically associated. Attempts to direct HOX to the extracellular compartment using the widely used secretion signals from Saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase or alpha-mating factor failed. However, we show in this study that HOX is transported out of P. pastoris via a hitherto unknown mechanism and that it is possible to enhance this secretion by mutagenesis from below the detection limit to at least 250 mg extracellular enzyme per liter.  相似文献   
Many antibiotics, including the macrolides, inhibit protein synthesis by binding to ribosomes. Only some of the macrolides affect the peptidyl transferase reaction. The 16-member ring macrolide antibiotics carbomycin, spiramycin, and tylosin inhibit peptidyl transferase. All these have a disaccharide at position 5 in the lactone ring with a mycarose moiety. We have investigated the functional role of this mycarose moiety. The 14-member ring macrolide erythromycin and the 16-member ring macrolides desmycosin and chalcomycin do not inhibit the peptidyl transferase reaction. These drugs have a monosaccharide at position 5 in the lactone ring. The presence of mycarose was correlated with inhibition of peptidyl transferase, footprints on 23 S rRNA and whether the macrolide can compete with binding of hygromycin A to the ribosome. The binding sites of the macrolides to Escherichia coli ribosomes were investigated by chemical probing of domains II and V of 23 S rRNA. The common binding site is around position A2058, while effects on U2506 depend on the presence of the mycarose sugar. Also, protection at position A752 indicates that a mycinose moiety at position 14 in 16-member ring macrolides interact with hairpin 35 in domain II. Competitive footprinting of ribosomal binding of hygromycin A and macrolides showed that tylosin and spiramycin reduce the hygromycin A protections of nucleotides in 23 S rRNA and that carbomycin abolishes its binding. In contrast, the macrolides that do not inhibit the peptidyl transferase reaction bind to the ribosomes concurrently with hygromycin A. Data are presented to argue that a disaccharide at position 5 in the lactone ring of macrolides is essential for inhibition of peptide bond formation and that the mycarose moiety is placed near the conserved U2506 in the central loop region of domain V 23 S rRNA.  相似文献   
DNA from archived otoliths was used to explore the temporal stability of the genetic composition of two cod populations, the Moray Firth (North Sea) sampled in 1965 and 2002, and the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) sampled in 1928 and 1997. We found no significant changes in the allele frequencies for the Moray Firth population, while subtle but significant genetic changes over time were detected for the Bornholm Basin population. Estimates of the effective population size ( N e ) generally exceeded 500 for both populations when employing a number of varieties of the temporal genetic method. However, confidence intervals were very wide and N e 's most likely range in the thousands. There was no apparent loss of genetic variability and no evidence of a genetic bottleneck for either of the populations. Calculations of the expected levels of genetic variability under different scenarios of N e showed that the number of alleles commonly reported at microsatellite loci in Atlantic cod is best explained by N e 's exceeding thousand. Recent fishery-induced bottlenecks can, however, not be ruled out as an explanation for the apparent discrepancy between high levels of variability and recently reported estimates of N e  << 1000. From life history traits and estimates of survival rates in the wild, we evaluate the compatibility of the species' biology and extremely low N e / N ratios. Our data suggest that very small N e 's are not likely to be of general concern for cod populations and, accordingly, most populations do not face any severe threat of losing evolutionary potential due to genetic drift.  相似文献   
Here, we describe the first system for genetic transformation of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, the only diatom for which a complete genome sequence is presently available. This method is based on microparticle bombardment followed by selection of transformants using the antibiotic nourseothricin. It exhibits the highest transformation efficiency compared with transformation systems for other diatom species. To achieve the high transformation efficiency, it is important to allow recovery of the bombarded T. pseudonana cells in non‐selective suspension culture before spreading on nourseothricin containing agar plates. It is demonstrated that T. pseudonana is readily susceptible to co‐transformation allowing for the simultaneous introduction of a non‐selective gene together with the selection marker gene. Both introduced genes are stably inherited even in the absence of the antibiotic selection pressure. We have developed two T. pseudonana‐specific expression vectors that can drive constitutive expression (vector pTpfcp) and inducible expression (vector pTpNR) of introduced genes. In combination with the available genome data the T. pseudonana transformation system is expected to provide a powerful tool for functional genomics in diatoms.  相似文献   
Distribution of Bacterial Growth Activity in Flow-Chamber Biofilms   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
In microbial communities such as those found in biofilms, individual organisms most often display heterogeneous behavior with respect to their metabolic activity, growth status, gene expression pattern, etc. In that context, a novel reporter system for monitoring of cellular growth activity has been designed. It comprises a transposon cassette carrying fusions between the growth rate-regulated Escherichia coli rrnBP1 promoter and different variant gfp genes. It is shown that the P1 promoter is regulated in the same way in E. coli and Pseudomonas putida, making it useful for monitoring of growth activity in organisms outside the group of enteric bacteria. Construction of fusions to genes encoding unstable Gfp proteins opened up the possibility of the monitoring of rates of rRNA synthesis and, in this way, allowing on-line determination of the distribution of growth activity in a complex community. With the use of these reporter tools, it is demonstrated that individual cells of a toluene-degrading P. putida strain growing in a benzyl alcohol-supplemented biofilm have different levels of growth activity which develop as the biofilm gets older. Cells that eventually grow very slowly or not at all may be stimulated to restart growth if provided with a more easily metabolizable carbon source. Thus, the dynamics of biofilm growth activity has been tracked to the level of individual cells, cell clusters, and microcolonies.  相似文献   
The 45 kDa epidermal growth factor (EGF-(45 kDa)) has been purified from rat urine. We have investigated the distribution and the processing of i.v. injected 125I-labeled EGF-(45 kDa) in the rat. 2.5 min after the i.v. injection only 12% of the label remained in the blood. Most of the label was found in the liver (54%), in the kidneys (7%) and in the skin (4%). The submandibular glands, stomach, small intestine, colon, spleen and lungs contained 1% or less of the radioactivity. Some of the 125I-EGF-(45 kDa) was processed to 125I-EGF-(6 kDa) immunoreactivity in the liver and in the kidneys. The kidneys excreted 125I-EGF-(45 kDa) in the urine, but we were not able to demonstrate 125I-EGF-(6 kDa) in urine. In conclusion, this study shows that homologous EGF-(45 kDa) is cleared from the circulation of rats within a few minutes, mainly by the liver and the kidneys. In vivo both the liver and the kidneys are able to process some of the EGF-(45 kDa) to EGF-(6 kDa) immunoreactivity.  相似文献   
A computerized method for automatic evaluation and comparison of crossed immunoelectrophoretic and crossed radioimmunoelectrophoretic patterns that requires limited hardware resources has been developed. For the initial reading of the plates an ordinary video camera is used. Feature extractors that allow the computer to recognize a point on the precipitation curve as being a peak point have been developed. After this automatic procedure the program allows for an interactive menu-driven proofreading phase during which it is possible to force the system to take into consideration any number of extra points along the precipitation curve in the curve-fitting process. The system has been tested on crossed immunoelectrophoretic patterns as well as crossed radioimmunoelectrophoretic patterns and it has been shown that the system can recognize the same precipitation curves on different immunoplates and autoradiographs. In addition, the system reports the mean, the variance, and the area of the precipitation curves, thus allowing not only a qualitative comparison of two or more plates but also a quantitation of individual antigens or antibodies.  相似文献   
In germinating spores of the parasitic fungus, Aphanomyces astaci, chitinase was first demonstrated shortly before the germ-tube began to branch, in contrast to protease which was present in both ungerminated and germinated spores. The time at which chitinase would be required when this fungus penetrates the crayfish cuticle is correlated with that of the in vitro production of chitinase.  相似文献   
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