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Effects of mute swan grazing on a keystone macrophyte   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. This study describes the early summer foraging behaviour of mute swans (Cygnus olor) on the River Frome, a highly productive chalk stream in southern England in which Ranunculus penicillatus pseudofluitans is the dominant macrophyte. 2. A daily maximum of 41 ± 2.5 swans were present along the 1.1 km study reach during the study period (late May to the end of June). The river was the primary feeding habitat. Feeding activity on the river at dawn and dusk was much lower than during daylight, but we cannot rule out the possibility that swans fed during the hours of darkness. 3. The effects of herbivory on R. pseudofluitans biomass and morphology were quantified. Biomass was lower in grazed areas and swans grazed selectively on leaves in preference to stems. A lower proportion of stems from grazed areas possessed intact stem apices and flowering of the plant was reduced in grazed areas. 4. A model, based on the swans’ daily consumption, was used to predict the grazing pressure of swans on R. pseudofluitans. The model accurately predicted the number of bird days supported by the study site, only if grazing was assumed to severely reduce R. pseudofluitans growth. The proportion of the initial R. pseudofluitans biomass consumed by a fixed number of swans was predicted to be greater when the habitat area was smaller, initial R. pseudofluitans biomass was lower and R. pseudofluitans was of lower food value. 5. We concluded that the flux of N and P through the study reach was largely unaffected by swan activity. The quality of R. pseudofluitans mesohabitat (the plant as habitat for invertebrates and fish) was significantly reduced by grazing which also indirectly contributed to reduced roughness (Manning's n) and by inference water depth. Wetted habitat area for fish and invertebrates would also be lowered over the summer period as a consequence of the reduction in water depth. It was estimated that, while grazing, an individual swan may eat the same mass of invertebrates per day as a 300‐g trout. 6. There is a need to manage the conflict between mute swans and the keystone macrophyte, R. pseudofluitans, in chalk streams, and the modelling approach used here offers a potentially useful tool for this purpose.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to identify the effects of local geomorphometry on the abundance, richness and floristic composition of tree species in the central Brazilian Amazon. Forty‐six 0.25‐ha plots in different phyto‐ecologic sites were sampled, and their trees were inventoried. Geomorphometric data (elevation, slope, aspect, plan and profile curvatures) were derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used to examine the floristic distribution patterns among plots. In addition, geomorphometric variables were submitted to multiple regression analysis to identify the variables influencing floristic composition (represented by the first DCA component), abundance and species richness. Correlation analyses between the number of individuals from each species and the first DCA component were performed to evaluate the contribution of each species. Analysis of the results could not confirm an effect of geomorphometry alone on species richness and abundance, although floristic composition was significantly influenced by profile curvature and elevation. Despite the relatively low variation in altitude at the study site, species were found to be sensitive to terrain peculiarities such as elevation and profile curvature, which can constrain particular ecologic niches and contribute to the spatial distribution patterns of species.  相似文献   
Our earlier studies have shown that the Vibrio harveyi flavin reductase FRP undergoes a monomer-dimer equilibrium, and luciferase forms a functional complex with the FRP monomer but not significantly with the dimer. This work is aimed at further investigating the nature and regulation of FRP subunit interactions by computation and site-directed mutagenesis approaches. In silico mutations of a number of residues were performed, and energetic analyses led us to target residue E99, which interacts directly with R113 and R225 from the second subunit of the FRP homodimer, for detailed investigation. E99 was found non-essential to the binding of either the FMN cofactor or the substrates. However, in comparison with the native enzyme, the E99K variant was shown to have an enhanced subunit dissociation as evident from a 44-fold higher Kd for the monomer-dimer equilibrium. The critical role of E99 in the formation of the FRP dimer has thus been demonstrated.  相似文献   
Sediment traps were placed in the water column both inside and in the vicinity of three northwestern Mediterranean submarine canyons. The sediment traps with 12 rotary collectors were deployed on mooring lines 30 and 500 m above the sea floor, and were sampled fortnightly. Polychaete worms (Anelida) and hydromedusae (Cnidaria) were the most abundant zoological taxa captured. Whereas hydromedusae and three of the polychaete species were clearly planktonic organisms, 16 polychaete species were adult benthic forms without special adaptations for swimming, and sometimes also had a large biomass. Four of the 19 polychaete species are described as new species: Aricidea (Allia) longisetosa sp. nov. , Paradoneis hirsuta sp. nov. , Ophelina margaleffi sp. nov. , and Exogone (Parexogone) canyonincolae sp. nov. The rich collection of polychaetes obtained leads us to postulate that these animals are supported by a continuous flux of organic matter, and that they are adapted to the rigorous physical conditions that may occur between the seafloor and the bottom water. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 1–21.  相似文献   
The electrostatic environments near the acetylcholine binding sites on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and acetylcholinesterase were measured by diffusion-enhanced fluorescence energy transfer (DEFET) to determine the influence of long-range electrostatic interactions on ligand binding kinetics and net binding energy. Changes in DEFET from variously charged Tb3+ -chelates revealed net potentials of -20 mV at the nAChR agonist sites and -14 mV at the entrance to the AChE active site, in physiological ionic strength conditions. The potential at the alphadelta-binding site of the nAChR was determined independently in the presence of d-tubocurarine to be -14 mV; the calculated potential at the alphagamma-site was approximately threefold stronger than at the alphadelta-site. By determining the local potential in increasing ionic strength, Debye-Hückel theory predicted that the potentials near the nAChR agonist binding sites are constituted by one to three charges in close proximity to the binding site. Examination of the binding kinetics of the fluorescent acetylcholine analog dansyl-C6-choline at ionic strengths from 12.5 to 400 mM revealed a twofold decrease in association rate. Debye-Hückel analysis of the kinetics revealed a similar charge distribution as seen by changes in the potentials. To determine whether the experimentally determined potentials are reflected by continuum electrostatics calculations, solutions to the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation were used to compute the potentials expected from DEFET measurements from high-resolution models of the nAChR and AChE. These calculations are in good agreement with the DEFET measurements for AChE and for the alphagamma-site of the nAChR. We conclude that long-range electrostatic interactions contribute -0.3 and -1 kcal/mol to the binding energy at the nAChR alphadelta- and alphagamma-sites due to an increase in association rates.  相似文献   

To overcome the problem of getting crustaceans to reproduce in captivity, eyestalk ablation or X-organ sinus gland removal is commonly utilized in commercially important species such as shrimp. We have investigated the effect of unilateral and bilateral eyestalk ablation on methyl farnesoate (MF) production by mandibular organs (MOs) and on ovarian maturation in female spider crabs Libinia emarginata, a useful model since these animals are in a terminal molt and are devoid of a functional Y-organ. Non-reproductive, over-wintering female L. emarginata were induced to be reproductive by feeding and increasing the holding temperature to stimulate the endocrine system. In addition, we removed X-organ sinus glands by eyestalk ablation either unilaterally (UEA) or bilaterally (BEA) to further stimulate MF synthesis by MOs. Endogenous MF in the hemolymph was extracted and quantified by means of HPLC and in some cases by GC/MS. Oocyte growth and egg quality were studied simultaneously to determine how they were related to MF levels found during vitellogenesis. The initial MF concentration in unablated controls was low, 0.31 ng/ml of hemolymph, and this increased (p<0.05) to about 1 ng/ml by 2 weeks, remaining at about that level for the remainder of the experiment. Eyestalk ablation significantly stimulated MF concentrations by week 1 to nearly 2 and 3.5ng/ml in the UEA (p <0.01) and BEA (p <0.001) animals, respectively. Oocytes appeared to respond to increased MF levels, as ovarian maturation was initiated from the point at which MF increased (p <0.05). Thereafter, the rate of oocyte growth was directly correlated with the extent of elevation of MF. The gonado-somatic index [(GSI) = gonad weight/body weight × 100] of controls at the start was about 1.5 and increased to 6.5 by week 4. Mature oocytes were reached at a GSI around 7. Oocyte maturation was accomplished at week 2 in BEA, week 3 in UEA, and later than week 4 in controls. After maturation, oocytes started to degrade in some ablated animals, particularly in the bilaterally ablated ones where the highest MF concentrations were observed. These data indicate that MF elevations are required for stimulating ovarian maturation in Crustacea. MF appears to accelerate gonad development during the vitellogenic process, but may be deleterious at high concentrations. These results have a significant and important application and implications for aquaculture.  相似文献   
Homoploid hybrid speciation in animals is poorly understood, mainly because of the scarcity of well‐documented cases. Here, we present the results of a multilocus sequence analysis on the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), Spanish sparrow (P. hispaniolensis) and their proposed hybrid descendant, the Italian sparrow (P. italiae). The Italian sparrow is shown to be genetically intermediate between the house sparrow and Spanish sparrow, exhibiting genealogical discordance and a mosaic pattern of alleles derived from either of the putative parental species. The average variation on the Z chromosome was significantly reduced compared with autosomal variation in the putative parental species, the house sparrow and Spanish sparrow. Additionally, divergence between the two species was elevated on the Z chromosome relative to the autosomes. This pattern of variation and divergence is consistent with reduced introgression of Z‐linked genes and/or a faster‐Z effect (increased rate of adaptive divergence on the Z). FST‐outlier tests were consistent with the faster‐Z hypothesis: two of five Z‐linked loci (CHD1Z and PLAA) were identified as candidates for being subject to positive, divergent selection in the putative parental species. Interestingly, the two latter genes showed a mosaic pattern in the (hybrid) Italian sparrow; that is, the Italian sparrow was found to be fixed for Spanish sparrow alleles at CHD1Z and to mainly have house sparrow alleles at PLAA. Preliminary evidence presented in this study thus suggests that sex chromosomes may play a significant role in this case of homoploid hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Osteoporosis, which is a disease characterized by weakening of the bone, affects a large portion of the senior population. The current therapeutic options for osteoporosis have side effects, and there is no effective treatment for severe osteoporosis. Thus, we urgently need new treatment strategies, such as topical therapies and/or safe and effective stem cell therapies.


We investigated the therapeutic potential of directly injecting human tonsil-derived mesenchymal stem cells (TMSC) into the right proximal tibias of ovariectomized postmenopausal osteoporosis model mice. Injections were given once (1×) or twice (2×) during the 3-month experimental period. At the end of the experiment, micro-computed tomographic images revealed some improvement in the proximal tibias and more significant improvement in the femoral heads of treated mice.


Osteogenic effect was qualitatively and quantitatively more pronounced in TMSC/2×-treated mice. Furthermore, TMSC/2×?mice exhibited significant recovery of the serum osteocalcin level, which is pathologically elevated in osteoporosis, and increased serum alkaline phosphatase, which indicates bone formation. TMSC therapy was generally well tolerated and caused no apparent toxicity in the experimental mice. Moreover, TMSC therapy reduced visceral fat.


Our results demonstrate that double injection of TMSC directly into the proximal tibia triggers recovery of osteoporosis, and thus could be a potential therapeutic approach for severe bone loss.  相似文献   
Abstract: Prior to geochemical analyses, fossil bones and teeth are often extracted from any surrounding lithified sediments using chemical techniques such as immersion in acid. As stable isotope analysis becomes more commonplace in palaeoecological investigations, it is important to consider what effects these chemical preparation techniques may have on any subsequent isotopic data and to constrain these effects as quantitatively as possible. This study aims to elucidate these effects, as it is vital that variability in a data set should not be introduced as a result of protocols used during sample preparation; in addition, it defines the most effective and viable method of carbonate removal for processing bulk fossil samples without causing alteration of their stable isotopic signatures. Various strengths of two weak acids commonly used during palaeontological preparation were tested to evaluate their effects on the δ15N and δ13Corg isotopic signatures of the vertebrae of a large Eocene fossil fish. Changes in the isotopic values occurred over time regardless of which acid was used, each causing a variable response in both δ15N and δ13Corg isotopic values. Without careful monitoring of the acidification process in a controlled environment, any resulting data could therefore confound interpretation. Based on these experiments, it is recommended that 2 m acetic acid be used for the pretreatment of fossils prior to the acquisition of N and C isotope data where carbonate removal is necessary.  相似文献   
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