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1. A comparative study of fatty acid (FA) profiles in particulate matter (seston) and the key grazer Daphnia was performed in six high Arctic ponds (79°N, Svalbard). The ponds were all small and shallow, but followed a strong gradient with respect to nutrient content and optical properties. 2. A distinct locality‐specific pattern was detected by principal component analysis of FA profiles, where samples from each locality clustered both with regard to seston and Daphnia. Linear discriminant analysis using nine sestonic fatty acids as discriminant functions gave on average a correct prediction of the Daphnia lake membership in 47% of cases, with very high predictability in some lakes but poor predictability in others. 3. No significant correlation was detected between FA and nutrient concentration or levels of dissolved organic carbon. The major determinant of FA profiles as judged from a redundancy analysis was the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities, notably the biomass of Chlorophyceae. 4. The FA profiles of Daphnia were for some FAs strongly enriched relative to the seston, while diluted for others. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), a pronounced magnification of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5 n‐3), and to some extent 18 : 3 n‐3 and 20 : 4 n‐6 was found, while docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6 n‐3) contributed in general less to FAs in Daphnia than in seston and was hardly detectable in Daphnia from most localities. 5. The overall content of PUFAs in Daphnia was consistently high, close to 40% of total FA in all investigated localities, despite major differences in seston PUFA content. Daphnia thus acts as a regulator with regard to overall PUFAs, reflecting its physiological constraints and relatively fixed demands for PUFAs in general. The distinct locality‐specific profiles in Daphnia strongly suggest a kind of FA‐fingerprint, but our data do not allow strict statements on the use of specific FAs as trophic markers.  相似文献   
The southeast coast of Australia is a global hotspot for increasing ocean temperatures due to climate change. The temperate incursion of the East Australian Current (EAC) is increasing, affording increased connectivity with the Great Barrier Reef. The survival of tropically sourced juveniles over the winter is a significant stumbling block to poleward range shifts of marine organisms in this region. Here we examine the dependence of overwintering on winter severity and prewinter recruitment for eight species of juvenile coral reef fishes which are carried into temperate SE Australia (30–37 °S) by the EAC during the austral summer. The probability of persistence was most strongly influenced by average winter temperature and there was no effect of recruitment strength. Long‐term (138 years) data indicate that winter water temperatures throughout this region are increasing at a rate above the global average and predictions indicate a further warming of >2 °C by the end of the century. Rising ocean temperatures are resulting in a higher frequency of winter temperatures above survival thresholds. Current warming trajectories predict 100% of winters will be survivable by at least five of the study species as far south as Sydney (34 °S) by 2080. The implications for range expansions of these and other species of coral reef fish are discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of cis. trans abscisic acid on response to chilling was investigated in callused Nicotiana tabacum L. pith explants. Explants pretreated with 10-4M ABA underwent approximately 50% less cellular leakage when chilled at 2°C under short-day conditions for 10 d than the comparable non-treated tissue. Growth in terms of fresh and dry weights, although poor in comparison to non-chilled (20°C, long days) treatments, was more than twice that of the non-ABA-treated material. On an absolute dry weight basis proline content increased on chilling from 0.7 to 3.4 mg g-1 in non-ABA-treated explants, but rose to nearly 17 mg g-1 in the tissue treated with ABA. Only in the case of cold-hardened. ABA-treated tissue could some cells survive subzero temperatures and regenerate callus again. It is suggested that at least part of the ameliorating effects of ABA result from an increase in the level of proline.  相似文献   
Cadmium, lead and copper levels were examined in adductor muscle,foot, gonad, mantle, gill, and heart of 9 species of freshwatermussels from the Assini-boine River, using anodic strippingvoltametry. Metal levels in most organs were lower than in bottomsediments. The metals generally showed significantly higherconcentrations in heart and hemolymph samples than in the othertissues examined. However in four species, gill tissues showedthe highest values forcopper, and Quadrula quadnda and Ligumiarecta accumulated the greatest amounts of copper overall. Cadmiumconcentrations were particularly high in heart and hemolymphof Lampsilis radiata sili-quoidea, L. vcntricosa, and Ligumiarecta. Metal concentrations in tissues of a given species showedvarious relationships to weight of soft parts, shell length,and shell weight, but inverse correlations predominated, indicatingthat metals in many organs were less concentrated in older individuals.In L. radiatasiliquoidea and L. vcntricosa, copper concentrationswere higher in males than in females. Lead levels were alsohigher in L. vcntricosamales. (Received 24 June 1994; accepted 8 September 1994)  相似文献   
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) presents a group of genes with highly polymorphic loci involved in specific immune responses. The factors maintaining extensive MHC polymorphism have been questioned, considering three possible hypotheses of parasite‐mediated selection driving an extensive MHC diversity (i.e. heterozygote advantage, rare‐allele advantage, and favouring optimal MHC diversity). The patterns of MHC diversity of class IIB genes were investigated following two noncontradicting hypotheses, parasite‐driven selection and MHC‐based mating preferences, using males of common bream collected in the spawning period. Two allelic groups DAB1 and DAB3 were recognized from the phylogenetic analyses. Individuals expressed one or two alleles of the same or different allelic groups. Several individuals shared identical alleles; however, the presence of parasite species was not associated with the occurrence of a particular allele. The presence of different allelic groups (only DAB1, only DAB3, or both DAB1 and DAB3) in individuals was not associated with parasite presence or diversity. The expression of two DAB1 alleles was associated with higher endoparasite abundance. Moreover, nucleotide diversity in individuals expressing a single type of alleles (DAB1 or DAB3) increased with the abundance of ectoparasitic Dactylogyrus spp. (Monogenea) and Ergasilus sp. (Crustacea). This suggests that the expression of two alleles of a single allelic type is related to high metazoan parasite infection whereas no significant influence of parasitism on the combined allelic form (the presence of both DAB1 and DAB3 alleles) was found. Moreover, the expression of two alleles of a single allelic type was related to decreased immunocompetence measured by spleen size. The condition factor was higher in fish expressing the combined allelic type. Thus, the presence of alleles of different lineages in individuals appears to be advantageous for individual male fitness. The expression of a single allelic type was related to higher sexual ornamentation, which could support the role of MHC in the hypothesis of the sexual selection of ‘good genes’. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 90 , 525–538.  相似文献   
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