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The Sahel region of West Africa is an important wintering ground for Palearctic migrants. It is, however, undergoing significant anthropogenic degradation that is likely to reduce its value in this regard. Despite there being evidence that the populations of several Palearctic species may be determined by conditions on their Sahelian wintering grounds, there are almost no baseline data on their habitat use there and so the effects that habitat change might have on their future density and distribution cannot be determined. This study measured which habitat variables were associated with the presence of Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis, Lesser Whitethroat S. curruca and Subalpine Warbler S. cantillans by carrying out point counts and habitat measurements at 1861 points at 16 sites in northern Nigeria during the winters of 2001 and 2002. Common Whitethroats were most common at intermediate tree heights and densities of Salvadora persica (with this effect strongest in the pre‐migratory period), and increased as Balanites aegyptiaca density increased initially, although this effect levelled off at higher Balanites densities. Subalpine Warblers were most common at intermediate tree heights and Balanites densities, increased as Acacia and Salvadora density increased, decreased with tree density and were least common at intermediate shrub densities. Lesser Whitethroats were most common at intermediate tree heights, Acacia and Salvadora densities, increased with Balanites density, and decreased with tree density and diversity. The shallow slopes of the significant relationships found between Palearctic warbler species and habitat parameters suggest that the group may be robust to habitat degradation, with densities remaining relatively constant across a wide range of habitat types. Common Whitethroats, in particular, appear to be able to survive in extremely degraded habitats, yet may be vulnerable to the disappearance of Salvadora, the fruit of which may allow pre‐migratory fattening.  相似文献   
Latitudinal gradients of life-history traits in animals are thought to be shaped by environmental variables. For example, it has been suggested that the increase in avian clutch size from the tropics towards the northern temperate regions is caused by a reduced survival of adult birds in the north due to increasing environmental seasonality. However, the tropical savannahs of East Africa show pronounced seasonality in resources caused by distinct rainy and dry seasons. This raises the question of whether survival and other life-history traits of birds living in these tropical savannahs are influenced by this seasonality, making them more similar to northern temperate species. We used 2-year monthly resighting data, a multistate modelling approach and the program MARK to test whether survival, transition probabilities between breeding states and other life-history traits of two resident Kenyan Sylvia species (Aves: Passeriformes: Sylviidae) are shaped by seasonality of rainfall in their environment. Contradicting our hypotheses, the two species showed only very slight influence of seasonality of rainfall on their survival. Survival in the dry months was hardly lower than in the rainy months. The species in the more seasonal environment ( S. boehmi , annual survival 71%) survived as well as the one in the more constant environment ( S. lugens , 56%). The observed survival rates correspond well to other life-history traits of the two species and are of similar magnitude to survival rates of other tropical passerines. This implies that either seasonality is not the driving force behind the life-history traits of the two species or the birds do not experience their environment as seasonal, as might be suggested by fluctuations in rainfall.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Two methods for purifying balantidia are described. The first one may be applied to cultures which are not thriving when it is desirable to keep the purified ciliates without loss in number. Another method may be used for bulk material such as intestinal contents containing these ciliates.  相似文献   
Brood reduction, the death of one or more chicks through siblicide or starvation, can occur through density‐dependence in fecundity. Brood reduction may arise in territorial breeding systems either as a response to a high level of territorial interference in a situation of high density or as a result of habitat heterogeneity. To test the predictions of the two main hypotheses that attempt to explain how density‐dependent fecundity is generated, the Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis (HHH) and the Individual Adjustment Hypothesis (IAH), we analysed the relationship between density and fecundity in an expanding population of Booted Eagles in Doñana National Park, Spain, using an 18‐year data series. We also studied the occurrence and frequency of brood reduction in the same Booted Eagle population to appreciate further its effects and the factors that influence its occurrence and frequency. Our results support the HHH in the present situation of high density, as fecundity in the better territories (older and more frequently occupied) was higher than in low quality territories and was not affected by population density in high density periods. Nevertheless, the fecundity of high quality territories was affected (although not significantly) by population density in periods of low density, suggesting that the IAH was supported when only high quality territories were occupied. Older territories were used more frequently and chicks in these areas hatched earlier and suffered lower mortality than in new territories. We found a significant negative relationship between mean fecundity and its skewness, a finding that also supports HHH. During years of food shortage, less frequently occupied territories suffered higher rates of brood reduction. Brood reduction in this Booted Eagle population was a consequence of the heterogeneous structure of the habitat, with some territories having a higher probability of brood reduction than others. Parental nutritional condition did not affect brood reduction. The effect of brood reduction on nestling quality and population dynamics is also discussed.  相似文献   
Coumarin induced root formation and stimulated fresh weight production in hypocotyl explants of Glycine max L. cultured in vitro. All stimulatory effects caused by coumarin were induced within a relatively narrow range of concentrations between 1–500 μM, yielding optimum dose response curves. When coumarin was combined with kinetin fresh weight increased considerably, at optimum concentrations to a level almost as high as that obtained with NAA (10 μM) and kinetin (10 μM). Root formation was almost completely inhibited when kinetin was added in combination with coumarin. NAA + coumarin had small stimulatory effects on fresh weight. but were inhibitory in root formation. The frequency of rooting per explant, texture and pigmentation were also affected by different treatments.  相似文献   
1. A comparative study of fatty acid (FA) profiles in particulate matter (seston) and the key grazer Daphnia was performed in six high Arctic ponds (79°N, Svalbard). The ponds were all small and shallow, but followed a strong gradient with respect to nutrient content and optical properties. 2. A distinct locality‐specific pattern was detected by principal component analysis of FA profiles, where samples from each locality clustered both with regard to seston and Daphnia. Linear discriminant analysis using nine sestonic fatty acids as discriminant functions gave on average a correct prediction of the Daphnia lake membership in 47% of cases, with very high predictability in some lakes but poor predictability in others. 3. No significant correlation was detected between FA and nutrient concentration or levels of dissolved organic carbon. The major determinant of FA profiles as judged from a redundancy analysis was the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities, notably the biomass of Chlorophyceae. 4. The FA profiles of Daphnia were for some FAs strongly enriched relative to the seston, while diluted for others. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), a pronounced magnification of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5 n‐3), and to some extent 18 : 3 n‐3 and 20 : 4 n‐6 was found, while docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6 n‐3) contributed in general less to FAs in Daphnia than in seston and was hardly detectable in Daphnia from most localities. 5. The overall content of PUFAs in Daphnia was consistently high, close to 40% of total FA in all investigated localities, despite major differences in seston PUFA content. Daphnia thus acts as a regulator with regard to overall PUFAs, reflecting its physiological constraints and relatively fixed demands for PUFAs in general. The distinct locality‐specific profiles in Daphnia strongly suggest a kind of FA‐fingerprint, but our data do not allow strict statements on the use of specific FAs as trophic markers.  相似文献   
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