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MHC class I and class II molecules transport foreign and self peptides to the cell surface and present them to T lymphocytes. Detection of these peptide:MHC complexes has thus far been limited to analysis of the response of a T cell. Previously, we showed that a mAb, Y-Ae, reacts with 10 to 15% of class II molecules on peripheral B lymphocytes and on cells in the thymus medulla but not thymus cortex in mice that express both I-Ab and I-Eb molecules. Elsewhere, we show that Y-Ae detects a self E alpha peptide bound to I-Ab molecules. Data presented here suggest that the antibody binds over the peptide binding groove of class II molecules, and, like a TCR, appears to recognize both the self peptide and polymorphic class II residues. In addition to B lymphocytes, the Y-Ae determinant is expressed at comparable levels on other APC, including macrophages and dendritic cells. Finally, the antibody does not react with invariant chain-associated class II complexes, thus providing direct evidence that invariant chain:class II complexes and peptide:class II complexes are mutually exclusive. These data provide further evidence that immunologic self is of limited complexity, and have important implications for T cell selection, self tolerance, and autoreactivity.  相似文献   
The biodegradability of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) was studied in water samples collected from a receiving stream at locations above and below the discharge of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Rates of primary biodegradation were determined for a commercial LAS mixture by a modified methylene blue-active substance method. Rates of LAS ultimate degradation were determined by radiochemical methods, using a C12 LAS homolog uniformly labeled with 14C in the benzene ring. The C12 LAS was tested at low concentrations (50 and 500 μg/liter) comparable to those existing in the receiving stream. Loss of methylene blue-active substance response over time occurred rapidly in water samples containing sediment collected from below the treatment plant, with an estimated half-life for LAS of 0.23 days. Evolution of 14CO2 during mineralization of the benzene ring occurred rapidly in the same samples, with a half-life for the benzene ring of 0.73 day. Mineralization of the benezene ring was also observed in river water containing no sediments and in river water and sediment samples collected from above the treatment plant. However, the rate of degradation was reduced in these cases, with half-lives for ring carbon ranging from 1.4 to 14 days. Although LAS degradation was enhanced in the presence of sediments, adsorption of LAS to the clay-silt fraction of river sediments was low, and most of the radioactivity was bound to biomass.  相似文献   
Mouse submandibular epithelial cells can be grown in primary culture using the collagen gel matrix and a chemically defined medium consisting of insulin, transferrin, cholera toxin, and BSA (or FGF). Sustained cell growth leading to a 5–10-fold increase in cell number was observed in less than 2 weeks. In the presence of these additives, clumps of cells proliferate by extending ‘star-like’ projections into the matrix, resulting in three-dimensional outgrowths. The morphology of these outgrowths can be modulated to form a ‘cyst-like’ appearance by deleting BSA and adding cortisol to the basal medium containing insulin, transferrin, cholera toxin and FGF. In brief, a serum-free medium for sustained growth has been devised and a simple manipulation of supplements can modulate the three-dimensional colony morphology in the collagen gel matrix. Finally, the resulting outgrowths can produce epidermal growth factor (EGF) in response to dihydrotestosterone.  相似文献   
Microautoradiography was used to follow the translocation pathways of 14C-labeled photosynthate from mature source leaves, through the stem, to immature sink leaves three nodes above. Translocation occurred in specific bundles of the midveins and petioles of both the source and sink leaves and in the interjacent internodes. When each of six major veins in the lamina of an exporting leaf was independently spot-fed 14CO2, label was exported through specific bundles in the petiole associated with that vein. When the whole lamina of a mature source leaf was fed 14CO2, export occurred through all bundles of the lamina, but acropetal export in the stem was confined to bundles serving certain immature sink leaves. Cross-transfer occurred within the stem via phloem bridges. Leaves approaching maturity translocated photosynthate bidirectionally in adjacent subsidiary bundles of the petiole. That is, petiolar bundles serving the lamina apex were exporting unlabeled photosynthate while those serving the lamina base were simultaneously importing labeled photosynthate. The petioles and midveins of maturing leaves were strong sinks for photosynthate, which was diverted from the export front to differentiating structural tissues. The data support the idea of bidirectional transport in adjacent bundles of the petiole and possibly in adjacent sieve tubes within an individual bundle.Abbreviations C central leaf trace - L left leaf trace - LPI leaf plastochron index - R right leaf trace  相似文献   
The nonequilibrium narcotic antagonist, chlornaltrexamine (CNA) was used to bind selectively and covalently pioid specific sites on brain membrane preparations. Selective binding of [3H]CNA occured with a saturation maximum of 185 fmol/mg protein. Bound [3H]CNA was extracted with Triton X-100, dialyzed against Brij 36T, precipitated with trichloroacetic acid and chromatographed on an ultrogel AcA 22 column. The elution profile suggests that this extract contains a minimum of four selective [3H]CNA complexes. At least two of these complexes migrate in a single large peak. Column calibration showed that this peak eluted at 590,000 daltons. One of these specific [3H]CNA complexes elutes at the elution volume of the column and is dialyzable. Finally, putative aggregate of these complexes elutes with the void volume.  相似文献   
The apical 22 cm of a dormant, first-year sprout of Populus grandidentata was sectioned serially, and the primary and secondary xylem systems were studied microscopically and graphically reconstructed. A total of 15 nodes was present on the mature stem and 14 foliar primordia in the dormant bud. The vascular traces in the lower portion of the mature stem conformed to a 2/5 phyllotaxy while those of the upper portion and within the dormant bud conformed to a 3/8 phyllotaxy. The 2/5 to 3/8 phyllotactic transition occurred in an extremely precise and systematic two-step pattern: (1) The lateral traces shifted to a new point of origin on the parent central trace, and (2) three new central traces were initiated in sequence by divergences from left-traces. Metaxylem, when followed downward, conformed to the arrangement of the procambial trace system only within one orthostichy. Below this point, the metaxylem components of lateral traces physically separated from those of the protoxylem and continued downward on a new course. Metaxylem vessels produced by the trace cambium originated from a postulated vessel-generating center at the stem-petiole junction. Each metaxylem vessel developing basipetally through the primary body was continuous with a secondary vessel developing basipetally in the secondary body. Because secondary development closed the vascular cylinder, vessels originating from developing leaves or primordia situated at higher levels in the shoot were displaced radially outward when they entered the secondary xyelm. The distribution of vessels in the secondary xylem can therefore be accounted for by a knowledge of the production and distribution of metaxylem vessels in the primary body.  相似文献   
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