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Loss and degradation of habitat threatens many bird populations. Recent rural land-use changes in the Netherlands have led to a shift in habitat use by breeding Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus . Since the 1990s, unprecedented numbers of this species have bred in farmland compared with numbers in natural habitat. Destruction of nests by agricultural operations, however, compromises breeding success. Between 1992 and 2005, the number of breeding pairs in the northeastern Netherlands was positively, though weakly, correlated with previous-year estimated abundance of voles, mostly Microtus arvalis . In good vole years, the onset of laying was earlier and mean clutch size was larger. Vole abundance was relatively higher in set-aside land and in high and dense vegetation. We suggest that agri-environmental schemes aimed at increasing the availability of voles in agricultural breeding areas may be an effective management tool for the conservation of Montagu's Harriers in the northeastern Netherlands.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic and taxonomic significance of morphological and anatomical trends in fruits of tribe Crotalarieae has been evaluated, with emphasis on the genus Crotalaria and its seemingly distinctive, inflated and balloon‐shaped pods. In addition to the normal explosive dehiscence as a means of dispersal, several genera (including Crotalaria) show independent evolution of modifications apparently adapted for dispersal by wind, water and gravity. Transverse sections were made of mature pods of 142 species from the 12 currently recognized genera of Crotalarieae. The taxa differ in the orientation of the fibres (related to dehiscence or non‐dehiscence), the overall thickness of the fruit wall, the relative proportions of the pericarp layers, the degree of lignification and the presence or absence of trichomes. Three basic pericarp types can be distinguished: type I, with one, two or three zones of various numbers of cell layers of fibres (almost all genera); type II, with a single cell layer of fibres (only in Rothia, Robynsiophyton, Lebeckia and Lotononis sections Listia and Leobordea); and type III, with one zone of several cell layers of gelatinous fibres and multicellular trichomes associated with the endocarp (only in some species of Calobota and Wiborgiella). Considerable variation was encountered in the tribe, but Crotalaria appears to be rather uniform, with type I predominating. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 165 , 84–106.  相似文献   
We studied the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of species within Praomys, a common rodent genus present in rainforests and montane forests in sub‐Saharan Africa. The taxonomy of the group is problematic, and for the sampled region of Kisangani (Democratic Republic of Congo) no prior genetic study has been published. We used a combination of molecular (cyt b sequencing) and craniometric techniques (canonical analyses of skull measurements) for the species identification of a total of 654 specimens. We confirm the presence of Praomys minor in the region, up to now only known from the type and paratype specimens. At least seven species are present in the Kisangani region, and two clades occur along both banks of the Congo River. The present‐day distribution of the genus seems to be influenced by large‐scale rainforest fragmentation related to drier periods in geological history. The Congo River could in this case constitute a modern barrier to gene flow when the climate enabled rainforest expansion. The tributaries of the Congo River play no role in limiting Praomys species distribution, apart from the Aruwimi River for Praomys jacksoni s.l. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 983–1002.  相似文献   
Morphological convergence is a central concept in evolutionary biology, but convergent patterns remain under‐studied in nonvertebrate organisms. Some scallop species exhibit long‐distance swimming, a behaviour whose biomechanical requirements probably generate similar selective regimes. We tested the hypothesis that shell shape similarity in long‐distance swimming species is a result of convergent evolution. Using landmark‐based geometric morphometrics, we quantified shell shape in seven species representing major behavioural habits. All species displayed distinct shell shapes, with the exception of the two long‐distance swimmers, whose shells were indistinguishable. These species also displayed reduced morphological variance relative to other taxa. Finally, a phylogenetic simulation revealed that these species were more similar in their shell shape than was expected under Brownian motion, the model of character evolution that best described changes in shell shape. Together, these findings reveal that convergent evolution of shell shape occurs in scallops, and suggest that selection for shell shape and behaviour may be important in the diversification of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 571–584.  相似文献   
Submerged macrophytes as indicators of the ecological quality of lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We analysed submerged macrophyte communities from 300 Danish lakes to determine the efficacy of different species, maximum colonisation depth (Cmax) of plants as well as coverage and plant volume inhabited (PVI) as indicators of eutrophication. 2. Most species occurred at a wide range of phosphorus and chlorophyll a (Chla) concentrations, but some species of isoetids (Lobelia, Isoëtes) and Potamogeton (Potamogeton gramineus, Potamogeton alpinus and Potamogeton filiformis) were mainly found at low nutrient concentrations and hence may be considered as indicators of nutrient poor conditions. However, species typically found in nutrient‐rich conditions, such as Elodea canadensis and Potamogeton pectinatus, were also found at total phosphorus (TP) <0.02 mg P L?1 and Chla <5 μg L?1 and therefore cannot be considered as reliable indicators of eutrophic conditions. 3. Submerged macrophyte coverage, PVI and the Cmax were negatively correlated with TP and Chla. However, variability among lakes was high and no clear thresholds were observed. At TP between 0.03 and 0.07 mg P L?1 plant coverage in shallow lakes ranged from nearly 0 to 100%, whilst at concentrations between 0.10 and 0.20 mg P L?1 only 29% of the lakes had coverage >10%. Cmax was found to be a useful indicator only in deep lakes with unvegetated areas in the deeper part, whereas the use of coverage was restricted to shallow lakes or shallow areas of deep lakes. 4. Overall, submerged macrophytes responded clearly to eutrophication, but the metrics investigated here showed no well‐defined thresholds. We developed a simple index based on species richness, presence of indicator species, coverage and Cmax, which might be used to track major changes in macrophyte communities and for lake classification.  相似文献   
Contemporary climate change is expected to affect the distributions of most species, but the nature, tempo, and mechanics of contemporary range shifts are still largely speculative. Here, we use fine‐scale distributional records developed over the past Century, combined with spatially comprehensive microclimatic data, to demonstrate a dramatic shift in the range of a climate‐sensitive mammal and to infer the increasingly important role of climate in local extinctions of this species across a 38.2 million‐ha area. Changes in the distribution of the American pika (Ochotona princeps) throughout the Great Basin ecoregion were characterized using records from 1898–2008, revealing a nearly five‐fold increase in the rate of local extinction and an 11‐fold increase in the rate of upslope range retraction during the last ten years, compared with during the 20th Century. Four of ten local pika extinctions have occurred since 1999, and across this ecoregion the low‐elevation range boundary for this species is now moving upslope at an average rate of about 145 m per decade. The rapid, ecoregional range shift of this small, talus‐dwelling species stands in remarkable contrast with the dynamics and determinants of endangerment previously observed for most terrestrial species, and to earlier extinction determinants for O. princeps in this region. Further investigation of widely distributed species will clarify rates at which biotic response to environmental change is occurring, and how factors driving that change are evolving in different portions of the earth.  相似文献   
1. Water‐level fluctuations are typical of lakes located in the semi‐arid Mediterranean region, which is characterised by warm rainy winters and hot dry summers. Ongoing climate change may exacerbate fluctuations and lead to more severe episodes of drought, so information on the effects of water level on the functioning of lake ecosystems in such regions is crucial. 2. In eutrophic Lake Eymir, Turkey, we conducted a 4‐month (summer) field experiment using cylindrical 0.8‐m‐ (low‐water‐level) and 1.6‐m‐deep (high‐water‐level) mesocosms (kept open to the sediment and atmosphere). Fish (tench, Tinca tinca, and bleak, Alburnus escherichii) were added to half of the mesocosms, while the rest were kept fishless. Ten shoots of Potamogeton pectinatus were transplanted to each mesocosm. 3. Sampling for physicochemical variables, chlorophyll a (chl‐a), zooplankton and per cent plant volume inhabited (PVI%) by macrophytes was conducted weekly during the first 5 weeks, and subsequently biweekly. Macrophytes were harvested on the last sampling date. During the course of the experiment, the water level decreased by 0.41 ± 0.06 m. 4. Throughout the experiment, fish affected zooplankton abundance (?), nutrient concentrations (+), chl‐a (+) and water clarity (?) most strongly in the low‐water‐level mesocosms and the zooplankton community shifted towards dominance of small‐sized forms. The fishless mesocosms had a higher zooplankton/phytoplankton ratio, suggesting higher grazing. 5. Greatest macrophyte growth was observed in the low‐water‐level fishless mesocosms. However, despite high nutrient concentrations and low water clarity, macrophytes were also abundant in the fish mesocosms and particularly increased following a water‐level decrease from midsummer onwards. Macrophyte growth was poor in the high‐water‐level mesocosms, even in the fishless ones with high water clarity. This was ascribed to extensive periphyton development reducing light availability for the macrophytes. 6. Our results indicate that a reduction in water level during summer may help maintain the growth of macrophytes in Mediterranean eutrophic shallow lakes, despite a strong negative effect of fish predation on water clarity. It is therefore probable that an expected negative effect of global climate change on water clarity because of eutrophication and enhanced top‐down control of fish may be, at least partly, counteracted by reduced water level, provided that physical disturbance is not severe.  相似文献   
1. Plants are frequently under attack by multiple insect herbivores, which may interact indirectly through herbivore‐induced changes in the plant's phenotype. The identity, order, and timing of herbivore arrivals may influence the outcome of interactions between two herbivores. How these aspects affect, in turn, subsequently arriving herbivores that feed on double herbivore‐induced plants has not been widely investigated. 2. This study tested whether the order and timing of arrival of two inducing herbivores from different feeding guilds affected the preference and performance of a subsequently arriving third herbivore, caterpillars of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Aphids [Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] and caterpillars [Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)] were introduced onto wild Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae) plants in different sequences and with different arrival times. The effects of these plant treatments on M. brassicae caterpillars were assessed in pairwise preference tests and no‐choice performance tests. 3. The caterpillars of M. brassicae preferred to feed from undamaged plants rather than double herbivore‐induced plants. Compared with undamaged plants, they preferred plant material on which aphids had arrived first followed by caterpillars, whereas they avoided plant material with the reverse order of herbivore arrival. Performance of the caterpillars increased with increasing arrival time between herbivore infestations in double herbivore‐induced plants. Although M. brassicae grew faster on plants induced by aphids than on those induced by caterpillars alone, its performance was not affected by the order of previous herbivore arrival. 4. These results imply that the timing of colonisation by multiple herbivores determines the outcome of plant‐mediated herbivore–herbivore interactions.  相似文献   
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