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Common gardens were established along a ~900 km latitudinal transect to examine factors limiting geographical distributions of boreal and temperate tree species in eastern North America. Boreal representatives were trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), while temperate species were eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr ex. Marsh var. deltoides) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.). The species were compared with respect to adjustments of leaf photosynthetic metabolism along the transect, with emphasis on temperature sensitivities of the maximum rate of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (EV) and regeneration (EJ). During leaf development, the average air temperature (Tgrowth) differed between the coolest and warmest gardens by 12 °C. Evidence of photosynthetic thermal acclimation (metabolic shifts compensating for differences in Tgrowth) was generally lacking in all species. Namely, neither EV nor EJ was positively related to Tgrowth. Correspondingly, the optimum temperature (Topt) of ambient photosynthesis (Asat) did not vary significantly with Tgrowth. Modest variation in Topt was explained by the combination of EV plus the slope and curvature of the parabolic temperature response of mesophyll conductance (gm). All in all, species differed little in photosynthetic responses to climate. Furthermore, the adaptive importance of photosynthetic thermal acclimation was overshadowed by gm's influence on Asat's temperature response.  相似文献   
In commercial growth of horticultural plants in greenhouses,high financial losses are being suffered due to the so-calledthick root syndrome (TRS), a phenomenon characterized by severedeterioration of the root system. The early symptoms of TRSin cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) are strongly curving rootsthat are swollen and superficially damaged. Research focusedon ethylene, as both the culture practice of cucumber and theknown effects of ethylene on root growth point to a possiblerole for this phytohormone in TRS. Ethylene induced root curvatureand swelling as well as damage of the epidermal layer and outercortex of roots of cucumber plants similar to TRS symptoms.Formation of root hairs was stimulated and root elongation wasalso severely inhibited by exogenous ethylene. However, basedon experiments with the ethylene inhibitor  相似文献   
1. The relative importance of contemporary and historical processes is a fundamental question in understanding patterns of biodiversity. We tested the hypothesis that species‐sorting into different habitats (limnocrenes, rheocrenes, helocrenes), rather than history, would account for the greatest variation in macroinvertebrate diversity in desert artesian springs of The Bonneville Basin, U.S.A. These springs were isolated at the valley scale c. 9000 years ago by aridity and high salinity. Thus, the valley scale will account for the greatest variation in community composition if history and dispersal limitation are important, whereas niche‐based sorting processes will be most important if habitat accounts for the greatest variation in community composition. 2. We identified 302 taxa from 280 sites and used a partial redundancy analysis, additive partitioning and classification strength (CS) to partition the variability in diversity among the springs. The valley scale accounted for more variation in community composition in limnocrene habitats (32.5%) than all other spatial and environmental variables combined. Valleys also accounted for 58% (additive partitioning) and 83% (CS) of the regional variation in diversity in analyses that included all three habitat types. That is, the average community similarity was 25% across the region, but increased to 41% within valleys. By contrast, habitat filtering did not account for significant variation in community composition in any of the analyses. Our study is one of the few suggesting the over‐riding importance of neutral processes in determining patterns of diversity (history and dispersal limitation). 3. The ‘expansion’ hypothesis suggests that the youthful age of a region, combined with slow dispersal by a fauna dominated by generalists, will maximise the imprint of history. These communities appear to exist in a pre‐equilibrial state, where the maximum carrying capacity has not been reached and niche space is plentiful. With time, we predict that local richness will increase while β‐diversity decreases as species expand their distribution across the region. Consequently, the importance of niche‐based processes may increase with time as the imprint of history fades.  相似文献   
Diurnal regulation of photosynthesis in understory saplings   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Photosynthetic rates of plants grown in natural systems exhibit diurnal patterns often characterized by an afternoon decline, even when measured under constant light and temperature conditions. Since we thought changes in the carbohydrate status could cause this pattern through feedback from starch and sucrose synthesis, we studied the natural fluctuations in photosynthesis rates of plants grown at 36 and 56 Pa CO2 at a FACE (free-air-CO2-enrichment) research site. Light-saturated photosynthesis varied by 40% during the day and was independent of the light-limited quantum yield of photosynthesis, which varied little through the day. Photosynthesis did not correspond with xylem water potential or leaf carbohydrate build-up, but rather with diurnal changes in air vapor-pressure deficit and light. The afternoon decline in photosynthesis also corresponded with decreased stomatal conductance and decreased Rubisco carboxylation efficiency which in turn allowed leaf-airspace CO2 partial pressure to remain constant. Growth at elevated CO2 did not affect the afternoon decline in photosynthesis, but did stimulate early-morning photosynthesis rates relative to the rest of the day. Plants grown at 56 Pa CO2 had higher light-limited quantum yields than those at 36 Pa CO2 but, there was no growth–CO2 effect on quantum yield when measured at 2 kPa O2. Therefore, understory plants have a high light-limited quantum yield that does not vary through the day. Thus, the major diurnal changes in photosynthesis occur under light-saturated conditions which may help understory saplings maximize their sunfleck-use-efficiency.  相似文献   
The common nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is a perennial and cosmopolitan plant species and is known to be the source of food for a great diversity of insects. To understand the importance of the nettle in agro-ecosystems, a field experiment was carried out in an experimental farm at Gembloux (Belgium) to study the effect of nettle margin strips on aphid and aphidophagous populations in close field crops, namely wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), green pea (Pisum sativum L.) and rape (Brassicae napus L.). The aphids and related beneficial populations were weekly assessed, from March to August 2005, by visual observations in two plots per field crop. A higher abundance of aphidophagous beneficials was collected in nettle strips when compared to the field crops. Particularly, the presence of predatory anthocorids, mirids and green lacewings was observed on nettle only. Nevertheless, the most abundant aphid predatory family, the Coccinellidae, was distributed in both environments, in nettle strips and in crop fields. The field margin supported a significantly higher density ofHarmonia axyridis than the field crops. In contrast, the field crops, green pea particularly, supported a higher density of Coccinella septempunctata. The distribution of the aphidophagous species, mainly the ladybirds, was discussed in relation to the host plant and related aphid species and their potential effect on integrated pest management.  相似文献   
On the basis of simulated data, this study compares the relative performances of the Bayesian clustering computer programs structure , geneland , geneclust and a new program named tess . While these four programs can detect population genetic structure from multilocus genotypes, only the last three ones include simultaneous analysis from geographical data. The programs are compared with respect to their abilities to infer the number of populations, to estimate membership probabilities, and to detect genetic discontinuities and clinal variation. The results suggest that combining analyses using tess and structure offers a convenient way to address inference of spatial population structure.  相似文献   
Our understanding of the effects of habitat loss on individual performance is limited due to a lack of experimental studies that take the potential genetic and parental effects producing phenotypic variation into consideration. To assess the relative role of habitat loss on offspring phenotype while controlling for the confounding effects of genetic and parental variation we performed a partial cross‐fostering experiment using the Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris. The experiment was carried out by swapping half the nestlings in a brood between small and large nesting forest patches to determine the effect of nesting forest patch size on five nestling traits reflecting morphological size, body condition, physiological stress and inflammation status. There was no effect of nesting forest patch size on the offspring traits examined. Instead, we found evidence of genetic and early parental effects on all traits except inflammation status, as well as parental effects after cross‐fostering for all of the measured offspring traits. Our results suggest that genetic and parental effects should be taken into account when making inferences about species’ responses to habitat loss.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Behavioral studies of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) often assign mother-offspring relationships based on common capture of juveniles with adult deer, assuming that fawns associate closely with mothers. We tested this assumption using genetic parentage to assess mother-offspring relationships within capture groups based on data from 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. At the 80% confidence level, we assigned maternity to 43% and 51% of juveniles captured with an adult female in 2 respective study areas. Capture with their mother did not differ by sex of juveniles in either study area, and limiting our analysis to capture groups that most represent family groups (i.e., one ad F with 1–3 juv) did not increase maternity assignment (35%). Our results indicate that common capture may be a poor indicator of mother-offspring relationships in many field settings. We recommend genetic verification of family relationships.  相似文献   
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