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1. Decomposition of litter mixtures in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems often shows non‐additive diversity effects on decomposition rate, generally interpreted in streams as a result of the feeding activity of macroinvertebrates. The extent to which fungal assemblages on mixed litter may influence consumption by macroinvertebrates remains unknown. 2. We assessed the effect of litter mixing on all possible three‐species combinations drawn from four tree species (Alnus glutinosa, Betula pendula, Juglans regia and Quercus robur) on both fungal assemblages and the rate of litter consumption by a common shredder, Gammarus fossarum. After a 9‐week inoculation in a stream, batches of leaf discs were taken from all leaf species within litter mixture combinations. Ergosterol, an indicator of fungal biomass, and the composition of fungal assemblages, assessed from the conidia released, were determined, and incubated litter offered to G. fossarum in a laboratory‐feeding experiment. 3. Mixing leaf litter species enhanced both the Simpson’s index of the fungal assemblage and the consumption of litter by G. fossarum, but had no clear effect on mycelial biomass. Specifically, consumption rates of J. regia were consistently higher for mixed‐species litter packs than for single‐species litter. In contrast, the consumption rates of B. pendula were not affected by litter mixing, because of the occurrence of both positive and negative litter‐mixing effects in different litter species combinations that counteracted each other. 4. In some litter combinations, the greater development of some fungal species (e.g. Clavariopsis aquatica) as shown by higher sporulation rates coincided with increased leaf consumption, which may have resulted from feeding preferences by G. fossarum for these fungi. 5. Where litter mixture effects on decomposition rate are mediated via shredder feeding, this could be due to indirect effects of the fungal assemblage.  相似文献   
Abstract: Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are a species of concern and accurate estimates of occupied area are required to assess their status. We conducted aerial line-intercept surveys to estimate colony areas in Colorado, USA, 2006–2007. Optimal allocation based on results from a previous (2002) survey was used to distribute flight time to sample 28 counties. Uncorrected estimates of active and inactive colony areas from the aerial surveys were 329,529 (SE=16,841) ha and 18,292 (SE=2,366) ha, respectively. We attempted to ground-truth a randomly selected sample of 186 colony intercepts but gained complete access to only 150. Ground-truthing demonstrated that aerial surveys estimated only 96% of the true lengths of colony intercepts but overestimated the proportion of active colonies. Corrected estimates of active and inactive colony areas are 319,165 (SE = 20,105) ha and 42,422 (SE = 11,485) ha, respectively. Because ground-truthing was not conducted in the original 2002 survey, uncorrected estimates from this survey are the appropriate metric to be used for comparison to the 2002 data. Our estimates demonstrated a 29% increase (SE = 6.3) in area occupied since surveys were conducted in 2002. These results are useful to state and federal agencies and other conservation partners in determining the condition of the species when conducting status reviews.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland, exerts multipleeffects upon the brain-pituitary axis of vertebrates. Amongmammals, the best documented physiological roles of melatonininvolve the photoperiodic induction of reproductive and otherseasonal adjustments. Daylength regulates the effects of gonadalsteroids upon gonadotropin secretion and sexual behavior aswell as the frequency of a neural generator of GnRH pulses.In hamsters, these effects are paralleled by changes in GnRH,AVP and beta-endorphin immunoreactivity, and in opiate receptordensity in the medial amygdala. Autoradiographic studies indicatea high concentration of 2[125I]-iodomelatonin binding sitesin the suprachiasmatic nuclei of some photoperiodic mammalsbut not in others. In contrast, such binding sites have beenfound in the pars tuberalis of all seasonally breeding mammalsstudied to date.  相似文献   
Time series data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) have been used to derive georeferenced inventories of human settlements for Europe, North and South America, and Asia. The visible band of the OLS is intensified at night, permitting detection of nocturnal visible-near infrared emissions from cities, towns, and villages. The time series analysis makes it possible to eliminate ephemeral VNIR emission sources such as fire and to normalize for differences in the number of cloud-free observations. An examination of the area lit (km2) for 52 countries indicates the OLS derived products may be used to perform the spatial apportionment of population and energy related greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   
Identification of fern gametophytes is generally hampered by low morphological complexity. Here we explore an alternative: DNA‐based identification. We obtained a plastid rbcL sequence from a sterile gametophyte of unknown origin (cultivated for more than 30 years) and employed blast to determine its affinities. Using this approach, we identified the gametophyte as Osmunda regalis. To evaluate the robustness of this determination, and the usefulness of rbcL in differentiating among species, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of osmundaceous fern sequences. Based on our results, it is evident that DNA‐based identification has considerable potential in exploring the ecology of fern gametophytes.  相似文献   
Respiration, which is the second most important carbon flux in ecosystems following gross primary productivity, is typically represented in biogeochemical models by simple temperature dependence equations. These equations were established in the 19th century and have been modified very little since then. Recent applications of these equations to data on soil respiration have produced highly variable apparent temperature sensitivities. This paper searches for reasons for this variability, ranging from biochemical reactions to ecosystem‐scale substrate supply. For a simple membrane‐bound enzymatic system that follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics, the temperature sensitivities of maximum enzyme activity (Vmax) and the half‐saturation constant that reflects the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate (Km) can cancel each other to produce no net temperature dependence of the enzyme. Alternatively, when diffusion of substrates covaries with temperature, then the combined temperature sensitivity can be higher than that of each individual process. We also present examples to show that soluble carbon substrate supply is likely to be important at scales ranging from transport across membranes, diffusion through soil water films, allocation to aboveground and belowground plant tissues, phenological patterns of carbon allocation and growth, and intersite differences in productivity. Robust models of soil respiration will require that the direct effects of substrate supply, temperature, and desiccation stress be separated from the indirect effects of temperature and soil water content on substrate diffusion and availability. We speculate that apparent Q10 values of respiration that are significantly above about 2.5 probably indicate that some unidentified process of substrate supply is confounded with observed temperature variation.  相似文献   
A number of remote sensing studies have evaluated the temporal trends of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI or vegetation greenness) in the North American boreal forest during the last two decades, often getting quite different results. To examine the effect that the use of different datasets might be having on the estimated trends, we compared the temporal trends of recently burned and unburned sites of boreal forest in central Canada calculated from two datasets: the Global Inventory, Monitoring, and Modeling Studies (GIMMS), which is the most commonly used 8 km dataset, and a new 1 km dataset developed by the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS). We compared the NDVI trends of both datasets along a fire severity gradient in order to evaluate the variance in regeneration rates. Temporal trends were calculated using the seasonal Mann–Kendall trend test, a rank‐based, nonparametric test, which is robust against seasonality, nonnormality, heteroscedasticity, missing values, and serial dependence. The results showed contrasting NDVI trends between the CCRS and the GIMMS datasets. The CCRS dataset showed NDVI increases in all recently burned sites and in 50% of the unburned sites. Surprisingly, the GIMMS dataset did not capture the NDVI recovery in most burned sites and even showed NDVI declines in some burned sites one decade after fire. Between 50% and 75% of GIMMS pixels showed NDVI decreases in the unburned forest compared with <1% of CCRS pixels. Being the most broadly used dataset for monitoring ecosystem and carbon balance changes, the bias towards negative trends in the GIMMS dataset in the North American boreal forest has broad implications for the evaluation of vegetation and carbon dynamics in this region and globally.  相似文献   
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