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The range size distributions of 6643 species in ten different fish and invertebrate taxa dwelling in pelagic (latitudinal range sizes) and benthic (latitudinal and depth range sizes) habitats on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (80°N−70°S) were studied. The objectives were to analyse: (1) the range size distribution patterns for the various taxa and whether they have right/left skewed or lognormal distributions; (2) the geographical species distributions, to ascertain whether the distribution ranges change with latitude (Rapoport's rule); and (3) the relationship between the depth ranges of benthic species and their maximum depth of occurrence and how depth range size distributions change with latitude. The pelagic taxa exhibited larger range sizes than did the benthic taxa, continental slope/rise species excepted. On the other hand, the boundaries between geographical provinces for both benthic taxa and pelagic taxa tended to occur in association with major oceanographic processes. The shape of the latitudinal range frequency distributions (LRFDs) of the pelagic organisms were distinctly left‐skewed, and the LRFDs for most taxa were significantly different from lognormal. There was no common pattern for the distributions of the benthic organisms, which were lognormal in Cephalopoda, Stomatopoda, and Crustacea Decapoda and tended to be left‐skewed and significantly different from lognormal in Pisces. The applicability of Rapoport's rule was not clearly inferable from the results, and the rule appears to be conditioned by the location of biogeographical boundaries and the endemism rate in the different biogeographical provinces. A clear increase in depth range size with maximum depth range was observable for benthic species, confirming previous studies. Species’ depth range distributions displayed a discernible latitudinal pattern, right‐skewed at high latitudes and left‐skewed at low latitudes. The location of biogeographical boundaries, and endemism rate by biogeographical province were considered to be the factors most useful in explaining species’ distribution patterns and their conformity or nonconformity to Rapoport's rule. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80 , 437–455.  相似文献   
1. Consumer–resource species interactions form complex, dynamic networks, which may exhibit structural heterogeneity at various scales. This study set out to address whether host–parasitoid food web size and topology vary across forest canopy strata, and to what extent foliar resources and species abundances account for vertical patterns in network structure. 2. The vertical stratification of leaf miner–parasitoid food webs was examined in two monotypic beech (Nothofagus pumilio) forests in northern Patagonia, Argentina. Quantitative food webs were constructed for separate canopy layers by sampling foliage from three tree‐height classes at 0.5–1, 2–3 and 5–6 m above ground. 3. Leaf miner abundance per unit leaf mass and foliar damage (%) did not differ across strata, although foliage quality and quantity increased from the understorey to the upper canopy. Parasitism rates and food web complexity decreased with canopy height, as reflected by reduced linkage richness, linkage density, mean interaction strength, and host vulnerability. 4. Null model analyses revealed that food web metrics, especially in the upper canopy, were often lower than expected when compared with randomly structured networks. Overall, these patterns held for two forests differing in vertical structure and in dominant miner morphotype and parasitoid species. 5. These results suggest that vertical declines in network complexity may be driven by the parasitoids' limited functional response to host abundance and dispersal from pupation sites in the forest floor. A broader constraint on food web structure seemed to be imposed by host–parasitoid trait matching, a reflection of large‐scale assembly processes.  相似文献   
Gossypol, a polyphenolic compound from the cotton plant, immobilizes and structurally alters cultured Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. Ultrastructural changes observed in gossypol-treated parasites were first detected in the kinetoplast and mitochondrion. At 50 μM concentration, much disorganization was evident after 5 min of incubation. With 25 μM gossypol, the same effect occurred after 30 min. Most epimastigotes were rounded, containing various membranous structures that could not be related to known cell components.  相似文献   
Cell and gene therapy products are rapidly being integrated into mainstream medicine. Developing global capability will facilitate broad access to these novel therapeutics. An initial step toward achieving this goal is to understand cell and gene therapy manufacturing capability in each region. We conducted an academic survey in 2018 to assess cell and gene therapy manufacturing capacity in Australia and New Zealand. We examined the following: the number and types of cell therapy manufacturing facilities; the number of projects, parallel processes and clinical trials; the types of products; and the manufacturing and quality staffing levels. It was found that Australia and New Zealand provide diverse facilities for cell therapy manufacturing, infrastructure and capability. Further investment and development will enable both countries to make important decisions to meet the growing need for cell and gene therapy and regenerative medicine in the region.  相似文献   
The digging apparatus of pocket gophers offers a unique opportunity to examine morphological constraints within a historical context because relationships among extant taxa are well resolved and the features enhancing digging performance are relatively well understood. Structural and functional considerations suggest that the muscles associated with tooth- and claw-digging in pocket gophers are subjected to contrasting levels of morphological constraints. To assess this hypothesis, we analysed the bones and muscles of the jaws and forelimbs in four genera comprising five species of pocket gophers. Morphometric analyses were performed on 12 osteological measurements selected to reflect overall skull size, variation in rostral shape and procumbency, differences in overall length of the forelimbs and processes relating to the function of lever systems used in claw-digging. In addition, dissections were made of the jaw, hyoid, neck and all of the forelimb muscles excluding the intrinsic muscles of the manus. Results of our morphometric analyses corroborate the recent suggestion that pocket gophers encompass a wide range of morphological variation extending from claw-diggers to tooth-diggers. Myologically, however, we found structural variation only in the forelimb muscles, some of which may be advantageous for digging. No changes in jaw, neck and hyoid muscles, other than differences in muscle mass or those concordant with differences in rostral shape, were noted. These results support our hypothesis that constrasting levels of morphological constraint exist between the jaw and forelimb muscles of pocket gophers. We present a discussion of the structural and functional constraints on jaws and forelimbs in gophers as well as an analysis of historical constraints acting on this group, and perhaps on mammals in general.  相似文献   
Analysis of zymograms of extracts of Trypanosoma cruzi isolated from different hosts in Argentina allowed characterization of 12 zymodemes or "isozymic strains," only six of which were found in human patients. Two of these six zymodemes (Z1 and Z12) were widely distributed and found in more than 80% of human patients. These two "major natural clones" differed significantly in pathogenic activity. Because the groupings obtained by studying enzymes and kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) were similar, it is possible to identify the zymodeme by analyzing kDNA. A 290-bp fragment was amplified by PCR using primers for the sequences flanking the hypervariable regions of kDNA minicircles. Labeled probes for this fragment, prepared from Z1 and Z12 reference stocks, hybridized specifically with PCR-amplified kDNA from parasite stocks, allowing identification of zymodemes.  相似文献   
Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) is one of the most devastating viral diseases affecting tomato crops in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. Here, we focus on the interactions through recombination between the different begomovirus species causing TYLCD, provide an overview of the interactions with the cellular genes involved in viral replication, and highlight recent progress on the relationships between these viruses and their vector, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Taxonomy: The tomato yellow leaf curl virus‐like viruses (TYLCVs) are a complex of begomoviruses (family Geminiviridae, genus Begomovirus) including 10 accepted species: Tomato yellow leaf curl Axarquia virus (TYLCAxV), Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus (TYLCCNV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Guangdong virus (TYLCGuV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus (TYLCIDV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Kanchanaburi virus (TYLVKaV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Malaga virus (TYLCMalV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Mali virus (TYLCMLV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Vietnam virus (TYLCVNV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV). We follow the species demarcation criteria of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the most important of which is an 89% nucleotide identity threshold between full‐length DNA‐A component nucleotide sequences for begomovirus species. Strains of a species are defined by a 93% nucleotide identity threshold. Host range: The primary host of TYLCVs is tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), but they can also naturally infect other crops [common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum), chilli pepper (C. chinense) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)], a number of ornamentals [petunia (Petunia×hybrida) and lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflora)], as well as common weeds (Solanum nigrum and Datura stramonium). TYLCVs also infect the experimental host Nicotiana benthamiana. Disease symptoms: Infected tomato plants are stunted or dwarfed, with leaflets rolled upwards and inwards; young leaves are slightly chlorotic; in recently infected plants, fruits might not be produced or, if produced, are small and unmarketable. In common bean, some TYLCVs produce the bean leaf crumple disease, with thickening, epinasty, crumpling, blade reduction and upward curling of leaves, as well as abnormal shoot proliferation and internode reduction; the very small leaves result in a bushy appearance.  相似文献   
Between 2000 and 2009 we studied the diet and breeding success of Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus in southern Spain. Wild species accounted for 74.9% of prey items (n = 1071) with a predominance of mammals (62.3%), followed by birds (20.8%) and reptiles (13.1%). Spatially, the diet was highly varied and not restricted to carcasses of livestock; wild Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus accounted for 54% of the overall remains. The spatial variability may reflect regional and local disparity in the availability of main prey. The temporal relationship between variation in trophic diversity and Vulture nesting productivity (both values showing a long‐term decrease) might suggest a causal link between variation in diet and reproductive output. We hypothesize that high turnover rates could explain productivity variation as a consequence of the recruitment of less experienced individuals to the breeding population. This could in turn generate covariation between diet and reproductive output.  相似文献   
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